Bangalore: Global Investors’ Meet Gets Off to a Flying Start

Bangalore: Global Investors’ Meet Gets Off to a Flying Start

By Gabriel Vaz
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore

Bangalore, Jun 3:  Karnataka’s ambitious Global Investors’ Meet (GIM), aimed at showcasing the strengths, vast potential and investment opportunities in the State, got off to a flying start with Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) for as many as 38 projects involving a total investment of Rs 1,96,839.94 Crore covering diverse sectors being signed soon after the inaugural function. The signing of MoUs continued during the entire day and may well touch the Rs 3 lakh crore mark by evening.
Four of the biggest investment proposals are in the steel sector with captive power plants involving a total investment of Rs 1.18 lac crore comprising Arcelor Mittal Rs 30,000 crore, Bramhani Industries Karnataka Ltd Rs 36,000 crore, Bhshan Steel Ltd Rs 27,928 crore and Surya Vijayanagar Steel & Power Ltd Rs 24,000 crore.

The GIM was inaugurated by BJP’s opposition leader in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitely in the presence of Union Ministers M Veerappa Moily and Subodh Kant Sahai, global steel giant Arcelor Mittal’s chairman and chief executive officer Lakshmi Mittal, Planning Commission member Dr K Kasturirangan and captains of Indian industry Kumara Mangalam Birla, Sajjan Jindal, Shashi Ruia, Azim Premji, Kris Gopalakrishnan and Vijay Mallya and many other top dignitaries at the Bangalore Palace Grounds on Thursday, June 3.

While Lakshmi Mittal was the star attraction among domestic and international business leaders and entrepreneurs, the entire GIM show with its elaborate arrangements was a testimony to the acumen and leadership of Karantaka chief minister B S Yeddyurappa, who proudly proclaimed in his inaugural speech: ``This Global Investors’ Meet of today and tomorrow is a big step forward in realizing the Vision 20:20 for Karnataka. We want it to result in doubling the investments and employment opportunities in the next two to three years, which in turn double the State revenues in 3 to 4 years due to accelerated industrialization across the state.”
Jaitely, Moily, Sahai as well as Kasturirangan and other captains of industry warmly appreciated the initiative and forward-looking policies of Yeddyurappa in organizing the biggest-ever Global Investors’ Meet just as the global economy was showing signs of recovery from the economic recession and consequent meltdown. ``Karnataka has set the trend and economic agenda for other states, which are also likely to benefit when investors turn to look towards India,” remarked Jaitely while Moily promised all help and assistance from the Centre for the State’s pro-active stance.
Yeddyurappa set the tone for the GIM by declaring: ``We want to make Karnataka a model State globally. I want my State to march ahead on the path of progress. We want to achieve rapid and unparalleled growth, leading to a quantum jump in the human development indicators. We also want to achieve equitable development, covering all sections of people and regions of the State.’’
Extolling the many advantages and opportunities of Karnataka, Yeddyurappa said the abundant natural resources, highly talented human resource and the progressive-investor friendly policies on industry, infrastructure, tourism, IT/BT, minerals, textile and renewable energy were the State’s hallmarks. The Government has already approved projects with a generation capacity of over 16,000 mw and total investment of Rs 20,000 crore in the tourism sector, he said adding: The State is developing software, hardware and aerospace parks near Bangalore International Airport Ltd in 3,000 acres of land along with Informational Technology Investment Region in an area of 10,000 acres in Bangalore north region.
"Global Investors’ Meet is an ideal opportunity for wooing industries and business enterprises to Karnataka not only from India but even from other countries when the global economy is showing signs of recovery,” said Union Law Minister Veerappa Moily promising Centre’s help in the state’s quest.

