Bangalore: I Never Lobbied for My Son - Yeddyurappa

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Mar 7: After a hue and cry was raised about the allotment of the Loksabha ticket to his son Raghavendra from Shimoga constituency, creating heartburn among ticket aspirants and amidst rumours which said party general secretary and MP Anant Kumar was peeved over this development, chief minister B S Yeddyurappa tried to wriggle out of the situation by claiming that he had no hand whatsoever in the allotment of the party ticket  to Raghavendra.

The chief minister, who had on several occasion in the past, vowed that his son Raghavendra would not contest the Loksabha election, defended the action of the party in allotting him a ticket. Seeking to dismiss the overall view that his son was too meek a candidate against political heavyweight S Bangarappa, Yeddyurappa said that his son has the tenacity and capacity to defeat Bangarappa. "I never pressurized the party top brass to issue to ticket to my son. However, considering his chances of winning, they have allotted him a ticket. Raghavendra has a overwhelming support of the BJP workers from Shimoga constituency," he claimed.

"My son is not a novice in politics. He is active in politics and public life since long. He might have asked for the ticket," he commented.  The chief minister said, that a pro-BJP wave has been sweeping through the state and that the people have come to like the politics of development pursued by his party. "The people will support the BJP in the Loksabha election and ensure victory of our candidates," he confidently added.


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  • Ravi Kadri, Mangalore

    Sun, Mar 08 2009

    If Yeddyurappa is honestly believe in the development of country and if he his any concern for the interest of his party he should not field his family member in coming election otherwise he is no different than Deve Gowda who in the process of promoting his sons ruined the state.

    All along BJP was criticizing congress for giving ticket for kit & kin’s of senior/powerful leaders and they themselves are now doing the same thing. Shame on BJP.

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  • R. Shetty, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Sat, Mar 07 2009

    If BJP want to politically grow in India, they should stop favoring family members of senior leaders. Otherwise people will see that there is difference between Congress & BJP and BJP will also thrown out of power.

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  • Michael Lobo, Bangalore

    Sat, Mar 07 2009

    I was calling Yeddy as hypocrite - it is proved time and again. He too is behind family politics. Many BJP leaders are encouraging their kins to plunge into politics as they too taste power and money. They are absolutely following congress. Mr. Narendra Modi must take a note of what is happening in his own house before pointing fingers at congress dynasty. I am not justifying dynasty rule - I denounce it. People of merit and honesty must enter politics and take leadership role. No pull-peddling is needed. No grandfathers recommendation is needed.

    If a person as a responsible citizen has potential to lead the country and serve the people and keeps all religions at arms length, then he must be encouraged without bothering much about his/her roots and family. I was amazed to find out some good secular values in Nehru family. Nehru and his immediate ancestors were Kashmiri Brahmins. His daughter Indira (India?) married a muslim. His grandson Rajiv married a Christian. I see Nehru family as having all the three major faiths built in. They appear to be truly different from current BJP leaders. The ability to take all the people of this country together is the hallmark of Congress. But BJP is a party filled with only Hindus.

    This is not a healthy sign for a democratic set-up. Any way, I do not support dirty politics no matter which party they belong to. I want to see mutual respect for individuals and respecting the dignity of fellow humans. As long as I do not harm other people, I feel I am living a decent life.

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