Mangalore: Closure of Divine Centre Mulky: Management Clarifies

Mangalore: Closure of Divine Centre Mulky: Management Clarifies
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, May 25: Following the decision of the administration of Divine Centre Mulky to temporarily close the centre, various opinions and suggestions made by the people who are concerned with this development, are appearing in the print and electronic media. Taking these into account, the management of the Divine Centre has come with certain clarifications in an exclusive letter addressed to

The letter received from Fr Cyprian Lewis SVD, director of Mulky Divine Centre, has been produced here below in Toto.

"Divine Call Centre, Mulky was inaugurated on 1.10.2004 with the motto “Glory to God” for the purpose of helping the faithful to have an intimate experience of God through prayers, retreats and ministries. This Centre came into existence because of the vision and mission of the Society of the Divine Word (S.V.D.). The competent authority had given the permission to Fr. Jacob Gerald Sequeira SVD to start the Centre at Mulky with the backing of many S.V.D. priests and the co-operation of many volunteers and good willed people. Over the past five years Divine Call Centre has grown to the present stature and many people have experienced the presence of the Divine. Thanks to the sacrifices of thousands of faithful and the abundant blessings of God. 

But in the recent times the sanctity of this place and the purpose of the Centre is not actualized because of some administrative, security and other reasons. Hence, a new Director, Fr Cyprian Lewis SVD was appointed on 26th February 2009 by the SVD – India Mumbai Provincial administration. Accordingly, Fr. Cyprian Lewis took charge of the Centre and the administration. The previous Director, Fr. Jacob Gerald Sequeira is transferred to Mysore with effect from 4th May, 2009. However, Fr. Jacob Gerald has refused to accept the transfer and has not vacated the office and has made it difficult for the new Director to function. This has caused much confusion and has disrupted the normal functioning.

The employees of the Centre too have not co-operated with the new director instigated by the out-going director. The out-going director has also called upon the faithful to support him and has pressurized the Provincial administration to revoke the transfer. A group of faithful have demanded repeatedly to retain the out-going director and when not heeded they have disrupted the services by making announcements during the service without permission and by issuing provocative statements to the faithful. This has resulted in confusion and has led to group violence. All this has prevented the Centre and the new director to function and carry on the religious services for which the Centre was established. Due to all these reasons the Managing Committee of the Society has taken the painful decision of closing the Centre temporarily till the order is established and the sanctity and purpose of the Centre is upheld.

So, we request all God-fearing people, all our benefactors, well-wishers and co-workers to co-operate with us so that we will be able to re-open the Centre and resume all its normal activities at the earliest. It is our earnest prayer that the good work the Lord had begun through the S.V.D. Society under the leadership of Fr. Jacob Gerald Sequeira and the team may continue and bear much fruit in the months and years to come. We thank all who have stood by us and have expressed deep concern over the recent painful developments at Divine Call Centre. May God bless you all and continue to guide you to work for His Kingdom.

Fr. Cyprian Lewis SVD
Divine Call Centre, Mulky.


Earlier Announcement:


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    Sun, May 31 2009

    im totaly disagree with arun pinto bejai.dear arun ru doing it ? dont judge if you dont know. please attend the retreat at once in your life.might you will change your thought.

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  • Victoria Soares, Kalmady/Muscat

    Sat, May 30 2009

    I agree with Dolphy and Stany, Fr. Jerry is blessed with many gifts and one of the gifts is preaching the word of god which has touched the lives of many. Myself and my family members were really touched by the word of god delivered by Fr. Jerry. Let us keep him in our prayers and pray that the DCC may reopen soon.

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  • Stany Pereira, Dubai, U.A.E.

    Fri, May 29 2009

    Fr. Jerry was a wonderful preacher and was instrumental in bringing a lot of lost souls to the Kingdom of God. Let us all remember the good work he has done for the divine retreat centre at Mulki. The articles that he contributed really gave us an insight on the Word of God and helped us to further strengthen our faith. To err is human, and to forgive is divine. At this critical point, what Fr. Jerry requires is our prayers and good wishes.

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  • John, Abu Dhabi

    Fri, May 29 2009

    Having reviewed various comments on the obedience aspect which is one of the vows for the sacrament of priesthood I would like to highlight there are also 6 other similar and powerful sacraments with various vows which is applicable for each and every one of us for the various roles we have chosen. I believe in our spiritual life, personal life and professional life we have failed the above vows several times and therefore we are equally responsible as Fr. Jerry in the eyes of god and Man.

