Legendary Performer: Dr Alphonsus Mathias

First Bishop of Chikmagalur and Archbishop Emeritus of Bangalore Then the youngest and the eldest Catholic Bishop/Archbishop in India before passing on July 10, 2024

July 11, 2024

November 16, 1963. The Diocese of Chikmagalur, comprising of the three revenue districts of Shimoga, Chikmagalur and Hassan was erected by Pope Paul VI by the Apostolic Constitution, 'Indicae Regionis'. Until then this area was part of the vast Diocese of Mysore. Diocese of Chikmagalur was canonically erected by His Excellency Archbishop James Ronald Knox, the Apostolic Internuncio and Most Reverend Dr Alphonsus Mathias D.D. J.U.D. Ph.L. was consecrated on February 5, 1964 as the first Bishop of Chikmagalur Diocese at St Joseph's Cathedral Chikmagalur.

Now elapsed 60 long years for the erection of Chikmaglur Diocese and the consecration of Bishop Alphonsus Mathias, the first Bishop of Chikmagalur Diocese (who later went on to become the Archbishop of Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bangalore). 





























This (2024) February 5th, marked the Diamond Jubilee of the erection of the Diocese of Chikmagalur and the Episcopal Ordination of Most Rev Dr Alphonsus Mathias. At the time of his consecration, the new Bishop Alphonsus was at the age of 35 with just 9 years of priestly service attached to the Diocese of Mangalore. Bishop Alphonsus was one of the youngest bishops of the Catholic Church in India at that time. Until his death, the 96 year young Archbishop, in his 70th year of priesthood, had completed 60 years of his pontifical consecration, and was one of the oldest living bishops / archbishops in the world and the oldest in the Latin rite in India, which may be a rare record.

The tall and admirable Archbishop Emeritus Most Rev. Alphonsus Mathias was living at the St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences campus comprising of the famed St John’s Hospital and Medical College and several other institutions.

Childhood Life

Alphonsus Mathias was born at a place called Undaru in Innanje Village of South Kanara District (which is in Udupi District since 1997). This place was under the jurisdiction of St John the Evangelist Church, popularly called Pangala Parish in Mangalore Diocese. Now this parish is in Udupi Diocese since its formation in 2012.

The livelihood of the people of Pangala parish back then was paddy and vegetable cultivation. Though the parishioners were economically poor they were strong in Catholic faith. In one of such families, of Diego Mathias, a progressive paddy cultivator and Philomena D’Souza, a devoted homemaker, Alphonsus was born on June 22, 1928 as their fourth child. This couple had five children - 3 sons (the other two sons Francis and Antony) and 2 daughters (Stella and Monica).

Alphonsus had his early education at the Pangala parish run St John’s Primary School at Shankarpura (1st to 4th Std) and higher primary education at Don Bosco Higher Primary School, Shirva which was managed by Shirva parish (5th to 8th Std) and completed his high school studies at Milagres High School, Kallianpur (run by Our Lady of Miracles Church, Kallianpur, Udupi taluk).

Pangala, the birth place of Most Rev Alphonsus, is now renowned for the cultivation of fragrant jasmine flowers. This is because of the foresight of the first parish priest of Pangala parish, and the inspirer of youth Alphonsus to the priesthood, Rev Fr Basil Salvadore Peres - who later became the Bishop of Mangalore. With a view to eradicate poverty of the parishioners and local people he arranged to bring jasmine saplings in 1936 from Bhatkal in North Kanara District, about 75 miles away from Pangala and initiated the locals into its cultivation.

Joining Mangalore Seminary, studies in Kandy and Ordination

After completing Matriculation, young Alphonsus realized that he had vocation and he wanted to dedicate his life and service to the church. His was the 2nd vocation from the Pangala parish established in 1922 (the first being Fr Thomas D’Sa, the late) and had been influenced by his devoted parents, the then parish priest of Pangala Rev Fr Basil Peres, and the then headmaster of Milagres High School, Kallianpur, Rev Fr Alfred J Tellis.

On several occasions Archbishop Emeritus Alphonsus had narrated an incident that took place prior to his joining the seminary. On the day of his Matriculation results his dad was ploughing the fields with ‘Naangor’ (tool used to plough the field with help of buffaloes/ oxen). Alphonsus asked him permission to join the seminary. There was no response from his father even when he asked twice. When Alphonsus asked for the 3rd time his father replied, ‘Naangraak haat laayillo paatim pollenaa’. This conversation was in Konkani and it means that anybody who holds hand on the plough never looks back which implied, there is no chance for returning from the seminary and priesthood if he decides to join. Alphonsus’s father was right as his son, Alphonsus never looked back.

