April 8, 2020
It’s Empty
The tomb is empty
The economy is empty; the streets are empty; bus stations are empty; railways are empty; airports are empty; malls are empty; schools are empty; the world is empty
Hearts of people are empty; gods are empty; rituals are empty; way of life is empty; charity is empty; communication is empty; everything is empty; it is total shunya; emptiness all.
“As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods;
They kill us for their sport”. Shakespeare’s King Lear
Reasons reasoned out; motives attributed; hypotheses framed; conclusions drawn; accusations levelled; economies ruined; life miserable
Is it another deluge like Noah’s? A plague like of old? Ravaging fire of London? Bushfire of Australia?
Why is this corona and whose is this corona?
Is it to put us in place (I may sound ridiculous)?
Remedies galore from the ancient times to the ultramodern.
Ultimately this corona has succeeded in one truth-it made us awake; it ripped us apart to show to the world what we are.