Mangalore: USA Base Point for Terrorism in World - CM's Advisor K Diwakar

Mangalore: USA Base Point for Terrorism in World - CM's Advisor K Diwakar

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (GA)

Mangalore, Oct 28: The discussion on rapid growth of terrorism in India and rest of world continues in Mangalore as K Diwakar, advisor to chief minister B S Yeddyurappa came down heavily on USA for creating and promoting terrorism worldwide.

He was the guest speaker at the seminar organized by Kanara Builders Association Mangalore on 'Prevention of Organized Crime and Terrorism' which was held in Hotel Manjarun at 8 pm on Monday October 27.

Diwakar, who is a criminal lawyer by profession for past thirty years, has vast experience in Indian judiciary. He has also traveled around the world. Hailing from Shimoga, Diwakar was appointed as CM's advisor in September 2008.

"Though history says terrorism started several years ago, today USA is solely responsible for promoting terrorism worldwide. It was started by them by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the world war and even today USA tries its best control the world by creating fear among the people and nations. Only Cuba has withstood US onslaught despite being a small nation," he opined.

"It is sad that in India terrorism that started in Punjab during Indira Gandhi's rule, later spread across Kashmir, Assam and some north-eastern states. It has now come not only to Mumbai, Gujarath, and Bangalore but has also reached Mangalore and our city is in news for all wrong reasons," he observed.

While criticizing US policies, he warned that USA is currently passing through dangerous time and it could be the end of their dictatorship. It is on the verge of reaching worst-ever position as economy has crashed to depths hitherto unknown to them. Today they are in a situation wherein they have to compromise with a black president, he added.

He explained how USA played role in destroying strong economies like Russia, Vietnam, Afghanistan and other countries. He also spoke on how USA is responsible for fall of communism in many countries.

He criticized Indian politicians for failing to prevent terrorism in the country. "Politics is solely responsible for growing terrorism in India. We have a limitation to tackle terrorism in the country as there is lack of political will to tackle terrorism.  Today everything is seen in terms of political gains and elections" blamed he.

"Crime is becoming profession; terrorism has already become an industry as it is being funded by foreign agencies. If 200 million USD worth RDX is produced in India, then, just assume how much foreign fund is being received in this country for such things. Terrorism is an international issue and not just a discussion point in Mangalore. But current state government under the able leadership of B S Yedyurappa is planning something big to prevent terrorism in the state. Complete details of this will be revealed in the coming days," he said.

He blatantly ruled out the rumours that there will be more pre-planned attacks on minorities in Mangalore and blamed section of media for creating panic among commoners.

Western Range IGP Ashit Prasad, who was also to address the gathering, could not come owing to his last moment commitments.

Earlier the event started with a prayer from William D'Souza of Souza Realtors and president of Kanara Builders Association P M A Razak welcomed the gathering. Sponsor of the event MFar's H S Chenna was also present.

Secretary Noel Pinto proposed vote of thanks


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  • Ted, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Nov 02 2008

    Good job Kush Rao. Hats off.

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  • Jay Dsouza,

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    Respected Mr. Diwakar, you have lost all your senses i guess, it is not USA or terrorism spoils India. its our Internal terrorists like RSS and Bajarangdala are making this country week. After these many years of experience your just talking like a LKG kid. and people like you are made as CM's Adivisor what advise you can give to CM???

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  • Jay Dsouza,

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    Respected Mr. Diwakar, you have lost all your senses i guess, it is not USA or terrorism spoils India. its our Internal terrorists like RSS and Bajarangdala are making this country week. After these many years of experience your just talking like a LKG kid. and people like you are made as CM's Adivisor what advise you can give to CM???

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  • Farhan, Banglore

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    Terrorism does not start in India in Punjab during Indira Gandhi's rule. It was started when RSS Member killed Mahatma Ghandi, and now also, RSS is the main Organasation to support and promote terrorism as Jews are main in supporting terrorism worldwide.

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  • K. Punja, Manglaore/Los Angeles

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    It looks like this guy, Diwakar came out there to Mangalore, with no formal preparation for what he was going to say and spewed out garbage. And he is an advisor to the Chief Minister? God save us! Instead of focussing on the root causes of terrorism like social injustice, extremist thinking, poverty and the like at the local level, he accuses the US of fostering terrorism.