Young Alphonsus joined St Joseph’s Inter-diocesan Seminary at Jeppu-Mangalore in June 1945, for the Diocese of Mangalore which was nicknamed as Rome of the East and cradle of vocations.

Most Reverend recalled several times the difficulties of traveling to Mangalore city (a distance of about 35 miles from his native place) during those days by crossing 3 rivers. There were no bridges. Small buses were moving in between the rivers, and passengers needed to cross the rivers by small boats. In this process, it took about 6 – 8 hours to reach Mangalore city and vice versa.

After two and half years of studies in Mangalore Seminary and the initial studies of the subjects like English and Latin, Br Alphonsus was sent to Papal Seminary in Kandy, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) for Philosophy and Theology studies.

Dn Alphonsus’s priestly ordination was held in Kandy Seminary on August 24, 1954. After completing his studies Rev Fr Alphonsus returned to Mangalore during the year end and offered his first Solemn Mass along with his family and parishioners in December 1954 at Pangala Church.

Though Rev Fr Thomas D’Sa was the first one to become a priest from Pangala Parish, his ordination and first Solemn Mass was held in 1948. As such Rev Fr Alphonse was the first one ordained parishioner to offer the first Solemn Mass in the new beautiful Church which was constructed by the enthusiastic Rev Fr Basil Peres, Fr Alphonsus’s mentor, the parish priest of his childhood and inspiration in joining the Seminary.

Assistant Parish Priest, Studies in Rome, Bishop’s Secretary and Chancellor

Rev Fr Alphonsus’s first appointment was as the Assistant Parish Priest at St Joseph’s Parish at Bajpe in Mangalore Diocese (Mangalore Airport comes in the vicinity of this parish). He often remembered the early days of his priesthood. According to him those were the days with heavy work load. He had worked to the fullest satisfaction of his superiors.

Observing his dedication and intelligence, the Diocesan authorities sent Fr Alphonsus to Rome in 1955 for his Doctoral studies in Canon Law and the International Civil Law. On the successful completion of the studies he obtained D.D., J.U.D., Ph.L. degrees from the University of Propaganda Fide and Pontifical Lateran University.

Blessing of the Pangala Church had taken place in 1953. Belfry tower was also constructed attached to the church but there was no installation of bell for about 4-5 years. Rev Fr Alphonsus who was studying in Rome made arrangements to get the donation of a huge bell from a German Benefactor, Karl Heal by name. It weighed about 600 pounds and transportation of the same from Germany to Pangala involved huge expenditure. The generous donor took care of the transportation cost too. The church bells chimes even today, which is a testimony to the benevolence of the Donor Karl Heal and Fr Alphonsus.

Upon his return to Mangalore in 1959, Rev Fr Alphonsus was appointed as the Secretary to the then Bishop Most Rev Raymond D’Mello, who had taken charge of the Diocese following the death of Bishop Most Rev Dr Basil Peres in 1958, while travelling to Rome by Passenger ship. Additionally, Rev Fr Alphonsus was given the charge as the Chancellor of Mangalore Diocese. During this period he got an opportunity to visit almost all the parishes of the Diocese.

Founder Bishop of Chikmagalur Diocese

On November 16, 1963, ChikmagalurDiocese was created by Pope Paul VI by the Apostolic Constitution ‘Indicae Regionis’ with territory taken from the Diocese of Mysore. Initially it covered the three revenue districts - Chikmagalur, Hassan and Shimoga.

Rev Fr Alphonsus Mathias, the then secretary of the Mangalore Bishop Most Rev Raymond D’Mello, was appointed as the First Bishop of Chikmagaluru Diocese. The erection of the new diocese and the episcopal ordination of the first bishop was held on February 5, 1964 at St Joseph’s Cathedral, Chikmagaluru. Principal Consecrator was Archbishop James Robert Knox, Pro Nuncio and Titular Archbishop of Melitene and Principal Co-Consecrators were Archbishop Albert Vincent D’Souza, Archbishop of Calcutta and Bishop Raymond D’Mello, Bishop of Mangalore.

Geographically the Diocese of Chikmagalur is situated in the Western Ghats which consists of hilly region and valleys, where the main crop is coffee. Tea is grown in some places. Ragi, paddy, maize, sugar-cane, vegetables, pulses and coconut are grown in the plains. The greater part of the catholic population are descendants of migrants from the South Kanara District, the Konkani speaking people, who had come for work in coffee plantations and later on settled in the area. Some of them subsequently owned plantations. The native Catholics are found in the plains of Hassan District, their ancestors had become Catholics in the beginning of 18th century when the Jesuit missionaries evangelized the area. Later M.E.P Fathers continued this work of evangelization. Descendents of the settlers from Tamil Nadu are found all over the Diocese. The early history of evangelization of Chikmagalur Diocese goes back to 16th century.

