Mangalore: Atoor Tangal to Stay Away from Extravagant Weddings in Community

Mangalore: Atoor Tangal to Stay Away from Extravagant Weddings in Community 
by Hameed Puttur
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (RD/VA)
Mangalore, Jun 26: Atoor Tangal, most respected religious head of Sunni sect, Islam has decided to stay away from the wedding ceremonies of community’s rich and elite as he was deeply moved by the extravagant weddings and the rising cases of oppression on women. 
Atoor Sayyed Hadi Ibrahim Tangal is popularly known as Atoor Tangal in Karnataka and Kerala states. His decision has made Sunnis to think over the burning issues of dowry menace and extravagant weddings in the community.

“I am fed up of the shoddy affairs that are witnessed in the community weddings.  The men and women of community share the same dais which is indeed un-Islamic,’ said Atoor Tangal.  He stressed that he will not attend any weddings in the community, which are held for the sake of prestige and with lavish spending.  The modernity is meant for progress and not for display of wealth, he opined.
The fashion conscious community women exceeded the limits of modesty, supported by their men-folk, which convey their total disregard for Islam, added Atoor Tangal.
He also announced that he would attend anti-dowry campaign that will be held under the leadership of district Kazi in the city shortly, since he was deeply moved by the plight of community women who are driven into the street owing to dowry menace. 

Atoor Tangal said he intends to set a trend an Islamic revolution and urged all Moulvis’ rich community brethrens, heads of various Jamaats, office bearers of community welfare organizations and entire community to support his mission.

The local religious heads expressed support for Atoor Tangal’s mission of anti-dowry.   They also announced that they will join in the effort of creating communal harmony with people of various religions and diverse cultures in the society across Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts. 


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  • Basheer ibrahim, ullal sharjah

    Wed, Jul 07 2010

    very very good message go ahed pls do more more members and thanks.

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  • latheef kodagu, al kobar k.s.a

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    this is not only for thangal must all indian peple away from the dowry things

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  • Rafik Ahmed, Bangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Masha Allah Thangal, Allah the almighty bless u and all of us, if u ulemas voice up and issue fatwas agaisnt dowry and this so called extravagant weddings,insha allah definately the dowry menace will say good bye from our society.

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  • M.Vishnumoorthi , Bangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Every religious community head must take leaf from what Mr Tangal has advocated. It is a very wise move on his part. We need a sort of social revolution in our country to eradicate poverty, ignorance and disease. Once again kudos to Mr Tangal in his endeavour !

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  • faheem, dubai

    Sat, Jul 03 2010

    May Allah bless our tangal.This is the move to be taken by himself being an example.Dowry is a social menace.we should follow the sunnah in the marriages and do it in a simple way.Scholars tell that the weddings performed in the sunnah way lead to a peaceful married life.The rich should do the weddings in a simple way n be an example for the society.This will help the poor.The rich should spend the wealth which Allah has given them on carrying out weddings of the poor,donation to orphanages,giving alms to the poor instead of carrying out extravagant marriages and making things difficult for the poor.

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  • IQQA, Manglore

    Sat, Jul 03 2010

    Very Good decession. Jazakallahu Kair Tangal you are Our Community Leader.

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  • Carl Dsilva, PUTTUR

    Wed, Jun 30 2010

    I appreciate your move Atoor Tangal. Its applicable for all religions

    God Bless.

    Wish your dream come true.

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  • Ameer Ali Cherak, Dubai, U.A.E.

    Wed, Jun 30 2010

    Finally we have got a genuine sunny scholar, who knows that real sunny should follow the Prophet's (PBUH) path in each and every aspects of life - unlike So called sunny leaders in Kerala, they following /doing whatever they wish without bothering to check whether those rituals are practiced by Prophet (PBUH) & Sahaba. Hope so called leader's will get inspiration from this Karnataka Scholar.

