New Delhi, March 4 (IANS) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Friday raided the offices and residences of suspended Prasar Bharati chief executive officer (CEO) B.S. Lalli and Waseem Ahmed Dehlvi of Zoom Communications for their alleged involvement in the Commonwealth Games (CWG) broadcasting scam.The raids started at 8 a.m. and were simultaneously conducted at four places, CBI spokesperson Vineeta Thakur told IANS.
CBI registered an FIR against Lalli Thursday night.
Lalli, who is facing corruption charges, was placed under suspension Dec 21, 2010. He is an IAS officer of the 1971 batch belonging to Uttar Pradesh cadre.
The V.K. Shunglu Committee, appointed by the government to probe allegations of corruption surrounding the Commonwealth Games in October 2010, noted that the Prasar Bharati had sanctioned highly inflated bills in connection with the broadcast of the event.