    Just because Fr. Jerry broke the vows of priesthood we should not judge, condemn, criticize him like the Pharisees but try to save him by praying for him and giving him a chance to overcome his weakness just like the way Jesus dealt with Mary Magdalene and deals with us by not judging and condemning our sinful life but giving us several chances to overcome our weakness and be a powerful instrument of god thereby reflecting his unconditional love.

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    Fri, May 29 2009

    Having heard that Fr. Jerry''s approach in interpreting and delivering the Word of God at DCC Mulki was done with authority, it having touched the hearts of many and changed their lives with a focus in growing closer to God, I was particular to ensure the presence of Fr. Jerry at the 5 day retreat I intended to attend. In turn, the retreat touched me deeply and changed my life too. The announcement of Fr. Jerry''s transfer is indeed a big loss to DCC Mulki, Mangalore Diocese and to all those who wanted to attend 5 days or 1 day retreats at DCC Mulki. I make a humble request to all those who have attended retreats preached by Fr. Jerry and have experienced the Word of God in a special way, as a token of appreciation and gratitude, to acknowledge publicly for what you have received from Fr. Jerry, who is an instrument used by God to deliver His word into our lives, bring us closer to Him and help us not to judge, condemn, criticise others, but love others by saving them the way Christ saved us, accepting us unconditionally and helping us to change our sinful lives.

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  • Antony DS, Mangalore

    Fri, May 29 2009

    Dolphi, I second your opinion for a good reason and that is I too attended a retreat preached by Fr Jerry. Rest assured we will have more support for better. May God''s Will be done.

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  • Antony DS, Mangalore

    Thu, May 28 2009

    I am bemused at the various letters posted as comments from the readers. Some of them are in support to Fr Cyprian, some to Fr Jerry and others neutral. I think those who are in favour of Fr Jerry, if he accepts the transfer, should relocate to Mysore. For sure the place Mysore is as famous as Mangalore and it is worth operating as a new New Divine Call Centre. It makes sense, since hav''nt we travelled from Mangalore to Potta Chalakkudy Kerala to hear the Divine Word? A new place, a new environment, sure to affect the lives of the trusting people. I am sure people support Fr Jerry to open a new Divine Centre in Mysore and SVD will give their consent. Otherwise if all the comments vouchsafe Fr Jerry as a good preacher, the people have no problem and people do not like him to leave but have no alternative but to obey the superiors, why cannot SVD decide Fr Jerry to continue in Mulki to supervise and preach in the DCC. This is because almost all the comments and voicing is in favour of Fr Jerry''s wonderful work in Mulki. Please do not close the Centre and the website too.

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  • Clint Aranha, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, May 29 2009

    Most of the people leading a public life gradually perfect the art of giving speeches like politicians but cannot be considered a good person because of their oratorial skills. If the priest in charge is gifted in delivering the word of God then why does he instigate his followers to revolt in the first place. Is this the word of God too? If he is so gifted he must take the new challenge so that other people also benefit wherever he is transfered. In this case people of Mysore. Why is he adamant to take the transfer.

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  • Melroy, mangalore

    Fri, May 29 2009

    If any order comes everyone have to accept from higher authority.Fr Jerry started two retreat centres in AP.He took the transfer order and went now he can also start a new retreat centre in Mysore too.

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  • ashok , mumbai/dubai

    Fri, May 29 2009

    After reading all the comments, I can say, these people are not followers of Christ but followers of the priest. If Fr Jerry really loves Christ, whay can't he preach in Mysore ?

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  • richy, dubai

    Fri, May 29 2009

    Bishop should intervene and solve this problem, if today Fr. Jerry is allowed to function because he started his then other priests will also take similar step, now these DCC, etc..Our parents and grand parents had a wonderful life and were god fearing .Why not have it in the church so that more people can get involved

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  • Suraj Mascarenhas, Shankarapura, Canada

    Fri, May 29 2009

    I fully agree with Jude, Mangalore, Dubai. How can Fr.Jerry compare himself to our great Saint Paul? Paul was Saul only before he could know Jesus. But Fr.Jerry knew Jesus even when he was Saul.

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    Fri, May 29 2009


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  • mary, mangalore

    Thu, May 28 2009

    I have been watching the web site of Divine Call Centre. I used to enjoy the beautiful videos, messages on the word of God and beutiful articles. Now, this web site also has been cancelled. I am very sad. Praying for DCC.