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    Wed, Jun 30 2010

    Excellent decision by Thangal and I totally agree with Shanwaz Kukkikatte. keep it up

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  • anamika, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 30 2010

    If the tangal do so, then he will be isolated. because majority of the mullas are not opening their mouth to this issues. Because more the dowry , more pocket money they can earn. All moulvis mullas and mukris those who are attending the lavish wedding party are richly rewarded for their presence. If t hey speak against the dowry, it's just axing their own leg. A handsome income source for these people would close forever. Also no pointinf in blaming these mullas and moulavis because they are drawing very very low salary from the Mosque administration which is not even enough for their own expenses. So keep a large family such mullas are always after money generating functions.

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  • rifay, chennai

    Wed, Jun 30 2010

    atleast learn to respect elders

    better live like human

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  • kavitha, Muscat

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    I concur with Nassser mangalore and Abu bakkar Uppala.

    This Thangal, I am sure will not get support from his own fraternity.
    They will make him to withdraw his statement by putting undue pressure on him.

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  • Mujeeb, Kasargod

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    Looks like tangals childrens are already married and no marriage in the family for another 20 years. good thought - better late than never

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  • Mohammed Iqbal Mallur, Dammam, K.S.A

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    Good decession Go ahead .. we all are with you. May Allah Bless you and all muslims.

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  • samsu, hyderabad

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    dear thagal..will you give equal right to minority shiya comunity in rich sunni controled masjids and other relegius insittutes?

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    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    Congrates, Ustad Ibrahim Tangal. Ya Allah, Ya Allah, May Allah give everyone for kick out dowry and protect all muslims. This will as soon extremly help for wedding aged poor family women.

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  • Abdu salam, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    I Respect your (us tad’s) point of view and it’s a good move to make a better society. But your decision to stay away extravagant marriages, it will never solve the problem of our society. Rather, the important thing what the ulemas, musliyars, and khazis must to do is, to teach the people the right path of Islam , Quran and sunna .
    The important problem suffering in our society is, lack of knowledge in quran and sunna
    And the peoples are following ulemas and ustad’s sayings, rather than quran and sunna (sorry to say, the ulemas are busy with criticizing each other and misguiding people)

    So this will make misbelieve amongst Muslims and non Muslims and leads to difficulty of convey the truth.

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  • Usamath, Kanhangad, Dubai

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    great step against anti-social dowry system.. dear Thangal you really deserve to the current honor.. May god assist him to achieve it without any interrupts…

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  • muhammad ansar, krishnapura

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    congratulation atoor thangal for suspecting about dowry i request all sunni ulama to combine with thangal we appreciated u and go ahead definitely our community with you go ahead

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  • shaffi mukka, mukka mangalore

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    while quran & sunnah s this 1400 years ago, what made the thangal to give fatwa now. is he not aware of this before.just to keep his popularity he is giving such statement in the news.

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  • M.K.Haleangadi, Haleangadi/Al-Jubail

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    I appreciate you tangal.I know him &his social and religious works.Other religious leaders also should join hand with him.The evil of dowry in the community should removed.This is a very good action by our religious leaders which will help the poor and middle class people of the community.

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  • M.K.Haleangadi, Haleangadi/Al-Jubail

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    I appreciate you tangal.I know him &his social and religious works.Other religious leaders also should join hand with him.The evil of dowery in the community should removed.This is a very good action by our religious leaders which will help the poor and middle class people of the community.

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  • Najmuddin Assadi, Mangalore / Ajman UAE

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    This is the need of the time. My dear brothers-in-Islam, why can't we follow the path of our Jagadguru the Prophet of Islam who taught us the way of life. All the marriages during that time was organised in the Masjid Al-Nabawi in the holy city of Madina in a simple manner. Presently, no one like to do it because the groom cant wear the flower garlends and no music or dance can be performed in the masjid nor can display the
    wealth. Instead wasting the money for lavish marriages, why can't we uplift the poors with this money. I pray with Almighty Allah to show the right path to all of us. AAAmeeen.

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  • nawwa kpura, Mangalore/Al Jubail

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    I really appreciate atoor thangal,The mahr is a right that is given to the woman, as enjoined by Islamic sharee’ah, as an expression of the man’s desire to marry her. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And give to the women (whom you marry) their Mahr (obligatory bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) with a good heart”
    [al-Nisa’)I request to Muslim Umma,our Community come out and fight against the dowry(Unislamic Part)we r with u alway's Go ahead... Allahu akber.

