Circumcision fear stops Hindu priest from converting to Islam

Bengaluru, Aug 22 (IANS): A Hindu priest who had announced his willingness to get converted to Islam has now changed his mind, fearing the circumcision practice.

"I am suffering from diabetes. I got scared after knowing that 'khatna' (circumcision) would be conducted at the time of conversion. I got scared about the consequences and finally decided to stay back in Hinduism," H.R. Chandrashekaraiah elaborated.

"I was pained with the inheritance dispute. Relatives distanced themselves away from me. Since, I was an aged person, it seemed to me that they would not conduct my final rites as per the traditions; and I decided to get converted to Islam lawfully," the priest told media.

"I did'nt know anything about Islam. My house was located in the region where many Muslims lived and many friends stayed there. Hence, I decided to change my religion," he said.

"The Sanatan Hindu religion is supreme. I realised that my decision to convert to Islam was wrong. The ignorance has gone away, there is no 'mukthi' if religion is changed," Chandrashekaraish added.

He further said that he is at peace after being welcomed back to Hinduism by religious seers.

Chandrashekaraish asserted that since birth, his thought process and living pattern are in sync with Hindu religion and he felt let down by the hurried decision he had taken.

Meanwhile, some locals alleged that a JD(S) leader and others had influenced him to take the decision of religious conversion.

61-year-old Chandrashekaraiah, a temple priest, had earlier announced his decision to convert and had also issued an advertisement in this regard.

The priest even rechristened his name as Mubarak Pasha. Photographs of Chandrashekaraiah wearing a skull cap and offering namaz made it a communal issue.

Former BJP minister Sogadu Shivanna rushed to his house and held long discussions. Shivanna also arranged a "ghar wapsi" (re-conversion) programme for him through religious seers.








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  • Alphonse Rodrigues, Udupi

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    The founder of Islam in the year 6-7th century by Muhammad, was not at all circumcised. And the cult following people of 6-7th century are claiming Jesus was circumcised. Dear all followers of Muhammad give me a verse from the whole of Quran about the circumcisions of Muhammad. Muhammad was not at all circumcised and you futile, and falsely writing comments without perceiving, are arguing about the holy bible's circumcisions. Firstly know your Quran well.

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  • Daniel, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Circumcision of heart required of any hatred, jealousy, envy, anger, lust, pride to become godly humans and not the other circumcision to please God!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shakeer, Mangaluru

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    There are lots of sermons on circumcision here. Can anyone explain the advantages of FGM or Khatna forced on females in Bohra Muslims?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Shakeer mangalore Its only a question.Do really women are circumcised in Islam?I thought it is in Africa they do by girls and sew so that not any men can approach girls and rape them until marriage.Many girls suffer and even die out of infection.I have seen even girls get infection and region is so badly healed that they have to undergo second operation before marriage.They do it to girls at the age of 5-6years or even small by a village woman with a blade. Horrible scenes.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • GURKA, Mangaluru

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Just think about it DEAR SANATHANA DHARMA !! If aged means to be DISTANCED and respect for the elders! Is this DHARMA teaches all of us!! what is that crap: SUPREME COMMANDER is enjoying his retirement age by buying 3000 aeroplane, vista building, selling GOVT owned companies, building 3000 crore statues and sprading fake nationalism, fake religious sentiments, wearing fancy dresses of all region and ultimately reading teleprompter in front of thousands of fools gathered to listen to him.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joel, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    NIA should question him. Why was he going to convert to islam?

    DisAgree [8] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mokaddes Hossain, West Bengal, Nadia,Plashipara,Palsunda, 741146

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Why do you want to be Muslim by accepting Islam if you fear so about circumcise?

    DisAgree [12] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    He feared circumcision but not God. The reality is this is just the story he made but infact it could be Saffron outfits warnings might have made him say that

    DisAgree [12] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sameer, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Circumcision is a tribal ritual practiced by few religions especially by Islam. Until recently, this procedure was done in unsanitized and unhygienic method. Some circumcize even their girls to this day. They justify this cruel practice in the name of cleanliness! Do you cut off your lips to maintain cleanliness of teeth or you just brush using a toothbrush? Do you chop off your bums or just clean the asshole? Its pure nonsense. Their second justification is that it is their creator's order to cut off the skin end! Then why did he created it like that? Are u saying he is an imperfect creator who asks the users to correct his manufactural defect? Foolishness.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [68] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prabhu, DK/Canada

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    This happens only in INDYA me! Why not this poor man , have few bottles of Sharab that would knock him out, relcite Kalima , bite the bullet, convert to Islam. Then if he didn’t like it approach a BJP minister then become “Ghar Wapsi” and finally get a monetary award from BJPrecrutment centre! But poor fellow can’t have his old job! He has to start with Dali caste as the beginner!🤗! But, If he declares himself a member of OBC group can get many things free too! Good luck !

    DisAgree [6] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ayes p., Kudla/ksa

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    He was brain washed by his right wing groups not that reason.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manohar, Udupi

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    That was my fear too......... Size matters !!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussein, Moodbidri

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    There is misinformation about circumcision. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis. The procedure is fairly common for newborn boys in certain parts of the world, including the United States. To know its benefit, you can check in webpage of mayoclinic.

