Woman: 'The Discriminated Creature'

September 22, 2012

Do you think women are weaker beings? Do you still harbour the presupposition that women can’t perform better than men?

What about women as CEO of most software companies today? In the world today, over a thousand companies have women as CEOs. Marissa Mayer is the Executive of Yahoo, Andrea Jung (Avon Products), Anne Mulcahy (Xerox Corporation), Indra Nooyi (Pepsico), Kiran Shaw (Biocon), Chand Kochhar (ICICI Bank), Shobana Bhartia (HT Media), Shilka Sharma (AXIS Bank), Naina Lal Kidwai (HSBC India), Preeti Reddy (Apollo Hospitals), Roopa Kudva (CRISIL).

Why go far off? Aren’t there women principals in South India and in several colleges of B’lore? Haven’t social activists like Mother Teresa, Medha Patkar, Teesta Setelvad and so on contributed their mite for the welfare of the society? Today women are in multi-national companies, giant advertising firms and mass publishing houses.

Importance of Women:

Woman as mother:
Mothering is one of the greatest and sacred gifts to human beings. Most women don’t realize the importance of it and the lifelong impact on their children. Before planning for a family a woman must know and be prepared for her role. It involves giving up career goals and personal comforts. A woman who performs this role to her best will find it extremely satisfying and of highest spiritual benefit.

Woman as sister:

Being a sister and having a sister are the greatest blessings on earth, said a woman in her conversation with me. One gets support, emotional experience of sharing resources, and a chance to see a situation from two points of view.

Woman as guide / friend:
At school as students we feel at home with teachers and friends who are motherly. We get a lot of confidence to grow because of their encouragement and support.

Recent deliberations?

Parliament recently passed the Bill on Protection of Status of Women and Children by raising the age of consent to 18 from 16. The Protection of Women against sexual harassment at workplace Bill 2010 and Reservation for Women in Houses of parliament have yet to see the light of day.

We keep on affirming the patriarchal lie that women are responsible for many of the crimes. Clichés are created. The clumsy work of National Commission for women (NCW) only shows the power of politicians over a Women’s commission which actually cannot support itself.

Criminal Re-al-ity!!!

Have we men experienced insecurity at night, in lonely places, bus stands, trains and at workplaces? What do we know of the struggle that a woman has to go through in the patriarchal society, always becoming a victim of ogling? What we don’t forget every year is just to commemorate March 8th as International Women’s day without a thought to do something concretely human. Have we analyzed anything beyond this?

Canada was rated recently the safest place for women on the basis of health care, education and safety. Unfortunately India is rated the worst regarding safety for women. Incidents like July 9th molestation outside a bar in Guhawati, attack on an innocent birthday party at Morning Mist home stay in Mangalore by cultureless goons, Rumi Nath, a women legislator beaten black and blue for marrying outside her religion, Dahodi, MP from Gujarat, assaulted for supporting an unprecedented issue, Geetika Sharma committing suicide due to harassment by a Haryana politician at workplace, are recent ones to confirm that in spite of technological advance humanness has never advanced.

What was our reaction when baby Falak and baby Afreen battered for life because of inhuman men? One woman named Maria Pitman was recently given the ‘Mom of the Year’ award for enduring in her struggle to deliver her baby in spite of having to undergo three rounds of chemotherapy to fight cancer. The legal system is against women.

We need to change our belief system. Girl child is viewed as meant for kanyadaan (a commodity given away in marriage). Inheritance is seen as patriarchal, and funeral pyre is the duty of son alone. Two out of every five women are abused in marriage. Saudi Arabia is planning to build a city exclusively for women to encourage careership.

Doesn’t she come into our life as a mother, sister or friend to us? Why are they ill-treated even in trains by ticket collectors?