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    Thu, May 28 2009


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  • joegonsalves, U.S.A. Mangalore

    Thu, May 28 2009

    By all accounts The Divine Call Center was functioning well - thanks to the initiative and trouble taken by Fr. Jacob Gerard Sequeira. The center has been a place of worship and prayer for several people and it was good that we were able to found a center like this and some of the people who used to flock at The Divine Center in Potah had commenced patronizing The Mulky Center. Kudos to you Father Gerry. You have indeed done a great job and answered THE CALL in a marvelous manner. However transfers and relocations are a part of our lives. Recently there were any number of transfers in The Diocese of Mangalore. To cite an instance Father Austin Fernandes who had comfortably settled down at Our Milagris Church has accepted a transfer most graciously and agreed to go to Bidar. That is the kind of spirit that should prevail amongst the clergy. Besides the clerics take the vows of obedience and as a fine ecclesiastic you should accept the relocation and set an example to others. It is my sincere hope that better discretion prevails and that you will continue your good work ardently in Mysore. My prayers and good wishes follow you. Father Cyprian Lewis, PATIENCE IS THE MOTHER OF VIRTUES. not disheartened by this episode .... i am sure Father Gerry will concede and the situation will be normal and congenial to worship and prayer at Mulky. may The Good Lord bless bless you and direct you.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Thu, May 28 2009

    People for whom Fr Jerry is God and indispensable should not not be members of the catholic church in the first place. It is precicely centres like this which mushroom around the world that brainwash people and form their own sects and distort faith. Fr Jerry should realize that he is the member of the catholic church and has to fulfil his vows. He should remember that he is only a servant of Christ and the church and has to go where his superiors in their wisdom send him. He is not the king of the Divine centre. He is not and never can be bigger than the church of which we are all members. If he cannot do that then he can leave the church and his adoring fans can follow him.

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  • Mark Machado, Udupi / UAE

    Thu, May 28 2009

    What makes you think the statement by one party is correct. Let us have both partys comments and then air our views.

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  • Lorraine Dsouza, Shankerpura

    Thu, May 28 2009

    Dear Fr. Jerry, hope to see you soon at DCC mulki. We pray for you.

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  • Stephen, Manglaore/Mumbai

    Thu, May 28 2009

    I disagree on Anil comments, Be careful while speaking on spiritual, why not look this way what ever Fr Jerry did, may be Fr Cyprian can do it much better.

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  • Rajesh, Udyavar/Bangalore

    Thu, May 28 2009

    Dear Wiiliam, Sharjah If Fr Cyprian has cleared the air in this issue then why has the site been closed? Is it because he is afraid that he along with Fr Abraham and Fr Walter''s true colors would come out in public.I am still astonished by the way you people sitting in one corner of the world and commenting on priests and missionaries. Please refrain from doing such things.

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    Thu, May 28 2009

    If we read the word of God carefully we will realise that God wants his children to be loving and obedient, he sent his disciples to the world to preach the gospel so that people would know and worship God. He said to his disciples to go out to the world and preach . Fr. Jerry being a servent of God has preached to everyone that the Lord wants us to be obedient then why is it difficult for  him to accept the decisions of his superiors. This Divine call center came into exsistence not by human power but because it was the Lords will. Today might be the lords wants to work throught his different servants whom he has chosen but we by not co-operating are fighting against God. All those who are protesting need to first ask themselves that whom have they served for so many years for Fr. Jerry or the Lord if they have been serving Fr. Jerry then its right that they need to protest but if they have been serving the Lord then they need to stop the protest as the Lord still dwells in that place.

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  • William, Sharjah

    Thu, May 28 2009

    A timely clarification from Fr. Cyprian Lewis has cleared the air. As majority of the readers comments Fr.Jerry should unconditionally accept the transfer and should leave the place without any further fuss, embarasement or delay. Divine Call Centre is really divine. As for Clint Aranha, Charles Pangla, Jude etc I have slept during sermons of our priest in our parish. But for one day spent at DCC for free, it gave the much needed peace. I am longing to attend the 5 day retreat and reform myself and lead a better christian life.

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  • Simon Miranda, kiremBahrain.

    Thu, May 28 2009

    Past few days we have read several comments from various mindsets. But one thing is clear, people do not remember 1000 good things, but one error of judgment is blown out of proportion. Divine retreat centre is a blessing for Mangalore and the vicinity. Yes, we do have parishes, but please ask parish priests how much of Gods word is explained? Once a week, every Sunday, 15 minutes? Charismatic movement, even the late pope John Paul II had proclaimed as new outpouring of Holy Spirit, transforming the faithful. I am not yet transformed, dear friends, but do eagerly await that day, when I shall experience the richness of Holy Spirit. Be it Fr.Jerry or Fr. Cyprian, all of them are as much human as we are. Arent they prone to do mistakes, one day or other?Havent you done mistakes? For me, one thing is very clear Jesus bled and died for every one of us. It is his blood that redeems from our failures. It takes courage and conviction to come out of Secular garb that we wear (moderate life style as many call it), and speak for Jesus. Only one request to Fr.Jerry, please you have laid the corner stone and built on it a solid spiritual tower. Do not let it be tarnished.