    US is no saint in its foriegn policy, but its anti terrorism stance is well known. It has an agenda of its own. But please, don't use that excuse, Mr. Diwaker to cover your ignorance of the root cause and for your inability to address terrorism in Karnanataka. It appears to me that you are not qualified to address this issue. While there is no justification for terrorism to exist, India's problem is largely home grown and at present, primarily, has connections to the Kashmir issue.

    Mr. Diwakar would be better served if instead of 'advising' he is 'adviced' that terrorism has many heads and many tails. And to oversimplify it as all being due to the US is poppycock.

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  • Joseph, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    Let us forget blaming to other nations. Let us start comparison how far we are good each other within our country. Start look at our politician/leaders etc. We have to make sure first ourself and then blame a country worked hard and they became developed nation. We only knows talking, allegations, controversy, dirty politics and so on. So for all reasons we should work hard and unite each other and let us move in one direction.

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  • David Kamath, India, Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    BJP and its supporters cannot blame US for terrorism in the world. US has done some blunders, yet it is a place where millions of people want to go and reside/settle down. People from all religions and nationalities want to become the citizens of US. It sounds strange but true! It is equally true that some people are affected with an anti-USA virus who are always finding fault with US for everything USA does or does not do. I am not a supporter of USA, but facts are facts.

    Remember, when China attacked India in 1962, it was US who helped India, and the then President of USA, John F. Kennedy threatened the invaders (China) with dire consequences. If US was not there India would have become a colony of China. Where was BJP or for that matter Jan Sangh and the Hindu hardliners that time? When India joined the Soviet camp during Mrs. Indira Gandhi's tenure as PM, US supported Pakistan. Circumstances were like that those days. We have to blame poiticians from India, US and Pakistan for their blunders.

    However, every country wants to look for its interests. India's neighbours like Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma etc blame India for trying to dominate them both economically and militarily, which we Indians do not accept. Likewise, our leaders, especially the supporters of fundamentalist forces, are always blaming US in order to hide their own misdeeds. If we consider US as a base point of Terrorism, then we secular Indians consider all Sang Parivar outfits groups as Terrorists.

    Diwakar is trying to divert the attention of the people of Karnatka, as majority of the people of Karnataka are unhappy with BJP. We may nor may not support US, but we have to set our house in order in order to brand another country as a base point of terrorism. Those who are supporting CM's advisor's comments are wrong. Our CM is making a fool of himself by appointing persons like K.Diwakar as his advisor.

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  • vicky, udupi /dubai

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    Mr.Diwakar... may I ask about your contribution towards peace and harmony...towards eradication of so called terrorism? Please, you are obliged to answer us after shamelessly hogging the stage which you least deserve. Why do our social figures find it convenient to pass loose comments and fix blame on imaginary causes, while their own commitment and accountability remains under wraps. And to think thisman is the 'advisor' to CM....!

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Terrorism today is a world-wide phenomenon. US is not a saintly country as many think. Someone should sit down and think why US was attacked by terrorists. Is there something wrong with US and its policies towards other nations of the world- econonmic, social, political and military terms? If one sees, US is the largest exporter of arms around the world and particularly sells arms to the US friendly nations and others. US has the largest nuclear arsenal which is a threat to the world. Is this machoism or just military domination to control world affairs? It even forcibly changes regimes and invades other nations. Does this suggest somethimg? As one writer points out CIA is heavily involved and involves in covert terrorism worldwide assassinations of anti-US political figures. Does anybody know what happenned after war with Taliban, Al queda, Iraq? Millions of lives were lost through deleberate killings. Does anybody know how many secret prisons of torture and killings existed? Yes, India is a victim of terror. IT is coping with terror. So many killing occur at the hands of terrorists. Where is this ideology coming from? US supported Pakistan, a dictatorship. Our terror comes from largely groups operating from Pakistan. Does America fights terrorism around the world? Or is it positioning itself to power to control the world? Is BJP a perfect government? BJP should do more to control terrorist ideologies within its arms.