Today woman is the target of honour killing, rape, molestation, kidnap, homicide, eve-teasing, infanticide - all cases of mere gender related violence. Abuses overtly or covertly at parties, bus stands, trains and pubs are usual. Roads, homes and even police stations are not safe. 71% of crimes that happen in our country are against women. MP, AP and West Bengal are the top states cities for crimes against women. 14.1% of cases in MP are of rape. All this happens just because the ‘stronger sex’ thinks they can overpower easily. Haven’t we come across a woman as a dear friend, sister or a mother, a source of motivation? Why do we always look at women from a pervert angle?

Possible ways of Empowerment and Respect:

Use of universal language in textbooks, songs and speeches.
Getting rid of degrading terminologies like ‘better half’, ‘other half’, etc
Giving leadership opportunities to them in our works, local bodies, etc
Stop discrimination and prohibition with regard to religious and moral practices and rituals.
Stop films that degrade moral values. Ex: The film Love Sex Dhoka was not banned at all.
Legislate strict laws for eve-teasers and rapists and raggers.
Renew respect for relationship – Parents, elders, leaders, prominent persons and film personalities must uphold value for relationship, since children and youth look at them and imitate.
Parents must allow their daughters to pursue higher education. This is evident in recent times with the lower, middle and upper class in urban areas.
Consider the mental and physical health of women as they give their best to their family. Ex: A mother postpones her dental appointment because of her child’s exam. A wife doesn’t eat till husband comes home. Working women take on stress of the workplace and home. Men also should share the household chores.

A woman’s point of view:

Emphasis on education and finding a good job for daughters has become a priority in all levels of society. It is shocking to see women who are economically independent, having no control over the money they earn, and over the decisions they take. It is primarily due to the prevalent social climate which is created by women.

Domestic violence should be taken as crime. For instance, Benazir Bhutto, even when she was the PM of Pakistan, had to face domestic violence from her husband. The marks of injuries were covered by her head scarf.

Women are often poor role models. Family is the first place where the most powerful impression of a woman’s place in society is established. Women need to have a say in using their income, deciding about property purchases, buying gifts, spending on holidays etc. If a child sees the mother begging for money, the child will soon catch it on inequality.

Women wish to continue to have their family name after marriage. Choice must be given to them, since a woman does not stop being a father’s daughter after marriage. Some parents pressurize daughters to get married deeming it the most important thing in the world.


Most people speak of women empowerment, but do not ever budge to give power to them. Empowerment is not possible without giving power to women at the highest level of democracy. Who brought laurels to our country in London Olympics 2012? Mary Koms and Saina Nehwals? Women are believed to be people behind boardroom doors?

Why are women the target of most crimes? Media is portraying and making profits on the culpable angle of women. Their core identity is thereby degraded and emphasized before the audience. The Protection of Women against sexual harassment at workplace Bill 2010 has come for discussion before Parliament after 15 years of Vishakha Judgement by Supreme Court which was misinterpreted and lacked detailed protocol. Labour contracts for women workers in factories are often sexist in nature regarding wages. They often insist on single status, not having children and so on.

I am not convinced of the status given to women lower than men. They too are as capable as men. They must be respected and given due recognition for the role they play in grooming children. If we can think of a society where crimes against women must decrease, it must start at the family level. The relationship of parents can influence the children to be more humane. Regular guidance and right meaning of relationship is the central need for an adolescent. When he/she does not find one he/ she may develop his/her own distorted perception of opposite sex and life.

Isn’t it true that women can change the perception of the world around them? They must take the lead and stop blaming men and society for their situation. If only women can begin to stop behaving like ‘helpless beings’ then crimes will subside.

Let us give them hope to live their life like any man living his. If women must stop living in insecurity the law against sexual harassment must be stronger. A woman’s life will have found empowerment only when she can sing boldly the lines of Rabindranath Tagore, “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high…..”


Lancy Fernandes - Archives:  



By Lancy Fernandes
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Comment on this article

  • jeevan mario mudarth, mangalore/doha qatar

    Mon, Dec 24 2012

    rightly said jawahar i would say more like when i got married some 11 years back then only i could really get it the woman human being . A lot of people i think under estimate and think that they are objects of pleasure and we men can do what we please. how sad .

