The Way, The Truth & The Life: Testing Jesus Christ - Part 3

Aug 25, 2016



To me, the resurrection is absolutely everything. As someone has put it, it is not only the most important question of the Christian faith; it is the most important question of life. If Jesus rose from the dead, then we have to accept all that He said. If He didn’t rise from the dead, then we don’t need to worry about anything that He said. The central issue is not whether or not you like His teaching, but whether or not He rose from the dead. If the Resurrection took place then He is exactly who He claimed to be. If He didn’t, everything is futile, we are still in our sins, and we need to pack it up, go home, and wait for death to come.

Theologian R. C. Sproul puts it this way: “The claim of resurrection is vital to Christianity. If Christ has been raised from the dead by God, then He has the credentials and certification that no other religious leader possesses.”

A friend once asked me a hypothetical question, “What if I claim that I have also risen?” Well, I said, I would have to ask you to show me the place where you were buried, or since we are talking about modern times, your death certificate. Death, logically, precedes resurrection!

Time and again, Jesus had spoken about his death. He had specified that He would be betrayed, that he would be arrested, tortured, crucified and that He would rise again.

Bible scholar Wilbur Smith remarked about Jesus: “When He said that He himself would rise again from the dead, the third day after He was crucified, He said something that only a fool would dare say, if He expected longer the devotion of any disciples – unless He was sure He was going to rise. No founder of any world religion known to men ever dared say a thing like that.” No one has!

In other words, since Jesus had clearly told his disciples that he would rise again after his death, failure to keep that promise would expose him as a fraud. Dr. Ravi Zacharias (a Nambudiri Brahmin who came to Christ and one of the most prolific, world renowned Christian apologists) puts it this way, “Jesus could have easily said that He would rise spiritually. No one could have falsified this claim after His death. But, He said he would rise bodily. This was not a bold claim, it was a TRUTH claim.” In other words, when Jesus said He would rise, He was not making a metaphorical statement either.

Just as Jesus had predicted, Judas Iscariot, one of his own disciples betrayed Him. A sham of a trial was conducted by the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate. Jesus was convicted of treason and condemned to die, but not before He was subjected to horrendous torture. Then, on the hill of Calvary, the Roman executioners placed him on a wooden cross, slammed nails into his wrists and feet, and watched him die.

The Romans were ruthless in their efficiency and they made sure that those they crucified were dead. So a Roman guard pierced Jesus’ side and out flowed blood and water, a clear indication of His death. Jesus’ body was then taken down from the cross and buried in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb. On the insistence of the Jewish leaders, Pilate ordered a 24-hour watch.

The Jewish leaders were afraid that Jesus’ men would steal the body and claim that He has risen. They did not know that all of Jesus’ disciples had gone into hiding, fearing for their own lives. It appeared that the purpose for which Jesus came to earth had all but perished with His death. All hope was crushed, and the Romans and the Jewish leaders had triumphed, or so it seemed.

It wasn’t the end, though. The movement that Jesus started regained an unstoppable momentum and is growing faster, if not by birth rate, but by the number of people who are accepting Christ as their Lord and Saviour. This is despite all that the oppressive governments have done over the centuries and even now to stop or crush Christianity. Jesus’ followers form the world’s largest religion. Someone has rightly said, nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.

Following Jesus’ death, something extraordinary had happened, something that gave His cowardly disciples the fire and zeal to proclaim His message. Therefore, we have to know what happened after Jesus’ body was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb. Let’s not forget, Caesar believed he was divine. He ruled Rome at the time and Jerusalem was under his rule. It was not exactly politically prudent to proclaim, “Jesus is Lord,” unless you had a death wish. Because a death sentence was meted out to whoever dared say that and this precisely what Jesus was accused of by the Jewish authorities. John 10:33 records, “The Jews answered him, ‘It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.’”

Is it possible that they saw Jesus’ ghost? If they did, there were words to describe it: spirit, ghost, and apparition. And these only confirmed that the person was dead, not alive.

In the twenty first century, we look at everything through the scientific scope. But, it is our arrogance to think that people who lived two thousand years ago did not know that dead people remain dead. They knew it as much as we do today; but, it is precisely because of this knowledge that an experience with a resurrected person had shaken them up completely.

In a New York Times article, Peter Steinfels cites the startling events that occurred three days after Jesus’ death: “Shortly after Jesus was executed, his followers were suddenly galvanized from a baffled and cowering group into people whose message about a living Jesus and a coming kingdom, preached at the risk of their lives, eventually changed an empire. Something happened; but, exactly what?” That’s the question we have to answer with an investigation into the facts.


There are only five plausible explanations for Jesus’ alleged resurrection, as portrayed in the New Testament:

1. Jesus didn’t really die on the cross.
2. The “resurrection” was a conspiracy.
3. The disciples were hallucinating.
4. The account is legendary.
5. The death and resurrection actually happened.

Let’s walk through this and see which of these options is true. Let us see the entries of the non-Christian historians from around the time when Jesus lived. Three of these historians mentioned the death of Jesus.

- Lucian (c.120 -180 A.D.) referred to Jesus as a crucified sophist (philosopher).
- Josephus (c.37 – 100 A.D.) wrote, “At this time there appeared Jesus, a wise man, for he was a doer of amazing deeds. When Pilate condemned him to the cross, the leading men among us, having accused him, those who loved him did not cease to do so.”
- Tacitus (c. 56 – 120 A.D.) wrote, “Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty at the hands of our procurator, Pontius Pilate.”

Interesting, there is no historical account from Romans, or his chief detractors – the Jews – that dispute either Jesus’ death or his burial. Even Crossan, a skeptic of the resurrection, agrees that Jesus really lived and died. “That he was crucified is as sure as anything historical can ever be.” Jesus was clearly dead, “of that there was no doubt.”

No historian refutes that Jesus was dead. However, many have questioned how Jesus’ body disappeared from the tomb because this is not a natural phenomenon.

