A Spectrum of Scandals and Some Solace...

A Spectrum of Scandals and Some Solace...

by Florine Roche
Daijiworld Media Network

Mangalore, Nov 20: The Manmohan Singh led UPA government at the centre is embroiled in an unprecedented degree of corruption scandals which have certainly put the Congress government  at the centre on the defensive in addition to denting its image  considerably.  With back to back scandals involving the likes of Suresh Kalmadi, Ashok Chavan and  Telecom minister  Andimuthu Raja coming to the fore in a spate of few weeks,  the Congress juggernaut seems to have come to a standstill, which until recently was looking unstoppable. To add insult to injury,  the Supreme Court will compel our ‘Mr Clean’ Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh  to reply to its criticism over his inability to take a  decision to prosecute “the Raja” of spectrum scandal.  The sordid saga of corruption scandals has left  the Congress government red-faced  struggling to come out with a quick riposte in what is considered to be the maha”raja” of all scams. 
The Congress is considered the mother of all ills that plague our political system today.  Corruption, nepotism, scandals, favoritism, dynastic succession, loyalty to Nehru-Gandhi family, deification of leaders, black money stashed in safe havens abroad etc.,  are very much traits of Congress politicians.  But in all fairness to the party, the corruption menace now has engulfed almost all political parties in India.    This is evident from the fact that some of the state governments  which are ruled by non-Congress governments too,  are not free from the deadly virus of corruption.  This  corruption trend seems to echo the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s famous quote “corruption is an universal phenomenon”.  The Adarsh Housing Society scam (the tower of shame under Ashok Chavan ) the land scam of Karnataka involving  Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa, who broke every rule to favour his son,  are too fresh in public memory.  While Chavan was sacrificed by the Congress B S Yeddyurappa is facing tremors under his feet and there are rumours of the party trying to find a suitable person to replace him. 
Omnipresent corruption

Just a few months back Shashi Tharoor, the Minister of State for External Affairs had resigned following allegations that he had obtained pecuniary advantage in the form of sweat equity in IPL’s Kochi franchise,  for his friend turned wife Sunanda Pushkar.  Names of Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar and Civil Aviation minister Praful Patel were also heard in this scandal but these allegations  were petered out without causing any upheaval. 

Compared to the enormity of the present scandals Shashi Tharoor episode looks like a mere speck in the realm of corruption and knowing that public memory is too short it looks as though it is a forgotten episode.

Today, the public has woken up to the telecom  scandal involving a staggering  1.76 lakh crores loss to the national exchequer thanks to the constitutional body Controller and Auditor General of India (CAG) which exercised its constitutional powers without fear or favour.   The ordinary public may not even know how many  zeroes make 1.76 lakh crores.  Gone are the earlier scams involving a few lakhs or a couple of crores. Such scams have become commonplace to merit any serious thought, probe, action or public outrage.   Now that the telecom scandal is out in the open  resulting in Minister  Raja finally stepping down,  the general public is wondering   how the country is going to deal with a man who brushed aside all possible guidance causing huge loss to the government.  Is resignation the only punishment for looting the nation on that scale? Even by the standards of India, where corruption is pervasive, the scale of the 2G scandal has shocked Indians  and galvanized the main opposition party, the BJP  which is now armed with a new ammunition to attack the ruling alliance during the ongoing winter session of parliament.   It is another matter that its own government in Karnataka is mired in land scam scandal besmirching  BJP’s image  noticeably.

Telecom scams are not new to India  as we have the precedent of former telecom minister Sukh Ram, who,  incidentally,  unleashed  telecom revolution in India in the 90’s, involving in a scandal worth Rs. 1,500 crores.   Sukh Ram was charged with amassing disproportionate assets during his tenure and was convicted and sentenced for three years of imprisonment.    This is a rarity in Indian politics because most of our ‘netas’ go scot free even after getting involved in scandals, corruption or violence.  The real tragedy of this largest democracy is not of squandering public money in CWG or usurping prime land in South Mumbai in the name of Kargil war widows,  but the general belief among the common public that the guilty are never be brought to book. 
True Watchdogs

Credit should certainly go to the two  watchdogs of democracy the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) and the fourth pillar of democracy -  the press,  for carrying out their  responsibilities with  due diligence and with  a  sense of purpose to nail the culprits.  At a time when not even  a single anti corruption agency worked independently it was the press and the CAG which took up the cudgel of fighting corruption.  If the CAG had not  come out with its observations the spectrum scandal would not have come out. 