  • Societal Web, Dubai

    Wed, Oct 03 2012

    The only reason why women are looked down upon is because men are guilty of one particular weakness. Women may be weak physically but not definitely not weak mentally. In this regard, they are stronger and more courageous than men.
    If women are removed from posters, advertisements, wrong roles in movies and theatricals and wrong exposures (a wrong committed by men for the sake of money) then the whole issue would slowly, I mean really really slowly, settle down over a period of time.
    Women are more courageous and stronger than men. We always misinterpret strength as muscle power – and that is only here in India. Goondagiri is strength and courage. Actually Goondagiri and wrong physical power and courage IS weakness. A person’s intelligence, education and civilized behavior are the real strength and courage.
    All cats and dogs fight and bite each other – that is not courage – that is animal nature and stupidity of the lowest form. Why? Because they cannot use intelligence and that is because they don’t have it. Civilized people don’t fight and they don’t use brute force.
    My mother has raised eleven children single-handed when our father was busy earning for the family and away. This is courage and strength. Fighting like illiterate asses is not strength and courage. This is true in my life. I know there might be some negative comments on this :) but who cares !

  • Denis Britto, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 02 2012

    Why did God create Adam first then Eve ? Can anybody explain ? But do respect Women in spite of their nagging nature !

  • WRONG NOTION, Ibrahim/india

    Sun, Sep 30 2012

    It is a wrong notion that women is weakened, helfless, discriminated, insecure, bent for domestic voilence etc etc. But no one NO ONE highlighted what the position of a man/men at home whether he is a slave of his wife or what. Whether men is discriminated or women is discriminated? In as many as houses, men is a poppet of women. Women governs the men, women controls the men, women make schedule/programme/timetable of men. Then where is the question exists that women is under estimated, discriminated, ill treated.

  • lancy Fernandes, Jeppu/ B lore

    Thu, Sep 27 2012

    Thanks for your comments. i have just made a bold step to present the pathetic side of women in the 21st century inspite of technological development. To understand the article better, we all men need to enter into her shoes and see for a day. The word creature is used to picturise her condition.

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Mon, Sep 24 2012

    Women weak now is just'Fancy'
    To her tunes
    Are men 'Dancy'
    Never mind if names are
    Rosy, Molly or Daisy !!
    2)Looks like U yet to Mature
    Or else you would not have dared
    Called her a 'Creature'!
    3)A gift of 'Mother Nature'
    She indeed nurtures our 'Future'
    From her flows everything 'Pure'
    Even if oft subject to 'Torture'..

    Gone R the days of Discrimination
    Everything's changed beyond 'Imagination'
    Still for a touch of the Old And Divine 'Feminine'
    Blokes like me still 'Pine'!!

  • Roshan Jolus Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai

    Mon, Sep 24 2012

    The article could have been even more appreciated if the author narrated other side of story also. When someone preaches about WOMEN EMPOWERMENT , its also about MEN RIGHTS , and should have a balance . The recent work harrasement bill enacted by loksabha favours only women . Men victims have no clause. Next proposed bill IBM ....

    Irretrievable cancellation of marriage gives immense legal muscle to women for divorce , but not vice versa. Men right groups r opposing this and sent the draft to every rajya sabha member , even the likes of manihankar iyer extended support. There also mandate to make work harrasement bill gender neutral . Each and every bill recently passed by loksabha r anti men , its time for men to stand for their rights , before its too late.

  • Franklin Joseph, Bangalore

    Mon, Sep 24 2012

    Thanks Lancy for a good article. Yes, Most men speak of women empowerment, but do not ever budge to give power to them. But this is not about who has the upper hand. Sometimes I have the upper hand sometimes my wife. It's a balance which has to be achieved through trial and error and no insecurities. That is a tough job and it took us many years to come to a point where we are ok with it and no we are not a perfect couple, it was a functional marriage. :)

    By the way I conduct Power to Women Workshops in Bangalore where I teach women how to have Safety Awareness, how to Use Self defense to prevent, avoid and escape a threat and NO it does not involve martial arts, and lastly Physiological empowerment of women against crime, violence and sexual abuse.

