Mangalore: Man Accused of Stealing Valuables of Crash Victims Arrested

Mangalore: Man Accused of Stealing Valuables of Crash Victims Arrested
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Jun 2: One of the accused, who allegedly relieved the air crash victims of their valuables by posing as a volunteer in relief operations, was arrested by a police team led by the district crime intelligence bureau inspector, Venkatesh Prasanna, on Monday May 31. The arrested has been identified as Sattar (23), a resident of Haleneeru House near Kuppepadav School.

Gold ornaments hidden by the accused in the pen of his home where poultry birds are kept, have been recovered by the policemen. Reportedly, Sattar, residing near Maravoor mosque and working as a city bus driver on Bajpe route, in the company of Irshad alias Baddumunde, an auto rickshaw driver from Jokatte, clandestinely pocketted the jewellery items, while posing as if he was trying to help move dead bodies out of the crash site on Saturday May 22.

When Sattar was moving in a car for selling some of the ornaments so stolen, based on a tip off, a police team arrested him. Besides arresting the accused, they recovered about 130 grams of gold ornaments he was taking with him. Based on the information they extracted from him, the policemen visited his home and recovered 127 grams of gold ornaments, which had been hidden in the pen.

The policemen have put the value of gold ornaments so recovered, at Rs 6.37 lac. Sattar has been handed over to Bajpe police station for further investigation, and he was produced in a court here. In the meantime, Altaf and Irshad, the two accomplices who reportedly helped Altaf in is ulterior motives, are absconding.

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  • Ibrar, glrQzxiTdKvHA

    Mon, Aug 13 2012

    I'll have to be frank and admit it wasn't until the past week or so that it started to gel, and that it wasn't until that momnet, that I got it. Go to G and type a keyword phrase and see what happens that's powerful. Find anyone or business you want based on keyword related posts on G or shared on G and then add them to your circle and/or interact and go from there!

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  • Rama krishna, Pune

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Good work by the police. They can solve the cases in less then a day also. They are to intelligent. They will only solve very small cases. There are many big cases left for many years. They say they are investigating for life long. This is because they can make money from those investigations for there life long as long as investigation goes on. Let us come to this case did any one complain about the lost property i dont think so because that does not matter much than whom they lost. They dont want the thief but they want answers for the crash. Till now there is nothing.

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  • Rama krishna, Pune

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Good work by the police. They can solve the cases in less then a day also. They are to intelligent. They will only solve very small cases. There are many big cases left for many years. They say they are investigating for life long. This is because they can make money from those investigations for there life long as long as investigation goes on. Let us come to this case did any one complain about the lost property i dont think so because that does not matter much than whom they lost. They dont want the thief but they want answers for the crash. Till now there is nothing.

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  • Hosamelmane Pinkara, Bommanbettu

    Sun, Jun 06 2010

    Every person in life are doing mistakes/wrong doings in one way or another . Nobody is a born thiefs...only circumstances make them to act in such a situation..give abdul sattar a chance..maybe  he will improve..and become good citizen of tommorow..

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  • adil, mangalore / canada

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    dear lavina misquith good reply to mr.justin lobo comments. i think he is "JUST IN" in saudi arabia so he s not aware about the situations there. ya kudha burey logon se iss duniya ko bachaao

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  • lavina misquith, udupi / saudi arabia

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    mr.justin lobo stop giving such a false statements against perticular religion or country, I am living in saudi arabia since last 16 years and i didnt found or heard such things, be a true a indian / be a human being.

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  • Pandit, Mangalore,dubai

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    Ofcourse what happened is sad & not correct & TO be condemned without doubt.
    I remember a incident when I was staying in a hostel in mumbai. The asst cook robbed a piece of cocunut. He was then questioned & punished by One Mr X-from Mangalore. He & his friends bashed this cook & cook fell to their feet. Cook was from a very poor family from mangalore as i know. This Mr X WHO BASHED THE COOK AS I UNDERSTAND WAS ROBBING 1 LAKH RS A MONTH IN CUSTOMS . HE ALSO TOLD ME WHEN HE CAN GET BRIBES OF 1LAKH IN CUSTOMS WHY SHOULD I GO TO GULF??? WHAT DO U SAY WHAT ABOUT THIS !!!! BEFORE WRITING ANY COMMENTS WE MUST CHECK HOW MANY OF US ARE CLEAN. SOME ROBBERIES ARE IN FRONT OF US & OTHERS ARE INDIRECT ROBBERIES. ALL ARE ROBBERIES AFTERALL.

