Konkani World Cultural Convention Launched , Janardhana Reddy Promises Support

Konkani World Cultural Convention Launched , Janardhana Reddy Promises Support

by Gabriel Vaz
Pics: Dayananda Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore

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BANGALORE, JUN 20: The First World-level Konkani Cultural Convention being organized in Mangalore as a 25-day extravaganza from November 25 to December 19 to mark the Silver Jubilee of Konkani’s premier cultural organization, Mandd Sobhann, got off to a colourful start in Bangalore with an unlikely and welcome supporter in the form of Karnataka’s all powerful Tourism and Infrastructure Minister Gali Janardhana Reddy.

The inaugural programme in Bangalore is jointly organized with the Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations (FKCA), with its 18 affiliatted associations taking active part in mobilising audience participation. FKCA chairman Charles Gomes was specially honoured at the function.

Warmly applauding the greatness of Konkani, spoken by people cutting across barriers of state, region, religion, caste and creed in India and even abroad, Reddy, who is generally known as the Bellary mining lord in political circles, promised to extend help and support to the Konkani cultural convention in Mangalore and the cause of Konkani in his personal capacity as also from the Tourism Department and the Government.

"I will personally discuss the issue with Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa and other Cabinet Ministers and ensure that all support is extended by the Government,” he said.

Reddy’s promise came in response to the fervent appeal made by the Convention’s Reception Committee Chairman Ronald Colaso to extend help not only in his personal capacity as also from the government as the entire cost was estimated to be around Rs 3 crore.

Of course, Reddy tried to pull Colaso’s leg by pointing out that a philanthropist of his stature and large-heartedness could himself single-handedly foot the entire cost on his own.

"But I know Konkani is such a wonderful language and needs all support. I will offer support in my personal capacity as also from Tourism Department and the Government,” Reddy said to the thunderous applause from the large number of Bangalore’s Konkani speaking people assembled at the St Joseph’s Indian High School auditorium.

"Though I cannot speak Konkani, I could understand and appreciate the beauty,’’ he said referring to the brief introductory programme given by the leading Goan troupe, Goenchim Noketram, led by the lecturer-turned musician and culture ambassador Marianela Pilgina Mascarenhas e Dias (Gina).

Ronald Colaso, in his presidential address, eulogized Mandd Sobhann and its contribution for the development, promotion and protection of Konkani culture, language and its theatre, singing, music and theatre.

"Mandd Sobhann has made all Konkani speaking people proud by putting the language on the world map by their remarkable and record-breaking feat of organising the Konkani Niranthari programme to enter the Guiness Book of Records with its 40-hour-long non-stop mutli-singer music programme,” he said.

Mandd Sobhann Gurkar Eric Ozario, the former chairman of Karnataka State Konkani Sahitya Academy, said the organisation’s First-ever World-level Konkani Cultural Convention being held at Kalangan from November 25 to December 19 will comprise of programmes from over 60 groups/troupes from all over the world involving over 1,000 artistes with singing, music, folk, theatre and dance ensemble.

In addition, a Konkani film festival, a food festival, youth festival, art festival, kavita fest, games, competitions and bazaar will organized along with the second global Konkani music award presentation. The sixth Carvalho Gharaanne-Thomas Stephen’s Konkani Kendr Kalakaar Puraskaar will also be presented. Seminars on various aspects of Konkani culture and felicitation/honouring of 25 institutions/individuals from all around the world for their contribution to enriching the Konkani culture will form part of the 25-day celebrations, Ozario said.

The ``muhurat’’ or inaugural programme began with the traditional offering of `paan-pod’ (betel leaves and arecanuts), rice, `kunkum’ or sindhoor with turmeric, `kale’ or jasmine flowers with a bowl of water (chembu) on a plate to the minister by traditionally dressed ladies. Colaso released a brochure brought to mark the first-ever world-level Konkani cultural convention and presented it to all dignitaries.

Titus Norohna of Rahul Advertisers and Arun Raj Rodrigues compered the entire programme.