    DisAgree [30] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • g m hegde, Mumbai

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Looking at how circumcised trouble makers are behaving in country, changed his mind

    DisAgree [31] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    circumcisions is not at all necessary 2 humans. circumcisions is carried out 1nly 2 those who have skin disease, not otherwise.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Moshu, Mangaluru

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Jesus circumcised on the 8th day after his birth.(Luke, chapter 2, verse 21). According to Johns Hopkins (The American Academy of Pediatrics) the greater Benefits of Infant Circumcision is that link circumcision to decreased risk over a lifetime for some forms of cancer, including penile and cervical, and the spread and heterosexual acquisition of HIV, human papilloma virus (HPV), genital herpes and syphilis

    DisAgree [49] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Don, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Jesus was circumcised ONLY because he was a Jew. Period. I could tell you the real reason why circumcision was started by Abraham 5000 years ago, but my comments will not be published. Read the Torah, its history and oldest Jewish sources to find out Why Abraham was the first to circumcise himself. He then circumcised his two sons and then insisted that the whole community had to circumcise. The Torah clearly states the when you circumcise, this is a mark that certifies that you are now a Jew. That's why Catholics in particular DO NOT circumcise.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    @Don, so whose practice Jesus (peace be upon him) followed, indeed Abraham/Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and who are the descendants of Abraham? Jesus comes from the lineage of Isaac (peace be upon him) son of Abraham from Sara and Mohammed (peace be upon him) comes from the lineage of Ishmael/Ismail (peace be upon him) son of Abraham from Hajer/Hajira.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [23] Report Abuse

  • Don, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Ahmed, Bangalore Christians follow the teachings of Jesus as outlined in parable of the Holy Bible. Jesus stamped out many of the teachings in the Old Testament and by calling himself the son of God the Jews killed him. That's why we call ourselves followers of Christ. Though we know and acknowledge the 44 prophets of the (Hebrew Bible) Torah and the compilation of the first five books namely Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy all what happened for the past 10,000+ years. However, when your Prophet Mohammad came 700 years after Jesus, all what he did was he brought back teachings of the Torah and re-established Jewish law + some of his teachings and called his new religion Islam. That's why Jews and Muslims have so much in common, than what we Christians believe. Please read the Torah, the Holy Bible and you will see how close are the teachings of Islam and Judaism. So to answer your question, we DO NOT follow Abraham or any of the other 43 prophets, other than Jesus. Jesus is our God, he is our Lord and he is our Master.

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  • Sam, Mangalore/ Mississauga

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Jesus Christ was circumcised because he was born Jew And American medical association 2 weeks ago , there is no proven benefit from this practice.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Moshu, Mangaluru

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Do you follow his teachings or you worship a jew?

    DisAgree [16] Agree [5] Report Abuse

  • Sam, Mangalore/ Mississauga

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Moshu Mangaluru __________ Whom I worship, who's teachings I follow is totally my buisness, not yours.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Report Abuse

  • Krishna Dasa, Udupi,.

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    It is common in Western developed countries to have Circumcision on all male children on good health reasons irrespective of religion.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil N Dsouza, Udupi/Thottam

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    If Circumcision will save men from few deceases then why more circumcised people are waiting in KMC OPD to see doctors? If religious practices saves people from deceases then follow vegetarian like Brahmins.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vinod Kumar, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    You being a Hindu holy priest why were you expecting inheritance and why were your relatives not in good terms with you?. Looks like you are person do anything for money and worldly pleasure so you are bought by BJP to discourage Hindus from converting to Islam.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • sSantan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Bangalore

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Circumcision is not compulsory in Islam but it is an important ritual aimed at improving cleanliness. It is strongly encouraged but not enforced. Traditionally, adult converts to Islam were encouraged to undergo the operation but this practice is not universally endorsed, particularly if the procedure poses a health risk.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen, Tulunadu

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Ereg Abu mata encha gottu?? Dombu mukri Muni adittara dane?????

    DisAgree [9] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    Dear Naveen, Thank you for your question. I was not a Mukri. I learned it by reading the books.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nelson, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Close shave. Else he sharing hell with the devil

    DisAgree [16] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rolf, Dubai

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    They enter darkness those who worship natural things.They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti (created things) By myself I can do nothing;(A) I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just,(B) for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me. worship˺ instead of God only to keep ˹the bond of˺ harmony among yourselves in this worldly life. But on the Day of Judgment you will disown and curse one another. Your home will be the Fire, and you will have no helper!”

    DisAgree [18] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sense_shetty, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 23 2022

    When there is all round Love ,even the devils are absorbed. There is no fear ..only love ..From my personal experience out of 100 humans ,95 % humans are irreligious ..they just speak and make comments on great phrases from religious texts ..but in practice, everybody is worse than devil .This is the case with all the so called religious people across all religions.

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  • Mohammed, BC Road

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    What do you mean??

    DisAgree [4] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Observer, Mangaluru

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Silly reason. Obviously it seems like a threat from fanatic groups which must be forced him to change his mind..

    DisAgree [24] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • Altaf Sheikh, Urwa Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Ha Ha Ha!!! Dar Gaya....

    DisAgree [22] Agree [62] Reply Report Abuse

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