"While the State’s huge natural resources and large pool of qualified technical and scientific manpower is a big asset, the initiatives taken by successive governments in the past and the investor-friendly policies of the present Government will definitely yield rich benefits,” he said pointing out that political differences should not come in the way of development.
Union Food Processing Industries Minister Subodh Kant Sahai lauded the efforts of the Yeddyurappa regime in aggressively wooing investment in diverse sectors and felt such efforts by any State would have beneficial effects as global investors would look not just at Karnataka but other states as well.
He, however, called upon the investors to look at agriculture sector as agro-based as well as food processing industries offered the biggest potential. In addition, containers for storage of agricultural and horticultural produce as well as cold storages need big infusion of investment. "If the agriculture sector flourishes and the lot of farmers improves, the country will definitely prosper,” he said.
BJP’s Opposition leader in the Rajya Sabha said Karnataka enjoyed inherent advantages due its vastly better pool of human resources, natural resources, reasonably good infrastructure across the state and pro-investment cum industry-friendly policies followed by the government. Investment flows to states and regions where profits can be generated. Without investment, profits and revenues cannot be generated. Without revenue generation, social security schemes or good infrastructure facilties cannot be implemented, he said pointing out that not just states but even countries were competing with each other to attract larger investments.
BJP national general secretary Anant Kumar, Bangalore south MP, said Karnataka was known for peace and harmony as well as its supremacy in information and bio-technology. The State had a large network of scientific, technical and medical educational centres and these strengths added to its attraction. However, it was Yeddyurappa’s forward looking attitude and dynamic leadership that has changed climate for the better, he added.
Lakshmi Mittal of Arcelor Mittal said he was "simply excited’’ by the investment opportunities offered by the state. "Karnataka to me, is an investment destination with strong credentials of positive investments, proactive policies, educated and skilled manpower, rich natural resources and rapid multisectoral development,’’ he said pointing out that the role of government was more important than ever as a facilitator in core sectors like steel due to sheer size, investment, dependence on natural resources and role of infrastructure.

"I have no doubt that this state will emerge as a frontrunner in the manufacturing sector,” he said promising to bring the highest standard of manufacturing and environment friendly mining processes besides contributing to the state’s indusrialisation and development.
Dr K Kasturirangan said the country’s space programmes, especially the launch of INSAT, IRS and other satellites as well as Aryabhata, Chandrayaan missions owed a lot to the contribution of Bangalore and Karnataka and the support from industry, research and development facilities. "I am sure Bangalore and Karnataka will become a global brand and a hot investment destination if the present policies and approaches continued,” he said.
Aditya Birla Group’s Kumaramangalam Birla, Azim Premji of Wipro, Kris Gopalakrishnan of Infosys, Vijay Mallya of UB Group, Dr Devi Prasad Shetty of Narayana Hrudayalaya and Venu Srinivasan of CII were among the speakers.
"Karnataka has emerged as an undisputed investment destination for investors. It is one of the most progressive states and has whole range of innovations and breakthroughs across key sectors such as IT/BT, Agriculture, Minerals, Engineering, Automobile, Food Processing, Textiles and Aerospace,” said Large and Medium Scale Industries Minister Murugesh R Nirani, the moving spirit behind the entire GIM exercise in his welcome address. Karnataka chief secretary S V Ranganath proposed a vote of thanks.


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  • Santosh, Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 11 2010

    every one in this forum is so happy for BJP party and its GIM sucess. have you people ever taught that in this meet almost 2/3rd investment is based on exploiting natural resources and producing thermal power (which is highly polluting) in the state and not utilizing the highly skilled human resource, there is very very less investments where raw material is brought from other countries and finished product is sold to the world market. ppl plz dont act as agents for a single political party plz think of the result of this investments in long term on this state and in turn this country since other states will also follow this blindly now not thinking about india's natural resources for future.
    I am very hurt by seeing this comments given by ppl which is more political than entrepreneurial. plz think all the pros and cons....

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  • C L Gupta, Kolkata

    Tue, Jun 08 2010

    Even if 50% of the Proposed Investments is achived in time this will be a great achievement. Hope, other states will also follow this. Only one thing is disappointing that such a big event did not get proper coverage in media. Reasons are best known to them. Any way , congratulations! Let this dream of Karnatka come true. Whole government machinery should do proper whom works and be ready for speedy clearances and on their tip toe tow to extend all cooperation so that morals of Industrialists remain high.
    Wish Karnataka a great success

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  • Siddarth Prabhakar, Bangalore

    Mon, Jun 07 2010

    agriculture as rightly identified is one of those fields with a whole lot of potential. with a globalized economy and with the west continuing to protect its agriculture, an increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) will certainly help farmers in karnataka in the long run.