The Goan troupe, Goenchim Noketram, enthralled the audience by their melodious singing and dance programmes. Jeorge Gonsalves, Elvis Isidorio Mascarenhas as well as Frenzie Rodrigues, Lina Maria Gomes, Bernardo Furtado, Inacinho Saridinha, Thatcher Pinto and Sheldon Crasto  with their singing and dancing led the audience to ask for more. Mando, Dulpod, Goan Deknni, Fugdi as well as Baila and Meddley entertained the audience.

Daijiworld.com will be the official webpartner for First World-level Konkani Cultural Convention. 


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  • Dr. Cajetan Coelho, Goa, India

    Fri, Oct 29 2010

    "Mandd Sobhann" is rendering meaningful service to lovers of Konkani language and culture.

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  • John Pereira, Kulshekar/ Mumbai

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    It appears to be in the fitness of things that FKCA,being the mother organisation of Konkani Catholic Associations,organised the launching ceremony of Konkani World cultural convention at Bangalore as a prelude to the celebration on the occasion of silver jubilee of Konkani's premier cultural organisation, Mand Sobhann to be held at Kalaangan, Mangalore from 25th November to 19th December 2010.
    Wishing every success for the World Cultural convention!

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  • Anil Castelino, Dubai

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    Such a important day in Konkani History....but ingurated by such a tainted persoanlaity, like Mr.Reddy....?? a total surprise....we don't have clean personality to do this, or we sold our language to some mining lords...?

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  • shantaram, madkai-goa

    Fri, Jun 25 2010

    i hope we will get to watch internationally acclaimed konkani movie PALTADACHO MUNIS

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  • Vazir, Bangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Austin Peres, Mangalore, you are right in saying it does not matter what dress one wears to show or prove his love for mother-tongue or culture. Dress is only an external symbol. Pre-historic humans did not wear anything & gradually the dress evolved. Even our ancestors used to wear minimum clothes as they were basically agriculturists. A farmer cannot wear Western clothes or even dhoti/kurta/pyjama while tilling or sowing.

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  • Antony Herbert Crasta, Mangalore,Sydney/Australia

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Excellent comments by you Austin Peres of Mangalore. A fitting reply to the narrow minded and silly views of Mr. Kiran Vaz.

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  • Subramanya, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Ostin, Most of the Konkan's speak English even at home to fit in the society. Also Catholic leaders and preachers speak in English. So Reddy was the best option.

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  • Austin Peres, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Congratulations to MANDD SOBHAN for keeping the inauguration of the 1st World Konkani Cultural Convention at Bangalore. It is an excellent programme for laying perfect foundation for the forthcoming event in Nov/Dec.2010. I refer to the comment from Kiran Vaz,Bangalore. Mr Kiran, you have pointed out that Mr Ronald Colaco is in Western Dress which is not O.K.. I think you have failed to understand the heart of the person within this Western Dress. You are going by the dress one wears. Do you say that only if a person dresses and glorifies himself outwardly so as to show that he is a Konkan, he contributes towards konkani culture & language. Do you know the amount of time, money and effort put in by Mr Ronald Colaco for encouraging, developing, promoting and preserving konkani language, culture,art, music, theatre etc etc. We must have moral right by being ourselves the large contributor for such a cause before pointing out the dress code which is certainly less important in this case. Mr Colaco needs no introduction to the Konkani people nor to the community at large. There is no individual who can match him not only in the field of contribution to Konkani but to the society at large irrespective of caste and religion. I know him from decades and if I have to explain his personality, it may run not only in pages but an encyclopedia. Hope you understand him now better.

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  • Arun, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Its really great to see such an event coming in konkani,I would like to request these organisations not only Maand Sobhan but also other konkani associations to shift the konkani movement to more and more youngsters or atleast involve them in this so that they ll continue it for years to come, I request all of you to encourage young singers,actors,Muscians etc,etc so that this movement wont stop....hats of to Maand sobhan hope they will take my point into consideration..thank you.

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    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Dev borai Kurunk.. Gurkarank,karbariank and Servank...
    Eric & FKCA hani uttim tharan madun hadlla "Konkani World Cultural onvention" hacha ukathavan karyek shabaski patyetha.