Dr. Frank Morison began research to prove that the resurrection was a myth or a hoax. He first looked at the empty tomb. This was a private tomb owned by a prominent member of the Sanhedrin Council. It was not one of the graves in a common cemetery. Furthermore, stealing the body would entail going past a small contingent of Roman guards (from 4 to 12 soldiers) and moving a stone that covered the tomb weighing 1.5 to 2 tons. A daunting task, especially when the very fear of death was running through the veins of Jesus’ disciples.

The very fact that the Jewish leaders accused the disciples of stealing Jesus’ body confirms one thing: the tomb was empty. If Jesus’ body was anywhere to be found, his enemies would have quickly exposed the resurrection as a fraud. Tom Anderson, former president of the California Trial Lawyers Association, summarizes the strength of this argument:

“With an event so well publicized, don’t you think that it’s reasonable that one historian, one eye witness, one antagonist would record for all time that he had seen Christ’s body? The silence of history is deafening when it comes to the testimony against the resurrection.”

So, with no body of evidence, and with a known tomb clearly empty, Morison accepted the evidence as solid that Jesus’ body had somehow disappeared from the tomb.

The stealing of Jesus’ body does not work well because one must then explain the several appearances of Jesus – in the flesh – after three days. The faith of Jesus’ disciples would not have been emboldened merely knowing that the tomb was empty. Something far more extraordinary had to take place for the disciples to come out proclaiming the message of salvation that Jesus had instructed them to give to mankind.

Some skeptics believe that the story of Jesus’ coming back from the dead started off as a legend and began to grow. On the surface this seems like a plausible scenario. But there are three major problems with that theory.

First, legends simply don’t develop while multiple eyewitnesses are alive to refute them and especially when the events are narrated within a short period of years. Second, legends develop by oral tradition and don’t come with contemporary historical documents that can be verified. Yet the Gospels were written within three decades of the resurrection. Third, the legend theory doesn’t adequately explain either the fact of the empty tomb or the historically verified conviction of the apostles that Jesus was alive.

Therefore, the legend theory doesn’t seem to hold up any better than other attempts to explain away this amazing claim. Furthermore, the resurrection account of Jesus Christ actually altered history, beginning with the Roman Empire. How could a legend make such an enormous historical impact within such a short time period?

Eyewitness accounts indicate that Jesus appeared to his disciples several times and even ate with them. Later he appeared to more than 500 followers. Legal scholar John Warwick Montgomery stated, “In 56 A.D. the Apostle Paul wrote that over 500 people had seen the risen Jesus and that most of them were still alive (1 Corinthians 15:6ff.). It passes the bounds of credibility that the early Christians could have manufactured such a tale and then preached it among those who might easily have refuted it simply by producing the body of Jesus.”

Bible scholar Norman Geisler agrees, “If the Resurrection had not occurred, why would the Apostle Paul give such a list of supposed eyewitnesses? He would immediately lose all credibility with his Corinthian readers by lying so blatantly.”

Apostle Paul, whose name was Saul, was none other than the one who persecuted and oversaw the killing of the early Christians; he was a citizen of Rome. Riding a horse on one of his missions to find more Christians to put to the sword, Saul was struck by a heavenly light as he approached Damascus. He fell from his horse and heard a voice asking him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul asked, “Who are you, Lord?” He received a response, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” From oppressor, Saul became a proclaimer of the risen Christ.

Apostle Peter told a crowd in Caesarea why he and the other disciples were so convinced Jesus was alive. “We apostles are witnesses of all he did throughout Israel and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by crucifying him, but God raised him to life three days later. We were those who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead” (Acts 10:39-41).

British Bible scholar Michael Green remarked, “The appearances of Jesus are as well authenticated as anything in antiquity. There can be no rational doubt that they occurred.”


As if the eyewitness reports were not enough to challenge Morison’s skepticism, he was also baffled by the disciples’ behavior. A fact of history that has stumped historians, psychologists, and skeptics alike is that these 11 former cowards were suddenly willing to suffer humiliation, torture, and death. All of Jesus’ apostles were slain as martyrs, except one. Would they have done so much for a lie, if they had taken his body?

To be a willing martyr for a known lie is insanity. As Paul Little wrote, “Men will die for what they believe to be true, though it may actually be false. They do not, however, die for what they know is a lie.” Jesus’ disciples behaved in a manner consistent with a genuine belief that their leader was alive.

No one has adequately explained why the disciples would have been willing to die for a known lie. But even if they all conspired to lie about Jesus’ resurrection, how could they have kept the conspiracy going for decades without at least one of them selling out for money or position? Moreland wrote, “Those who lie for personal gain do not stick together very long, especially when hardship decreases the benefits.”

Charles “Chuck” Colson’s story of conversion is probably one of the greatest in modern history. Colson was labeled evil for his role as “hit man,” when he served as special Counsel to President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973. He was embroiled in the infamous Watergate Scandal and served time in a federal prison after he pleaded guilty in 1974 to obstruction of justice. President Nixon himself was implicated and resigned.

Colson came to Christ through his own experience. He was once asked if he believed Jesus really rose from the dead. This is what he had to say, “I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus rise from the dead, and then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Everyone was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren’t true. Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world – and they couldn’t keep a lie for three weeks. You’re telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years? It is absolutely impossible.”

Christians believe that God wants to have an intimate relationship with people and those who have experienced his love will tell you what a powerful experience it is. Colson had been touched to such an extent that he devoted his entire life after accepting Christ and worked amongst prisoners. His outreach eventually led to his receiving the prestigious Templeton Prize in 1993, donating the $1 million prize to Prison Fellowship.

Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853) was and still is known as the greatest expert in judicial testimony ever. This American attorney wrote a book called, “Testimony of the Evangelists” in which he recounts the hundreds of eye-witness accounts of Jesus’ life, His ministry, His death, and His resurrection. He views these recorded testimonies in the New Testament as lines of evidence that would hold up in a court of law even today. This is important because there is no statute of limitations on murder. Part of Greenleaf’s evidence included the thousands and thousands of martyrdoms, the global spread of Christianity, and a persistent-through-persecution faith that millions of believers have died for as proof that this God-man and His ministry was no fake. As has been stated, many people would live for a lie, but few would be willing to die for one, yet millions over the years have died for a faith that they believe in to the uttermost.


