Lucknow, March 30 (IANS) The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Wednesday said it will launch a series of rallies in various parts of Uttar Pradesh from April 9 against the "anti-people policies" of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) government.
"From law and order problems to corrupt practices adopted by the government to anti-people policies, several such issues would be taken up by us during the 'Mahasangram' rallies," BJP state president Surya Pratap Shahi told reporters here at a press conference.
The BJP's first rally will be held in Meerut April 9. Later, these Mahasangram rallies will be organised in Gorakhpur (April 17), Varanasi (April 18) and Faizabad (April 26).
"Our main objective behind holding such rallies is to unmask the state government by apprising the public about its misdeeds. Be it the farmers, government employees or the common man, BSP policies have ignored all of them. The only thing that is in the mind of the government is to set up memorials and parks from public funds," he said.
BJP national president Nitin Gadkari and other senior leaders may participate in the rallies to make them successful, a party official said.