Recession Causes about 150,000 Indian Workers Return Home from Gulf

New Delhi, July 8 (IANS): Nearly 50,000 to 150,000 Indian workers, most of them from the Gulf countries, have probably returned to the country due to the global economic slowdown, Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi informed parliament Wednesday.

In his written reply to a question, Ravi told the Lok Sabha that the workers in the United Arab Emirates seemed to be most affected.

He noted that the Indian missions in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar have not reported any "large-scale adverse impact on Indian workers", though there have been "reports of some job losses".

The Indian embassy in the UAE could not give precise figures of returnees, but indicated that the number was very large.

"It is estimated that ranging from 50,000 to 1,50,000 workers have returned to India as a result of the delay in execution of projects due to economic slowdown and recession," Vayalar Ravi said.

Several of these workers have returned to India only temporarily, that is, on leave without pay and expect to go back to the UAE once the economy revives and projects restarted.

The Indian high commission in Kuala Lumpur has told the overseas Indian affairs ministry that a small number of Indian workers has returned due to slowdown in the Malaysian economy.

But, there have been no reports of such returns from Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan, Brunei, Libya, Jordan, and Lebanon.

Gulf countries account for 90 percent of Indian immigrants, most of them blue-collar workers.

Indian professionals in the western countries like Germany, Canada and Britain have not shown any trend of returning home, despite these economies going into recession.

The United States, which has a large Indian diaspora, has been one of the hardest-hit economies in the current slowdown that has affected all sections of people.

But Indian professionals in the US have not suffered job losses, due to their "indispensability" to their organisations, the minister noted.

"The exact number of Indians affected by the recession is indeterminate," he added.

The ministry was expecting a budgetary support of Rs.100 crore (Rs.1 billion) for setting up a fund for returning Indian workers but the request could not be accommodated in the union budget presented Monday.


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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    M. Bhat....Inflation,deflation,stagflation and recession will remain in economics books only and they dont have any adverse effect on Indian economy...!!!???I am not bothered about worlds long as Indian economy is strong..!!!??? Grow up and come up with your own comments..!!!!???

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  • Antony Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney-Australia

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    While my heart and sympathies go to all those people who have lost their jobs in the Gulf and on the way back to home, I can assure, all is not lost, and I am sure they will soon bounce back, as we, Indians, are well educated and more resourceful, compared to the Westerners, where they mainly depend upon the Social Security and Government handouts at such times.

     Indians are known to survive the difficult times mainly because of their saving culture as Nagesh Nayak of Bangalore rightly said, and also owing to our close family tie-ups and social network. Moreover, India has a large Manufacturing Base of Goods and Commodities, and also a ready market for consumption with its huge population, and thus, is in a better position than the Western Countries, to tide over this Recession. Our Financial and Economic Systems are also well governed and controlled unlike the UK and USA.

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  • sanjeev, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Recession is nothing but people named it for there benefits. I work for IT company I hear people saying Recession. Companies created this recession they need to creticle resource to be used and leave the resource which is no more use. Recession is the name which benefits more people like in IT Employers without giving the hike and benefits.

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  • Leon D''Souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    People let me tell the true story , The projects are completely stopped , the salary what these labourers gets is around 500 Dhs ,I have seen their life how they spend each dihram. this is nothing , lots of people are going to loose their jobs

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  • A.S.Matehw, U.S.A.

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Naveen Shetty: Did you read my sentence clearly? See the word "partially". I did''t put all the blame on the oil producing countries. I have a graduate degree in economics, (got in 1966) and a post graduate degree in another subject from the U.S. (got in 1973). Thank you for your advice for me to read books on economics, which I am reading whenever I am free to do. I do agree with you that the greed in wall street has played another major part in the recent recession. The industrial countries of the world can''t function without oil: when the fuel for industry and transportation is too high, everybody will suffer. Why all the airlines are in trouble? It was started with high crude oil price. When the oil price was skyrocketing, none of the oil producing countries made a decision to increase production to stabilize the price. But when the oil price goes down, they all will get together to curtail production. Can you justify that policy of the oil producing countries? I am not blaming the human nature of greed, which is displayed by individuals and nations. Mr. Shetty, if the food producing nations, as a united front try to reduce the production of food grains, can you imagine the internatioal crisis? You have the right to express your knowledge or opinion, but please don''t try to berate others.

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  • Lloyd Dsouza, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Hi, My friend''s even we are coming to Mangalore soon.........

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Does the Karnataka government want to go bankrupt too by learning ways from the United States which is the root cause for global recession. Can anybody explain to me why ministers like Shoba Karandlaje and others went to the US just last week with the excuse of learning things on adminsistration from the Americans. Are we not following double standards here?

