Kundapur: Court Orders for Restoration of Donors’ Names

Daijiworld Media Network- Kundapur (SN/SP)

Kundapur, Mar 27: The donors of the marriage hall constructed at Lakshminarayana Temple here had filed a suit against the management of the hall in the additional civil court here, objecting to its action in removing their names from the name board installed in front of the hall.

Shivanand Prabhu, who had donated an amount of Rs 4.5 lac for the hall, took the initiative to file the said suit against the temple management for unilaterally removing the name board of the hall that bore the names of the elders in his family.

The temple management had earlier circulated a notice, seeking liberal financial assistance from the donors for the hall construction. They had also promised therein, to display the names of the donors who contribute in excess of a lac of rupees for the hall construction, in the hall through stone plaques/name boards etc. 

Later, the management hung the name plate of the hall, as 'Rukmini Rama Prabhu Hall' as suggested by the donor at the main entrance. But recently, the management had unilaterally removed the name board from the entrance and installed a board that included names of some other donors.

In order to ensure that the names of his elders will continue to exist in the name board, Prabhu approached the court against this action.

Justice Geetanjali, judge of the second Additional Civil Court (junior division), Kundapur in a unique judgment, ordered the management to restore the original name board of the hall containing the names the previous donors.


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