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  • leon, kemman

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Congratulations Mr.Divakar., for eonlightening the people of Karnataka.Only the criminal like minded people can shake hand with the alleged criminal/terrorist countries like USA.Only a criminal minded person can understand the other criminal minded persons ,Thats why he went to USA to fulfill the lifelong dream of going to America? Thanks to this great burocrat without proper credentials .Now I know how good advise our chief ministercan get from this biased burocrat. agaood luck Yaddi

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    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    If Diwaker is KARNATAKA CM"s advisor, why he is talking about what USA does? Let him concentrate on the local problems. It looks like he has mislead CM, when he returned from USA & started taking revenge on local community over here for the crime committed by USA!

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  • siddarth, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Kush Rao is a US Citizen wow and he must be having a big list in his hands ...

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  • khan, saudi

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Excatly Pastor E. W. Frank,when it came on hindus they r fingering on USA.before they where blaming on some of the muslim countries.

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore/KSA

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Yes! to continue what Francis Mathias has pointed out, that we Indians , In India live with terror, it is going to be really frightening in the future. So far we could pride ourselves saying that we Indians could travel from the North to the South and from the West to the East even without any identity papers.

    Not anymore. It will be very dangerous to travel with passports or any other identity documents which mentions our home state , specially on inter state trains and buses for NIRI’s in particular to reach their home destinations will be scarey.

    It is really a sad part of the story, that the central and the state Govmnts have allowed closed minded persons like Raj Thackeray to run terroristic paralal Govmnts in metropolitan cities like Mumbai where Indians from all over the country have to travel for one reason or for other.

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  • Simon, Mangalore / USA

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Now we know why the CM is acting and functioning based advice from his associates. Looks like Mr. Diwaker has an agenda and trying to ignite a serious controversy. Can some find out if he travelled with CM for AKKA function in Chicago two months ago. What a mess the BJP govenrement has created in last four months. After saying these statements, CM wants several billions of dollars from US to support thier growth plans (per recent article on Daijiworld). What a shame, no moral and ethics at all. As an American citizen hailing from Mangalore, we no longer have respect or sympathy for the current state goverment. Hopefully, US Goverement will follow-up and take appropraie actions if any request is made by these persoanlities. Even if there is two percent accuarcy in Mr. Diwaker's opnion, there are better ways to express in public or comnuincate with others. Mr. Diawker seriously lack in his commnuication skills and has created a situation that will be difficult, may be impossible, for CM to support or defend the statments from his advisors.

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  • Abdul Lathif, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Many of the wise leaders in the Middle East had predicted the present scenario, when the USA first attacked Iraq. They had told that Iraq would be a hub for terrorism and its growth would not be controlled by any borders and it would spread across the globe.

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  • Madhav Bandarkar, Goa now in Qatar

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Terrorism leaning out on his chubby looks, Pointing at others, four fingers are pointing at you. CM's Advisor to rule or ruin the state in the name of Terrorism. Bayalli Benne Bagallalli Donne.

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  • Francis Mathias, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    I fully agree with Fr.Wency Rodrigues, Mr.Noel Frank and Kush Rao who have righty presented their views.It has become a trend for some people like Mr.Diwakar to blame other countries in general and USA in particular for global terrorism. Is Mr. Diwakar means to say that USA is responsible for demolition of Babri Mosque, communial riots in Gujarat, bomb blasts in Delhi, Bangalore, Rajastan, Mumbai and other parts of Maharastrha, attack on churches in Karnataka and Orissa and so on.

    Let us pause for a moment to think that how Indians are enjoying their freedom in USA whereas we, Indians in India live with terror. Only BJP Govt. and leaders like our CM can appoint such Criminal Lawyer as his Advisor. Mr. Advisor of CM, let us know the action plan if you have drawn any, to protect people from barbarism. Lord protect us from goons and criminals where we can live with head held high.

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  • Dolphy Veigas, Bendoor/Kudla-K.S.A

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr. Diwakar your comments are like " Ektha Kapoor serial story" . There is no base & no end.

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  • Ajay, USA

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    'Compromise with a black politician' - This guy is a racist. And he is an advisor to the CM. True the US has its own problems and has created a lot of problems the world over and will have a tough time ahead. But to say that they are compromising with a black candidate is a cheap shot and displays racism.

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  • Mahesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr Diwakar, You are not an exception in always blamming America for anything anybody does. If America does anything wrong, why should you follow its good example? Are you owning the responsibility for the church attacks in Karnataka and advice the CM that it is misadministration that has lead to all confusion and violence in Karnataka. You are not benefiting by blamming America, rather you have spoiled your own name by trying to dodge your responsibility.