While the tower of shame scandal was unearthed  thanks to the efforts of Shiva Sena, the media took up the issue once it came into public domain.  Ditto with CWG with Rs. 8000 crore rip-off in allocation of rights &  procurement of materials by Suresh Kalmadi-led panel and the media went after Kalmadi only after  the CWG’s unpreparedness became a matter of national concern.   Kalamadi is divested of only one responsibility and he continues to be the long serving President of Indian Olympic Association.  

And with regard to the spectrum case, the media carried out a relentless campaign of sort to give the opposition a ready subject to tackle during  the ongoing parliament session.  One must hasten to add that it was the media which played the role of the true opposition party by carrying out thorough investigative and analytical  reports on the scandal, forcing the reluctant minister Raja to step down.   It was the sheer enormity of the money involved in the spectrum scandal that  made the media and the public to sit and take notice of this shameful act.

Similarly in Karnataka,  it was the media which played a crucial role unearthing  the land scam arising out of  Chief Minister B S Yedyurappa’s largesse towards his son.   The opposition which is determined to unseat the BJP in  Karnataka  has found an ally  in the press which has made its task simpler and easier in its efforts to nail the Chief Minister and bring down his beleaguered government.   The audacity of the Chief Minister that he would expose the misdeeds of earlier leaders when he is caught with his foot in the mouth,  smacks of the deterioration of morality in public life.    

With scandals galore, it would be  sacrilege to say that the Congress party occupies a higher moral ground vis-à-vis corruption.  In fact the party was compelled to sacrifice these netaas only after their names got mired in scandals and not out of its genuine interest to wipe out  corruption.  Its highly ambiguous and nonchalant  attitude towards corruption is  surely a cause to worry if we are serious about bringing down the scale of corruption if not weed it out  completely. 

Apart from the 3 major scandals of CWG, Adarsh Housing society and Spectrum, there are scandals like  Rs. 18,000 crore Scorpene submarine deal in which the middlemen  had a hay day, cash to vote scandal, rice export scandal where private middlemen undermined  ban  to export Rs 2,500 crore of grain under Kamal Nath and Prasar Bharathi CEO B S Lalli’s continuation in office despite his actions that resulted in Rs. 68 crore loss  to the national broadcaster by subcontracting broadcasting deals, all of which surfaced during the Congress led coalition rule.   It may be said the Congress insouciance  towards corruption stems from the compulsion of coalition politics.  However, to condone a scandal of this magnitude like the Spectrum scandal is too high a price on pays  in the name of politics of coalition.  Indians did not did not expect  Dr Manmohan Singh to turn a blind eye to scandals of such enormity by his own ministers. 

Proving Churchill Right?

Looking at the sordid state of affairs of the last 63 years of our independence and the way state of things are in our country one cannot help recalling  what Winston Churhill had said opposing granting independence to India "----------Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air & water... would be taxed in India”.  This is exactly what has happened to our country proving that Winston Churchill had rightly gauged Indians and their character.  He was an astrologer whose predictions have come true to the T and we have proved him right in all aspects.  We have rogues, goondas and people with criminal backgrounds who have become politicians with the single objective of amassing wealth and more wealth.  What happens to the nation in the bargain is not their concern. 

Despite such sorry state of affairs we have to salute and feel proud of our constitutional bodies and the fourth estate – the press,  for delivering what is expected of them.  It is not surprising if people wonder who is playing the role of the real opposition party in our democracy.   It is some solace that when one has failed there are others who rise to the occasion and deliver. That is the beauty of our democracy.


