Mangalore: Congress Has Done Zilch for Minority Community Development—Anwar Manippady

Mangalore: Congress Has Done Zilch for Minority Community Development—Anwar Manippady
Pics: Dayananda Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN)

Mangalore, Apr 22:  “When the Congress government was in power, lots of communal disturbances occurred that hurt the minority community. However, that party only conspired to get political benefits from the minorities but did not help in their development in the least”, said Anwar Manippady, vice-president, BJP state committee. 

Speaking in a press meet at the BJP electoral office, Manippady said, “From 1948 to 2004, there are 3,368 reported incidents of communal violence. Of these 3,111 took place during Congress rule in the state and 111 incidents were noted as serious.  Most of these continued for weeks and months. But during the BJP rule, such violence has been controlled within 12 or 24 hours at the most.”  

“The wooing of the minority community is something the Congress knows well, but their contribution to developmental projects for the community is very little. The Congress has a politically-motivated attitude towards Muslims and other minorities”, he alleged.   

Manippady claimed that the BJP-led NDA which ruled India provided various packages to the Muslim community and the Congress has done no such thing despite ruling the country for over 55 years. 

He added that the BJP-led state government had also provided similar packages to the   minority sector with at least 75, 000 people from these communities in rural areas being the beneficiaries.  

Manippady accused the Congress-led UPA government of treating the state in a step-motherly manner by neglecting security proposals, and railway development schemes.          

“When the NDA was ruling a shortage of LPG, food, and fertilizers, did not take place but it all occurred under the UPA government. All these essential commodities went out of reach of the common man with the prices being hiked sky high”, he added.  

BJP minority committee leader Franklin Monteiro, and Raheem Uchchil were present at the press meet. After the press meet, workers from the minority committee convened for a conference at the same venue.   


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    Fri, May 08 2009


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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Mr Richard Alvares, my brother, I must thank you for agreeing with me. Now answering about your question of why other religions are not allowed to practice in Islamic countries like, Afganistan and Pakistan? A good question. Both these countries are poorest of all nations, they dont have a political government and in great chaos. These are the only two countries in the world who are exporting terror across the world and they are fanatics and threat to the world and disgrace to  civilization. But you cant draw your conclusion by the acts of these two countries. Why dont you look at other Islamic countries like UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Libya, Morocco, etc etc. where you are protected, free to practice your faith, where you are earning your livelihood in legal and peaceful ways. But in China, you cant practice your faith, you must know it. You cant apply your theory as blanket application to all Islamic countries. So we must do it on case to case basis. Where there is tolerance and security, that country would flourish and shall have peace. Where there is hate and restrictions, that country would perish and shall go down the history.  We should use this platform and our religion to spread peace and love and clear the misconception about one''s religion. Thank you Daiji World for giving us this unbiased platform to express our views. I wish you a long successfuly journey in the days to come. May Lord bless you and your team.

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  • Vijay Saxena, Delhi/UAE

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    I am very much pleased with comments made by Mr.Navin Sinha/Patna. Some facts I did not know earlier, it''s now englightened.

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  • Richard Alvares, bajpe/mizoram

    Sun, Apr 26 2009



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  • Navin Sinha, Patna/Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Bharat is a land of Sants and Rishis. Many Gods and Rishis have taken avatar in this land - Ram, Krishna, Mahavir, Bhuddha, Adhi Shankara, Guru Nanak, etc. That is why it is called Devbhoomi, Punyabhoomi, etc. For us, it is the Motherland (Mathrubhoomi), and we worship Her as "Bharat Mata". Bharat has all along been a de facto Hindu Nation, although it has been ruled by Muslims and Christians for nearly 1000 years. There is no country in the world which, after being enslaved for nearly 1000 years, takes ''REBIRTH" as one country. Bharat did so, in spite of so much diversity in the name of caste, language, region, etc. This oneness was due to the spiritual and cultural unity of Bharat, which in other words is called Hindutva. Moreover, Spiritualism and Nationalism have always been interlinked in Bharat. Even today Bharat is a Hindu Nation,otherwise democracy and secularism could not have survived. Today one fears that history is being repeated and Bharat may once again slip into the hands of forces inimical to democracy and secularism, who may rule Bharat as dictators enforcing their religious dogmas on Hindus. It is therefore the duty of every citizen believing in peace, tolerance and pluralism, to raise his voice against Adharm - any force that tries to destalibise the spiritual and cultural unity of Bharat. When Dharm becomes a mute spectator as in Mahabharat, Adharm will rule the roost, which will ultimately lead to Kurukshetra.

