April 3, 2023
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) affects women physically and emotionally. Bloating, food craving, fatigue, weakness headache are few symptoms experienced before a week of menstruation. In order to relieve the symptoms good nutrition plays a vital role. Modifying your diet, making exercise a routine and having a stress free days helps to ease PMS.
Some food which help PMS are as follows:
Low fat yoghurt, steamed broccoli, pumpkin seeds, banana, chamomile tea, green leafy vegetables, eggs, peanuts and plenty of oral fluids.
Pumpkin seeds: consuming. 2-3 table spoon of pumpkin seeds helps to alleviate PMS syndrome as they are rich in magnesium and zinc
Broccoli - Having steamed broccoli regulates estrogenic level and it is a good source of calcium potassium, vitamin A and fibre
Eggs - these are known as complete protein and loaded with nutrients. Eggs are good sources of vit D, B6 and helps to fight PMS
Banana - Potassium and vit B6 rich bananas stops excess water retention and helps to relieve bloating
Chamomile tea- sipping a cup of non-caffeinated chamomile tea helps to reduce menstrual cramps. It is also said to ease anxiety and irritability
Eating food rich in vitamin D and calcium is considered to have positive impact (for eg. Eggs, sesame seed). Avoid sodium rich or salty foods during or before periods as sodium helps to retain fluid and result in bloating. Cut back on caffeine and alcohol. Quit smoking
Mild to moderate exercise also helps to ease the symptoms of PMS. Brisk walking, swimming, cycling and also Yoga helps and reduces Stress but do not overdo any and make sure to include exercise as a part of your routine.