God Never Remains a Debtor

July 14, 2012
Part I
The more I look at my family and its backgrounds, the more I am strengthened in my belief that God does not remain a debtor to anyone
I come from a big family of 15 children, 8 of them who died in their childhood and another 4 as years went by. Now, Bishop Patrick D’Souza, Bishop Emeritus of Varanasi, myself and my sister Maggie Tauro who lives with her children in Bangalore, in that order , remain.
My brother, Bishop Patrick had shown an inclination for priesthood and so Fr Joachim Monteiro and Fr Lawrence Monteiro who were assistant parish priests at Bendur at that time arranged to send him to the Minor Seminary at Ajmere. He was just 12 years old then. My parents were very poor but they offered their son generously to God My father had to reach him to Kallianpur from where he was to be taken to Ajmere. My father reached him there but for the return journey he had no money and so he walked all the way from Kallianpur to Bendur and as a result, his feet were swollen with fatigue.
Bishop Patrick did his Cambridge studies in Ajmere and also his Latin studies and for his Philosophy he was sent to the Jeppu seminary. For his Theology he was sent to Rome in 1950 and in 1953, he was ordained a priest. He did his Doctorate in Sacred Theology and returned to Mangalore in 1956.
In Ajmere my brother was the Principal of a College there and from there he was appointed the Secretary General of the CBCI (Catholic Bishops Conference of India). He was instrumental in organizing the National Seminar on Church In India Today. In 1970 he was appointed the first Bishop of the newly created Varanasi Gorakhpur diocese. He was the youngest Bishop to be appointed at that time.
My mother had a great desire to see him become a priest and after that her desire was to see him as a bishop. My brother was consecrated a bishop in August 1970, both my father and my mother could not attend the function in Delhi because of their old age and ill health. My brother came down to see his parents in August. And having her desire fulfilled my mother expired on September 18, 1970. My father died on Christmas day 1972.
I really feel that their sacrifices were amply rewarded. Yes, again it is a God who never remains a debtor.
Part II
God does not remain a debtor to anyone – my personal life has strengthened this belief in me.
It was in the primary school – one day students had not come prepared for the catechism Class ansd so our teacher Ms Rosie Coelho made us kneel down. After some time – she said: those who want to become a priest, can sit down. I took this opportunity and sat down , But that made the other students make fun of me calling me “padryaab” (priest) and that name stuck. May be that was the time I got an inspiration for priesthood.
But I was a terrible stammerer at that time. I could not answer a single question in School and my stammering was suffocating the listeners. After my SSLC, Fr Marian Fernandes, who was assistant parish priest at Bendur, knowing my desire, arranged to send me to Belgaum, st St Paul’s High School, run by Jesuits, hoping that the change of climate may help my stammering. It did not work and the Fathers there sent me back saying, if your stammering improves, you may come back.
I returned to Mangalore, and I saw that my parents had sold our house to settle the loans taken at the time of the wedding of my sister and were living in a rented room. I started working as a clerk and as I had to deal with customers, I found that my stammering was slowly going away. Then I reealised that my place was not “there” but “here”.
My salary was a pittance but I could not go out of Mangalore because there was no one else to look after my aged parents. Then I did my studies which had stopped at SSLC and did my BA privately. Then my marriage took place and we had children. My wife Mary was very supportive and when the children grew up, my wife and they cajoled me to go abroad so that our financial condition may improve. By this time, under Fr William Gonsalves’s guidance and insistence, who was the Headmaster of Padua High School, where I was working, I did my B.Ed and secured the sixth rank in the Univesity. My stammering had almost disappeared by this time.
Among our four children, two girls and two boys, the younger of the boys was a little more mischievous and boisterous than the other and I was surprised when he told me that he wanted to be a priest. He joined the Varanasi diocese where my brother was the bishop and presently, he , my priest son – Fr Sudhir – is doing his studies in the States.

What I could not do myself, God did it through my son.
I am strengthened in my belief – yes God never remains a debtor to anyone.



By Leo D'Souza (Liyab)
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Comment on this article

  • Francis Castelino, Mangalore/ London

    Sat, May 20 2017

    I have a good recollection of you Liiyab. I was in St Aloysius Boarding House 1951 - 53, before moving to boarding in Bangalore.
    Profound message from you here.