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  • Harsha Rao, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Is it important to observe Hindu Dharama than practice conern, compassion and harmony? What use is religion if you do not see the divine in others and practice hate? Will the BJP, RSS, VHP, ABVP and their associates respond? Religion is for union with the divine and union with humanity. It is not for hate

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Mr Navin Sinha/Patna, your figures are all false and given by your mentor organisation RSS. The sources of names of twin Pak cities, as pointed out by you are fake and fraud. Secondly could you please give one country outside, except Nepal which is Hindu nation. Islam was born in Arabian desert 1400 years ago, because of its good teachings it spread outside Arabia. Because of religious fanatics and hardliner like you, your own religion in your country is reduced to India and Nepal. You should be generous in your belief. Hinduism is a great religion of all times and practiced world wide. But the caste system, brahmin supremacy has reduced it to single nation. BR Ambedkar embraced buddhism becuase of your caste system. Sri lanka, China, Japan, Korea, etc etc are all hindus before the advent of Buddhism. Buddhism preached good things and it was accepted by majority of South Asian countries. Your brahmin hegemony will not allow other relgion to come and flourish in India. For your information, we muslims didnt come from Arabia, but because of suppression by the upper caste brahmins, we embraced islam as in islam everybody is equal before God except for his deeds. But in caste system, the supremacy is decided by birth and not by deeds. Thats most unfortunate and I am sure you cant digest this naked truth. If you dont stop this varna system and brahmin supremacy, the days are not far the low caste hindus shall revolt against this sytem and already the dalit movement has started and it will catch fire and this fire shall engulf your caste system. Secondly, from your comments you meant that we must embrace hinduism if we want to live in India. As long as there is no equality and status and respect is predtermined by birth, you cant stop low caste hindus converting into Islam and Christianity. Can you please give me one singe example where a dalit has become brahmin. Can you pleas give me one example where a brahmin has become dalit. Most of the hindus who convert to islam and christianith are low caste poor hindus and dalits. If you are outcasted in your own society what shall you do my friend??? A dalit cant perform pooja in temple, he cant enter the temple but this practice is not in other religion. Can you please coolly give me your reply

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    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Good comments sheetal ,appreciate it, Mr. Ranjith  dont forget that your family living in your financial support which you earned from an Islamic land. "namak haraam" ke baathein math kar mere dosth. If you have that much of hatred in your heart then exit from Dubai forever. You dont have right to send us to pakistan.

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  • Navin Sinha, Patna/Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Mr.shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi, Mr. Ms.Sheetal, Bangalore/USA, Ms.Saira Rasheed, Mangalore/USA. Really I liked your comments with detailed statistics. Can u also make elaboration on the following? 1. 200 (two hundred) years ago Hindus in Kandahar (Afghanistan) were observing the Sanathan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing Bhajans and Kirtans. Today there is no one. There are only Al Qaedas and Talibans, enforcing Shariat law of ''eye for an eye'', ''leg for a leg'', etc. 2. 100 (hundred) years ago, Hindus in Lahore and Karachi (which derives their name from Lav and Kush, the sons of Sri Ram) were observing the Sanathan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing Bhajans and Kirtans. Today there is none. All have vanished into thin air. After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, by dividing our Motherland Bharat, it was named ''Islamic Republic of Pakistan'' and became an Islamic country. Hindus who formed nearly 24% of Pakistan at the time of partition, have been reduced to less than 1% today. 3. 50 (fifty) years ago, Hindus in Srinagar (Kashmir) too were observing the Sanathan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing Bhajans and Kirtans. Today no one is left there to do so. All have been chased away, and are living like refugees in Jammu and Delhi. Considering the above historical facts, 50 (fifty) years from now, Will your children have the freedom of thought and expression? Logic says ''NO''. Social demography also confirms this. Symptoms too point out towards that stark eventuality (I can give you hundreds of examples):