Scholar Gary Habermas has written that five historical facts about Christ have never been disputed as being true about Jesus Christ: His earthly life as a man, His ministry on earth, His crucifixion, His death, and His resurrection by the hundreds of eye witnesses who saw Him after His resurrection (Luke 24, Mark 16, John 20, Matt 28, Act 1:3-4, 2:31-32, 9:3, 17, I Cor 15:4-8, 9:1, II Peter 1:16, etc.). Perhaps the most famous of all Jewish Historians, Flavius Josephus, who was not a believer, wrote Jewish historical annals for the Roman Empire. He also wrote about Jesus Christ, including His widely testified life after death in the Antiquities of the Jews.


Can the conscience completely block out any notion of God? When Mao burned one of the largest seminaries in China in 1966, he declared that with it God was being evicted from China and Christianity would never return to the land. Today, China has the fastest growing church in the world. Some estimates place the figure close to a 100 million. Estimates also indicate that in the next 40 years or so, China will become the largest Christian nation in the world, overtaking USA.

Leaders like Stalin erased the name of God from every book, believing that by obliterating the mention of God, it would remove God from people’s lives forever. How does one erase what resides in the conscience? Today, approximately 83% of Russians are Christians. Similar proliferation is being witnessed in other Eastern European countries that were once communist. It is evident that even during the toughest of times the communist regimes could not keep God out of people’s lives.

It seems that for ultimate solace, the conscience always needs God. God is part of our DNA. Evidence points out that in every culture, including the farthest corners of the earth, people worship some kind of god because deep down they know there is a superior, powerful, intelligence out there. The Holy Bible says, “Eternity is written in our hearts.”


As one philosopher has said, we struggle with doubts on three levels – intellectual, emotional and will. Intellectually, all doubts can be cleared about God because there is more than sufficient scientific evidence to point out that the universe and everything in it could not have come about by random chance – it is far, far, too complex for that. Intellectually, there is sufficient historic evidence that Christ lived, died and was resurrected.

We struggle with emotional doubts especially when we lose a loved one, or when we see so much evil in the world. But, all we have to do is look to Jesus. With all the miracles he performed, he was only served abuses, extreme torture and an ignominious death on the cross. The death on the cross was nothing less than a state-invented method of terrorizing anyone who crossed paths with the Roman Empire. And that is why they made it as brutal as possible. With all this, Jesus still loved the world and that is why He cried out to God – in his human state – to forgive his tormentors. Can there be a greater act of love than this? I am certain there isn’t any.

The most difficult one to overcome is our own will. Once you are up there with success and money and power, you don’t want any superior moral being “interfering” with your life. Or, the pain you suffered stops you from believing that there is a God who cares.


Mysticism is simply that: mysticism. You can shroud yourself into believing a thousand different truths, but it leads you to more questions, leaving you empty in the end. In some philosophies, they will tell you that there are many truths. They will also tell you that the only thing that separates you from becoming God is in not believing that you are God.

Then they will take you through different paths where you become God, like yoga, meditation, etc. Ganja also gives you a high and you feel free and ascetics are often found smoking it, but at some point you have to come to mother Earth. I have nothing against the first two. Yoga can increase your flexibility and, therefore, your health, while with meditation you can train to calm your mind. In fact, I practice both and I find them refreshing. When I meditate, I use what is taught in the Holy Bible – to meditate on God’s word and His wonderful works. Yes, it is in the Holy Bible. Meditation is not exclusive to any culture. If anyone tells you that only a guru can give you a specific mantra which you are to recite repeatedly in meditation, he is taking you for a ride that will cost you money.

For me it is too hard to digest that you awaken some snake that is coiled inside you to reach your God potential when you do yoga. You are either God, or you are not. If you are not, it is utterly irrational to think you can become one. I also think it is asking human beings to take a huge leap of faith. Because human beings’ innate desire is to seek God, some deceivers will not mind trying anything, including promising you that his meditation will take you to some 7th level of consciousness. Pointless, if you still have to return to the reality of life. If we are God, then logically there should have been no misery. The truth is we are not.

Deception, quote mining and quoting out of context, are the favourite weapons of some modern philosophers. Even accomplished writers like Deepak Chopra, will tell you that every cell has a conscience. There you are; it sounds so fascinating. And the way Chopra presents it sounds like he is making a truth statement.


Here is a conversation between Jesus and Philip, one of his disciples, that throws a lot of light on how difficult it is to satisfy human beings even if God were to come in person.

This is from John 14:8-11: Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; OR AT LEAST BELIEVE ON THE EVIDENCE OF THE WORKS THEMSELVES.” Wow!

There are so many things we tell our children that we will do for them of which they have no evidence, except to take our words on faith. How happy we feel though when our children tell us, okay dad or okay mom, and wait for us to fulfill that promise.


If ransom is demanded and has to be paid in blood for the freedom of a loved one, someone supremely selfless must offer himself, otherwise the loved one will die.

Fr. Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish priest, offered himself and died in place of another prisoner who had escaped from one of the German’s death camps located in Auschwitz, Poland. When the camp commandant randomly picked a prisoner to die in place for the one who had escaped, he begged for mercy. The unflinching commandant made a devil’s offer: a life for a life - someone would have to take the chosen prisoner’s place. (Few survived those ghastly death camps and one of them was the prisoner whose place Fr. Kolbe had taken. Miraculously, Fr. Kolbe’s sacrifice was not in vain.)

When it comes to a price for a place in eternity, it is insurmountably high. Money cannot buy it, offerings in houses of worship cannot buy it, nor can acts of charitable works, because every man and woman is a sinner at the core – none are spotless. Good works count, but it is really surprising that people think heaven can be purchased that way. Amazingly, the ultimate source of Grace, the Lord Jesus Christ, offers it to a believing, repentant heart.