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  • hari, hari

    Mon, Jun 07 2010

    HI i am very proud of having Yadiarappa CM

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  • sabari, chennai

    Fri, Jun 04 2010


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  • kumar, Udupi

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    No national news channels are showing this news. I think they will come only when bar attack or bomb attack !!!

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  • Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar/Kuwait

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Dear friends,

    As it is rightly pointed out during the GIM, Karanataka is privileged with rich mineral resources, reasonable infrastructure (lot to be improved though), literate manpower,an equally balanced approach towards environment controlled economic development and most importantly investor friendly business environment. The new Govt. appears to be on a war footing for development in terms of proving themselves better administrators compared to decades old hypocritical and corrupt Govts. If they standby their talk of encouragement to investors, the State will definitely see a massive development in the next 10 years. Despite their communal behavior, which will gradually die down, BJP Govts. are proving to be people friendly in terms of development. We, as people should not indulge in party based criticism of the Govt. but must appreciate/criticize as prevalent. If the investors' commitment at the GIM materializes and the Govt., keeps its promises on adequate support, Bengaluru has the potential to grow much faster with less risk of collapse than Dubai did in the last 10-15 years.

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  • Samson Frank, Udupi / Mumbai

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Its really good to see the present govt under the able leadership of mr. Yeddy is working towards the goal of social upliftement.
    Time and again we have seen that BJP has the will and the capacity to turn the states into investement capitals, we see Gujarat where the Infrastructure is so good, that TATA was able to complete thie NANO project ahead of schedule.
    Lets not always think communal and judge a party, instead lets tally the statastics of Developement and vote. KUDOS to Mr. Yeddy.

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  • Sachidananda Rai, Dubai

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Karnataka need to bring industries related to Agricultur / Sericulture/ Horticulture / Poultry and other produces of Karnataka.

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  • Jagannath, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    From more then 60 years congress government people struggled for basic facilities ,when newly elected shown their guts to woo the investores & start some industries , creat jobs .Now people will blame for BJP govenment for their past governments deeds .Great Joke

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  • S.Moorthy, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    As Mr. Veerappa Moily said, all the other states should follow the ideas of our state. Mr. Moily is really a statesman, because he is not jealous of what Mr. Yeddy government is doing. Our state opposition should learn from him.Instead of thinking about silly politics, be practical and atleast try 100% to develop. At the end atleast 75% can be achieved. Instead of that ruling and opposition are abusing each other is not healthy politics. All these politicians should understand that we have not elected them for doing dharnas and boycotting assembly session all the 365 days. It effects the state and the country.

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  • stephen, manglore

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    I dont think 10% of the job will be given to local people

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  • Arun & Juliet D'Souza, surathkal/dubai

    Fri, Jun 04 2010


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  • Keshava, Puttur

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Good work by the state govt. Congratulations Mr. CM. There are people who criticise anything/all things that this govt does. They write comments blindly. I feel pitty for them. I hope Karnataka will grow faster from now on.

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  • soman, Mangagalore/Oman

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    This anti-bjp fellows are like cat drinking milk with closed eye. If anything benefits them, enjoy and keep cursing the Govt. and offer no support for development. Broaden your thinking guys your comments cannot override the millions who voted the Govt and appreciate the progress

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bengalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    As per todays news paper report the Bellary based Brahmini Steel Company under the flagship of Reddy bros is No.1 in terms of capital investment as well as job generation envisaged.Whatever the apprehensions, the show put by the Karnataka Government is really commendable. Whole world is watching the event. Son of the soil from Tulunadu DR.B.R.Shetty, prominent entreprenuer from Abu Dhabi has not only come forward to establish a super specialaity hospital in Bangalore but has also brought his other Abu Dhabi friends to evince interest in Capital investment in his montherland / state. Great work Karnataka Government.

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  • Vijay, Bangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    How much are you paid from Mr. Yeddy for this publicity, Mr. Nagesh?

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010





    JAI BJP.