At the time of the formation of Chikmagalur Diocese, there were only 19 parishes and 18 Diocesan priests under its jurisdiction. The young Bishop had to toil hard to build up the Diocese. Bishop Alphonsus continued his efforts throughout his service and he was successful in his mission. When he was elevated as Archbishop to the Bangalore Archdiocese after fruitful 23 years’ service at the Chikmagalur Diocese there were 39 parishes, one shrine, three independent stations with resident priests and 56 active diocesan priests and many religious priests. Several educational institutions including a First Grade College, minor seminary, hospital, technical school, social service centre, convents and other institutions were in service.

Young bishop Mathias had the privilege of attending third and fourth sessions of the Second Vatican Council as Council Father and to know the out comings.

Archbishop of Bangalore Metropolitan Archdiocese

Bishop Alphonsus Mathias was elevated to the position of Archbishop of the Bangalore Metropolitan Archdiocese on September 12, 1986. He took charge of the Archdiocese on December 3, 1986. He carefully studied the situation at the Archdiocese. By taking into confidence the clergy, religious and lay people he was successful in the smooth administration of the archdiocese. Archbishop Alphonsus stepped down at the age of about 70, on health grounds, and the resignation was accepted on March 24, 1998.

A public function was held at St Joseph's Indian High School grounds on April 19, 1998 to bid farewell to Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias with a congregation of around 6000 faithful.

Following excerpts are from the farewell address read out during the ceremony which sheds light on the popularity of Archbishop Mathias in Bangalore Archdiocese

Archbishop set forth with zeal to acquire land for building places of worship. Many churches sprang up with his blessings and encouragement including St Paul's Church, Dasarahalli; St Francis Xavier’s Church, Chikkakammanahalli; Christu Prabhalaya, Jayanagar; St Jude’s Church, Gangenahalli; St Thomas’ Church, Sultanpalya, Our Lady of Vellankkani Church, Yelahanka, Chunchigat, Mestripalya, Vijayapura Byrathi, Irinyapalya, Naganahalli and many more. Quite a few presbyteries were also constructed during his tenure.

Archbishop combined the building of churches with the strengthening of the evangelical and pastoral ministry in the local churches. In this project he sought the active involvement of the clergy, religious and laity.

He was the President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, the Chancellor of the St Peter's Pontifical Institute and Pro-chancellor of Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram

Archbishop saw to the emerging of beautiful, architecturally outstanding Bishop's house during his time. Besides, he strengthened the financial position of the Archdiocese.

Archbishop had appointed an experienced priest to study the plight of Dalit Christians and followed it up with a stern injunction to all Christian schools and colleges to welcome Dalit students, give them concrete support. He invited the Dalits to turn to the Archbishop’s house for further help if necessary.

To ensure justice for all employees of the church and religious institutions, Archbishop laid down policies with regard to pay scale, provident fund, gratuity, medical assistance, food and house rent. He loved the youth, yet, he never forgot those who were old and in need care. He built a beautiful and tranquil home for retired priests of the Archdiocese where they could spend their evening of life in peace and prayer.

Archbishop Alphonsus is a brilliant orator and master of many languages. His haunting homilies and powerful exhortations reached deep inside the minds of the listener. But most important of all, he could speak the language that all could understand - the language of love, concern and humanity.

An erudite scholar Archbishop could recall the articles of the Indian Constitution as well as the articles of faith. On any day he never lost his essential simplicity, sincerity, humility and directness. He was appointed Chairman of the Commission for Social Communications of the Federation of the Asian Bishops' Conference; President of Radio Veritas, Manila; a member of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications and the Council for Justice and Peace, Vatican. Wherever he was, he displayed charisma and talent for reaching the masses. Yet, he never lost his singular ability to communicate with the individual person and he was comfortable with people from all walks of life. For young and old alike, Archbishop was and is a role model, admired for his words and deeds.

Archbishop’s analytical acumen and psychological insight helped him deal with the complexity of human behavior and shape policy. Yet it was his essential warmth and openness that endeared him to people of the Archdiocese.

Archbishop grew in wisdom and years, but remained eternally young in the company of the youth who held a special place in his heart and his policy making.

Archbishop travelled far and wide across the world to attend conferences but he never forgot to keep in step with his flock - to walk beside them as friend and counselor.

Over six feet tall and endowed with a towering personality Archbishop is unassuming and often unobtrusive. Resplendent and regal in Episcopal finery, he is known by people close to him that he feels uneasy and uncomfortable with pomp and splendor.