    I have lost touch with fellow boarders of that era and wondered how I could restore connections.

  • Francis Castelino, Mangalore/ London

    Sat, May 20 2017

    I have a good recollection of you Liiyab. I was in St Aloysius Boarding House 1951 - 53, before moving to boarding in Bangalore.
    Profound message from you here.
    I have lost touch with fellow boarders of that era and wondered how I could restore connections.

  • Dr. Cajetan Coelho, Goa, India

    Sat, Jul 28 2012

    God Never Remains a Debtor - An inspiring testimony. Wishing Mr. Leo D'Souza good health and a long life.

  • Clitus Dsouza, Bantwal

    Wed, Jul 25 2012

    Inspiring article on GOD

  • Preetham Kirem, Sharjah

    Tue, Jul 24 2012

    Dear Liyab, I can very well remember you in Padua High School, where you taught us English lessons once you were graduated in B.ED. Reading your write up is as good as the first lessons you taught us from the "Gullivers Travells".

  • Diana D'Silva, Mukamar/M'lore

    Mon, Jul 23 2012

    A powerful, heart touching inspiring article.


    Mon, Jul 23 2012

    Yes Liyab, God is never outdone. What an interesting article to read. I came to know how great your family is even though I had seen you abroad and also see you in Bendore church

  • M. D'Mello, Pangla/Toroto

    Sun, Jul 22 2012

    MogaL Liyab,

    Vorsam kitlim pashaar zalim haum neNa, puN tumchi lekhana Raknno hapthyaLyaar sabar vorsam thaun haum vachun asam. Ani maka vortho sonthos, thumi azun pasun, thumchi likNi uzar korun asath, thi maka adhik sonsothos bharith kartha.

    Thumkam boL bolaiki ani laab auk magtham.

  • Irene Pais, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 21 2012

    Dear Liyab,Thankyou for the lovely article.You did well as a family man and you are very telented one.Hope you are dong fine.Love from Wency & Irene.

  • Jerry Rasquinha, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 19 2012

    Wonderful article. No doubt it will enhance the faith of many. The story of staunch faith amidst all difficulties is indeed heart touching. God bless Liab.

  • Shanker, Kandettu, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 17 2012

    Dear Sir, Thank you for the beautiful article. You are my teacher and I still remember you. Your blessings are on us. May you be also blessed. Thank You. Shanker Kandettu

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Tue, Jul 17 2012

    Walked back from 'Kallianpur to
    Bendur' very touching... His grand son today is studying in the States-Yes God never remains a debtor!Such writings can flow only from a 'feeling experience'....

  • Leo D'Souza (Liyab), Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 17 2012

    Thanks to everyone for your kind words about me - I am overwhelmed
    May God bless all of you

  • Tony Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney

    Tue, Jul 17 2012

    Very touching family story and the article! Indeed, those were the real tough times, especially with the large families, but these days everyone seems to be having it easier. I remember you as well Liyaab, when I was doing my studies at St. Aloysius High School and College during the years 1957 - 1961 - I was living at Kadri on the Alvares Road. You and Mr. Valerian Vaz (Vally Vaz) and some other youth were associated and used to take active part at Bendur Parish in writing, acting and conducting Konkani dramas, etc. I was junior to you by a few years and as such you may not remember me. If my memory serves me right, you used to write dramas and Vally Vaz used to be a good actor. You may correct me on this though.

  • Tony Martis, Mangalore/Brunei/Canada

    Mon, Jul 16 2012

    Truly a new perspective and dimension to the love and blessings we receive from the Lord. Thanks for this sharing. It makes me/us enlightened and humbled at the same time, strengthening our faith and helping us to understand God better, specially in times when we wonder why we are tested with what appear to be unbearable burdens or sacrifices. God Bless us all

  • Urban Sequeira, Bendur - Dubai

    Mon, Jul 16 2012

    Dear Liyab

    Very touching article. When I was studying in Padua High School 1969-70, you were working in the office. I still remember. May your articles inspire the younger generation. God is our loving Abba and He cares for us.
    warm regards
    Urban Sequeira
    Bendoor, Dubai