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  • Antony Herbert Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney,Australia

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Yes, as M/s. John D`Silva and Kuldeep Kamath rightly said above, unless the Karnataka Government, and the Central as well for that matter, first attends to, and fixes the important issues and problems like the lack of proper roads/highways, the massive traffic congestion and pollution that exists today in the metro city of Bangalore, and more importantly, the inadequate and unreliable electricity supply that is being faced today, both in the villages and towns of the State, there is no point in bringing in the new industrial mega-investors, and harping about their likely future ventures, even though it is a welcome move. Mr. Mathew/USA also makes an important point in this regard when he states that affluent neighbourhood following this massive industrialisation will be followed by filthy slums and trash, which in itself will create more problems. Hope the authorities concerned will give due consideration to all sorts of these allied problems, both seen and unseen, when undertaking these ambitious ventures. Good luck!

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  • The Guru , Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    In order to enter into a MOU a company will always make a background check of infrastructure, power , water , man power etc, if they are not satisfied i dont think they will enter into MOU with the govt.

    Coming to the people who always crib in this forum abt power, most of the big companies have to have a captive power unit, so power is not an issue.

    Coming to the electricity problem faced by the people of the state, In order to set things right in the power sector it takes min of 4-5 years, since the prev govt didnt have a future vision..

    I think most of the projects will start and it will be a fitting reply to most of the people who think congi is the only govt thinks abt development which is not true

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  • dr Kiran Acharya, Manipal

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    No time for jubilation, time for introspection for Karavali Kannadigas:
    Though we praise ourselves for being "intelligent", Karavali did not attract much investment, thanks to the irritations to the investors by "self d environmentalists"...At this rate, our future generation will continue to seek employment elsewhere, just like those who are doing so in the middle east!

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  • Sashi, Bangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    The only two states in India with highest infrastructure growth rate is Gujarat and Karnataka. This is a real jai ho!

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  • Alex, Kuwait

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    A couple of weeks back the news item was Yeddi expects 3 lakh crores investment in this meet. It materialised now to be 2 Lakh crores. Soon a MOU would come for 1 Lakh crore investment. In fact, in real terms it would be 50 thousand crore. After few years it will drain down to 10,000 crores.

    We are in a fools world. Just dreams and castles in the air.

    Years back UN got promises for aid projects for Iraq and Afghanistan, and not even 10% of the promises were realised.

    If we dont have basic necessities in life like Electricity and Water how are we going to run the projects. Water is so scarce in Bangalore and Karnataka, may be we need to initiate desalination of sea water for Karnataka, than the steel a major part which is going to be used for construction that consumes water and electricity.

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Will Karnatka Gove. provide a chance to these stallwarts to have real life experience of the ground realities of water, power and transport then have all this drama for nothing. Just look at state and condition of national hayways out bound from Bangalore or daily power cut at every village of the state. What the the goverment talking about biggest ever golobal investment. What it is going if the ground realities are like this?

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    All the giants of the Indian business world was present. As events are shaping up, Bangalore
    may bypass Bombay within a short span of time, as the supreme business and financial center of India.

    More capital investment will create more jobs and wealth. The city  planners will have to pre-calculate
    the impact on the environment,  polution and social disparity to be faced with. If there is
    extreme affluence on the one hand, and the affluent neighbourhood is rounded by filthy slums and
    trash, the whole city will look dim.

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  • roy patrao, mangalore

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    WE WELCOME ALL KIND OF INDUSTRIES IN KARNATAKA (without spoiling coastal region).

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    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Only Indian born STEEL TYCOON Laksmi Mittal is the star investor in GIM.We have to wait and see how these projects take off in specified time.Food for thought and investment for the development when we watched Suvarna TV @PM.Moily-Jaitly duo praised the Karnataka State for right destination for investment for it's natural resource and educated HR which is conducive for any type of investment.We hope let not waste the effort and ad which Yeddi Govt given away for electronic and print media almost from all depertment of Karntatka ministery.HOPE FOR THE BEST FROM GIM.

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  • john dsilva, karkala/mumbai

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Congratulations to Karnataka for its bold initiative. Where is the power and Infrastructure. People are struggling for basic nessecities.Mere slogans are not enough. Provide basic nessecities to the common man and make him livable.

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  • vasanthkumar Hegde, Udupi/Riyadh

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    I wish Karnataka would be 1st among all states in INDIA as far as employement generation is concerned so that all those young boys and girls need employment would get job with this effort of the Goverment.This is the only way to get rid of poverty in our country. All the best

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