Mangalore: Lifeguards Rescue Three at Panambur Beach

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Mar 9: The lifeguards operating at Panambur beach succeeded in saving the lives of three railway yard labourers  who were about to get drowned in the sea on the afternoon of Sunday March 8. The three have been identified as Siddiq (21) and Abtabh (22) from Assam and Sunil Biswas (32) from Kolkata.

About 15 labourers working in Panambur railway yard had gone to Panambur beach at about 2 pm to have fun. They got down into the sea. The above three ventured farther in the sea waters. The sea was rough on Sunday, and they were dragged by strong waves into the sea. They had been dragged for about 250 metres away from the beach into the sea and only their heads were visible. The others, sensing the danger, came out of the sea and raised an alarm.

Six lifeguards who were nearby, jumped into the sea and succeeded in bringing the three back to the shore before any faced further danger. Vasant, one of the lifeguards who took part in the operation said, Frankie from the local canteen too supported them in saving the lives of the above persons, who faced extreme danger.


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