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  • Sudhir Alva, Moodabidri/ Kuwait

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Communal violence in India has been there from the Independence days 1947 saw the worlds worst communal violence and it has been happening regularly after that. Those who think India was Switzerland till 1993 and turned communal violence started immediately after should read some history about violence in Kashmir, Dehli Sikh riots etc from 1947 onwards.ALL POLITICAL PARTIES are equally responsible for communal violence in India.

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    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    I fully support Kush Rao's views.

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  • Bhavanishankar shenoy, Karkala/ USA

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    I have just 1 question for all the esteemed readers here. If instead of Indian Parliament builiding the US Parliament was attacked would the mastermind Afzal Guru get "PARDON" by President....just to please minority vote bank?? The problem in India is Congress has been playing votebank politics from independence their slogan "Divide the majority and paper the minority." Now Majority community is cornered and helpless in India due to this... and BJP is trying to do the reverse, i.e pleasing the majority. I welcome comments brickbats on this opinion

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  • cedric, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Diwakar, you made a mistake. Looks like you are not d properly on the developments of Mangalore. I am sorry you are busy with these types of seminars. BS Yedyurappa is not planning something big, he has already implemented. Attacks on churches were the first step. Please prepare well for the next talk. Don’t make fool of yourself.

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  • donfrank, Mangalore, UAE

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr. Diwakar has no right to criticise USA or any other country. It is the party of his boss which is responsible for terrorism in India. BJP had started terrorism by destroying the Babri Masjid. US did not do it. BJP has divided the people on basis of religion and caste. Let them clean their house first and then point finger at others.

    Mr. Diwararan is a criminal lawyer who is defending the criminals in the courts and that is his profession. We should pity our CM for ing him as his Advisor. There is no professionalism.

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  • RIYAZ ALI, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Today BJP in power because of their divide and rule policy, and the terrorism is the result of their policy.

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  • krishna, puttur

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    Kashmir terrorism , punjab extrimist existed before 1992 or 2002 .  Terorism started due to lack of tough action by congress due the sake of vote bank. Now it is grown so much that , it is difficult for every party to control it

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  • joel, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Ho Ho look who is talking now!!!! One guy is blaming USA and his boss expecting huge investment from USA.... Cry or to Laugh??

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  • Antony, Udupi / USA

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Ayoo Diwaker Baba you are the advisor to Karnataka CM. Just 2 months back CM came to USA and asked them for investment in Karnataka. On his return to bangalore he gave a big figure of 4,00,000.00 crores rupees investment from USA.

    This money he wanted to increase terrorisum in karnataka by BJP is it? Since you are the advisor to CM you may be knowing his plans better than anyone else. After reading this article and comparing with CMs USA visit article I dont understand whether to laugh or cry!!!!!!!

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  • Venu shetty, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    You are just being appointed, just be worried of your seat. get salary and feed your your duty what is assigned ...think about the state first then talk about USA

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  • Vincy, Mulky/Dubai

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    BJP CM -Yuddi and his large no. of colleagues were on a US few weeks back, almost immediately after gaining power. Seems like they went to US to get trained in the base camp. Fools rush in where fools were in before, CM's Advisor seems the new, but correct addition.

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  • harish, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr. Diwakar has pointed out the hard truth which is known to everybody. So, India also wants to practice or follow the same tactics of america on fighting terrorism?

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  • walter cyril Pinto, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Dont speak like a poitician, Mr Diwaker.USA promoted their interest at others cost. So is BJP,of which you are a part. Therre was sectarian voilence in India, driven by for political aspiraions. But terrorism in India, in the magnitude it is today, is the result of the communal polarisation due to the Babri Masjid demolition in 1992 and Gujrath Carnage 0f 2002.

    We never had nor would have had, the terrorism we see today, but for these and the similar blots on our democracy which we witnessed in Karnataka and Orissa, for which BJP is a partner. Promote some soul searching and learn from the past mistakes, recommmendcorrective measures and behaviour. By pushing the minorities to the wall we cannot build an egalitarian, democratic society.

    You are occupying a place of privilege to influence the philosophy of governance of the Govt Of Karnataka. All the best

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  • Nancy Mascarenhas, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Who is this Divakar? Can we get some IAS officer as an advisor to the CM of Karnataka. Don't pick people from on the street to advice the government.

