Barack Obama - A Beacon of Hope

May 31, 2012

Barack Obama - A Beacon of Hope

Wall Street was in panic mode as shares and stocks just fell
Financial markets capsized while they could hear their death knell
It wasn’t 1929 but 2007
A déjà vu like feeling of another great depression
While Lehman’s and the Ponzi kings were feasting on champagne
Recession was the dreaded word and havoc seemed to reign
With the housing bubble bursting the entire world saw dark
Except for one beacon of hope – Abe Lincoln-like – Barack
In a scene that’s badly written, as Paul Simon might say
Main Street lost their livelihood and felt like Potters clay
Like cattle at the abattoir they felt it was the end
Resigning to the after shocks which all seemed to portend
But then they heard a gentle voice – which told them they could cope
Which told them things would change with the audacity of hope
They saw a man with vision while they chanted “O-ba-ma”
And with their soul’s on fire hitched their wagon to their star
In him they saw a human being who tried to do what’s right
Like Atticus from “Mocking Bird” he didn’t see black or white
If you walk the road he’s travelled, you’ll see that he’s addressed
Several pressing issues which have been a hornet’s nest
He’s closed those offshore tax havens and pushed for health care plan
Which he believed, like Hillary – should be for every man
With ‘Joe the Biden’ by his side he managed to withdraw
Troops who longed to come home while he didn’t hum or haw
Increasing infrastructure spending was slam dunk all the way
Despite divisive politics which sure was foul play
He’s rescued General Motors and funded science and schools
And cut down wasteful spending on which he had firm rules
While he’s being crucified by many, a billion hearts he’s won
In trying to restore Camelot he has not been outdone
Like JFK and Clinton, I’m sure he will transform
A nation that was crippled when he passes more reform
It’s time to cast your vote again for 4 years have gone by
So help him raise the stars and stripes and let them touch the sky
The ones who lie in Arlington seem to know we can
“Yes we can, yes we can” With Obama as our man


Anita Britto Archives:


By Anita Britto, Auckland
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Comment on this article

  • Jacqualin, Mangalore / Costa Rica

    Sat, Nov 10 2012

    Yes indeed... he is going to "be a con of hope"... good one

  • Jacqualin, Mangalore / Costa Rica

    Sat, Nov 10 2012

    I totally agree with you Mr. John.
    Obama has begun a holocaust

  • Mary, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 08 2012

    Yes, this poem is true story of Obama's 4 years in the office.
    The only thing he did bad was his approval for gay marriage. Otherwise everything was very fine. Even if he had not signed for the gay marriage, he would have won the next 4 years but now its a ?

  • ad, mangloor

    Wed, Jun 06 2012

    Glorification of Obama is unwanted. While he was an inspiration for black Americans and the poor, his track record is dismal. Americans wanted more from him but he still talks about hope without delivering it, albeit it is false hope domestically and internationally....

    He is an orator but an orator who uses same language and tone all the time. Its all a tone.

    On campaign trail he was an anti-war Pres., hopeful. Rather than stopping war he still kills people in Afghanistan. He has become the "Drone President" ordering drone atacks and has become silent war president ignoring international bounderies and territorial integrity of other nations.
    For political reasons he now endorses Gay Unions who once was opposed to it. Is he a Chrisitan ????? as he claims???

    Four years ago he was a beacon hope but today he has become a beacon of hoplessness.

    American politics is strange, after all it is politics.

  • John , Mangalore /U.S

    Tue, Jun 05 2012

    In January, Obama announced that the Department of Health and Human Services will now require that all health insurance companies must provide contraceptives, including abortifacients (i.e., abortion-inducing drugs).
    This mandate came, regardless of anyone's conscience being bothered. Many people felt that essentially the Obama administration d war on the Catholic Church.
    Obama is also the first President to support Homosexual marriage, apart from his failed economic policies.
    I fail to understand, how Anita Britto can glorify such a person.

  • Alex D'Mello, Mundkur/mumbai

    Tue, Jun 05 2012

    Dear Anita, you are an inspiration,An upcoming institution, Your rhymes are wonderful, and a lot meaningful, the "change" of Obama we too like,
    and wish him all good luck.

  • Gracy, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 05 2012

    You covered it pretty clearly. I am a US citizen and my vote definitely goes to him.

  • Sankappanna M, Sankalakariya Bahrain

    Sat, Jun 02 2012

    Barack Obama...beacon of hope...its a joke...just read it this way...Be a Con of Hope...tragedy is that he cons and people are conned is not about economics...its about humanity being stripped of decency...

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Fri, Jun 01 2012

    At $ 16 trillion debt and still giving importance to trivials in
    'gay' abandon, Barrack's stand on everything from 'outsourcing ' to 'India Bashing'has to be taken with a 'pinch of arrack'. There is a need for a strong 'prose' against his fumblings not 'arm chair poetry'. 'Bittersweet' is far better of for it depicts the
    correct picture !

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Fri, Jun 01 2012

    My friend Mr. Kurt Waschnig: I have never said that capitalism is bad indeed that is the only way to make use of the maximum potential of every human being on earth. The economists from the
    London school of Economics met the Queen of England two years back and apologized that none of them saw this recession coming. The top-notch economists from Harward and Yale are keeping their mouth shut due to the fact that their economic predictions went totally wrong. As the strongest economy of Europe, your country's economic growth for the last quarter was only 0.5%, and in some other European countries, it was flat and yet in some other, it was negative. In the u.S. it was
    2.2%, but the last quarter it was 1.9%, out of which 1.5 was due to the automobile production. The leading economic powers in the GDP,
    the U.S.-China-Japan-India and Brazil, all the four except Japan is showing sharp decline in the GDP. The U.S. consumer confidence was ped more than 2%. Is there any economist in the world to fix this problem? Dr. Nourcil Roubin predicted the recession (he didn't even know the gravity) but he has no solution to this world-wide recession. Please tell,
    who can fix it? That is reason I mentioned very specifically about the divine hand behind it.

