Sr Maria Sheila AC (78),  daughter of the late J B D’Souza and the late Mary D’Souza, sister of the late Dr Blaan/Dr Agnes D’Souza, the late Judy/Stany D’Souza,  Sr Maria Jyothi AC,  Addy/the late Lucas Pinto, Liddy/Vincy Lobo, the late Antony/Olga D’Souza, Birdie/Alwyn Mascarenhas, the late Christy/Christine D’Souza and Sandra/Felix Pereira, passed away on Friday, June 7, 2024.

Former Headmistress of St Agnes English Primary School, Mangalore, former Headmistress of St Mary's School, Margil, Mangalore, former Headmistress of Carmel Convent School, Jayanagar, Bangalore, former Headmistress of Carmel English School Nanjangud, Superior and Headmistress in Doonholm Catholic Primary School, Nairobi and Apostlic Carmel Primary in Kenya.

Mortal remains will be brought to Our Lady of Miracles Church, Milagres, Mangalore on Sunday, June 9.    Viewing at 2.30 pm, followed by Mass at 3.00 pm.

Contact :   94813 35056