The only payment for a soul’s freedom has to be paid in blood. Since sin cannot free sin, only someone sinless can free mankind from sin. Since no man is sinless, only God - who is sinless – possesses the qualification to free man from sin. In giving His life unconditionally, Jesus – the true incarnation of Love – epitomized love by becoming man, taking on our sins, and spilled His blood to cleanse us, so that we can be in His presence in heaven forever.

As Jesus was hanging on the cross, one of the dying thieves begged Him, "Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!" Jesus made a promise to the repentant thief, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43

Whenever Jesus wanted people to be extra attentive, He would add “truly” for emphasis. The Holy Bible records 76 times the word “truly” before Jesus continued with what He wanted to say. By adding emphasis to His promise to the thief, Jesus assured him at that moment, and He assures us today, that He has the authority and the power over life, death and a new life with Him.

Jesus has placed Himself on the highest pinnacle of compassion by giving His life for His crown creation - man. It is one of the greatest mysteries of God’s love, but one that took place in recorded history. Now all we have to do is accept it on faith. Jesus said, "If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and be planted in the sea'; and it would obey you.” Jesus does not demand pool-sized faith. The journey to Him can begin by taking very small steps!


A wise person has said, “The longest distance is from the mind to the heart.” For God, it is important that we build the bridge between the heart and mind. In so many debates I have watched, the same evidence is presented and while one accepts it, the other does not.

We may follow something purely on the basis of faith, but when life throws a lot of pain and suffering, it is then that “reasonable faith” can come to the rescue. Having said that, without faith we can never satisfy God because there are mysteries that the human mind can never fully grapple, but it is undeniable that a sound foundation for faith can be built upon sound reasoning.

St. Peter says, “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the REASON for the hope that you have.” In 1 Peter 3:15


The only God who meets belief through reasoning and evidence is Jesus Christ. No other PERSON IN HISTORY has claimed divinity and no one can stand the test unless it’s the Truth. In the end, only TRUTH WILL PREVAIL.


Oliver Sutari - Archives:



By Oliver Sutari
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Comment on this article

  • Paul Alexander Bravo, U.S.A.

    Tue, Sep 13 2016

    That's because you are looking in the wrong direction. Backwards is forward upside down.

  • Oliver Sutari , Udupi

    Mon, Aug 29 2016


    You are still ignoring the eyewitness account of the Apostles.

    You have still not answered why anyone would die proclaiming something that did not happen.

    You still have to answer what did the Apostles have to gain by telling lies - if they were lies - to the point of death.

    And, you are still using evasive tactics. Now you want to know why Jesus did not teach about gravity and other scientific stuff. That's a deliberate attempt to distract.

  • Oliver Sutari, Udupi

    Mon, Aug 29 2016


    Christ precisely performed all those miracles to show the world that he is outside the laws of science. It is vanity to tell God what He should have done. Explain gravity? Or you serious? He has given human beings the mind to discover the laws that govern the universe.

    Do you know that two planets - Venus and Uranus - move in the opposite direction to all other planets? Do you know why? It is God's way of telling atheists that He is not bound by any scientific laws.

    Psalm 91 says, "The heavens the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."

    Modern science is only beginning to discover what the divinely inspired verses mean - written centuries ago.

  • Oliver Sutari, Udupi

    Mon, Aug 29 2016


    You have asked and it has already been answered. Please read carefully the difference between moral laws and ceremonial practices. Moral laws still stand.

    Homosexuality comes under the term MORAL LAWS.

    As for punishment, please again read my article to understand why a corrupt world cannot really judge fairly.

    How God will deal with homosexuals and other sinners, and atheists is left to Him.

    Do you think i brought up Deuteronomy and Leviticus then be satisfied with your answers for it. No way.

    specific instructions for Israel only
    What???? What about for rest of the world??? Is there any problem with jurisdiction that i dont know of?

    Your morality could not be based entirely on these laws. If it is are you alright with carrying out the punishments.

    So should homosexuals be put to death?

    What about atheist?

  • sam, world

    Mon, Aug 29 2016

    @Zeitgeist, Mangalore
    "I already knew that you dont have any evidence for historical Jesus"
    "Let me put a case for hinduism, which i believe is more superior religion than abrahamic religions … Atheism is also considered a part of hinduism, which could be unthinkable in an abrahamic religion.."

    - You say there is no evidence for historical Jesus. Since you say hinduism is superior religion, where is the evidence for historical Krishna or Rama?
    - Why didn't R Dawkins or the late C Hitchens (who you admire) become hindus if atheism is considered part of hinduism?

  • Philip Pereira, Bangalore/U.K.

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Zeitgeist – you argue from specific period of beliefs and ideas and not the entire epoch of humanity. Yet contrary to your assumed name you write as if you have everything of history of beliefs and ideas. You want past events to somehow fit into your filter of beliefs and if they don’t you ask others for proof. There are simply too many things in life (leaving faith, religion aside for the moment) that can’t be proved. Zeitgeist – how do I know you are a person - A male, female, a spirit/ghost, an idea, robot? Well based on what you write a fair assumption can be made that you exist and you are a real person.
    I am a theist and believe in Christ. Apart from logical, analytical and historical understanding, things that intellect demands, I had a personal encounter with Christ 20 years back whereby I no longer need to intellectually look at facts to believe and to know the reality of Jesus Christ. He is as real to me as you would be if I encounter you personally. It wasn’t psychosomatic but real encounter. But that encounter happens only when we take a step of faith to believe the history (even if you are not satisfied intellectually). It can be a chicken and egg situation but you lose nothing in inviting Christ and having an encounter yourself. Try it. Without faith it’s impossible to live. Even to travel by a bus, or train or flight you have got to put your faith on the driver without ever knowing him personally and you can extrapolate it to almost everything in daily life.

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Dear Zeitgeist, Mangalore,

    Jesus was a Jew. His message is for Jews as well as for all.