  • Tony Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney

    Fri, Jun 01 2012

    Given the situation prevailing in the USA at the present moment, Barack Obama is the best candidate available to lead them into the next term and he deserves a second chance. As the poem depicts, he has carried out quite a few reforms in the first term like the health care plan, and he is trying to bring in legislation where the rich people will pay more tax which should rightly be the case. He also has closed the loop holes where the multinational companies, conglomerates, large banks and financial institutions that were taking advantage of the financial system and flouting the rules, and making the public and common person suffer in the process.

    The unemployment rate in US also is gradually coming down, and the US dollar going up again. The main reason for the US dollar to rise because of the crisis in Europe and also because of the boom in China, who buy and invest in US dollar bonds because they think the US currency is still the safest heaven.

    So, all said and done, Obama so far has done a good job, and he deserves the second term by all means.

    By the way, very nice poem indeed, Anita! Keep writing.

  • Stanislau Rodrigues, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 01 2012

    I don’t doubt the talent of Ms Anita. “Barack Obama - A Beacon of Hope” to whom is the real question? Is this a pre-poll canvassing add for the Democratic candidate? If Ms Anita truly knew what were the policies of Obama then the title would not have been the same. I would put it: “ Barack Obama – a prophet of doom”.

  • Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg Germany

    Thu, May 31 2012

    My dear friend, you say "there is a divine hand behind it, believe it or not."
    I do not agree with your point of view. Capitalism has always experienced an up and down. That belongs to a free and liberal market.
    History has shown that capitalism has been often able to adapt to a new environment often by the help of economic and able presidents.
    Europe, for example Germany or Norway and Sweden have shown that capitalism can work mixed with an excellent social welfare system that supports those who are in need.
    Keynes showed how to intervene in difficult economic times. It worked in many countries.
    I am sure there is a way out from that crisis and when you look at history solutions and inventions were always figured out to increase the GDP.
    The world needs educated and skilled human beings all over the world. People who have a meaning of life. People who see the needy and the poor.
    The Obama administration consists of excellent experts and they work tireless to overcome the current economic crisis.
    The world is changing and the economy too but human beings have been always great inventors.
    We should be grateful to live in a great time with all the changes we face. We experience a technological revolution.
    And President Obama is the right guy for the next years to lead the USA.

    Best regards

    Kurt Waschnig Oldenburg Germany

  • Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg Germany

    Thu, May 31 2012

    Dear Anita, thank you for your poem. The important question is has Mr Obama done a good job as president?
    Even after 4 years in office he is still the hope of the black people, the poor and the liberal middle class.
    He is a liberal president and he sticks to his convictions and when the financial meltdown occurred Obama and his economic team of experts figured out good solutions and after implementing and applying the economy began to work again.
    There was a significant decrease of unemployment in the United States, and President Obama saw the necessity of a medical insurance for all US citizens.
    Or his intention to give gay people more civil rights including his plan to enable them to get married.
    Mistakes were made but that is unavoidable. What will happen to Afghanistan or the drones attacks.
    His government has not been able to figure out constructive plans for Afghanistan or Pakistan.
    There lie ahead tremendous difficulties how to cope with a very strong China and how to curb poverty in the USA.

    But Mr Obama has shown his ability and determination to solve problems.

    I hope that the Americans will give him a second term in office. Currently Mr Obama is the best one to lead the United States.

    Best regards

    Kurt Waschnig Oldenburg Germany


  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Thu, May 31 2012

    Well, a poet is entitled to his/her opinion, but some of the eulogies used, seem to be here just for ‘rhyme’ sake.

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, May 31 2012

    " The presidency is not merely an administrative office. That is the least of it...It is pre-eminently a place of moral leadership" Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He got the great depression of 1929, but GOD used him to change the situation.

    The national day of prayer was very sacredly conducted by all the
    U.S. presidents which was started due to influence of Dr. Billy Graham, started in 1952. For the first time, President Obama cancelled that at the first year of his Presidency, and many other things he has done totally challenging the sacred traditions was totally confusing to us all.

    While he and his wife were driving in Chicago in their $ 600.00 Datsun car (Now it is Nissan) he could see the road while looking down through the floor. He knows the pain of the poor people because he has suffered that part of life, and he may be trying to do something to help them, that is great. Nobody in the world can fix this economic crisis and it is getting from bad to worse, there is a divine hand behind it, believe it or not. The "idol of wealth" is disappearing before our eyes.

  • Vivek Baliga, Bangalore/Abohar

    Thu, May 31 2012

    Hd is the sole reason why today the rupee is close to 57/-, he wants to hike the dollar as elections are coming near, he is blindly printing money , without having any offset in the treasury.. and we have able minded people in India who sit and worship him

  • Alex, Mangalore

    Thu, May 31 2012

    Obama is a biggest failure, acting like a leader of a third world country, where they promise and never promises get fulfilled.

    On the bargain he has brought in Gay marriage act, Heath insurance law where even catholic institutions are forced to pay for abortions and contraception, which go against tenents of catholic faith.
    How can Anita Britto paint a rosy picture about him, did he pay her for his reelection campaign, as he collects a lot money from so called liberals and aethiests who are putting down the religious beliefs to the dogs.

  • John, Mangalore

    Thu, May 31 2012

    Dumb!!! This is from Obama's reelection campaign office.

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