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  • Aramus, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 05 2010


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  • Farhan Hassan, Udupi

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    Shame on you sattar, never expected this from any person who was in the site..
    I just want to say one thing to all the people who have given your valuable comments that Thief is named to a person when he is caught while stealing something which is recognized by some people and the prominent person is the person who is not being caught while stealing.. this is actually a logic just think about it.. So by this incident we can find out there might be hell lot of people who went there only to steal but not to help...
    Im not telling all are thiefs but some might be ..God bless mangaloreans....

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  • samsu, bangalore

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    yousuf, Qatif/KSA..
    what justin lobo wrote is 100% right..
    just you are not ready to accept the reality .
    du you know my cousins wer surprised to see my self taking in mobile phone in dubai streets..bcos they cant carry it openly in saudi..there are lot of such things are there whci are impossible to publish in news papers due to restrictions.

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  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    Mr. Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia, Yousuf, Qatif ksa and frank, Mangalore,
    You people can even stay 10 decades being a muslim and you will not find discrimination with your blind eye upon Saudi society. Is there freedom of religion? Freedom of religion is only to practice Islamic religion. How many Christians are caught for brining Bible to Saudi Arabia and you are not finding discriminations in two decades? How many Hindus stamped exit merely because of a Hindu. How many Christians are caught for worshiping our God? Many Indians are afraid even to comment against Saudi society and quietly work without complaining. If complained to the police or management will back fire case against the accuser and not to the accused. Are you reading Malayalam news paper published from Saudi Arabia a complete biased news paper? Are you a citizen of Saudi Arabia? Ridiculous baseless and hiding facts of statements from your side. I did not had bitter experience. I am brave enough and when God is with me nobody is against meo Do you mean the fundamental hindus r the muslim terrorists brainwashed? How many leaflets you will find in Saudi Arabia against Christians and hindus. Is that humanity? Truth is unable to digest for you.

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  • Abdulla, M'lore/Dubai

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Sattu made a 'Century' of comments... Good going!!

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  • Frank, Udupi

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Mr. Justin Lobo, Bangalore ,First of all we are human being Instead of pin point on religious think of air crash tragedy, What if the culprit was other religion.. Culprits have no religion .Don’t compare Religion here .If you are so anxious why dint you come and sort-out blood of muslims, hindus, Christians of air crash tragedy. Once again Brother we are all human being first.. think positive

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  • lukas, malpe

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    when there is too many police are there how he steal things, may be police are sleeping and useless

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  • yousuf, Qatif/KSA

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Justin Lobo Bangalore

    I seems you had terrible bad experienced in Saudi Arabai for some reasons.Yr comments always targeting KSA. Somebody might have brainwashed you. We are safe here rather than in India. Millions of Indian are working here for their livelyhood with full security protection. They have no complaints except you single. Common Justin be brave..

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  • S Achar, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Adil Khan, you seem to be living in a well in Saudi, and obviously being a muslim you are not facing descrimination.

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  • Abdul Nazeer , Mangalore - Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    I can only say failure of disaster management from the authorities and responsibilities. Trained the authorities to manage the disasters.

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  • abdul latif, Bajpe, Dammam

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Mr.S.Achar, I am very much pleased by your comments, I am not supporting for this crime, it very shameful, this types of crime is once in life,but Mangalore zone is polluted by anti-social elements (theft,murder,communal clash etc..etc.) First of all we have to punish them first. This types of groups are main hurdles in modern India to develop in various fields. My intention is our country must be peace and harmony. Jai Hind.

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  • Jeevan, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Shame on you Sattar..You shouldn't have done such a shameful act..How could you even think of feeding your family from the gold stolen from burnt dead bodies..

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  • i am 4 everybody, dubai

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    sattar i dont know why u r did this, but this is verry shame for u if u r young guy u ready to face any problems may be u r fly problems. u r a stupid guy
    i shame on m'lorians because of u. i am also in mlr how can i face to other guys?