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Ms.Saira Rasheed, Mangalore/USA, for your information, India was mostly Hindu country before the invasion of turkish/Mughal invaders and the Portugese conquest. that could be the main reason why Hindus are majority in India.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Mr Raniith/Dubai, Why are you not speaking now? Saira Rasheed/USA has given the demographic break up of India based on releigion. But according to me the muslim population is more than 25%. For arguments sake, lets agree with Mrs Saira''s figures. Pakistan was given to the muslims who opted to go to Pak during 1947. How about those muslims and their descendants who opted to stay back. The present day muslims have no claim in Pakistan land/soil. But surely they have a legal and rightful stake in Indian land and soil.

    We muslims dont want to go away from India and we are proud Indian muslims. But your RSS and its parivar, say that India belongs to hindus only, then would you please give us 25% of Indian land to us so that we breakaway from you and form our own country? You are forcing us to breakaway from you. Thats the last and unwanted choice. But you are compelling us. Under BJP''s rule I am sure India will fall apart and break into pieces.

    Similarly, in order India to be called as only Hindu land, would you aslo give away a part of Indian land to Christians, Jains, sikhs, Buddhists. I know that RSS which advocates Brahmin supremacy, and brahmin politics (Chanakya) knows it very well that muslims, christians, buddhists, sikhs etc who dont believe in Varna based caste system are obstacle to their agenda of one India and caste system, so they are planning to isolate non hindus.

    Dear RSS members and Ranjith, your ideology wont work and if you wish that its your aim of achieving one India, then I am sure you are calling for breaking up of India in to pieces. History repeats itself. India was attacked and ann by foreign rulers because some one invited them to do so and we became slaves and subjects. Again we are standing very close to the repetition of history and very soon we will once again become slaves and subjects which is a dangerous sign. We shall have to foget our own independance, our democracy, and your ideology. Open your eyes and ears before it is too late.

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  • nasir, dubai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Mr. Ranjith, india is a secular state. u are residing & working in a friendly muslim country.u really have to learn from the ministers and citizens of UAE doing for the development of this country. people like you of cheap moral and bad intentions are one of the strong reasons our country is still a developing country and not a developed country.shame on you.

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  • Ashraf Ali, Ujire/Jubail, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Paramananda Swamiji, Gokarna, I salute you. You are the real secularist. We need more Swamijis like you in our beautiful India. Sheetal, Bangalore, you are a real Hindu. I appreciate your constructive comments.

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  • Saira Rasheed, Mangalore/USA

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr.Anand Kumar, Who gives you the right to dictate how many children one should have? You are a disgrace to the Indian community. India is secular country and democratic. Every Indian be it a Muslim or any other religion has the right to have as many kids as they want. If Muslims where having all the babies why is the Hindu population so high. You say you and your family are educated, sounds like you need to go back to school and educate your self on Muslims, tolerance and how to get rid of that hatred towards Muslims. It is Ignorant people like you who are slowing the development of the country. Not Muslim parents who have more then two kids... I hope you are not instilling this hatred towards Muslims in your children. Get to know your Muslim neighbors they are people like you, with feelings. Put yourself in their shoes and see how you would feel. There is still time to change. I wish you well. For your Info Here is the Religious Composition Population (%) Hindus 827,578,868 80.5% Muslims 138,188,240 13.4% Christians 24,080,016 2.3% Sikhs 19,215,730 1.9% Buddhists 7,955,207 0.8% Jains 4,225,053 0.4% Other Religions & Persuasions 6,639,626 0.6% Religion not stated 727,588 0.1% Total* 1,028,610,328

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  • Ramya , Carstreet Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Well said Shahnawaz Kukkikatte, good writing, yes!! they have to send for a mental tratment or kick out from India to Nepal.