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  • rafeeq, mangalore/dammam

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    masha allah very good/brave move by the tangal..let us join hands with him. Dfently thigs will change if all the ulama's start raising the voice against the dowry and lavish weddings..

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  • nawwa kpura, Mangalore/Al Jubail

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Assalam Alaikum,My Dear Friends Dowry system as it is strongly prohibited in Islam,Mashallah it’s a good steps taken by our Ustad i Appreciate and Good move,we r with u and Allha will bless good health and long life to him( Atoor Tangal )

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  • aboobaker uppala, Uppala/Makkah

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    I appreciate the comments of Brother Naser Mangalore.If the Atoor Thangal is really serious in this matter,then his first duty is to spread the real message of the Holy book (QURAN) and the teachings of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).This is not only the duty of this Thangal but a individual duty of the every believer of this community.If they do this,then no doubt that,not only the evil dowry system,but all the evil system from the community will be wiped out.(INSHA ALLAH).

    But unfortunately the senior scholars of this sunni section of this Thangal from where he hails,are claiming that they have the proof in the Holy Quran for taking dowry.They misquoted the verse of Holy Quran (CHAPTER NO04/VERSE NO04)for this evil purpose.So first let this thangal correct the senior ulemas of his sunni section.As a proof the senior ulema of this sunni section Perode Abdulrehman Saqafi speaks that the Holy Quran is not against the dowry system.I can produce the evidence.Now let the readers decide who is the evils of this community.

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  • ashraf jokatte, riyadh

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    masha allah
    dear job usthad/thangal. we are with you...............
    fight against dowry.....

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  • ashraf jokatte, riyadh

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    masha allah
    dear job usthad/thangal. we are with you...............
    fight against dowry.....

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Congrates, Ustad Ibrahim Tangal. Ya Allah, Ya Allah, May Allah give everyone for kick out dowry and protect all muslims. This will as soon extremly help for wedding aged poor family women.

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  • yousuf, ksa

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Very easy to praise anyone's task but equally difficult to implement it in our own lives. I never see anybody who in this comment box who proclaim adoption of Islamic/Tangal's theory (including myself). Indeed awareness should be initiated from the basic Islamic teachings.

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  • irshad, kulai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    congratulation, atoor tangal for suspecting about dowry.i request all ulama to combine with usthad .we appreciate u and go a head definitely our community with you. Go ahead.

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  • sadath, bantwal

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    congratulation, atoor tangal for suspecting about dowry.i request all ulama to combine with usthad .we appreciate u and go a head definitely our community with you. Go ahead.

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  • Prof.M.Abubaker, Thumbay/RAK UAE

    Sun, Jun 27 2010


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  • Naser, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Although I appreciate this move, i would say its just a short cut. These tangals, musliyars etc should have preached the real Islam with Quranic reference and Sahih Hadith instead they used Islam for selfish purposes. With back to basic of Islamic teachings all our social evil practice would have been eradicated long before. Islam never advocated dowry, Islam offered solutions to poverty. So let all these religious leaders take initiative to preach common man the real Islam then the future generation will be free from all these issues. Zahir, Appreciate your efforts, May ALLAH reward you accordingly

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    "He stressed that he will not
    attend any weddings, which are held
    for the sake of prestige and lavish

    All the religious leaders must
    follow that pattern, next the
    politicians then it will be a
    great revolution.

    By cutting down all the unnecessary
    waste of money, every rich family's
    marriage must be followed by a
    marriage of some poor people in the
    village. May God bless you, Atoor Tangal for your vision and
    decision to make a change.

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  • P.A.Shanu, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    A ban on living in society who give or take dowry. Dont allow them to mix up with you. This system has been implimented in Eloor Panchayath in Keral and nobody dare to speak about dowry there. Caste no bar , everyone follows that system. DO WE DARE ????

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    i would like to thanx for thangal...let us hands together....GO AHEAD

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  • abdul rasheed, doha qatar

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    this is too later.but ustad decision really good masha allah
    allah bless everiyone

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Good and quality education (Deen and Duniyavu)bring about changes in Muslim Community.Nyra belthenghu E sora akoghu munolu vanna Ustadgu jazakalla.All the Best.