It is a matter of sorrow and concern that Archbishop Alphonsus’s failing health was largely responsible for his having had to resign as Chief Shepherd of Bengaluru Archdiocese.

Positions held and developmental works undertaken

Apart from the above, Most Rev Dr Alphonsus Mathias occupied some of the prestigious positions and undertook a lot of developmental work. He was greatly responsible in upgrading St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences. He also improved the condition of St Peter’s Pontifical Seminary in Bengaluru. He was elected as the chairman of many commissions under the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI). He was elected as the president of CBCI for two terms. Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias was also given important responsibilities in the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC) and he also served as a member of Pontifical Commissions such as ‘Social Communication’ and ‘Justice and Peace’.

For this writer, Archbishop Alphonsus is like a friend and guide

We both belong to the same native parish – Pangala, having been born and brought up there. Our families were known to each other since long, may be over a century now. This touch remains even today though the generations have passed.

I had the privilege to meet the Bishop / Archbishop many a times during his hometown visits. Though I am little over 3 decades younger to him he talks to me like a friend. In 1994, when he came to know that I had resigned from the employment at Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers (MCF) at Panambur, Mangalore and ventured into self employment (Advertising Agency business) he advised me to be careful in the business. He gave example of a big advertising agency known to him which was running well but went bankrupt because of the cheating by some big clients. I had taken his advice seriously and running the show successfully all these years.

I would like to narrate an incident of Emeritus Archbishop’s pro stand towards the laity. The Foundation stone for the St Joseph Engineering College (SJEC), Vamanjur, Mangalore was laid by him on February 11, 2001. In his speech the Archbishop hailed the efforts of Laity. He exclaimed – “You Laity should occupy the seats here (pointing to the dais) and we Religious should occupy (pointing to the audience) those seats.” (I was fortunate enough to handle the publicity affairs of SJEC for the initial 12 years).

Bishop / Archbishop Alphonsus was actively participating in the major events like jubilees of his native parish. During the Platinum Jubilee of the parish in 1997, I was the Vice President of the Pastoral Council and Editor of the Souvenir brought out on the occasion. We were fortunate to receive his guidance. It was not possible for the Archbishop Emeritus to participate in the Centenary celebrations of his home Parish held in December 2022 and he had blessed with his message.

During his hometown visits to Pangala, the Archbishop was usually staying at the presbytery. For me it was a great joy to attend his Mass and listen to his touching homily with anecdotes involving local incidents and instances of his childhood days.

As I read in reports of his Episcopal Ordination Golden Jubilee held in 2014 at St John’s, Bengaluru, the institution was his second love after the Diocese and the faithful that he had served over the years. That is the reason he preferred to stay at St John’s campus after his retirement and enjoyed his stay. I used to visit him now and then at the Vianney House of the St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences and we would spend time talking on various topics from Pangala (home parish) to international events.





By H R Alva
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Comment on this article

  • Joe Britto, Nakre/Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 13 2024

    A great Article and great Pictures by Shri H R Alva highlighting the exemplary life of one of the greatest Archbishops of Bangalore. May His Noble Soul rest forever in the Arms of the Lord .


    Sat, Jul 13 2024

    may God grant peace to his soul and offer condolences to his family members and dear ones. 🙏

  • Louis Viegas, Kavu, Puttur

    Fri, Jul 12 2024

    Thanks for this lovely article and pictures, it gave a lot of insight about Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias which I am sure a lot of us weren't aware. My wife had to opportunity to meet him in person at St, Johns Hospital in May 2015. We are blessed to know his niece Dr. Sr. Florine Mathias who is always there to help in any emergency we have. May Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias Rest in Peace.

  • Roshan D'silva, Vamanjoor/UAE

    Fri, Jul 12 2024

    Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias. His name resonated deeply during my childhood days, as he was not only a visionary and spiritual leader but also a compelling preacher. His contributions made all Mangaloreans proud. May Bishop Mathias soul rest in peace, his legacy cherished forever.

  • Stivan J Alva, Shankerpura

    Thu, Jul 11 2024

    Nice article from my very friendly daiji Shri H R Alva. It's best focusing the olden days life struggle and success. A small boy from a small village of my hometown grown up very very tall to spread the theological as well as logical light. May the Almighty God grant him eternal peace.

  • Ivan Saldanha, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 11 2024

    Kudos HR Baab for a legendary account of a legendary personality. Fitting indeed from an erudite and knowledgeable pen. The oldest Archbishop deserves a fair memorial. May his dear soul rest in his LORD in blissful eternity.

  • Stany Jovin Menezes, Muscat / Pangla

    Thu, Jul 11 2024

    We pangalites parishioners offer our heartfelt condolences on the passing of Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias. His dedicated service and profound wisdom will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

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