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Comment on this article

  • Nawab Ali, Mysore, Mysore

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    Mr. Robin,
    You are wrong. British took power from Madras, Bengal, Hyderabad, Srirangapatna, and Laknow & Delhi rulers. And united the country in to India. It would have proper to return majority parts of Indian land to Muslims. India never had been one country. Credit for Uniting India in to one country definitely goes to British. Every nation common persons make majority of people In India always the land & money with only few landlords & small time kings. India today has the largest poor people because in India in every business deal first deal is kickbacks, Black money & hiding the wealth.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    There is an old saying "never say

    Indian society is totally immersed
    in corruption through all government level.
    Privatize all non-government business undertakings. When we
    got independence, instead of concentrating on a good administration, the government began to undertake business enterprises.

    Air India, Indian Airlines,
    Railway, power plants, Iron and
    Steel Industries etc are to be handed
    over to the private sector. How much corruption is taking place
    through those government entities,
    from the very top level to the
    bottom level?

    When we got independence, it might
    have been impossible to run those business through the private sector, but now the private sector
    is waiting in line to run the
    business with high efficieny.
    All the goverment business are in
    red ink.

    The way of corruption is not treated as a crime, but simply
    ignored as a standard formality to
    get things done fast. The unionized employees have no fear of
    punishment because they dictate
    their own terms and rule of law.

    When the air traffic cortrollers
    d a national strike while
    President Reagan took the Presidency which was his gretest
    challenge of his presidency at its
    infancy. He gave an ultimatum to the employees "report for the job
    within this day, or firing and
    jail sentence for disrupting the
    travel of the public". The matter was resolved fast.

    Take drastic actions to eradicate
    corruption from top to bottom without fear or partiality.

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  • Ashwin, bejai/mangalore

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    Ha Ha HA ? sounds funny right ?
    Check this out ..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_of_India
    now tell woz suppose to be blamed ?

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  • Mervin svd, Nairobi, Kenya

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    What is happening in India for the last few weeks in terms of rampant corruption in government and official circles is most shocking, disturbing and disgusting. While millions of people are languishing in poverty, unemployment and affected by natural calamities like floods and other such disasters, these (I feel ashamed to even address them as ‘our’ politicians) greedy, selfish and heartless politicians are busy squandering the nation’s wealth and resources by pocketing millions and millions of rupees. What is heard perennially is of shady deals, grabbing of land everywhere and now millions of rupees entering into the private bank accounts of the politicians and their families.

    Every deal that is struck has a corrupt side to it. I wonder where we are heading to as a nation. We urgently need a revolutionary movement of people of good will to oust this hungry bunch of current corrupt & heartless politicians. Do we have at least some leaders of character left in the country with a genuine concern for the common good, who can take up this challenge? Can our religious leaders wake up and mobilise and conscientise our people and groom a new crop of leaders whose interest will be nation building and welfare of all? Please wake up my people! This is too much! Enough is enough!

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    hi,Eric Coelho, Mangalore,







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  • Dr. Arun Sequeira, AbuDhabi

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    Another high yield corruption field is the Land and real esate sector.Whoever politician or official has connection with real estate, you will surely find siphoned money(black and white!).Our politicians have the audacity to say they have done nothing wrong even after found guilty.
    We shall prepare for a national committee to field independents in the next Lokasabha election under one umbrella group.The candidates should be hand picked such as Mrs.Kiran Bedi, Mr.Julius Rebeiro, Mr.Kairnar,Mr.T.N.Sheshan etc. of that calibre.
    I call upon the Just people to come forward to form such a committee so that we will have at least 30 to 40 bold and righteous MPs in the Parliament(at least one from each state) which will surely make a difference without wasting any more time.In Democratic system, the power for any change rests only in the hands of politicians(the real people power),there is no other alternative. We have no choice but to vote for anyone without merit and the repeation of same cycles of corruption.

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  • Robin, Bangalore

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    Ashwin, Some more time for British !!! ???? More than 200 Years not enough ? Ha.. Ha... Ha... See this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_independence_movement

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  • preethi, mangalore

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    It is we who made these politicians like this,If we where not bribing them each time now our Indian would not have become like this.And don't blame British,If they where not ruling our country we would have been developed this much, you believe it or not.Where ever Indian go there is this kind of give and take it is in our blood I can say.

