Mangalore: Police Officials Alertness Averts Disaster

Daijiworld Media Network- Mangalore (SN/SP)

Mangalore, Mar 27: A sudden fire that was ignited in a jewellery shop named ‘Lakshmi Jewellers’, located in Vamanjoor here would have consumed everything in the shop besides spreading to other buildings, but for the presence of mind displayed by police officials in the wee hours on Wednesday March 25.

The fact that a fire had been started inside the shop came to the notice of the watchman of the building, when the alarm of the adjacent Corporation Bank branch went off, sensing smoke emanating from the neighbouring jewellery shop. The watchman immediately informed the police head constable Jayaram and Dinesh, who were on patrol duty in the locality, at about 3 am.

The police officials took the initiative to inform the fire service and asked the Mescom to disconnect the power supply in the area in order to avert further losses.

The fire brigade personnel arrived at the spot thereafter and were successful in dousing the fire, before the flames could spread to the entire building.

The fire had burnt down the show case into ashes and caused damge to some ornaments that had been displayed in the ply wood show case.

The police suspect that the fire started because of a short circuit.


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