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  • vinay shetty, mlore/riyadh

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    shame on you satar....yencha mare manas bathend nik kandare...he should have been pushed to burning aeroplane

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  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Mr. Frank Udupi,
    Why you insist on which part of Saudi Arabia am I. When the Saudi government is making partiality within muslims shias and sunnis and will not they discriminate Christians and Hindus? The most dangerous muslims are Asians and Egyptians. I am an eye witness for the discriminations in Saudi Arabia. The muslims are going for Hajj and pick pocketing pilgrims. (snatch, rob pilgrims pockets)

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  • Roshan Braganza, udyavara

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    One mans miscery is another persons opportunity...Nobody can blame just sattar here , he is just tip of icenerg. You enjoy 'luxury' , becoz other person deprived from it , even from the basic necessity.

    Society is like that . Can anyone think of the world has only rich , if itz possible , its also assumed that everybody will be poor at the same time. If it happens one has take the broom stick clean his surroundings on his simple as that....

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  • RDM, Udyavara,Sharjah.

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Vanamali, Udupi, Thank you for you comment on my comment. Please read all the comments or at laest read Ramesh Prabhu Kateel Mangalore/ Bangalore they have mentioned some names of the officials who also deserve to CUT thier HAND . If you go by this principle One day India will be handless.!!!!!!!!!!!
    Every body is sinner. Big or Small
    Sin is a sin.

    Jesus Christ is the only one who took courarge to go against this stoning to death, cutting hand , plucking the eye ball etc. He said "Those who have no sins throw the first stone." Next moment nobdy was there.!!!!!

    WE easily point fingers at others but we forget that it is one finger against four fingers.

    By counting others sins we will not become saints.

    Forgive, motivate, if not pray to God for a change.

    If you judge others you will also be judged.

    What more can i say.

    Good Luck

    Jai HO !

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  • zakir hussain - Abu Dhabi,

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    I was totally disappointed and saddened when read in news that there are number of crash victims which went beyond recognition and was waiting for family members to come forward to identify them, how can that happen (in a quick span of time) when we have people like “Abdul Sattar’ an absolute inhuman of stealing the gold and other valuables from these innocent crash victims, his act has only made things bad to worse for all the volunteers who worked 24 x 7 for a cause.

    What a Shameful Act.

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  • Deven, Doha/Pune

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    This type of behaviour can be expected by the city bus drivers and conductors who don't even know how to talk to people. They will sell their souls for money and even raise from their graves when they die for money. Real shameless characters.

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  • Oliver, Bejai / AUH

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Langoolacharya, Belman/USA...

    In USA nobody bothers to go near a accident/crime scene...FBI will catch them.
    In India, you just stand and watch a building roof and point will have 101 people behind you to ask you what happened. You expect a Tiger Tape to hold the multitude!!! people will just bend and go under it.
    What this man has done will haunt the one who have lost their dearest in this tragedy.
    Lets Join our hands and Pray for Sattar & many who are like him, that The Almighty touch their Hardened Hearts and show them what Humanity is all about. Let the Law take it's course.

    God Bless Us All.

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  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Dear Mr. Justin Lobo, Bangalore. I dispute your statement - "Hindus and Christians are discriminated in Saudi Arabia" - It is untrue and basesless comment. Have you ever been to Saudi and have lived or worked in the Kingdom. Don't air out comments on speculations.During my three decades of stay in Saudi, that too with multi nationals of all faiths, I haven't noticed such descrimination. I think you should correct your impression about this country. Good luck to you.

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  • Ayyub, Mangalore: qatar

    Thu, Jun 03 2010



    In INDIA where most of the gvt staff is very much corrupt. the topmost bench is ready to take the biggest share. even if INDIA brings any such tapes, the police will be the first to grab some leftover luggages. we help it unless all of us learn to respect the law. it can happen only when the contries law book is d to the current standards. here a police rapes a girl and sheis tortured so much that she takes her own life and after 10 yrs the policewala get 18 months jail. rediculous. SOMETIMES I FEEL SAUDI LAW IS VERY HARSH BUT THATS WHATY IS REQUIRED FOR THE PEOPLE - THEY SCARED OF LAW AND THATS WHAT KEEPS THEM AWAY FROM CRIME.