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Good and quality education (Deen and Duniyavu)bring about changes in Muslim Community.Nyra belthenghu E sora akoghu munolu vanna Ustadgu jazakalla.All the Best.

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  • Mohammed Nooman, Mangalore / Dammam KSA

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Good move by respected Tangal, hope this move will bring some changes.

    Dear bother Abdul Hameed.K, B.C.Road / Dubai, if u check in detail, u will agree with the words of Tangal. You may please refer to this (and others) for more detail:

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  • Felix F., India/Ksa

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Extravagent weddings and dowry is a menace common to all communities and not just to Muslims. I am glad Atoor Tangal has taken firm stand on this. All communities should jointly fight this evil.

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  • Nazeer, Mangalore/ Riyadh

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Good move by respected Tangal. I request him to travel all over and discuss the local scholars to promote his stance. Also he should stress the importance of proper education both in religious and modern sector. We need our children as well as the elders learn the teaching of Islam, Quran and the prophet. If they learn proper Islamic living way then no any evils prevail in our society. There are alot of examples we have like, if the girl's parents live in rented flats then that is not accepted.

    They should be able to buy new car and new apartment to the boy. The girl should pay the expenditures what the boy spent for his higher studies and arrange Visa to the abroad. First we should boycott the marriages of rich people. They spoiled the whole society. They make money by cheating the governments (not paying taxes etc) and spend lavishly in their marriages. Income tax raid required on such marriages. Let us join honourable Tangal in his good move.

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  • Nawaz Mizra/ Al-Qassim , Mangalore/

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    "Masha Allah" Congragulations nd go ahead, let us support them...

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  • Abbas Mukkam, Doha Qatar

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Good decession Go ahead .. we all are with you. May Allah Bless you for leading Muslim Ummath in a proper way..

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Even the people working on daily wages take huge amount of dowry, in cash and gold jewellry give sleepless nights to girls parents and caused many young girls to remain unmarried in udupi district and other places of Karnataka. The Government should ban dowry system and take strict action against those people who take dowry.

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  • anis ahmed, mangalore/dubai/agc

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    great moove from tangal Let us all support him

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  • Abdul Aziz, Kanyana, London

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    A unique and first of its kind from a respected Aalim of our time. I always felt that our religious scholars did preach all good things, but never lead us well. Whatever un-islamic acts today exist in our society is solely due to their negligence. A lot of top rank Ulemas always attended lawish and extravagant marriages without fuss.
    I hope this is a beiginning and our Muslim community does what our beloved Prophet (SAW) told us to do, i.e. think of poor before yourself.

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  • Sarfraz, UAE

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Tel me how many below of u followed or did the same?? i hope nobody ... by teling or commenting we do like that we do lie this is much easier while practice is tufff ??? i saw many people telling like i wil marry without dowry or poor girl in reality nobody do the same they need huge dowry and grand marriage .... open to comment ...

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  • Alwyn Nazareth, Bajpe/ Jubail-K.S.A

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Sir,congratulations,also please try to get along as many members(community or other religion) support as possible for anti-dowry system.

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  • Santhosh Bhandary, surathkal/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    This is the need of the hour and a very progressive initiative by the muslim leader and has to be and needs to be followed by rest of the religions or communities of our society.

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  • Mohammed, Dubai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Good move by respected tangal,all muslim jamath should support him in this noble cause and boycott all the lavish spendings and utilise that mony to deprived families who seek dowry due to thier pathetic conditions not only marriages, any functions whether valima, munji, house warming, uroos,or any other religious functions where public money is utilised in lighting the buildings and unnecessary spends without consent of mass.

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  • Latif Mapal , Urval Padav

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    I see many community anti-dowry campaign But without good leaders now we got good leader(Tangal*). Let us all support him for this good cause.

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  • iMRAN, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Very good move by our dear Ustad, let us remove the root of cause for that brutal dowry system.

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  • clarence, mumbai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Its time to accept men and women on the same dias.As islam does not see any difference between man and women

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  • Rajesh, Dubai/Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Educate People , I think that is the only way we can get rid of many social evils ...

