Chennai, Feb 11 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami on Monday announced a financial assistance of Rs 2,000 for 60 lakh below the poverty line (BPL) families in the state affected by cyclone Gaja, drought and failure of rains.
Announcing this in the Assembly, Palaniswami said taking into account that the poor in several districts were affected by cyclone Gaja, failure of rains and drought, the government has decided to give Rs 2,000 as special assistance to BPL families.
He said the outlay for this will be Rs 1,200 crore and will be made in the supplementary demands for grants to be made this fiscal.
Palaniswami said 35 lakh families in villages and 25 lakh families in cities will be benefited by this financial assistance.
According to him, the financial assistance will be of great help, especially to agricultural workers, fishermen, workers in fire cracker units, handloom weavers, tree climbers and others.
PMK founder S. Ramadoss welcoming Palaniswami's announcement said the government should announce payment of Rs 2,000 to poor every month as a measure to eradicate poverty.
It may be recalled the government paid Rs 1,000 as cash gift and gift hamper to ration card holders -- BPL and non-priority households with sugar only ration card -- to celebrate Pongal festival.