  • Melwyn Sequeira, Niddle - Sydney

    Mon, Jul 16 2012

    Thank you sir for this inspiring note. You did teach me when i was at Padua High School and i was very fortunate to be your student. You are a true witness to sincere desires and hardwork. My the same God give you good health always. Melwyn Sequeira

  • Eddie Sequeira, Mangalore/Doha

    Mon, Jul 16 2012

    A simple, short but powerful article from a simple, humble and down-to-earth person of great qualities. He has mentored and inspired many Konkani writers. Wish Liyab will continue to inspire and enlighten us with more of his memoirs.

  • Leo D'Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 16 2012

    Yes, I am the same Liyab - I was the Prefect of Studies at St Aloysius Boarding House from 1951 to 1958

  • CGS, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 16 2012

    Extremely happy to see our beloved
    Liyab on daijiworld.Wish you would write many more similar articles and inspire our younger generation.

  • shallet D'silva, Mangalore/ Riyadh

    Mon, Jul 16 2012

    Liyaab uncle, i was touched by your article.God is wonderful and loving and i believe that He gives us back a hundredfold whatever little we give. Thank you uncle for the article

  • Fr. Vincent Menezes, Cascia

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    Dear Liyab, indeed God is our loving "ABBA", FATHER. He loves us, cares for us. Also God sends his "messengers" to love and care for others. That what I experienced, God's love and care flowing through you to very many people. I am one such a beneficiary while I was the managing editor of "RAKNNO". Your concern for Raknno was great- through yours literary contributions. Your write up is indeed inspiring. May the Lord bless you still more.

  • Austin Prabhu, Nantur/Chicago

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    Great inspirational article Liyab. You must pen down your loads of experience and knowledge through these articles so that younger generation can get inspired. I knew your family ever since I was a small boy as my father was Gurkar of Nantur Ward in Bendur Parish. Yours was a very simple family which rised to success in life. Your mission was accomplished and your vision shines like a bright star!

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    Great testimony proclaiming the faithfulness of GOD. I could't finish the reading without crying.

  • Fr. Melwin Pinto, Mangalore, Rome.

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    Dearest Liyab,
    You have always been an inspiration for all of us. your integrity and uprightness has won you many many admirers... When I visited Varanasi, I realized how Bp Patrick is revered there among people of all castes and creeds. May God bless you always...

  • cyril peris, kadri/Kuwait

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    Mabrouk Liab for your gret article.
    You are 100 per cent right. I know Liab very well from my childhood.
    When I was in C.A.L. he composed many songs for the drama. He is not only a writer and he is a poet too. Really I like this heart touching article. God never remains a debtor but we remain debtor for God.

  • ujwal, Kadri,mangalore

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    We know Liaab since our childhood days.Applauds & Appreciation galore for a touching article.

  • Joseph P. lewis, Brahmavara

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    Dear Lyab,

    I am much delighted to read your article.May Godless you. IfIam not mistaken are you the same Lyab who used to be in St. Aloysius College Boarding house,Mangalore, workingu uder Fr. Denis Pinto during 1960 or so? I was a border then and I still remember playing cards with you during recess time.

  • Lucy Gonsalves, Udupi, Bahrain

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    A very articulate and well written article. Hats off to you Liyab, we still remember you and for the time spent in Bahrain. Those were the days, a man known for his well written and spoken English language.

  • Reena Castelino, Dubai

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    Very inspiring & touching.

  • judy fernandes, mangalore/bangalore

    Sun, Jul 15 2012

    hey judy, nice to hear from you, I am in blore itself the same place as before. mail me at judytfernandes@yahoo.com then we can get in touch lots of love to you tony and kids

  • Judith D'Cunha, Kulshekar/Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Dear Liyab,
    nice to go through your whole story. congrats and gods blessings to you and your fly. how is marybai. give our fond love and regards. may i know where is judy n fly. please tell her to get in touch. its a long time no news. hope u remember us . judy is to come to my place to learn accounts. all the best and good health. bye. judy(Cutinha) and fly. bangalore.