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  • munna, mangalore

    Wed, May 27 2009

    Mission accomplished,.... Fr, Jerry now its time to move on to the next ...

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  • Priya D''souza, Mumbai

    Thu, May 28 2009

    Mr. Arun pinto, Unless you fall into disaster you will not know the the value of DCC.Better attend a retreat soon then your opinion may change. Fr. Jerry we love you, Infact we need preists who are agreesive and dynamic like Fr. Jerry who can bring many more people to God.That is the reason today he has so many supporters around the world.May DCC shine once again....

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  • Wilson D''Souza, Paladka

    Wed, May 27 2009

    Arun Pinto is right. What is the need of retreat centres? Retreat priests, please go to Parishes and preach. This will strengthen parishes which are the roots of Roman Catholic Church. People who are eager to go to retreat centres are many times not attached to Parishes or least active in Parishes...

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  • Anil/Savitha, Neermarga/England

    Tue, May 26 2009

    God bless DCC and Fr.Jerry.When all the work has been completed at DCC why SVD wants to transfer Fr.Jerry.People have no problem,Employee`s have no problem,sponsors have no problem , then why SVD in problem .Fr.Cyprian you think you can manage DCC ,Never if you take over with in no time you will turn DCC into school,college,seminary whatever may you like.One and only the person can run that place is Fr.Jerry.Whatever he has done in human bieng`s nature there is forgivenes in God`s eyes.God has forgiven very mean sinners, will He not forgive Fr.Jerry .Even though Fr. Jerry comes out of the preisthood dosen`t matter still he can be good shephard to his sheep.Fr.Jerry we and our prayers are with you always,do not stop preeching word of God.Let god give you good health of mind and body during this critical time.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore/ UK

    Tue, May 26 2009

    Dearest Fr.Jerry, Jn 15: 19 says "I have chosen you out of the world - therefore the world hates you" and again in Jn 16: 2 it is written " They will put you out of synagogues.". These words are of very much reality in your life today. But dear father, the truth will prevail and all those who have done this to you, all those who have spoken against you without knowing the reality will be put to shame..God will bring them to your feet.. Praise the Lord!!

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  • John Mangalore, Dubai

    Fri, May 29 2009

    Dear Daijiworld We would be happy if you gave us a massage from Fr.Jerry Sequira. Kindly organize a intervew with him.

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  • Melroy, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, May 26 2009

    I agree with Arun Pinto, I think this centre should be used as a School to avoid all the cofusions and this will help many and God will bless for this.

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  • Alwin Sequiera, dubai/Mangalore

    Tue, May 26 2009

    Dear Brother Arun Pinto Nice and wonderful thoughts from you. But what answer do you have when some one will come and tell you that why do you need to go to church? Sit at home and pray? Would you be happy? No right? These thoughts are material and limited to person to person. So let’s not judge what is right or wrong.

    Even I had similar thoughts as you do, but when I went to retreat centre personally I have realized the importance. So let’s give the due credit to retreat centers and let’s defend those leaders who is leading such retreat centers since they are doing good work for people. Let’s not discount these centres for few wrong persons.

    That will be there everywhere, in our house, work place, schools, churches and so does retreat centres. May God Bless Fr Jerry Sequira for his wonderful work towards Mulky retreat centre and May God help him to do many more good deeds as he always do.

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  • vishwa, mangalore\usa

    Tue, May 26 2009

    I fully agree with Arun Pinto, this is current days problem.

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  • Francis, Moodabidri/Dubai

    Tue, May 26 2009

    Gharchen dood vorun mada mulak othullyabori jalen !!!

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  • jerome dsouza,

    Tue, May 26 2009

    In which parish there is no quarrels?

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  • godwin, mangalore

    Tue, May 26 2009

    Why we are fighting or giving different opinions, please get united to save our morals,DCC is one of our prayer centeres,please save it from the evil. please pray for that.

