New Delhi, Dec 29 (DC): Amid buzz over a biopic that appears to highlight a rift within the Congress during the Dr Manmohan Singh years, the former Prime Minister and Congress president Rahul Gandhi cut a cake together to mark 134 years of the grand old party.
The image of the joint cake-cutting caught the attention of social media, which has seen a huge buzz over the trailer release of the Manmohan Singh film The Accidental Prime Minister. Mr Gandhi was seen cutting a slice of the dark chocolate cake and serving it to Dr Singh on a plate. Other leaders like Motilal Vohra and Ahmed Patel were seated next to the Congress chief.
The occasion was the birthday of senior lea-der and former defence minister A.K. Antony. When former PM Dr Manmohan Singh was asked about the film the film by a news agency, he replied, “I have no comments to make.”
Earlier several leaders were up in arms when the movie was released. The film portrayed eme-rgency years and was loosely based on the cha-racter of former PM Ind-ira Gandhi. It also portrayed the late Congress leader Sanjay Gandhi.