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    Thu, Apr 23 2009


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  • Alfred, Bendoor / Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Dear Anwar - obviously when Congress was in Power, the Sangh family caused all the disturbances (we have witnessed it during our childhood). When they come to power how can they create disturbances? they will be stabbing their own brotheren. Use your God given brain and understand. Look at Gujrat .. same logic applied. Wait for few more years you will realize your mistake.

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  • sikander, mulki

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr. Ranjith soon you will be kicked out from prepare now itself. your time will start from today itself.

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  • Shawn, Bangalore/UK

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Ranjith..its not you its your upbringing that went wrong..people like you are a disgrace to human race..citizens of india will give you your reply..Hope you realise your wrong doing and set foot on the right track. Lets all pray for ranjith that good sense will prevail in him some day.

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  • Paramananda Swamiji, Gokarna

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    It''s saddening me. Children s of same mother fighting over religion,cast creed and sect. We are all childrens of Mother India. It''s true that we are practicing different faith like different flowers in a garden. But some flowers are attractive in colors but poisonous in nature. That what I am experiencing here by the comments. You can not say the other child to leave the mother and go somewhere. Because mother India belongs to all and not for a particular community, party or organization irrespective of whatever ideology they may follow.

    What you will get by keeping hatred and animosity in your heart towards some communities.?? what pleasure you may get by criticizing them ?? is it not a sadist mentality?? why can''t you show love and peace. I am really sad.. several hindu scriptures vedas, upanishads, I have gone through and never found any indication or encouragement to hate other faiths or communities.

    Some are claiming here to be real Hindus. who is a real Hindu?? what is the true meaning of Hindu?? do any one know?? How many of hindus here know the real meaning of Hindu?? Hindu is not a religion at all. It is a way of life, a way of culture. A culture where it embraces all creatures either it be human or other as sacred. Then from where the hate took birth.

    Really I feel sad.Our mother India weeping. because her own children  are fighting and shedding blood in front of her in the name of religion, colour, cast, creed. Mandir Masjid, church, gurudwar will not restore peace among us. As long as our hearts are not open , not pure , we can not expect peace." Satyam Shivam Sundaram"

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    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr. Anwar Manippady, I agree with you that congress always use minority vote bank for their benefit & today minorities in India feel second grade cititizen in their own country. We cannot blame only congress party, every single political party used minority community for their vote bank politics. One hand so called secular parties eye washing minorities with lolly pop to get vote and on other hand parties like BJP & SHIV sena encashing the lolly pop offer of opposition for majority vote bank. Enough is enough, my request to all our voters, do not look at party, go for good canditate who can work for us with no bias of minority or majority.

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  • Suresh, Inida

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Hello Khatib-UAE, For your infomation , Andaman is in India not out of  india.

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  • Reheman A, Manglore/Banglore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    I guess manapandi right. Some people cant digest the truth.

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  • Rakssith, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Very well said shanavaz kukkikatte, very sharp reply to all those communal minded people,we are proud to read your comment always...............

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  • prakash, bangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    It is surprising that Mr Anwar and Mr Franklin haven''t learnt a lesson or two and are still ignorant of the vicious designs of bjp and its outfits. How would they so easily forget what the bjp and its militant outfits did to the Christians and Muslims particularly in coastal karnataka? Has the ''deal'' so blinded them that they don''t see the reality? Mr Anwar and Mr Franklin please remember that others are not fools like you to be blinded by money.

    If both of you had a little respect for and faith in the constitution and democracy you wouldn''t have engaged yourselves in such cheap poli-tricks.

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  • RAGHAVENDRA, mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Shahnawaz good reply, very nice, phaad ke rakdiya yaar

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  • A. B. Ujire, Belthangadi

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Great Answer Mr Shanawaz..keep it up..