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  • prakash shetty, MANGALORE/DUBAI

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    he stolen 130 grams gold.heartless fellow.this is like "neremane hotthi uriyuvaga adara benkiyalli beedi hacchikondanthe".

    ok the police could cach this guy with some clue.but what about other persons who has hide behind silently who also stolen something.because if you calculate suppose a person travelling from dubai wears at least 20grams gold average then at least 3160 grams(3.16kg) gold must be found in the place from the 158 persons dead.i have no idea whether the gold evaporates after fire or it will melt remain in some other form.

    whoever people came to help should have gather the precious things found in the place and distributed the value equally to the relatives of the all the victims as its is difficult to identify for whome it belongs to.

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  • Jerry, Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    This crime is bigger than the air crash tragedy. The Muslim community should join hands and issue a fatwa to chop the hands of these. "Thieves" is a milder word for these animals.

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  • Borewell Puttaka Laxminagar, Uppinangady

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    avonu aarlaa?avonu chagatthe melde bangaru kattavonu. this black spot lifelong following his and his family back.

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  • iqbal, mangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    this is how bjp govt is treating minority..they catch innocnet minoirty and harm them..

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  • Manvit, Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Rightly said Mr. Justin Lobo. In Saudi, many Indians who pray [in India] only on Fridays, will pray here 4 times(not 5 times because early morning they cannot get up) during offcice hrs. Even during Ramdan even Saudi will not shake hand with christains or hindus. This is the fact.

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  • vishwajith, udupi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Jaise Gulabon ke beach me khate hote hain.
    Biladon ke beach me sattar bhi hote hain.
    God bless you Bilad, shame on you Sattar

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  • vishwajith, udupi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Jaise Gulabon ke beach me khate hote hain.
    Biladon ke beach me sattar bhi hote hain.
    God bless you Bilad, shame on you Sattar

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  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Frank Udupi, had you been in Saudi Arabia and if so you are blind to notice the events, things happening in Saudi Arabia. In the prison alcohol is available will you digest the truth? Bicycles are shoplifted in day light. Laptops are shoplifted by Saudis. Women have advantage with burkas who are shoplifting and I have noticed the cashier complaining of a burka women. Go to Hajj and watch how many people are pick pocketed. Nearly 700 people were caught including all nationalities. Read Arabic news. English news they are hiding the facts. The Indian Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Egyptians are the most dangerous people complain against Indians. As an administrator I have fought for justice and this was irked by the Muslims.

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  • Langoolacharya, Belman/USA

    Wed, Jun 02 2010


    In US any crime/accident scene is cordoned off immediately by police with a tape "Crime Sceen-Do not Cross".

    Going forward, I suggest Dr VS Acharya to buy this tape and give it to police, so in future all crime/accident sceens are secure for Forensic teams/Investigators/detectives.

    There are few good things we can learn from west, hope this is one amongst them.

    Commissioner Seemant Kumar Singhji, are you listening Sir??!!!

    Jai Hooooooooooo

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  • Joviel D'Cruz, Udupi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Such persons should be stoned, beaten in the public place. Shame!!!

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  • asif iqbal jubail, hejamadi,kannangar

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Dear friends,
    i thought people got united, but not, still dirty communal minded people still exist. when culprit was muslim it came abt saudi, sharia, some insulting type of words , what if it would have been other religion. why cant u people point him as common man

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  • Inthu, Kundapura/UAE

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Ya .. this is .. very shamefull incident..evry one should know out of india we indians have very bad impressions due to that much curruptions in india. if any other nationalitis know this one .... it could be shame full to every indian.
    So strict punishment is required..

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  • Frank, udupi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Dear Justin Lobo, Bangalore. as your statement (Hindus and Christians are discriminated in Saudi )Have u been to Saudi ever .? if u had which part dear

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    Wed, Jun 02 2010


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  • VMD, Kuppepadav

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    hi....for all of the information lot many people are involved. not only i saw comments on him, its really shame but no one blame our system.

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  • Ronald, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    If he has given more concentration on helping the injured or shifting the bodies than picking up the gold then he should be forgiven. It may be that while hepling/shifting he found gold on his path which he picked up (a guess but i don't know). If he has misused the situation totally then he is guilty. I would not call it stealing but i would say he misusing the situation.

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  • Maria, Mlore/Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Sattar, your an idiot!!!! Shame on you !!!