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Tue, May 26 2009

    Dear Arun Pinto. Bejai , Mangalore, you have put it very nicely. Most of the comments supporting these Divine Centers is from the DK people living in the Middle East. Don''t they have these type of Divine Centers in the Middle East, for example in Dubai or Kuwait???

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  • Arun Pinto. Bejai , Mangalore

    Tue, May 26 2009

    Dear All, Firstly divine center is slowly turing into a Parliament, where the poltcians do anything to save thier seats.

    Secondly why do we need such divine centers... don''t we have our parishes...I am sure if you can spend some time in your own respected parishes the need for such centers is not required.This is just a commercial buisness....

    Does bible say anything on divine center.... Guys wake up.... Mankind is service, love one another, respect all living species.... This could be real divine center.....

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Tue, May 26 2009

    I agree with Clint Aranha and Charles Pangla with their views on the charismatic movements and the reluctance of the priest to move out when he has been served transfer orders. I don''t think God is deaf that people need to scream , shout and jump while praying. As Clint says the Church needs to act quickly to tone down the dramas enacted by the the charismatic movement.

    Here in Dubai I have seen parents neglecting home work and attention towards their children who are growing up and spend endless hours in attending these charismatic retreats. What is the use of this kind of hollow devotion when you are not bothered about your very basic duties towards your families.

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  • Walter Lobo, Neermarga/Muscat

    Mon, May 25 2009

    We all can see the power of Satan in attacking the Divine places to destroy God''s people. That is the reason Jesus told His disciples to watch and pray and not to fall into temptations. Lets all join together and pray that the Holy spirit may control of this dangerous situation.

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  • george borromeo, angelore, mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Fr.Cyprian Lewis I understand your dilemna regarding closing down the D.C.C temporarily,As a new director you have to function and as the old Director Fr.Jerry has to vacate his office. It would have been better, If your Provincial had invited both of you to your Provincialate, sort out the matter,Then you should have occupied his chair with dignity. As a human being it is very difficult to vacate your chair, when you have built this place from scratch and you were the star preacher FOR the last Five years. Mind it D.C.C WAS KNOWN OR BRANDED AS FR. JERRIES CREATION. It is very hard for us to imagine D.C.C minus Fr. Jerrie. I dont question the decision of the Provincial to transfer Fr. Jerrie, But it would have been implimented with dignity.

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  • Silvia, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Its very sad and hurting that such a confusion has arised in a place where we go to seek God''s help to solve our problems. I pray and wish that DCC will resume retreats and prayer services soon.

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  • D.M.D''Souza, Bantwal

    Mon, May 25 2009

    At last we had some clarification from the top. Nobody is indispensable including Fr Gerry. He should take it & obey his seniors-as its God''s plan that his efficient services are more needed in Mysore now than what he started in Mulky is bearing fruit. He should set a right example to others,by obeying them and joining the Mysore congregation where God might have a far greater plan for him than here. He should openly condemn the violence or groupism that had been let loose by goons, who are doing a disservice to all the faithful and believers. All human beings are here for a few days only. Jesus only will live forever here as well as in heaven

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  • Sophie Coutinho, Cascia, Kuwait

    Mon, May 25 2009

    One of the greatest fruits of the Spirit is Humility and Obedience.The miracles and conversions that take place there is not the gift of one man or human being but is the work of God. God can achieve the same from anyone, as impaired as they may be. Glory should be given to Jesus alone and not to any one human being. For all those being brain washed to act against the Church built by Jesus they should read the gospels. I stand with the Bishop of Mangalore and the church hierarchy.

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  • Rudolph Pereira, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    What we hear is scandalous.But then rumours are never believable,however,there can''t be Smoke without Fire.In fact, I was there on 26th feb. attending Retreat & no one told us about the change in Management.One has to be obedient to their superiors as long as they are under the Canonical  OATH.

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  • clement viegas, manglore kuwait

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Please dont close this divine center,

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  • Wilfred, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Glad to hear some clarification from the management regarding the confussion at DCC. Initially I was sad to hear that Divine Call Centre was closed but after hearing from the management I understand that it is not the centre that is closed but only retreat programme is cancelled for a week.I also learnt that the devotees were allowed to visit the blessed sacrament at the adoration chapel on 23-05-2009 the day of saturday convention. I did verify this from the management of Divine Call Centre. So I wish and pray that the issue will be amicably resolved and the centre will be able to resume retreats within one or two weeks. I request you all to pray for Divine Call Centre, the treasure-house of Word of God that it continue its mission in obedience to His will.