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  • Juliana, udupi

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Subject is interesting. USA is Christian administration. Indians are slowly getting in there due to intelligents moving to the country. They may face problems due to religion I am not sure. We in India prefer our development. We still have gutters, sick beggars, minors working for daily bread which is out of reach and untouchability. Our enemies are many we cannot worship God peacefuly. Can any head of state help us?

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  • Roger Pinto, Mangalore/ San Jose

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    I work in a Japanese Company and none of the Japanese have a problem with USA. More over don't forget that America was attacked first. They retaliated to protect their country. If you say America is bad India is acting far worse lately. At least the US does not kill their own people.

    Unlike India wherr Indians kill Indians. How much do you know about communism, today you are able to express your comments which in my view are stupid and lack any basis because you are in a democracy. So before you condemn somebody else first analyze yourself. So your comments in my view is non sense.

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  • Kush Rao, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Well. Mr. Diwakar , you would have full endorsement for your claim on calling USA a terrorist state. But, You need to prove your worth. This speech is intended to divert the attention from burning issue in Manglaore as your acquaintanes attack Christians. Resolve this issue which is occuring right under your nose of administration.

    Sometimes I wonder, these people  come in all kind of shapes and forms. For your information, I am a US Citizen and I have kindly forwarded your speech to the state department. Guess what, you are on our list now. May be you want to make up your mind either to stay under ground like Sadam Husain or shot yourself as hitler. Since, you claim USA as terrorist state, you deserve to know what it means.

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  • Anil, Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr Diwakar blames USA for the ills facing India including terrorism. Mr. Diwakar should recall that terrorism raised its ugly head when the BJP razed the Babri Masjid in 1992. Its repurcussion, we are still facing it. I am utterly surprised that Mr. Diwakar should resort to racist remarks, "......wherein they have to compromise with a Black President." It is for the US citizens to decide whom they vote for, McCain or Obama. Mr. Diwakar, you need to be civil in your remarks.

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  • Clifford Fernandes, UK

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr. Diwaker, terrorism in India was started by BJP as a result of which muslim terrorists were born.You can fool people who do not know history

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore/KSA

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    It was shocking to see a criminal lawyer with 30 years of experience and a person who has travelled around the world talk like a novice. Or was he telling a bed time story for the children.? USA is a great country comprising of people of practically every religion in the world.

    You can find temples-Mosques-Churches and every type of place of worship. Are all these religious institutions terrorist bases.? Does he mean to say all these people as well are terrorists.? Majority of the American people are very kind hearted, unselfish and willing to help the people in need, because of whose contributions majority of the world is living today.

    Unfortunately just like any other country in the world they have their dark side as well, in the form of CIA. Same like some terrorists who used Islam as their cover to try to spoil the name of the whole Muslim community, CIA is also responsible for most of the troubles around the world, including terrorism and also for tarnishing the name of USA in general. If Diwaker with all the due respects to him, would re write his speech using the word CIA in the place of USA- to read “CIA, BASE POINT FOR TERRORISM IN THE WORLD” he has hit the nail right on the head.

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  • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Hello Mr. Divakar we are not fool, Dont try to divert Indian's mind towards Terrorism by pointing at USA. We are in mass cannot forget the resent arrests of Hindu Sanganttan members who are involved in bomb blasts. Mr. Advani never come up with this comments now, Hummmmmmmu Anthankvadi nipatnekeliye POTA lagana chaiheye. Where is now and his POTA issue. Why is mum now.

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  • Rakesh S, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    "USA is solely responsible for promoting terrorism worldwide" is a curious statement for a CM's advisor. Is he revealing the source of the Sangh Parivar's funding? The paradox of his speech is that "the terrorism that started in Punjab during Indira Gandhi's rule... has also reached Mangalore" "under the able leadership of B S Yedyurappa."

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  • Ian Pinto, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr. Diwaker, stop blaming others for your incompetence. You cannot solve the issue of terrorism by blaming USA. Moreover, don't tell us something we already know, namely: "Crime is becoming a profession terrorism has already become an industry".

    Tell us what you'll do to address the problem. Stating, "B S Yedyurappa is planning something big to prevent terrorism" is a joke. Give us specifics about your plan of action (if you have one).