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  • jossy tauro, mangalore/abudhabi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Whatever SATTAR doen is wrong. but wat about the ornaments found by that place who willtake that ? is it handover to police? whatis the guarntee that police will give to their family memebrs because noone knwos to whom it belongs?so will it be handed over to the govt ? is there any records for that wat willbe doen that?anyway just pray the people soul who dead in that tragedy .rest in peace

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  • William, Sharjah

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Yes his deeds are unpardonable, Shameful & Cruel. But we as a civilized soceity are also to be blamed. May be we failed as a civilized soceity to educate the people around us? It is easy to blame others. Education can eradicate ignorance.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    I totally agree with Mr Jaaimini B.P. who always makes very sensible and responsible comments. The act of Sattar is disdgrace to himself and his family and friends. Its surprising that we have peole who are encashing such opportunities to their advantage. This act of Sattar has been exposed. Police should investigate and expose those who have done such a henious act. Now as along as Sattar and Irshad are alive they have to carry this dark spot on their personality. Now society would look down upon them and really now on they have to live a life which is full of disgrace and shame.

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Outrage against this guy is quite natural.But this kind of attitude prevail every where at all fields.May be in diferent mode and result is exploitation of common man.What about the exploitation of common man by Police men,Persons in medical field,in civil construction public work,RTO,Sub.Registrar office etc .Here it has become a way of life and people are accustomed with the practiece prevalent.Less said the better.Law should take its own course.Speaking aggressively has no standing.One thing.. I complement the Police Officer who nabed the culprit.

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  • Abdulla, M'lore/Dubai

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Are you guys kidding...!! This guy did nothing unusual.. Every one wann a make money & offcourse way of making money is different... I am majority of victims relatives may not identified belongings of their relatives... Sooo some one will be enjoying the wealth(which is not belonging to them) so why not sattu..?

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  • S Achar, Udupi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Jabir, Permude, Abdul Latif Bajpe, why should Sharia not apply to them? What would hae been your verdict if it happened to be from another comunity? Double standards or hypocracy?

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  • Lawrence, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    He is responsible for few unidentified bodies claims, since all bodies burnt and few relatives identified based on Gold & other ornaments. Very strict punishment to be given to him if he finds guilty. This has to be lesson for other thieves.

    I remember K.K. Shetty always use to ware a nice bracelet and his body is not identified.

    I really wish if every unidentified bodies buries at crash site and if Air India Authority could build a nice monument near the airport it would be great honor to all air crash victims.

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  • James Dsouza, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Jesus said " Those who have not sinned throw the first stone" , it is true that Sattar has comitted a worst crime, but there is law of the land it will take care. what about - 10 travelling on the flight with tampered passports? what about swapping of dead bodies, now 10 still remaining without identification? Todays world has lost compassion, sex and money sells.If Mangaloreans open their eyes after this horrific tragedy hope our city will improve. Say a prayer for the 23 children who died in horror when you take off from mangalore Airport, cause they are at the end of the Mangalore runway waiting for your prayers.

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  • umesh, kuwait

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    this not an end here... now u all people see in few days so many of ready to came to gave him bail in court...we must funish them also....he would be in side the jail without bail.. this sytem must be do first.

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  • santhosh suvarna, mangalore/west africa / ghana

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    well said Abdul malik bro these people dont know difficult it is to work in abroad . they dont want there sweat follow on earth they want easy and fast, quickly money. and shame on you sattar

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  • Dhrma, konaje

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    police only doing theft in the spot of air crash then what,,, ammer sari eyhnda joklu sari uppver!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • olivier, kulshekar

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    even the cops have put some valuables inside the pockets along with these people. but who are there to question them. even if we then they will put us in trouble unnecessary

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  • Shankar, Dubai/Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Laabha ijjande yerlaaa....Bolladu popujeyr..!!!!
    Shame of u Sattar..Why u spoiled Muslim community ..

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  • Thomas D Souza, Riyadh

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    This is really dirty game. A poor person will not do it. Mr.Sattar has to keep his family in this incident, for sure then he will not steal a single penny. Apart from the religion,pover,rich the families cry to get their dead bodies. Police have identified the person and really appreciated and they should punish him. Finally guilt is guilt and no excuse on it.

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  • Tajuddin, udupi/Muscat

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Shameful act. He should get severe punishment so that no one else even think of doing something like this.