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  • Francis D Souza, Mangalore/ Abu Dhabi

    Mon, May 25 2009

    My dear catholic faithful , this incident is a big shame for us. Any priest has to take a vow of obedience along with poverty and purity prior to ordination. These three vows are the foundation of priesthood. If any priest cannot keep these vows it is advisable for him to leave the priesthood. I am not judging Fr. Jerry or his superiors. Whatever may be the sacrifices of Fr. Jerry in establishing the Divine Centre. He has done  God''s work and without HIM Fr. Jerry could not have done anything and Fr. Jerry is nothing without HIM. Therefore Fr. Jerry, please accept the transfer as God''s wish and accept it. Please do not challenge your superiors for doing their duty. It is their duty to transfer you or any other priest wherever they think it is good for you and for the community at large. If possible please pray for them and lend your helping hand to run the God''s work.

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  • Lily Grace D''Silva, Bombay/Dubi

    Mon, May 25 2009

    It is very unfortunate to see that the Divine Centre has to be closed just because Fr. Jacob Gerald Sequeira SVD has refused to accept his transfer.I am not judging the Priest, but request him to accept the transfer becuase it is God who wants him to take up a new place and continue to render his service. Thanks a lot to Fr. Cyprian Lewis SVD for clarifying the situation so that the doubts are cleared. Our prayers are with you and soon you will be able to so that you will be able to re-open the Centre and resume all its normal activities at the earliest. Prayer is the strong weapon and therefore request all the people to pray continuously so that God may intervene and solve the problem.

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    Mon, May 25 2009

    Dear Fr.Cyprian Lewis, Thanks for the clarifications.But our kind request to you, please put good priests in the centre who was guided by Holyspirt just like Fr.Jerry Dear fr. Jerry you dont be sad God Knows every ones heart very soon Truth will come out we are praying for you

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  • George D''Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    God has ordained Fr.Jerry to serve the PEOPLE OF GOD and do GOD''S WILL. Let him accept GOD''WILL manifested through his SUPERIOURS and be obedient to them.If his Superiours have the right to appoint Fr.Jerry to DCC they have the RIGHT to transfer Fr.Jerry from DCC.If there wasn''t a major ethical and moral problem the administration would not have taken this decision.NO ONE IS INDISPENSABLE TO ANY PLACE . Fr.Jerry as a PRIEST OF CHRIEST RESPECTFULLY ACCEPT YOUR TRANSFER. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    1. The religious priests promise obedience to the local bishop as well as to their major superiors. Poverty, Chastity and Obedience are the three vows, which should not be compromised in the life of any religious. From early times, the church teaches that God speaks to us through His word as well as through His Leaders. In discerning God’s will the voice of the superior should be accepted without reservation. The religious can set a great example to the lay faithful by obeying their superiors. No doubt, Fr Jerry has been doing a wonderful job at Mulki. All the same, it is crucial that he listens to his superiors, which is fundamental in religious life. 2. St Paul was unhappy when the church was divided under some prominent personalities of the early Church. Writing to Corinthians (1 Cor 3:4ff) Paul says, “When one of you says ‘I follow Paul,’ and another, ‘I follow Apollos’ – aren’t you acting like worldly people? After all, who is Apollos? And who is Paul? We are simply God’s servants, by whom you were led to believe… It is God who matters…” Previously, in several responses I saw the slogan, “Fr Jerry we are with you…” In my humble opinion, all preachers are God’s servants. All of us must make Christ as the centre of our lives and not going after any personal cult. I believe, God will provide true shepherds to take care of His flock. He has been always faithful to His people and I truly believe that He will never leave us alone…!!!

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  • Preetham Kirem- Sharjah, Kirem / Sharjah

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Dear Fr. Cyprian Thanks, my sincere prayers to you and to your Congregation to resolve the issue amicably .

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  • Joel Aranha, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

     First of all its Fr.Jerry and not Fr.Jacob and How can you say that Fr.Jerry has instigated the employees to obstruct the free flow of the centre. If they are instigating and if they want Fr.Jerry to stay there, that shows their love towards Fr.Jerry and this shows that they dont have anything against him. When the people dont have a problem with him the employes dont have a problem with him God doesnt have a problem with him, then there is no need to transfer him.When people want him to be here why are the SVD people forcing him to leave. How can he leave DCC.He made the DCC which earlier a forest. Of course he will not want to go. Its like the SVD people asking a mother to leave her child and go.Will a mother go???? You reply..............

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  • pinto, mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Acts 9 38 - 39 So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone for if this plan or this undertaking is of men, it will fail but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!"