    JESUS SAID Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:


  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Do you think i brought up Deuteronomy and Leviticus then be satisfied with your answers for it. No way.

    specific instructions for Israel only
    What???? What about for rest of the world??? Is there any problem with jurisdiction that i dont know of?

    Your morality could not be based entirely on these laws. If it is are you alright with carrying out the punishments.

    So should homosexuals be put to death?

    What about atheist?

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Dear Zeitgeist, Mangalore,

    You are well versed in merigo round.

    Jesus did not made religion.
    We are living through belief and faith in the Almighty God. Atheists exist because Almighty God was present.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Christ has survived EVERY SINGLE TEST. THE BIBLE HAS SURVIVED EVERY SINGLE TEST. BOTH HAVE SURVIVED and will survive till eternity.
    Thats a very bold claim.

    At least a plausible explanation as to why you think Jesus never existed.
    - because of lack of evidence.
    If i tell you that hercules(greek hero) was real person and zues(the greek god) was his father, can you prove that isnt the case. Isnt it plausible that hercules existed?

    And, whose evidence do I trust? Historians who lived around the time of Jesus and confirmed His historicity, or should I listen to your own 'evidence' which comes more than 2,000 years later?
    - So any outlandish claim from the ancient times is perfectly valid?.So Illiad could be true, so is Ramayana and Mahabaharatha.

    Your feelings cannot be considered evidence.
    - I have never said to consider my feelings as evidence.

    I believe i have not been evasive. And being evasive about what? check my very first comment for this article. that comment is exactly what is relevant to this particular article. And you never responded to it. Your post was about Lazarus, as if it proved any point.

    Your proof of evidence from historians is not valid because they are not eyewitness accounts.

    The way you have written the article is like you already decided what is the truth. Then what you have done is looked for the evidence and stopped when you thought you found ''evidence'' to match with what you believe is true.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Things Jesus could have done to settle any doubts in subsequent generations of humans on who he really was,

    Explain the origin of universe
    Explain origin of species
    Describe the laws of gravity
    Talk about theory of relativity
    Could have taught to people living then the advanced techniques of medicine.

    but he didn't do these. Instead, he converted water into wine, walked on water, fed 5000 people, healed the sick, etc.

    I leave it at that.

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 28 2016


    There you go again beating the same drum and using evasive tactics every time hard data is provided.

    Eg: No comment from you on Deuteronomy and Leviticus despite your taunts.

    I have provided enough evidence from historians who lived around Jesus time. Please give evidence to refute them.

    And, whose evidence do I trust? Historians who lived around the time of Jesus and confirmed His historicity, or should I listen to your own 'evidence' which comes more than 2,000 years later? CERTAINLY NOT YOURS OR THE ATHEISTS WHO KEEP SAYING, JESUS NEVER EXISTED. Your feelings cannot be considered evidence.

    You have also told Joseph Gonsalves that to get the answer right one must learn about ancient religions. Really?

    If you have found out something, why don't you share with the readers, instead of sending people on a wild goose chase.

    Christ has survived EVERY SINGLE TEST. THE BIBLE HAS SURVIVED EVERY SINGLE TEST. BOTH HAVE SURVIVED and will survive till eternity.

    You cannot wipe out the Truth even if you stand on your rooftop and keep yelling that Jesus did not exist.

    But, I must congratulate you on trying your best to distract readers.

    Sorry, Zeitgeist, I have no intention to write to you only to see you using EVASIVE TACTICS because that's all you have done.

    Once again, if you really care so much about people, please write a book or something giving - if not evidence - at least a plausible explanation as to why you think Jesus never existed.

    Good luck.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016


    I must admit that i am impressed that you typed so much. But i am sorry, you didnt get the answer right. You have learn about the ancient religions and their origins to know the answer.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016


    I really dont want to go into lenghty discussion all over again.

    Know that I already knew that you dont have any evidence for historical Jesus. If there was i would have already known.

    Like i have mentioned before it all comes down to what we perceive to be plausible. You and i would have read same sources to arrive at different conclusions. Basically we tend to stop at a point that satisfies our confirmation bais. When you mentioned Tacitus, Lucian and Josephus, i actually thought to myself, why you would not have gone any further to verify what they had written and why they cannot be considered credible. But since those names are said to name jesus, you took them at face value when it satisfied your confirmation bais.

    I want to conclude commenting any further here on this article.

    If you want to discuss any further email me at

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Dear Zeitgeist, Mangalore
    Why we have only twelve months in a year?
    Why one dozen means only twelve?
    Why we have 12 hours a day Plus night 12 hours.
    12 see here 1 PLUS 2=3 single digit three.

    See in our daily life:
    I am the God of: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
    God the father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Holy, Holy, Holy (Isaiah 6:3)
    Father, Mother and children (3)
    Yesterday, Today, and tomorrow (3 tenses) before, now and after.
    Morning, afternoon and evening. (3)
    Jesus was, is and will come again (3)
    Mainly we take three meals a day morning, afternoon and evening. (3)
    Why he resurrected on the third day.
    While Jesus was alive he predicted that he will resurrect on the third day.

    There are many a time the number 12 and three appears in our daily life.
    I hope presently this is enough for you to digest otherwise you may get indigestion.


  • Vandana D'Silva, Kundapur

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    “All I have seen teaches me to trust the CREATOR for all I have not seen” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. This quote applies to those who believes in HIM.

    Went thru all your three articles on ‘The Way, The Truth & The Life: Testing Jesus Christ’. Wanted to tell you one thing Mr. Oliver, your articles  just helped us to Love our Jesus more deeper and deeper by each passing day. Faith is beyond anyone’s reach, whose faith holds upper hand…no one can judge anyone on that part, It’s only the Lord…the giver of OUR LIFE knows it better. So those who believe in HIM…continue believing in HIM, and the rest…May God enlighten your HEARTS and MIND to believe in HIM one or the other day.

    Once again, thank you so much Mr. Oliver for such an inspirational article…God bless you always. 



  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Joseph Gonsalves:

    How wonderfully you have explained the ritual laws in the Old Testament books.