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  • Sanjana Pai, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Dear Jenifer, Mangalore, I disagree with you,because what your thinking will not happen in real life.All are expecting more and more.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Charles D'mello pangala Your views donot make any sense, as usual. When we talk about cause of world recession and its impacts on economy, jobs and oil you talk about big builders? Broaden your horizon to understand economy and ill effects of inflation, deflation, stagflation and recession. Just donot blindly comment

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  • Prakash D''Souza, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Mathew.. I would you request you to take your comment back.. it was the gulf countries who even feeds the uneducated people. look at the US, do you find any uneducated people working there. You sit in US and talk non-sense about Gulf countries. People in america spend money like anything without thinking about the future.. I fully agree with the Nagesh nayak comments. People in gulf are really in good conditions atleast compare to US in terms of security.

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  • Dilip S, Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    I go with Sandesh shetty,what he said was correct.Appreciate his comment.

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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Good comment Mr. Eugene Dias, Shirva....Generally all Indians follow this MANTRA and there is no problem in India at all. If big builders in India are losing...It is because they have dug their own grave...common people need not worry at all.

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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Good comment Mr. Nagesh Nayak, Bangalore...

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  • Sandesh Shetty, Mangalore,US

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    I disagree with Mathew,the main reason for recession is The federal government implementing socialist "corrections" on the free market. The solution is the same also: remove government regulations and "oversight" so failing business will fail. Problem solved.

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  • Anshu Patel, Mumbai,Paris

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Dear A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.,i dis agree your comments.You''re talking withoout knowing anything.You may have huge money.Crises affected all over the world.So many people lost job.

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  • Jenifer, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 08 2009

    Why should our labour submit to the slavery of Arabs in such a large number ? India should conserve her rain water and use it for irrigation. Shame that our toddy tappers, paddy cultivators don''t find brides. All want an Engineer/Doctor for their daughter. We must understand the importance of agriculture and encourage it. The farmer must get sufficient income out of his produce. When it happens, no Indian will think working as a labour in a desert is more rewarding nor girls prefer a gulf labourer to a paddy cultivator.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Jul 08 2009


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  • Reecha Poojary, Belman/Qatar

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Dear AS mathew, blaming for skyrocketed crude prices is utter foolishness. Americans are responsible for over-spending on everything resulting bankruptcy. If u can not read economics, see atleast TV channels before commenting. Educated and uneducated people live here in gulf like slaves for their betterment and savings, offcourse by their own choice. I did not see any Indians(US Citizens) living in US like Americans. They are having isolated life.

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  • Suhail, Mangalpre

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Mr Mathew compared to Indian living standard .. the labours who like in gulf has better living condition... and earn well and send a huge amount to India... they intend to live like a slave... by their own choice.

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    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    Stretch your legs only as much you could cover your Mandri(bed). What a good mangalorean saying!! Our people from rich western countries,borrowed a lot of money when the property prices doubled thinking that they got a lot of capital in their property and these careless bankers without checking their true income, whether they can pay back the mortgage if the things go bad gave them the money to spend.

    To spend on what? a new car, a new kitchen,extension at the back,new luxury sofas even expensive holidays. What now, the property prices are down and your house in negative equity? Same like our British prime minister,who was chancellor for 10 years and during those good years instead of saving some, borrowed a lot from world bank and spent it and wasted. and now when we are in deep recession once again he borrowes in billions.

    Atleast my mother knew better and used to store 3 mudde(rice bags),charcoal, and food for cows in the loft for rainy days. I should send our chancellor and the prime minister to learn a lesson from my mother, some thing we all INDIAN do SAVE and stretch your legs only till you cover your legs.

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  • Sequeira R, Mangalore/AUH

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    I think it is higly exaggerated figure, just creates panic among people. What sort of survey it is where estimation in lacs (50,000 to 150,000) Normally varation in estimation should be 10 to 20% and not 200%

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  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 09 2009

    The recession which has effected the whole world is the fallout of wrong policies by west specially USA. A.S. Mathew should understand that the oil prices were artificially pushed upwards by trading firms. The fallout of credit derivatives and reckless spending by customers in USA are the real culprits here. A S Mathew you should start reading economics and urself rather than blaming the oil producing countries.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Wed, Jul 08 2009

    The worldwide recession that we face today is partially to be blamed on the skyrocketed crude oil price. As the world''s no 1 single consumer of crude oil, American was bleeding to death economically, and finally the recession was started here in 2007. As the oil wealth was flowing rapidly to the gulf countries for the last few years, they were in a spending spree by undertaking massive construction. So, both the educated and uneducated people began to land in those countries. Most of the laborers from the Asian continent were living like slaves in those countries. Now the show is slowing down fast, and it will take a great jump in crude oil prices to resume the show again. The world economic crisis is lingering without much hope in sight at this point which very sad but a reality. When all these unemployed people are back in India or other countries, it is going to be a two edged sword for those countries.

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  • william, Malpe, Dubai.

    Wed, Jul 08 2009

    At time of difficulty, why Indian govt.should help the people who lost job, Politician are not effected. If there is flood, if there is any question of vote bank then govt will ''stretch hand'' in both the cases they are the benificiary.

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