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  • mushthaq, mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr shahnawaz k, you have given a very nice reply, god bless you, we are so proud of you, I really appreciate your answer, thank you,

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  • Amrith, M''lore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Well said Mr. Shahnawaz kukkikatte. Hope atl east now they understand!!!

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr Ranjith, your statement of sending muslims to pakistan is very disturbing and most unfortunate one. This clearly shows your venom and hate towards muslims. India belongs to its citizens and not to Hindus alone. I think you are not in senses and need immediate treatment. Secondly you say BJP has nothing to do with other organisations.

    In BJP you have pluralism, A BJP member is an automatic member of Bajrang Dal, Rama Sene, RSS, VHP, etc etc. U cant draw a line between them. This is a fact and whole people know about this fact and I am shocked to know about your ignorance and your attitude. Why are you earning and living in a muslim country, if you dont like them.

    Pack up and get out of Dubai and start working in India so that you can strengthen your party and lead them to victory in this election

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  • Khatib, UAE

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Ranjith, Mangalore/Dubai, you and your RSS and bajrang goondas should be kicked out from India to somewhere in Andaman. You are mentally sick and need urgent treatment for your comment to send all Muslims to Pakistan

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  • ashu, mng

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Dear Readers , why are all of you after  Anwar,he is in democratic country he can choose any political party, who the hell are you to say all this nonsense,did you forget other than Anwar there will be Shanawaz,Naqvi Late Sikander was the leaders of BJP, Dont blame anyone for joining BJP, BJP will proove you they are Seculer once they come to power, Jai Ho Anwar.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    My dear brothers, Mr Jeevan/Dubai, Praveen/Punjakatte,Raj/Mangalore and Ranjith/Dubai. I know and its obvious from your comments that you are supporters of BJP. There is no harm in that. But if someone self styled person comes and says that he is the saviour of minorities, I dont agree with you. Mr Manipady doesnot represent the muslim community. Secondly, BJP is a political arm of RSS and you must know what does RSS stands for.

    Advani or Vajapayee of Rajnath Singh has no power to take any independant decission without seeking consultation and blessings by RSS. RSS does not believe in Secular plural India and does not respect the Constitution. Their agenda is One nation, one India and one culture. They want to force their idealogy on others. They dont believe in unity in deiversity. Secondly I am surprised to see one ignorant comment by one of the above men, who says that majority are protecting minorities. Is it a joke or fact. Where were these majorities when churches were attacked? Where were these majorities when Babri Masjid was brought down, Who broke the idol of Jesus and mother Mary.

    No majority is protecting the monorities or vice versa. We have a system, we have a constitution that is protecting every one and your BJP which implements RSS ideology doesnot believe in constituion and the system. You believe in hate, you believe in violence and you believe in everything that devides the communities. It is not the person, but its the party and its ideology that matters to us. Person may die, but party and its ideology continues. I dont say congress is a good party. But its a national party and is less criminal and dangerous than BJP.

    We dont have any other choice but to support a more secular party. For eg. any political leader who gives anti muslim speech and hate speech, BJP comes in his defense and doesnot criticise. Abhinave bharath, Prajna Singh, Col Purohit were implicated in malegoan bombing, instead of criticising this act, BJP was first one to defend these people and give all logistic/legal support to these men. We dont endorse any one even if he is a muslim, who works and endorse communual and devide and rule policy of BJP. We shall endorse those parties who respect our constituion and believe in inclusive plural India. Mr Manipady is an exception.

    But muslims have been betrayed by this BJP and RSS. We dont need majority to protect us. We are capable of protecting ourselves. We love our mother India more than RSS cadre does. Lets wait and see until May 16, as to what my fellow Indian citizens have decided. Decided for single india or plural India.