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  • preethi, mangalore

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    It is we who made these politicians like this,If we where not bribing them each time now our Indian would not have become like this.And don't blame British,If they where not ruling our country we would have been developed this much, you believe it or not.Where ever Indian go there is this kind of give and take it is in our blood I can say.

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  • Ashwin, Bejai/Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    Dear Robin,
    don't blame the british , if Gandhi , Nerhu and jinnah didn't have their conflicts , the british would have rushed in dividing nor would they leave any unfinished work and go. it was the tense situation or the deadline set by our leaders or created by nehru and jinnah specially that the british had to take a decision like that. its because India was ruled by the british that we can find some good infrastructure , well planned townships , bridges , railway lines etc . im not supporting the british i'm an indian by birth , n yes i love my country , but honestly i hope we should have given the britishes some more time and not set a deadline for them to draw lines and take such a huge decision in a months time .

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  • Balakrishna Shetty, Yellur/Dubai

    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    One likes it or not, Churchill is already proved right. Power is in the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters.Leaders are of low caliber and men of straw. The country is lost in the political squabbles. Water is already taxed. For clean air one has to buy a ticket and go to parks. Its only a matter of time even the sun light and darkness of nights will also be taxed like once it was the case in Churchill's own country.

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    Sat, Nov 20 2010

    Corruption can be pursued cannot be limited or put back.
    plastic can be sold cannot be recovered back.
    DDT can be sprayed cannot be removed back.
    earth can be warmed cannot be cooled back.
    terrorism can be groomed cannot be rolled back.

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  • jrao,

    Fri, Nov 19 2010

    If ruling Govt. involves in such a lot of scams what Harshad Mehta did
    is right. Why different rule to
    politicians and others. Why the so called President/Governer is mum on
    such matters where there is real
    intervention is need of the hour.

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  • Robin, Bangalore

    Fri, Nov 19 2010

    (Contd...) Go to a street paper stall. How many Papers or Magazines we want to get NEWS ? News is there or not but PAPER need to be printed. To Print something if NEWS is not there, should be created. Gone are the days of Harikaars... They bring news if NEWS is there. But today we will get news and papers irrespective of presence of news, working day or holiday.

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  • Robin, Bangalore

    Fri, Nov 19 2010

    Ok... Some of your words should be accepted and some bitter nuisance.... Churchil was dead against in giving us OUR autonomy. But why those British should leave us divided while going ? Anyway they are going... But why they have to split and put us in parmanent trouble before they depart. I have a suggestion - that we have to make a law so that no BRITISH should stay on Indian Land in the Month of August at least as long as they (BRITISH) come forward and solve the Kashmir issue at their cost.

    Many minds of South Kanara still feel sorry for getting Independence. We can't find a single member belong to their community who fought for Indian Independence. We are succeeded in flushing out British but not their culture. Tell me an equivalent word for our "AHIMSA" in English. You can put a Non-... for "Violence". But no equivalent. That means AHIMSA is not part of the Western world. I also cursed to use that language for write up here which is my fate.

    You told about Press.... You mean Press is STRAIGHT... It is not inclining towards any political outfit ? It is not putting PAID news ? It is not dig dissidence once a fresh government takes oath ? It is not running as fast as possible behind celebrities to catch their private life to public and shake its shoulder that they are FIRST to do so and not bothering about consequences (Disasters - Prince Diana case and many Political instabilities around the world ). Is that FOURTH estate does the job STRAIGHT ? (..Contd..)

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 19 2010

    In last 63 years we have achieved nothing except that 77% of our indian population has touched below poverty line. I would consider todays politicians as Cheaters to the voters, Looters of our natural wealth, Robbers of our tax money. It is time we put an end to this kind of democracy. The elected voters should know what our elected representative has done in his constituency. The elected voters should form a committee of eminent class of people to assess the work of elected leaders. It is time voters change their mindset.

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