  • Doreen Machado, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Mon, Sep 24 2012

    For the first time, I have come across a man writing an article on women in a positive way. A girl, a woman, a mother, a grandmother every phase of life you have someone controlling her. Let us not talk of the modern woman but of those in villages and those who have no access to education. The govt needs to educate girls from the poorer sectors of society in order to bring them up to the level of having to work in various fields which can empower them. However, the article was written well and an eye-opener for all those men who think otherwise and make women's lives miserable. If like minded men like Lancy fight for women's justice then yes we can make a change in India. Thank you Lancy for this article.

  • Jawahar, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 23 2012

    Happy wife is happy life.women are complicated to understand. They can make your life or destroy you. Only idiotic ignorant male chaunistic pigs ill-treat women. Women are much smarter than men. They nurture you,guide you. Ignorance comes from caste and religious beliefs. Only education and after that enlightenment can bring awareness and happiness. Let's all protect and empower them. When stupid elders say something against women,widows or girls let us stop their stereo typing. It takes both sexes to be happy and, not the stupid old men dictating terms and culture . Thanks lancy for the beautiful article.

  • Reshma, Dubai

    Sun, Sep 23 2012

    Very nice article by lancy.. being a women I wonder why women is not realizing that she is also a independent and how capable she is!
    Hope this article will be useful to all of us. Thank you so much for a beautiful article with beautiful subject!

  • Ex-Indian , Houston, Texas

    Sun, Sep 23 2012

    First of all so called “Pathy “word itself creates the difference between two,” Pathy paremeshwer “
    Until education takes a lead, old traditions and old thinking’s will never change. Men and women both need each others help in life no one is beggar or stronger, “respect others the way you want be respected “do not take advantage of your wife or husband, because each individual is unique. Without women men is not complete and without men women is incomplete.
    Thanks to the writer for the best topic

  • Anamik, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 22 2012

    Dear Lancy and readers,
    Have you come across women as weaker sex? If yes, I beg to differ... They are stronger.. As Lancy points out, they can excel in many fields but (ALAS)more so, we see them excelling in pulling each other down, making their men dance to their tune and yes, blackmailing in the open on roads, temples, even at workplaces. They can tempt, cajole and make fools of men so much so, the writer has no guts to bare his pain and anguish except hiding his identity(ha ha!!!!). They can con relegious men, officers of repute/social standing etc. all because they are the stronger ones. They can, not only hide emotions they can also trick people into believing that they are tricked/ used and discarded.

    Needless to say, we need not go by gender.. BUT by merit. If anyone needs protection, particularly girls, women and male children, it must be given. Proper protection. Education and social upbringing, proper medical facility along with right social climate need to be created. We shall not compare the west with us Indians but shall we compare the east (Japan/Singapore for example) for providing equal opportunity and there we may see no social evil related to gender propoganda.]


  • tg, mangalore

    Sat, Sep 22 2012

    Can't compare india and other countries... We are just coming out of age old mindset and tradition where women was/is highly respected.

  • Amanda, Udupi

    Sat, Sep 22 2012

    Thank you Lancy for writing such a fantastic article. The women folk appreciate Sanjeev and you.

  • Sanjeev Kamath, Udupi / Bahrain

    Sat, Sep 22 2012

    Not any more, Lancy. In lighter vein, weaker sex is always the stronger sex because of the weakness of stronger sex to the weaker sex. Look at Chanda Kochhar (ICICI), Vanita Bali (Britannia), Kalpana Morporia (J P Morgan), Naina Lal Kidwai (HSBC), Neelam Dhawan (HP), Roopa Kudava (CRISIL), Kiran Mujumdar Shah (Biocon) in India and Indra Nooyi (Pepsico), Padmasree Warrior (Cisco) internationally, who have stepped up to the top from ground zero. If only women shed their tendency of being the hind legs of elephant - powerful but shadow, we men are ready to go down on knees and surrender to the mighty, invincible women power.

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