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  • S.moorthy, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    Very Good coverage. Keep up the good work Daiji.

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  • Joel Alex D'Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    Good to see the inaugration program of the WKCC with cultural events.I can see Pearl D'Silva,writer in the audience.Good to see team from Goa performing.Wishing more of such events even in mangalore.

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  • Alban D Souza, Udyavara, Doha Qatar

    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    I heard a few days back about Tulu convention that was also good news as we konkans speak tulu also. But now great news for us the Konkans about the World Cultural Convention . Congratulation to the Organizers.  We love Konkani our monther tounge wherever we go. All the Konkans spread everywhere they may be Mangaloreans/Goans or Mumbaikars or some part of Kerala even specially the coastal area of Konkans.(Karwar,North Kanara etc.)Let all support it Jai Konkan Matha. Long live Konkni Bhass.

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    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    congratulations to members of Mandd Sobhann & FKCA for organising such a beautiful cultural programme in Bangalore.i realy missed the punction wish u all the best

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  • Kiran Vaz, Bangalore

    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    Inaugaration of Konkani World Cultural Convention. Paan-pod’ (betel leaves and arecanuts), rice, `kunkum’ or sindhoor with turmeric, `kale’ or jasmine flowers with a bowl of water (chembu) on a plate to the minister by traditionally dressed ladies. Okay. Convention’s Reception Committee Chairman Ronald Colaso in Western Dress Not Okay.

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  • Ostin Pinto, Muscat /Sasthan

    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    Was there any inaugural speech in Konkani by Mr.Reddy ?

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  • Della Rego, Mangalore, Doha, Qatar

    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    Waw! World level Konkani Cultural convention! That too for 25 days programme at Mangalore!! It is very good news to Konkani speaking community all over. Congratulations to all as Maand Soban will be celebrating its 25th year. Wishing all the best to Bab Erick, his family and all his team and troup of participants and who ever involved in organizing this unique convention. Good pictures from Daya and thanks to Daiji for the report.

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  • H M Pernal, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    First Konkani World Cultural Convention Launched! Congratulations. Among all the guests present for Launching ceremony someone actively involved in cultural activities is missing. For support and patronization , Politicians and businessmen are needed but I sincerely feel that if the organizers called at least one person involved in cultural activity ( say Shyam Benegal ) it would have enhanced the beauty of Launching Ceremony.

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  • Diljyoti,Allahabad,Kinnigoly, Kinnigoly

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Its somthing wonderful. We need to keep our mother-tongue alive. Unfortunately sad to see that KONKANI has been shunted to "OLD AGE HOMES" and "ASHRAMS" by many our educated konkans(Esp.mangalorians) and also do not teach their children to learn it. may KONKANI live long. I miss it being in the north.

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  • Antony Herbert Crasta, Mangalore,Sydney/Austrlia

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    It`s pleasing to see that the Konkani Cultural Convention got off to a good start in Bangalore and kudos and hearty compliments to the main organisers FKCA and Mandd Sobhann, headed by Charles Gomes and Eric Ozario, respectively, and also well supported and conducted by the famous philanthropist and social worker, Ronald Colaco. It`s also nice to see that the Karnataka Government, through one of its important Ministers, Gali Janardhana Reddy, doing its bit and giving a helping hand to the cause. Thanks Daijiworld as well for covering the function so nicely. Once again, it is good to see Ronald Gomes there actively taking part in the convention, and you, my new found friend in the facebook, Pearl D`Silva in the audience!

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  • Vazir, Bangalore

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Salute to Mandd Sobhann & FKCA for organising such a beautiful & rich cultural programme in Bangalore.

    Hats off to Dayanand Kukkaje for the wondeful pictures & to Gabriel Vaz for the insightfulreporting & coverage.Daijiworld as the media sponsor deserves compliments from all Konkani speaking people for its initiative & also for engaging the services of such talented persons like Dayanand Kukkaje & Gabriel Vaz. Can we look forward to similar excellent coverage from Mangalore too?

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