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  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    These kind of animal shouldnot be spared.Chop off his both hands in public,never in the history of mangalore these kind of dirty minded act shouldnot take place again,since this 'JUNGLI CHOR KI AULAT' was a daily bus driver, he might be professional to face public and fool them very quickly, these are also called well organized Crooks pretext of helping rescue operation.

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  • georgy , mlore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Indian government should award those kind of people. Many people are coming for that purpose on the accident spots if it is road / railway.

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  • Jabir, Permude

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    i think this guy is has done wrong but the worst is if you people had seen a police person removing the person from the one of the victims and the villagers were speechless as they were in numbers and what could 3 to 4 volunteers do in front of them.

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  • abdul latif, Bajpe, Dammam

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Mr.Kumar fernandes,before U ink better to think ten times. In our Mangalore zone there are countless problems creating by politicians,anti-social eliments and corrupt police men,these people are more dangerous to our country,punish them first.

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  • Kiran gonsalves, Kundapur/Kuwait

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    This is a common practice in India and the world over. Whenever there are accidents or disturbances these type of people make use of the right situation.
    But why don’t we think of the Politicians who rob people’s money ‘legally’ and who cannot be held responsible in any court of law?

    First of all, one should try to find out the motive behind Sattar’s heinous crime, whether his family is suffering from financial crisis.. etc. If he has no such obligations which drive him to steal, then only we can think of punishing him SEVERELY. This is my opinion.

    In the end, any lawyer will rescue him through court on the grounds of ‘no witnesses’ !!!!!

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  • prabhu, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    sarakara adikarigalu kaddare yarigu gottagalla samanya manusha kaddare hand cut head cut adaru sattar madiddu dodda tappu

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  • Gilbert, Sharjah

    Wed, Jun 02 2010


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  • ilyas, Dubai

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    It is realy shame. He has to be punished.

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  • Ramesh, Dubai

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Good comments from Najam Batrekere, Bajpe.The approch may be different but result would be the same. Mr.Sattar found some gold in the crash site. He did not rob the gold. If Sattar did not pick up the gold, Mr. Krishna Or Mr. Robert D' Souza and Mr. Balvinder Singh would have picked up that gold. Good samaritans are out of stock now. Mr. Sattar is better than Bombay airport Customs officers of 1990's.

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  • G.H.Shukoor Irthadka, Mata. Uppinangady

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Mr.Sattar ur these kind of shameless Behavior never ever forgive all respective Civilians remember it.You and your supporters both are rubbish. this black spot never from your life.

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  • Anand Dsilva, Dubai

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    It is quite common when calamities occur anywhere there is mass looting.

    To prevent this the police must have shielded the area and prevented commoners from sneaking in thereby taking complete control through its trained personnel.

    That little bit of gold is stolen is not a great concern as I was wondering whether the black box would be recovered or not as some could have laid their hands on it too as a souvenir.

    Justin, I take offence to your comments as anybody could have laid their hands on valuables.

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  • B.M.ZAFFER, thonse, DUBAI UAE

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Shame on this kind of animals who has no moral ethic. How his heart accept to steal something in front of such a horrible incident. Just by watching the scene till today we have not even has no taste on food. Being a person on site, how this man think over to steal the valuables.. ?. This kind of people are dark sign on not only any religion but also on the society. This kind of heartless people shadow on those who work on the site honestly day night to remove the body in time. This kind of people around every place in every society. We must reject those who has no moral & human values

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  • Prashant, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Great job done by the police in nabbing 'Sattar'. Ofcourse he needs severe punishment for this ghastly deed. There are many of these 'Sattars' amidst our "administration" who have grabbed the meals out of the mouths of those in distress and sorrow during the recent floods in north Karnataka and are still at large enjoying the power! Any chances of nabbing them?

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  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Dear Commentators,

    Saudi Arabia The Islamic nation which is having shahriya laws and in day light mobiles are snatched away, ladies bags are snatched and robbery is also going on. The police are also colluded in the robberies. If any Indian complains, the complain will not be entertained. Hindus and Christians are discriminated in Saudi Arabia. India is a democratic country and a free nation. These people are taking advantage democracy and robbing while on crash. Shame on Sattar.

