Kundapur: Driver Killed, Five Injured in Omni-Bus Collision

Daijiworld Media Network - Kundapur (SP)

Kundapur, Mar 9: After a collision occurred between a Maruti Omni vehicle and a government bus near Jannadi Javalijeddu Colony near Halady in the taluk on the evening of Sunday March 8, the driver of the Omni vehicle died on the spot.

Mahabal Rao (55) who was returning to Koppa with other family members in his vehicle after attending a programme in the town lost his life in the tragedy. It is said that he failed to see the bus coming from the opposition direction, because of the clouds of dust raised by a Tipper truck that had just passed that way, resulting in the accident.

Sumangala (28), Shantalaxmi (51), Subba Rao (56), Skandacharan (3) and Jayachitra (27), who were also travelling in the van, were injured. They are recovering in a hospital in the town.

The bus was moving to the town from Bangalore via Shimoga. The vehicular movement on the state highway was blocked for some time because of the accident. The traffic police pressed an backhoe into service to push the vehicles aside and pave way for smooth traffic. A case has been registered in Kota police station.


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