    I would just like to add: A lot of Christians (sadly) have a problem with some of the books because they do not study them carefully. The moment someone throws a question, they begin to feel that something is wrong with those books.

    Broadly, there were three types of laws that you will see in Deuteronomy and Leviticus:

    1. Ritual/Ceremonial Laws
    2. Civil Laws
    3. Moral Laws

    If anyone reads those books carefully, they will observe that the first two were direct, specific instructions for Israel only. This is because of the impending arrival of the Messiah.

    On the other hand, laws that fell under the category of MORALS were addressed to all nations and this, too, has been addressed clearly in those books.

    There are some who refuse to accept this difference, for example homosexuals. However, there is very clear reference that homosexuality falls under the MORAL LAWS category and, therefore, applies for all nations even today. It has been and will always remain immoral - even socially, scientifically and any way you look at it, it is wrong.

    What God has determined wrong, will in the long run prove wrong. We are already seeing the far reaching consequences of not just homosexual behaviour, but of any behaviour that God considers immoral.

    Thank you, Sir, for your words of encouragement.

  • Anil, Jubail/KSA

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Congratulations Oliver. Very well written article with lots of supportive scripture references. Hats off to your knowledge. This helped me to understand and learn more on my faith. Thanks and God Bless you.

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    Unless there is objectivity, I will quit responding. If I am responding now, it is only because I see objective questions.

    You have mentioned that there is no proof outside the Bible that Jesus fed the 5,000.

    Do you have any historical document that says such an event did not occur?

    If Jesus had not really performed all those miracles and if His death, resurrection and ascension had not been witnessed, then can you explain - in simple terms - if anyone can give their life for something that they have not witnessed? Don't forget the horrendous tortures and their deaths? Can you show a single historical document that says these events did not occur?

    I have already named you three historians (all non-Christians) who have written about Jesus. Why do you ignore that piece of information?

    Please stop asking why only 12 apostles, or why after three days, etc. One can only write what is stated if you know better, please spit it out.

    What exactly do you want to know about the books of Deuteronomy and Leviticus? Yes, they are also divinely inspired.

    Please keep your questions to the point and I will be happy to answer.

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    Nowhere did I say that Dawkins accepted Jesus along with his miracles. NOWHERE!

    But, he had been denying Jesus' existence altogether and that statement he has retracted.

    That's a start...

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    Perhaps I am confused. I repeat, the Bible records Jesus resurrecting Lazarus.

    I have also given the word for word relevant verses. I don't know what you are trying to say.

    I also repeat, Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life." He is clearly saying He has authority over life and death.

    Kindly clarify what you were trying to say.

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Mr. John Tauro,

    Jesus is not first among God's creation He is the creator.

    According to the book of John 1:1 onward: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind."

    The first verse spells out that Jesus is the Word, not a word, and that the Word was God.

    In the Holy Trinity, the Son is Jesus who came as a human being therefore, it says the Word became flesh.

    I believe it is the Jehovah's Witness that changed the verse to show that Jesus was just a word and the first among God's creation.

    As for claims about the pagans, etc., many have tried to discredit Jesus, but He lives on because He is from eternity and till eternity.

    There are approximately 2.5 billion Christians. Add to that the Muslims who believe in his historical place on earth. Then add even the millions of Hindus who believe in Him and you have almost the entire planet that believes either He is God, or a moral teacher, or whatever.

    The interesting thing is that atheists who don't believe in God spent the majority of their time trying to denounce Him.

    Like him or not, no other person in history has evinced so much interest among people. He just cannot be written off!

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    John Tauro,

    I am not talking about the only the celebration. You have to check why it was celebrated, the reasons behind it.

    Now existence of god is a claim that theist like yourself make. So all i am asking is the evidence for it. Thats it. Till now there has been no evidence at all.

    Now you can say that belief in god and jesus is entirely based on faith. i dont have any problems with it. But when if you mix up faith with history and science and its superiority against other faith based claims i am going to respond to it.

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Dear Zeitgeist, Mangalore
    Most of the Old Testament laws were accomplished by Jesus. One example is Circumcision. For Jesus Circumcision of the heart is most important than cutting off and throw out man’s genital’s foreskin. I quote Deuteronomy 30:6. And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live. Unquote. Jesus had the annihilation power yet he did not obliterate the laws but accomplished in himself.
    In Leviticus there are many rituals these are not the laws. Virtually Jesus abolished many rituals, traditions and customs of the Jews which are not required. For example the menstruation period is a natural process to the females after puberty. It is a common sense of every female to clean themselves during the menstruation period. It doesn’t hinder them to pray and worship God at any time in the New Testament.
    Isaiah 43:18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
    Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
    Ephesians 2:15 Ephesians 4:24 Hebrews 8:13 Isaiah 65:17.
    Since the word of God has spoken in Old Testament and Jesus accomplished all in himself and annihilated many rituals, customs and traditions once for all and the New Testament followers are free from most of the laws, customs, traditions and ritual

  • Francis X V Passanha, Manipal

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    CONGRATULATIONS. I have gone through your article, "The Way, The Truth and The Life - Jesus Christ". My
    reaction just two words. WELL DONE. A very thought provoking article. A lot of introspection,
    research, study and thinking has gone into the article. It is brilliant and stupendous.

    Well you have certainly grown very tall in my eyes.You have been very articulate in your
    thoughts and used the most appropriate words. You have brought out the truth succinctly and
    forcefully, of course without hurting anyone's sentiments. All in all a very good article.
    Hats of to your in dept knowledge of the scriptures. Please continue writing your thought provoking articles, which helps us understand our faith better, and live a meaningful life of service to God, and to the needy and deprived.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    But still why 12 Apostles? Why three days in tomb before resurrection? 

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Dear Oliver Sutari,
    Well written article plus the comments. Don't worry God is with you and peace be with you.




  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    David Pais,

    So every thing Book of Deuteronomy and Book of Leviticus is also valid? am i right?