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  • NAJAM Batrekere, Bajpe

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    ANWAR MANIPADDY seems right with statistics on riots. He is the only BISHOP of political CHESS (game) ,as congress uses other minority. Whats guarantee if BJP comes to power at central Congress may not play a bad boys rule ?! Whoever may be if its Anwar / Gulam Nabi / Muktar Nakvi / Shanawaz/ Franklin Monteiro / Oscar Fernandis ... are all BISHOPS of political chess ! It may take a time to be a king for time being.

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  • Anand Kumar, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Well Manipaddy are you using now bicycle ? Are your people are using bicycle for bringing fish from Port ? Why you do''nt mentioned that people are using now Tempo/Scooters for fish trade. Your people are looking only for negative matter and do not wish to mention country''s development.

    Every body knew that India is developing fast, ofcourse it took so many years to develop because of our huge population. Manipaddy first you tell us how many children do you have or earlier how many people were having children, like we are 11 in our family. We found so many difficulties during those days to give studies for every one of us.

    My parents took lot of difficulties to give education for every one in our family. So we all are educated and all my brothers/sisters do not have more than 2 children except one family who have 3. Those days people were fighting for thier hunger because of joblessness etc. Now the trend has changed. Every educated person do not wish more than 2 children.

    I think Manippady should acknowledge this my comment and if he wish to tell his community to have children not more than 2 than only our country will develop soon without any delay. This must Manipaddy should take more campaign rather than communal talk.

     If we see above the photograph sure these are the same like old mentallity people, jobless people. These are actual not supporters of BJP. BJP makes Poli tricks to show us that they have minority support with them. There is no doubt that this the foolish game from BJP and Manipaddy.

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  • shankar, kundapur

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Madhav nayak : these women will not vote for Bjp, they brought after paying Rs.200 per head. they are from 5 cents colony, and paid by bjp people and brought in bjp vehicle just for photo shot and to give impression that, anwar is doing something for BJP. leave it to anwar let him do his ground work, we and these women will vote to congress only.

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  • Sheetal, Bangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr. Ranjith..just one question, If muslims in India should go to Pakistan then why the hell are u in Dubai?? What are you doing there?? Why dont you come back to India and join the BJP

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  • Sheetal, Bangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr. Ranjith..Of course I laughed. I laughed my lungs out on such people like Manipaddy who think that they can fool others but in reality they are making fools out of themselves .The BJP  will build a temple not because they love Lord Rama but because they are hungry for power & who create an atmosphere of fear and insecurity in the name of culture..BJP who intends to change our constitution..BJP who is waiting to divide and rule

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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Montero and Manipady are people who think differently,good change!

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  • Dhruv, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr.Ranjith on what stand do you say others to move to other country who has given you the authority to do this, on what basis do you say this is your country, you share the same relation with this motherland what Mr. arif does, you people are insane who after the british want to divide india into pieces not a single move you will make for the development or unity of this country leave the country you wont do in your home town you are insane. You are the traitor''s of this country.

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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/Jeddah,Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    What is the problem if Anwar endorse the party like BJP? Why he should confine himself because he is a Muslim? Why we have to impose our views about BJP on Anwar and if we impose what is the difference between Rama Sene and us? If a person has his own beliefs and thoughts it is his individual choice. Some readers are acting like they are campaigner of certain political party.

    We yell on others for being communal but we cannot digest someone belongs to your religion is working for pro-Hindu party like BJP why this kind of biased opinion?

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  • Ranjith, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Sheetal, Bangalore If "Manipaddy has good sense of Humor!! " you should have laughed over it and commented on it. any idea how much money did BJP offer Manipaddy ??? please help me in getting the figures!!

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  • Soofi Anwar, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Shame on you Mr. Manippady, you all are power hungry politicians! Bringing some poor innocent muslim women and trying to encash their votes for personal gain is always been the vote bank politics.Though congress too doing the vote bank politics, at this juncture no sensible man can agree with you that BJP can protect minority interest.

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  • Ronnie, Kadri

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    We indians belong to a democratic country and have the right to speak or right against a Government or sometimes religion for that instance. However, it is upto an individual to think before he or she speaks or does. So friends think and vote for the right candidate. Don''t get mesmerized by these political speeches and their false promises. They lead you nowhere.