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  • Ali Haroon, Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Dowry is a real menace - sometimes even after birth of a child the inlaws harass the women for not bringing in enough dowry. This prevalent in both the communities. I congratulate the learned Mr. Atoor Tangal and ask him to invite members of all the communities and hold joint awareness campaigns. Thank you. A thing which is bad for Muslim women is also bad for Hindu women and vice versa.

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  • Abdul Hameed, krishnapura/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Dear Ustad, Assalamu Alaikum, we support u pls go ahead, reject the people who are showing their marriages in a luxuriousway, and give speachs each & every corner,not to take the dowry.

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Brother Abdul Hameed.K B.C Road/Dubai. Dont bring modern thinking of yours in ISLAM.
    let the followers follow what prophet Muhammad(PBUH Peace be upon him)clearly described to his community.

    I think you are promoting DJ Bash in muslim community so that men and women can step together.?? what a unwanted thinking of yours.

    There follows a list of haraam things which both men and women should avoid in the wedding party as per Islam religion:

    1- Mixing of men with women, and things that are involved in that, such as greeting and shaking hands with one another, and men and women dancing together, because all of that is haraam and is a very serious matter.

    2- Taking pictures, whether men do that amongst themselves or women do that amongst themselves.

    3- Drinking alcohol or eating pork.

    4- Letting the husband come in to where the women are in order to take his wife.

    5- Women wearing revealing, tight or short clothes amongst themselves, because this is haraam – so how about wearing such things in front of men?

    6- People should avoid spending extravagantly or going to extremes in showing off in wedding parties, because that may wipe out the blessing.

    7- The husband and wife exchanging rings and thus imitating the un islamic culture, thinking that this will increase the husband’s love for his wife and vice versa.

    I request to publish my words without edit.
    Thank you.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Only good education and islamic teachings of Sunnah and Quran amongst muslim community can bring about changes. Marriage needs to be simplified and dowry is totally unislamic. But in reality, muslims are demanding more dowry than any other community. Marriage can be solemnised by just giving out fruit juices and drydates. It need not be showcased., Our prophet was against pomp and extravagant marriages. He only preached simplicity and hastening of marriages. When widow remarriage was a taboo and forbidden in other religions, Islam preached and encouraged it. So I call upon this Tangal and other muslim clergies to advocate for the education of muslim masses.

    Today muslims in India are most uneducated lot and are of the poorests of poors. Only quality education bring about changes in their social thinking, social and economic status. If the whole community is educated, then there is no need for reservations to minorities. Every citizen shall be equal and there will be equality of opportunities and the most eligible will get the benefits. Come on my muslim brethern, if you dont change now, you will never change. Educate yourself, educate your dependants and come to the mainstream. Participate in politics, social activities, build a strong and powerful India for our next generation. Education is the best gift, legacy and wealth you can pass it on to your next generation. Just try and see the end results. You cant believe it, but I am sure one requires immense patience.

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  • walter d'souza, udupi

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Let us all support him for this good cause.

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  • Ali, Mangalore/INDIA

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Appreciated, and Good move by Tangal.

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  • Shareef Meginamane, Jokatte, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Dear Ustad Assalam Alaikum, Congragulations, come out and fight against the dowry, definitely our community with you. Go ahead.

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Muslim intlectual and spiritual communities should come together to fix the problem facing by the community.A right step toward postive thing by Atoor Thangal.Best wishes.

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    I really appreciate atoor thangal, not onlly atoor thangal we need all those religious leader should come front to stand against this kind of extravagant weddings and dowry systems.
    We can see in rich wedding ceremony where one dias will be kept ready to those who called thangal and other religious and political leaders.
    this is not acceptable in ISLAM not only me they all knows.
    So request you all to follow the same step which is clearly mentioned in ISLAM.

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  • Abdul Hameed.K, B.C.Road / Dubai

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    I respect him a lot for what he is planning to do. We need more and more leaders like him to remind us the modest lifestyle. However, the report says: "The men and women of community share the same dais which is indeed un-Islamic". I disagree with respected Tangal on this matter. If he wants to see better life for women, he needs to promote equal rights for women. No point in oppressing them.
    Jai Ho.

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