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    You seam to be really enthusiastic when you were throwing questions after questions against the Theory of evolution. But when it came to your own subject i.e, christian apologetics,you seem to give up so easily.

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    the Word of God is eternal. the word is not created.dawkins darkened theory.

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    I believe in what I have written. You may believe in whatever it is that you believe in. You had referred to Dawkins as the pope of atheism, now you have Hitchins as someone you look to. That's fine.

    Since we have no common ground, I think we will just end up giving our justifications for our belief and just waste each others' time.

    Thank you for taking interest in my article and once again I hope with the vast knowledge you have, I will someday see your article or book!

    Will you be writing under Zeitgeist?

  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Mr. Zeitgeist,
    Both Christmas and Easter have their origins in Pagan celebrations. The exacted date of Jesus’ birth is not known since it has not been revealed to mankind. One of the reasons is He existed since eternity. He had been living in heaven along with God. He is the first among all creations. So there’s no meaning in celebrating His birth. He is presumed to have been born, rather took human form, sometime during the months of September – October. The Bible only indicates He was born during night when sheep were grazing and were being watched by shepherds. Even today in the land of Palestine or Israel, sheep are not let out to graze during the months of December – January when winter is harsh in this part of the world. 25th December was observed as festival of the Sun by the Pagans since that day was believed to be the shortest in the year. The Greeks and Russians observe it on 7th January.

    Regarding Easter Jesus exhorted his disciples to commemorate his death and sacrifice. Easter was observed by the Pagans to welcome the spring season, which symbolized new birth or life. Both festivals were initiated by the Roman emperors upon their conversion to Christianity. Therefore these celebrations are legacies of the Romans not of the Church. False celebrations cannot be a pretext to deny the existence of God or Jesus.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    Let me put a case for hinduism, which i believe is more superior religion than abrahamic religions.

    This is my point of view. I dont know what others think from the point i am going to make.

    Abrahamic religions are better suited for tribal culture. Its like i am in a tribe, i pray to particular god who i believe is superior and the only true god. I really dont care what other tribes follow but the gods they are following are false.

    But hinduism is different regarding this. Atheism is also considered a part of hinduism, which could be unthinkable in an abrahamic religion. It is fine with having different gods. because people generally tend to have their own views on what god is. This is why you dont have to go on killing/converting others into hinduism. This is why the saying - There is only one god, can be only be honestly be said by a Hindu.

  • ANP, Blur

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    The Bible records Lazarus being raised to life by Jesus Christ.
    Read clearly your comment not mine.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    Do you seriously think i consider Dawkins as pope of atheism?

    Tomorrow if Dawkins s that god exists... will is affect me? may be a little. But i would like know his arguments for the same.

    Basically i always like to refer the experts in the field if i have to research about any subject. And sorry i wouldnt refer William Lane Craig, regarding origin of universe or origin of life.. cause he is not the expert for that field.

    Whome i consider the greatest Atheist/Anti-theist of all time?
    That would be Christopher Hitchens.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    You completely misinterpreted what Dawkins really said. He said Jesus existed. That does not mean biblical Jesus existed. When i say biblical Jesus it means with all his miracles. If a normal person existed then its your argument that falls apart.

    Anyways i believe that Dawkins doesnt really put a strong case against god outside of his subject, i.e, Evolution. Sam Harris is much more better than Dawkins when religion debate goes into philosophy. For cosmos i refer to Lawrence Krauss and Degrasse Tyson. For argument from historical point of view, i refer to the writings of Robert Price, Richard Carrier or David Fitzgerald.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    Ok... I will accept that you have researched into the history of Jesus. Now could you please explain to me what standards you applied for your research.

    We all are affected by confirmation bais. how did you overcome this during your research.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    "Believers accept what they are told without sceptical questioning non-believers are doubtful and question what they are told."

    This is absolutely true. And also think this way, the believers who claim their religion is true, mostly happen to born into the religion. If they were born into some other religion they would have professed that, that religion if true.

    My question to Oliver - Could mormonism be true?

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    You have mentioned that there is no evidence for Christ. Are we to take your statement as evidence or you have evidence.

    Your pope of Atheism, Richard Dawkins, probably needs to be replaced! Here's why:

    Richard Dawkins, who kept denying the historicity of Jesus, retracted his statement and admitted that Jesus existed.

    Here is the youtube link:

    Further, don't be surprised if one day he fully accepts God. Please read on:

    "This is a remarkable statement from Richard Dawkins during a second debate this week with Oxford maths professor John Lennox.

    Dawkins had previously said that believing in a creator of the universe was no different from believing in fairies at the bottom of the garden.

    Now he says a serious case can be made for the idea that the universe was brought into being by some kind of purposeful force. A creator.

    No, he is not saying he is a deist and certainly not a believer in the Christian, Islamic, Jewish God.

    But his statement is nevertheless remarkable."

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    You really should learn two things:

    1. get your facts right
    2. and listen to what you say and observe if it makes sense

    I am a believer and my faith is strengthened after the research I have done. You infer that if a believer does research, he or she will stop believing in God.

    You also probably think that questioning takes you away from God. Actually blocking your mind to the truth does that, there is nothing in asking the right question - what matters is the intent of your questions. Being cynical does not help anyone.

    See the number of atheists scientists who have come to Christ.

    Further, it is a scientist who said, "The deeper you go into science, the closer it will bring you to God."

    When they first saw a cell under a simple microscope, they thought it would tell them the origin of life. Now that they have studied that same cell under a powerful microscope, they are dumbfounded by the complexity of just one cell.

    Many have tried to prove the Bible wrong and have ended up proving it right. But, for that it requires HONEST RESEARCH, not the cursory things one hears and makes meaningless remarks without providing any basis.

  • ANP, Blur

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Oliver- Udipi
    It seems that the core difference between believers and non-believers is that . "Believers accept what they are told without sceptical questioning non-believers are doubtful and question what they are told."

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    Paul Alexander Bravo,

    There is no historical evidence for the same.

    Its similar if i say the same thing about Hercules.