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  • Sheetal, Bangalore/USA

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr. Ranjith, Dubai..First and foremost who are you to ask someone to go to Pakistan?? India is democratic country and every individual whether Hindu, Muslim or Christian has the right to live in India. Its the BJP and its gundas (Bajrang Dal, RSS, Sangh Parivaar etc) now trying to exploit the peaceful environment of our beautiful India which is rich in its varied cultures & traditions.

    Let me make a point here to all those who think that Muslims should go to Pakistan and Christians should go to USA or UK..if your are having so much of prejudice then why are you being a Hypocrite??? Why are hindus found in USA, UK, Australia and other western countries??? Should they also be given such treatment like how the BJP treats the minorities here in India??? Plz dont be a hypocrite..Always Be just and act sensibly!!

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  • nabil, karkala

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Anwar Manipady is not chosen by any muslim so he cannot talk on behalf of muslims. India is not for any one relegion , it is for true indians, today in front of the whole world we can proudly keep our heads up and say that Dr. Manmohan singh is our Prime minister who without any doubt has the best qualification and personality than any other person in indian politics.

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  • rama, mangalure

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    People those who present over there enjoying the drama very well.

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  • bilal, Karkala/riyadh

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    During congress rule BJP were always creating all communal disturbances. But when they were ruling no one is behind such activities .. Mr. Anwar knows this fact very well.!!

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  • isthi, Mangalore/New york

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    I know Anwar Manipady very well. He is muslim by name. some good things about him are giving good speech and organize people. Ask him the last time he has gone to a mosque to pray?

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  • Sheetal, Bangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    It clearly shows that Mr. Anwar Manipaddy''s palms have been greased..Shame on such greedy people who have no feelings & no empathy for their bretheren!! Just so that he can become rich and powerful Manipaddy has sold himself to the BJP.

    If I were a muslim I would surely not believe manipaddy''s sugar coated is just too hard to believe & alomost impossible to digest that BJP will be interested in the development of Muslims :-) Ohh..Manipaddy has good sense of Humor!!

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    Thu, Apr 23 2009


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  • Ranjith, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Well, have anyone ever read or heard that VHP, RSS, Vishwa hindu parishath, Bajrang Dal, Rama Sena or any other hindu organisations claimed or said that they belong BJP or they are the Wing of BJP ?? These are Hindu organisations who are just supporting BJP just like any other Organisations. So, I feel that if Rama sena or VHP or any organisation is working on something, which others feel its wrong, dont point fingers on BJP, you can only comment or take action on those organizations only and not BJP.

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  • mustafa, m''lore, dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Down.. Shame on you, anwar. Be educated, please read news paper daily. What you say BJP did for the welfare of us(muslims). This is proving that PEOPLE are ready to "sell mother" for money(Fame, Politics). tnx

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  • Sajid, Bajpe/Muscat

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Those commenting about Mr. Anwar Manippady saying that he and other Muslims gathered there are paid should also know that those Hindu leaders and the people gather in congress meet are also paid by congress chelas.

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  • Madhav Nayak, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Hats off to the muslims, particularly women, who turned out for the event. You are really brave but want to be on the side of truth. Its hightime public is made aware of real work done BJP for minorities against only lip talk done by Congress. Well Done Anwar Manipady.

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  • Raj, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    praveen , Punjalkatte...You are right Mr.Praveen..I agree with your comment...Mr. Kukkikatte cannot digest this..Congress is only for minorities as they say in speeches and what about the majority who will protect them Mr. Kukkikatte????

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  • Rashid, Uppinangadi

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Shall we assume that you are the inheritor of “Mir Sadiq or Judas? How many silver coins were offered for this betrayal of community? Haven’t you noticed that several BJP candidates openly dared to say that they don’t need of Muslim votes and how do you beg for that?