  • Juliet Mascarenhas, Bejai/Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    "All are called ,But a few are selected". Every one cannot be a priest. Priest hood is not the only way to reach god. You looked after your aged parents , You lead a family life ,served in an educational institution , thereby came out of stammering,produced a son and sacrificed him to serve the lord. Liyab, you have been abundantly blessed by lord Jesus Christ. "Thanks and Praise to you OH lord" This was all gods wish

  • Denzil Goveas, Mangalore/Kingdom of Bahrain

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Dear Liyab
    A very nice and touching article..
    While in Bahrain you have been a great help to many of us. Your dedication to your work was a testimony to all around.
    We pray to God that you, Mary Bai and your family are blessed abundantly.

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Besavam Dhiya Padraybanom,

    Now a days very scanty people ask blessings/Besavam with Padraybakaden.
    (I don't criticize any of the Godly men and women or the chosen ones because I am not responsible or paying for anybodies sins. I am responsible only for my own sins.)
    Dear Mr. Leo,
    Your testimoney/story is wonderful. Blessed are the poor and weak I quote:
    Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
    Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

    May be it is the will of God as you said: you had a stammering and gradually it dissapeared and later you chose to remain to support your own.
    When God choses to do so it is so.

    I have only the following to say for you and for your generations so that He can uplift the lowest to the highest.
    Numbers 6:24-26 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
    Yours in Christ Jesus.

  • Henry Lewis, Sastan/Kuwait

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Nice article it is perfectly true God give us ten times if we give one time he is not Debtor simply we must accept him as our father and master

  • Melwyn Pereira, Mangalore/Canada

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Great We owe everything to God who is all loving and merciful. Everyone who has received blessings from God anytime in their lives should testify so that others may come closer to him.
    Thank you Leo for your testimony.

  • N. Frank, India/Ksa

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Personally I couldnt understand the relation of your life story, with the caption -God Never Remains a Debtor.

    Since as humans we dont know anything about God, except that we should obey his word as directed to us by Jesus, we should refrain from talking on behalf of God.

    Because it is simply beyond our capcity to know what/who our God almighty is

  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Yes,definately it made me to think.
    Look forward to read Part-2.
    Best of luck Leo.

  • Antony Cony D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    God’s Blessings are evident from Part I to Part II and are to continue from third generation and so forth. Those who have seen the Beauty of the Lord, He will allow them to witness more of His Greatness, here, a small lad from a small Mangalorean family becoming youngest consecrated a bishop beyond Mangalore in Varanasi in the olden time without known traditional recommendations is really amazing story of Belief in God - Not a debtor. Well written, Liyaab. My sincere salutes to Rt. Rev. Dr. Bishop Patrick D’ Souza for being image God, how God works unto desire of parents, offering son to the Lord and in return He is faithful for not being Debtor for a small poor family. Hereto are to his son, Fr. Sudhir. God is not a debtor for His own and many may have to take a leap for their own...


    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Although not much of a believer myself,your account is simply touching....maybe, you're right in a way that we are all rewarded by Providence in different ways... what matters is the perspective with which one takes the twists & turns as life rolls by..

  • Irene D'Souza, Bondel /Bahrain

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Dear Liyab,

    It is a very hearttouching real life article. We have experienced your simplicity and love while you were in Bahrain.

    God is great and He loves us all. We wish you and Mary bai good health and peace always. You are always remembered with fondest love and memories.

    Irene D'Souza

  • Liza D'souza, Dubai

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    After reading this true and amazing article, what one can learn and get the message in life is, what so ever may happen if life. Who ever may you are, keep running untill you succeed.When your time to achieve something in life you will reach up to the goal. But in one word to say, God is our mediator. Ther is noe like him.Keep trusting. God never remains a debtor. May God Bless you and your family.

  • ivan, uae

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    realy a heart tuching articl,god bless you ,and its true God never remains a debtor.God bless all our
    Priest s {padryaab}.

  • Sarita D'Souza, Valencia/Kuwait

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    Very true :) God never remains a debtor. He always returns back to us what we give him with ten folds as interest. Beautiful article.

  • Wilma, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 14 2012

    How very true ! We should always owe everything to God who is all loving and merciful

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