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  • M.A.Kamalaksh, Mangalore/Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Nero fiddled while Rome burned,
    Sattar stealed while humans burned

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  • abdul latheef, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    this is shame to civilized cruel he,steal the gold from deadbody.this is a shame human culture.for him we public should give hard punishment accordning to islamic law.police have handover that victim to that he remember this incident in his life.this should become lession to other they can stop robbery

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  • kvlnsharma, Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    ‘Human Beings’ who respect humanity cannot even able to think….these narrow behaviour affects and make society to watch with narrow looks towards volunteers who honestly dedicating service to help sufferers. As it is open truth that law and order team may have limitations to take action, society need to respond punctually to avoid incidents in future.

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  • chandrakala mohan, udupi/bahrain

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    inhuman act! i can't even think in my dreams that anyone can think of doing such an act in that situation? shame!

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  • Nagesh prabhu, udupi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Ashraf Sullia Kuwait, Kuwait, Cutting hands is not the solution. It is the responsibility of good people in  to preach every citizen the concept of ethics and moral values. If One has heard about only robbery and criminal activities from his childhood, obliviously he will not feel guilty or shame while doing such devil act.

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  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod/Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    This is rediculous. Though I agree with Mr. Sharief's suggesion, it is not practical in India. However, Police should put him and his associates behind the bar for at least 10 year rigorous imprisonment. I wonder why our Security Personnel allow these thugs to the crash site.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    None are born thieves but circumstances force those who are used to easy money. There were few others who were economically poorer but their intentions were to rescue those victims and nothing else. They struggled those difficult hours without water and food in that sloppy and slippery terrain without expecting any rewards. In life always there are junctions after junctions of two roads, it is the strong will & the good intension in each individual will make him those seems to be difficult but graceful, respectful and God’s chosen roads.
    Always walk the God’s preferred path and not devil’s race track.

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  • susan, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    well said Mr.Joseph F. Gonsalves. no one is good in this world.......

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  • Najam Batrekere, Bajpe

    Wed, Jun 02 2010


    What Police gona do with recovered gold / ornament and materials ?! Will it be different from What Sattar or others did ?! Or the only approach is different ?


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  • Sunil D'Souza, Mangalore/Qatar

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Shame on you Sattar. How could you do this?

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  • Ilyas momin shiruri( Kola), Shirur- Al Jubail, KSA

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    great shame on him. He had done wrong. On this occasion one has to help & support the victims & thier families but he did reverse. shoot him immediately for the sake of humanity. so that other people should learn the lesson from this.

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Because of this Sick Idiot many bodies might not have been identified, if he had left the gold items on the bodies , then thier relatives might have identified the bodies and they would have got a proper last rites. I sincerly hope the law will make an Good Example of this Sick Character.

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  • haneef muhammed, mlr

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    cut their hand on infront of all. they are worst then terrorists.

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  • Jafer, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    He should totally banned from civil society..

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  • Mohammed Althaf, Mangalore/Al Khobar

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    As mentioned by Brother Sharief cut his hand.

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  • abdul sattar habibullah, belapu/Sharjah

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    MY Dears and dears don't call Sattar to him call Abdul Sattar to this theef because SATTAR one of the name ALMIGHTY Holy ALLAH. The job done by him is not good . These elements spoiling thier name also the name of community now the poor family of this bad man will be suffer when he is in prison. So bad is always bad. When the whole world is shocking and in the sarrow this gye is taking the advantage of the place of air crash, perhaps any body behind him to support because this job is not so easy when the security of Police is in the sight. So punish him for his deeds not only him but his group.

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  • amin, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    ..i can remember your words last time by convertinga good issue on basis of faity and relegius taht junction , i warned you to not to drag faith or releigiun in this matterunnecesserily....
    now you may be agreeing with me...
    its not fatih or relegoiun its humanity..

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  • S.Moorthy, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Yes u r right, Mr. Antony. But poverty will not force to do such things. Only shameless dirty inhuman people can do this. Because they are lazy and dont want to work hard to earn. Really DK police done well and they should try to find more such theivs who are anti social. If regorous punishment given to such people, others will learn lesson from this.
    Hats up to DK police in the leadership of Mr. Gopal Hosur the person who leading from the front.

