New Delhi, Jan 5 (IANS): Vice-Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Harivansh Narayan Singh launched Manohar Manoj`s book "A Crusade against corruption" on Saturday at the Press Club of India here.
Manoj said he has written this book after massive research and deep observations on the subject during the last 15 years and claimed that this is a kind of "Encyclopedic Snapshots on Corruption in India".
The author has been closely monitoring the issue of corruption from various angles. His observations and findings have come into the form of this book.
"This book not only encompasses in it every aspect of corruption, which gets started from numerous meaning and definitions of corruption and then it brings all possible world history and then its prevalence in various forms of governments followed by various modalities to check corruption, Manoj said.
The book highlights how corruption is precipitated in many sectors, institutions, and professions, and affecting the lives of all Indians.