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  • florine, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Dear Fr. Cyrpian We are sure with the grace of God you will certainly succeed with your dedicated mission of reopening the most wanted Divine Centre very shortly at Mulky with full supportin a better manner than before as you have done many other good works in the past for the parish whichever was assigned to you. Florine/Mahakali Parish

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  • joseph vas, uppinakote/brahmavar/indore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Religious are people who voulunterily take the vows of poverty, chastity and Obedience. this option taken freely becomes an option of challenge when we have to give up some places where we might have been much appreciated and respected to be able to live our mission to other people else where. the superiors who give us transfers know the reason for this. in the case of Divine Calss centre we must understand the religious back ground to this this institution belongs to the Society of the divine word, the members who make the institution a success have to humbly accept this reality that they have to obey the superiors under whom and the constitution under which one takes the vows. i am sure with all the haloobaloo that has gone before now the persons concerned may listen to the voice of the Spirit whose feast we are going to celebrate on the Pentecost. i wish peace and harmony descends there. with the divine word, in the spirit Fr.Juze Vaz svd

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  • pinto, mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    you are right - being present for the very first time for retreat in the first week of may, i was shocked by fr. jerry, his suporters and some donors who twisted scripture to thier convinence, forcibly took over - they were not even sensitive towards children and youngsters present in the place. also 2 of the workers came to forcibly throw out people who were not supporting Fr. jerry, after it was formally announced by the asst director of the place that they would not continue in the present circumstance - thanks fr. cyprian for your clarification it is good that DCC is closed till normal working is restored - may God guide the SVD superiors and the bishop of diosese in this matter.

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  • Clint Aranha, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    People have become complete fanatics since a concept of Charismatic was imported I think from Kerala. The raising of hands and war like shouting resembles the style of some non Catholic groups. It is no wonder that some of the priests have a cult following. If not checked now the church will be divided into mainstream & charismatic sects. Better that the centre itself is converted to something more progressive.

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  • Henry, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Dear Fr Jerry, we the faithful do expect you to obey your Superior''s orders. If you being a religious who has made a vow of obedience do not obey your legitimate Superior, how will you be able to carry on preaching the Word of God, the WORD who obeyed His Father?

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  • Jasmine Dsouza, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    DCC has grown up in such a height only cos of Fr. Jerry''s prayers and hard work. Its really sad to know Fr. Jerry is not allowed there. FR. Jerry God is with u. Ur always in our prayers.

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  • vinitha, Kuwait

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Fr.Jerry, we keep you in our prayers. Praise the Lord.

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  • oswald, mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    If someone tell you, vacate your own house how you feel? Same over here.... if this is the case no priest will accept his transfer after building beautiful churches and lavish priests houses .....

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  • francis, mumbai

    Mon, May 25 2009

    It is coincidental that DCC and Fr. Jerry SVD has be come synonymous, But as good priest of Christ - Fr. Jerry and his supporters will show a good example if he is humble enough to accept this transfer and to restore normalcy to the working of DCC. He should know that the world is vast and he is called to bear witness to christ in the new place where he is transfed. Let the others who are entrusted this work here do the needful in DCC. when their term is over they too will be transfered. Also reminder to brethren let us look up to the living and triune God and not to be destracted by places and people. "Heavenly Father forgive us for any time if we have forgotten that it was you who used Fr. Jerry svd to lead us closer to you and credited him instead of you for all the marvellous works that you performed through your instrument" The clarification by fr. lewis svd is welcome and well accepted. All glory to God alone ! And also praying that God''s peace and wisdom reign in DCC and let God work wonders in DCC once again with his new chosen vessels. Thanks to Fr. Jerry for all the wonderful work done here. May God bless you with fruitful years in your priestly ministry. "YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK."

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  • Edwin Saldanha, Kadri, Shivabagh.

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Jesus was obidient to His Father. Where does the obidience stands in this case. Faith is lead by the Holy Spirit and not by human beings. We tend to forget and momentarily becom blind with our success. Let us pray to the Lord to grant us the vision to walk in His path and not bicker on such matters in this material world. PRAISE THE LORD. Edwin.

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  • Lavina S. Pinto, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    If any institution is started by a priest under the guidance of his Superior and once his term is over, he will be transferred as per the religious rule. For example, Sandesha Cultural Centre, Bajjodi, opened by Rev. Fr. Henry D’souza (now Bishop of Bellary) been given transfer to Delhi and he was obedient and accepted the transfer. Obedience is must for the religious life. If priest is not obedient for his Superiors, how the faithful can obey and follow him. Dear Fr. Jerry Sequeira, please be humble and keep aside your pride. God will glorify you.