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  • mohan, usa

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Good work by police. unsrupules persons . many other who stole items probably not come hundreds of people seen at the site of ANY accident any where .there must be strict restriction or only authrised persons should be allowed crowd control at site is a must to prevent stealing by dishonest persons. this person should be tried as fast as possible and if proved guilty should be sentenced harshly.

    It may be difficult for govt to say whose gold it is as many of the people from dubai bring gold. there may be no records as to whose gold it is. . i dont know how govt will solve theownership of gold and many of the items.that is another problem but this thief should be punished severely with out any mercy

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  • Ashraf Sullia Kuwait, Kuwait

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Shariyath Law will be the best solution.

    The Prophet Muhammad (S.A) said, "The hand should be cut off for stealing something that is worth a quarter of a Dinar or more."

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/ Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Shame on this sattar also I cannot believe the police because they might have also stolen and who will find out stolen gold in their possession.

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  • Adhka, Mangalore/AUH

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Good suggestion is both of his hands should be chopped off infront of the public,god knows how his heart allowed him to steal from that place,we can't even compare this man with animal.

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  • Lokanath.D, Bantwal/Iran

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    These type of behaviour is not new,some miscreants are trying to take the advantages of crisis or any bandh call which is not new in Indian history.It is not a set back to mangaloreans.Police have acted in a right route.

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  • Appucha Dammam, Uppinangady

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    this kind of cruelity simply called
    'QAFAN CHOR KI AULAAD'.this kind of people really danger of our society.if one hand they use another hand.better hang them.

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  • Abdul Malik, Al Khobar KSA/Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    These people do not know how many days & nights are sacrificed in the extreme weather here in Gulf to buy this gold & valuables.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Hope Sattar's dirty work will not erase hard work and tremendous will power shown by local people. Now,Sattar's photo and news have been published by all main newspapers/tv channels.I have to say because people always remember & recognize bad work first and forget good work.This man really hurt everyone who helped in that tragic momnent.Just ignore Sattar's incident to keep everyones spirit high.

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  • ayaan, uchila, udupi,DXB

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    Its shame but not shocking, well done DK Police. Now job is not finish until u catches some relief fund distribution culprits

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  • Vanamali, Udupi

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    Mr.RDM because of people like u who reminds the Gandhi's those words which are totally irrelevent for today people like Sattar are still taking advantage. They know that even if they caught somebody will start chanting Gandhi's mantra .... very sad...

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    Tue, Jun 01 2010


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  • RDM, Sharjah,Udyavara.

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    Mr.Sharief,M'lore/KSA Whatever Mr.
    Sattar done is not correct.But think before you ink somthing,and think of what Gandhiji said "an eye for an eye leaves whole world blind" There better ways to motivate this man to do better things in life. But we should make him feel that it's not correct what he has done.

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  • Kumar Fernandes, Dubai/Mudarangadi

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    Dear DK Police, You did a great job identifying the wolf. Don't waste time by all court procedures. Do encounter and close the chapter. These element shall be treated like this.

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  • N.K.Shetty Kudoor, Karkala/U.A.E

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    Verry verry Same...should be he is the honor of Hang.

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    After all only money and gold rules folks..Is he the only one, i am sure there are many like him. Shame on you young man.

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  • Abdul rahiman, kavoor/sharjah

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    Yes. Mr.Shareef I totally agree with you.

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  • Wilson Dsouza, Paladka

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    These people are worse than terrorists!!!

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  • Don, Udupi/bangalore

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    This is rediculous.. shame on you man....

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  • Niharika, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    oh thats a great news!
    "Stealing things is a glorious occupations, particularly in the art world". Oh god please forgive him, he don't know what he has done. :-)

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    He was a wolf in sheep's clothing acting like a good samaritan in a tragic real drama of life, tried to make a fast windfall out of other's misery and pain. He is far worse than  a bank robber because in a bank robbery, no other crying and burning human beings are involved. He must be forced to give bath to the most helpless people of the  street one month for each gram of gold stolen from the victims.

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  • Antony Herbert Crasta, Mangalore,Sydney/Australia

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    Shame on you Sattar! Makes me wonder how low one person can stoop - is it the poverty that drives one to do such low acts?!

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  • SHARIEF, M'lore/KSA

    Tue, Jun 01 2010

    DK Police kindly take stringent action against him,Better CUT his HAND!!! so i n life he can remember incident always.

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