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  • Gopala, UK

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr. Divakar, Yes USA is the root cause for all problems (Terror). Is BJP is trying to go on same policies?

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  • Fr.Wency Rodrigues, Mangalore/ USA

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr. K. Diwaker, Don't blame America. Blame religious fundamentalism, blame yourself and your chief minister and his patron Mr. L.K. Advani who ignited the fire in 1993, assuming he would mobilize the majority by his infamous Rath Yatra after the fall of Babri Masjid. Explain to the public why Hindu and Islamic fundamentalism has grown up in India?

    The nefarious activities hatched by so called facist groups in the name of religion have become virus to the society. Is it a counter terrorism or to suppress the minorities or simply an ethnic cleasing? Do you have answers for this? Before you blame any country or religion clean up the mess of your own house. Make a soul-searching why terrorim and domination of one ideology has become threat to the fabric of the society.

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  • Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi/Udupi

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Dear Mr. Diwakar: As I was reading your comments on terrorism you were blaming USA. You are a criminal lawyer with a criminal mind. Do not blame any country or even our own nation. You better blame the present Karnataka government which is practicing terrorism. You better blame your own boss Yeddiyoorapa. He has done enough to destroy Christians.

    The people of Karnataka knows better than you. You are an evil advisor to CM. Better correct yourself. We need a new better and impartial government. We are praying for a government non-communal. Christians and muslims are suffering in Karnataka, immediately after BJP came to power. BJP will never come to power again. I love my country and love Karnataka and pray for the prosperity of our Nation of India. Pastor E. W. Frank

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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    I put a question to Mr. Diwakar, if USA had to keep quite after 9/11 attacks the terrorists wouldn't have borned? He should know India was alone facing terrorism before the 9/11 attacks. Now since terrorists attacked America, America came to know the consequences of terrorism and went after them. Yes, there were some wrong steps happened but somebody had to go after these terrorists. The terrorists were building their own army with the help of Taliban as well as ISI of Pakistan (with the help from the Pakistan government) and they had and still have many sympathysiers around the globe who are taking everything religiously.

    But because Musharaf had to stand with America, there was less opportunity for Taliban to go forward against India. Consider, If America hadn't to go after them India had to fight all alone with them. WHo are these terrorsits? Terrorists are those who fight negatively, I mean from behnd and not face to face. And these terrorists will never sit across the table and come to a peaceful conclusion because for them only one object, religious. FOr me whatever happened is for the good though there were many innocent lives had to pay for it for no fault of theirs. If we had to keep quite on these terrorists they would grown much stronger today and who knows the consequences.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    People are well-known that nuclear bomb was ped by the United States of America to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. But why USA stopped nuclear bomb that is the question? USA was not at all involved in the II world war. It was Japan who dragged USA by destroying Pearl Harbor Port in USA on the day of Christmas. Now every nation has a tendency that they wanted everything from USA at the same time they blame everything to USA.

     I agree that politicians in India are the main cause to blame. I also criticize lawyers and police for their lies. They defend their clients whoever is criminal for hefty money even Public Prosecutors and Judges are corruptive. Unfortunately Mr. K. Diwakar has not addressed this issue. Is he bound to discuss this issue? First of all we should keep our family in tact then blame others.

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  • KA D'Silva, Dubai

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Mr. K. Diwakar, what you said is cent precent true. USA's foreign policies are based for their own advantages and destructions of other countries. Even our then PM Late Mr. Rajiv Gandhi raised the Punjab / Kashmir Terrorism at UN conference and he requested to make Terrorism is international issue, BUT so called super power USA denied by saying it is people's struggle for self goverance. because they never thought that somebody will attack within thier own protected continent. BUT same USA changed thier own tone after 09/11 incident and laudly shouting "TERRORISM IS INTERNATIONAL ISSUE' with this slogan they are attacking / threatening each and every county those not obey them.

    Here I ask one humble question to Mr. Diwakar, we all know that India used to be a friendly country to RUSSIA till NDA came to power Delhi, but when NDA came to power why BJP turned hostile to RUSSIA and even to our tradional ally IRAN, and suddenly hugged USA at a cost of lossing our long ally of Russia . and today we are are the mercy of USA including today economy problems! tell me Diwakar why BJP supremos done this to us ??

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Title: Mangalore: USA Base Point for Terrorism in World - CM's Advisor K Diwakar

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