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  • Prakash DSouza, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Shahnawaz kukkikatte .. I Agree with your comments. Anwar needs some treatment . Everybody please donate some money for him for his treatment. Everybody Know What BJP is upto, How can he sell himself for some piece of paper? Sick .. Shame on him

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  • Ranjith, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Dear Mr. Mohammed Arif, Mangalore, Saudi Arabia, Well said... if mangalore is not a safe place for minorities you people were given an opportunity during 1947 to move to Pakistan, why didnt your ancestors do that, if not you can do it now.. try your luck, you might get a Visa to Pakistan. All the best

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  • prem, bangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr Anwar and Mr Franklin please remember that BJP wants you only during elections. Why is that there is no prominent BJP leader to share the dais with you? When the members of your communities have been attacked by BJP and its outfits, it is a shame that you still campaign for this party.

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  • praveen , Punjalkatte

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr. Kukkikatte is a Congress worker. How can we expect from positive response?

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  • Lucky, Mulky

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Anwar Manipaddy is a good man. Hai Ho Anwar who is talking good about his party.

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  • Ifthikhar, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Minority communities should look into the list of achievements of BJP government in the wake of killing of the criminal lawyer recently in Mangalore.

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  • Valerian Saldanha, Aikala/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Am very much hurt and feeling sorry for Anwar Manipady the way he is presenting the stastics. He is presenting and trying to fool the voters. Where was he when recently minorities were subjected to so much of atrocities and humiliation during BJP rule. I''m sure he must have been hiding in the underworld?

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  • sameer, dubai/mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    BJP is political wing of RSS it will never work for betterment of muslims becouse RSS agenda is destroy minorities BJP act only what RSS say and unfortunately Anwar Manippady and some so called minorty leader till now not understood they sold themselves for money I appeal minorities to not vot BJP to save secular states of our country Jai Hind

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  • rama, mangalure

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr.shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi - you are correct. All politicians are same.

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  • abubakar uk, ubar/abudhabi

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr.S K,Dubai/Udupi, not only manippady,each and every minority ladies who present there also must have been paid some coins to attend this....but am sure they will vote some other party ,definitely not bjp... for bjp both will loss coins n vote....

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    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Mr. Shahnwaz why you are getting angry with Mr. Manipady.

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    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    What a surprise!!!! The minority community destroyers mingled with BJP with ransom and destroying their community peace as well as selling their deeds.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    I am very much surprised that till now Anwar Manipady failed to undertand and digest the hidden agenda of BJP/RSS. He must have sold himself for a huge sum

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    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Anwar manippady Congeress may not have done too much to muslim community , but atleast has let 3 lakh bangladeshis to come to India every month. dont speak for the world speak to ur self , speak for muslim family , we know suitecase filled with moolas is too heavy to carry . You are one of the bought out muslims in BJP SANGH PARIVAR

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  • valerian, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Dear Maniapdy and rahim uchil... what about the bjp run modi govt that massacred thousands of your muslim brothers and raped thousands of your sisters and mothers ? answer this first!

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  • Calvin, Surathkal/USA

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Yes BJP has given schemes to minorities and later burnt them alive. BJP is for minorities. Karnataka has become another Gujarat in terms of Nazi attitude. Dont believe these fascists.

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  • Francis pais, Puttur D.K./Dubai

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    I think all have kesaries are resigned BJP , hence other back door entries.

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  • clarence miranda, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    It is very true that Congress Has Done Zilch for Minority Community Development. But under BJP rule, there was a lot of development for minorities. Our churches got vandalized, our women and nuns got beaten by police, innocent youth got arrested. Young girls in pubs and buses were beaten up. And all the culprits who are responsible for this are free. Is this the development minorities got from BJP? Wait and see, they will give us more development.

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  • Mohammed Arif, Mangalore, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Apr 23 2009

    Shame on Anwar Manippady. To gain some political mileage, he had to stoop so low to join hands with BJP??? Even after all the atrocities happening around IXE during the rule of BJP in the past few months. IXE is no more a safe place anymore for minorities and this is thanx to BJP and their goons. Shame!

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