  • Paul Alexander Bravo, United States

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    The man they called Jesus Christ was a living breathing human being that walked this earth. His teachings about the Way are true not because of faith, sin, death, resurrection, or any other word a given person may find comforting at a particular time or place, but because the truth speaks for itself.

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    Suppose Jesus was choosing one, two or three apostles is also a problem for opposing people.

    In your opinion how much apostles he should have chosen. Tell us.

    Yet it His wish.

    All you wish to search is well-known numbers. You have already searched the numbers in the Holy Bible and you have got it. Right???

    As a human Jesus has to request Heavenly father for Lazarus

  • Anp, Blur

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    Did God the Father raise jesus , or did Jesus raise Himself from the dead?

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    Your comments: Have you ever wondered why as per bible Jesus had 12 apostles. Why 12? Why not 11 or 13?

    This article was about death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So have you wondered why he was resurrected in 3 days? again why not 2 days or four days?

    All you have to do is search for significance of the numbers to look towards the truth.

    My response: What's your point? In case you have missed it, the article I have written was done after a lot of research. I don't see any other truth than Christ.

    As I have said before, perhaps you should write an article on what you believe in and why.

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    Your comment: You are only referring so called eye witness accounts in bible. Are there any eye witness accounts outside of it?

    As far as I know there are none. If there was one I wouldn't have asked.

    My response: I have given three names of historians who were non-Christians. Please go through the article.

    For more information, please follow this link:

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    In response to your following comment: “Faith is believing what you want to believe, yet cannot prove.” Sadly, RIZM

    My response:
    Doubt can equally be without any basis and purely on personal feelings.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    How do you know? There are no sources outside bible mentioning that. Remember feeding 5000 people with fish and bread is no small thing. If such thing really happened someone would have written about it. But there are no such records.

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    Why did Jesus thank the Father? Please look in my article, under the chapter: OR WAS HE ONLY MAN?

    I suggest you practice reading the entire chapter and not pick verses for your convenience. Please read the following:

    21 “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”

    23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”

    24 Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

    25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

    27 “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” (John, Chapter 11)

    Please note Jesus does not say He has the power to resurrect He says HE IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    Have you ever wondered why as per bible Jesus had 12 apostles. Why 12? Why not 11 or 13?

    This article was about death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So have you wondered why he was resurrected in 3 days? again why not 2 days or four days?

    All you have to do is search for significance of the numbers to look towards the truth.

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    You said - faith has so much to offer.

    I say - faith is a double edge sword. One end you have people who just wanna do good and go to haven. And on other side you have groups like isis.

  • ANP, Blur

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    Francis Udipi,
    according to your teachings Isaiah is said to have prophesied , but it went wrong as he said the name would be Immanuel not jesus !The and Gabriel's annunciation was written AFTER he was named Jesus .( (79-100 years later not before !)

  • ANP, Mlur

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    Oliver Udupi ,
    The bible says jesus requested the father and the father raised lazurus .
    He thanked him for it.
    Now don't mis quote

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    Jesus Christ preformed miracles. godless people conducting magic.

  • ANP, Blur

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    - “Faith is believing what you want to believe, yet cannot prove.” Sadly,

  • kurt waschnig, Oldenburg,Germany

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    Oliver, thank you for this article. To me, the resurrection is not so important. More important is to go to church, read the Bible, mediate and prayers. It gives a meaning of life and especially one who faces tough times, faith helps to overcome difficulties and life goes on.
    I enjoy sitting in a quiet and silent church, this 30 minutes, I take daily, is special. Of course during the 30 minutes I do not always pray, lots of other thoughts come and are in my mind. Or for example, to close eyes for some minutes and listen to classical music at church. Meeting friends and read together the Bible and discuss and share faith. That gives certainty, joy, happiness and makes us open to see the poor.
    Faith is a wonderful gift, one is never alone. Faith makes me self confident, strong and I am able to do a little bit for the needy.
    On the other hand, I have friends who do not believe in God. Life is so precious. Faith offer so much. 
    Best regards

    Kurt Waschnig


  • ANP, Blur

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    You have quoted Ravi Zac who runs RIZM Ministries.
    Their teaching are , the bible is not the word of god but contain the word.
    This is contrary to your stand he he counters your stand ?

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    You are only refering so called eye witness accounts in bible. Are there any eye witness accounts outside of it?

    As far as I know there are none. If there was one I wouldn't have asked.

  • Francis Mathias, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 26 2016

    I wish to summarize the following points which made Jesus Christ as Divine figure.
    Jesus Christ took birth through Holy Spirit.
    Jesus Christ birth was foretold by Angel Gabriel.
    Jesus Christ performed miracles during his ministry by raising dead to life, curing lepers, giving sight to blind people and so on.
    Above all, Resurrection - Jesus Christ raised on the third day as per His prophecy and appeared to His disciples , Mother Mary and others.
    Therefore undoubtedly Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
    If Senses can not grasp this Marvel, then faith must serve to compensate.
    Thanks Mr. Oliver for your wonderful article. Keep up the spirit of writing.

  • Oliver, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 26 2016


    The Bible records Lazarus being raised to life by Jesus Christ. Afraid of reprisals, Lazarus relocated.

    In 890, a tomb was found in Larnaca bearing the inscription "Lazarus, four days dead, friend of Christ".

  • Zeitgeist, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2016

    Contrary to popular belief, Easter does not represent the "historical" crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In reality, the gospel tale reflects the annual "crossification" of the sun through the vernal equinox (Spring), at which time the sun is "resurrected," as the day begins to become longer than the night.

    Rather than being a "Christian" holiday, Easter celebrations date back into remotest antiquity and are found around the world, as the blossoming of spring did not escape the notice of the ancients, who revered this life-renewing time of the year, when winter had passed and the sun was "born again." The "Pagan" Easter is also the Passover, and Jesus Christ represents not only the sun but also the Passover Lamb ritually sacrificed every year by a number of cultures, including the Egyptians, possibly as early as 4,000 years ago and continuing to this day in some places.

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