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  • David Prakash D''souza, Pidmale,Niddodi

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Jesus Said in mathew 28:18 All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me, therefore go and preach the gospel, and make desciples, baptizing them in the name of the father,son and the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all things. Jesus said to GO and Preach the gospel, SO entire world is open for us. IT IS BETTER TO OBEY THE LORD THAN TO FIGHT AND PERISH.

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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Is this DCC is family property of Fr. Jeryy...???? If yes he all the right to continue...if not let him vacate the place. He is not fit to conduct any prayer meetings as he doesnt act a representative of God anymore, instead acts like a representative of Satan....!!! Why Fr. Jerry wants to stick to DCC..???? Mpnitory benifit..???? A true representative of god will definetly obey the directive of his congregation...if not he shall be out of congregation and start his own congregation as nowaday''s people are doing..!!!! All this is cheating people in the name of religion...

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  • Syble, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Fr.Jerry should accept the transfer. The Lord might need you in Mysore. Mr. Godwin Mudarangadi go through your statement, It is God who calls and leads people.

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  • John Paul, Mangalore

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Dear Fr.Cyprian Lewis, Thanks for the clarifications. Things have gone beyond control. Apart from the Internal Inquiry, I would suggest to conduct an detailed inquiry under the guidance of Catholic Bishop''s Conference of India (CBCI) New Delhi. Let the TRUTH come out. Shocking to hear about the voilence in DCC.Guilty have to be punished.

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  • Ian, Surathkal

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Mr. Godwin, appreciate your sentiments. However, you failed to notice the difference between yourself (i guess you are not a priest) and a priest. A priest is chosen one of god to spread his word. Dont you think that other people in other regions should also benefit by the wonderful teachings of Fr. Jerry and should receive Jesus? You do not want the Church to expand? A priest cannot call a church his own. It belongs to Jesus and a particular priest is a caretaker until period appointed. This stubborn and unforgiving attitude is against the very teachings preached by Fr. Jerry!

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  • irene, Houston

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Dear Father Sequeira and Lewis keep up the good work of the lord after all this is a divine entre.Take the example of our lord he was so humble.What you preach why don''t you practice.praise the lord.

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  • Stany Noronha, Mangalore

    Sun, May 24 2009

    These priests take oath of obedience, chastity and powerty all of whom are equally important. True community people (especially so called believers) should support only those who practise these oaths. No matter what the reasons (or excuses) there are. Let the faithful think before they act.

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  • godwin, mudarangadi/dubai

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Praise the lord, I wish DCC will live forever. Mr Ian Surathkal, today DCC is much popular and a beautiful just because of Fr, Jerry and his team, I am proud that I was one of the volunteer, If someone tell you, vacate your own house how you feel? Same over here, thanks Daijiworld for you quick response.

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  • Reena, Moodbidri

    Mon, May 25 2009

    It is our earnest prayer that the good work the Lord had begun through the S.V.D. Society under the leadership of Fr. Jacob Gerald Sequeira and the team may continue and bear much fruit in the months and years to come.

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  • ian, surathkal

    Sun, May 24 2009

    If the above story is true, then it is very disappointing to note the developments. Fr. Jerry, you confessed that you were chosen by Jesus to preach his word. then what''s wrong in accepting the transfer and preaching the good news in Mysore. What is the hesitation in spreading the Word of God in Mysore and why do you wanna be confined to Mulky only? or is there anything more than what has been disclosed above? i think there are lots of unanswered questions. Also, it is uncivilized and uncultured attitude by the group of faithful who indulge in violence and that too inside the church.

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  • Charles D Cunha, I C Colony - Borivli

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Be obedient...Respect the elders..Jesus was obedient to his father.... These are the very words taught to us by priests.Transfer is common in all religious congregations.D C C is of SVD congregation.Fr.Jerry is founder founder ofDCC with the support of SVD. Fr. Jerry You should understand and make others understand this .....

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  • Mendonca Celine. Udupi, Udupi / BOMBAY

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Praise The Lord!!! Alleluia. Alleluia. Thanks to the Lord Now n Forever.

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  • Vincent D''Souza, Belthangady

    Sun, May 24 2009

    The Clarifications are well accepted and once again the "call to obey" the Hierarch is in question. The faithful must understand that and cooperate, bear in mind, nobody is indespensable, may be the taking over by someone else will bear good fruit and take a new direction.

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  • Lloyd Dsouza, Dubai

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Please do not close this Divine Centre.

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