'Power, Wealth Not Permanent, People's Love is Everything' - Yeddyurappa

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore

Bangalore, Jul 31: In his final public address as chief minister of Karnataka, B S Yeddyurappa, who is going to be 'former' on Sunday after 2.30 pm, was all emotional while participating in a Balija community function at Palace Grounds here. He said that "Power, wealth, money are not at all permanent in life, but people's love is everything and it is permanent."

On Sunday morning, the Balija community organised a public function to felicitate B S Yeddyurappa for his support to the community. Coming out from his house after five days, though he appeared to be relaxed, he could not hold back his emotions while addressing the gathering. He did not criticise anyone, but boasted of his achievements during the last three years.

"I am a very common person, started my political career as a municipal member in Shikaripura around 40 years back. But my fight for social justice, working for the poor, bringing revolution in the education sector etc made me chief minister of this state. I never dreamt that I would become the CM of Karnataka, but my hard work and love and support of the people brought me here."

"I have enormous satisfaction in my tenure as the chief minister. The economy of the state is best in the country, there has been a revolution in education, and I have maintained communal harmony. I am grateful to the people who gave me this opportunity to render my services as the CM."

"Due to various protocols I have been restricted from meeting people and attending functions, but from tomorrow I am a free bird. I will work as a common BJP worker, and strengthen my party after travelling across the state," he said.

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

    Mon, Aug 01 2011

    Also CM post is not permanent. So please.......

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    Mon, Aug 01 2011


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  • Daya Bangera, Katapady / Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Aug 01 2011

    All Gotalas from Kashmir to Kanyakumari has to be dealt with Equal importance, irrespective of any political party. "Political Grand Pa Congress" has taught everyone what, where and how to exploit and everyone follows.

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  • Errol, Dubai

    Mon, Aug 01 2011

    Its too late to know that power, wealth and fame are temporary. somebody should have taught you when you were a kid. Don't cry over spilt milk and yearn for citizens sympathy now.High time you become an Sadhu in the Himalayan mountains.

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  • Rosario, Kallianpur/Goa/usa

    Mon, Aug 01 2011

    I agree, 'Power''Wealth' is not permanent. But the 'Curse' from the poor 'is'.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Mon, Aug 01 2011










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  • William, Udupi

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Good riddens. Looting everywhere. Communal harmony my foot. This man copied the same idea from Narendra Modi, on becoming the CM first attack the minority, so that the majority rejoice and vote. This cry-baby is a disgrace to Karnataka. He has attacked a peace loving community of Kanara, he has to pay still a heavy price for it. God Bless.

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  • Sunil Dsouza , Mumbai

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Mr. Yeddy, for all your wrong doings you deserve much more than what you have done.

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  • Hamdan, Dubai

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    I saw everybody's comments. But where is Mr.NAGESH NAYAK? Mr.Nagesh Nayak, where is your comments? People are missing your comments.

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  • Alwyn, Canada

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Past expired CM Yeddy you love only Shoba akka and poor peoples money, farmers land.. Live sad rest of your life becasue god will never forgive you for attacking his houses. You made fun of christians now time for you to get millions time back the same. Wait and see for more yet on the way.

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    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Raju..................the money looted from mines and other kick backs are shared by BJP high Command and your RSS people.That's why did you see any Sanghparivar top brass talk against Yeddy?Even they did advise him? in front of money any patriotism, nationalism,............are "NAGANYA"Yeddy misunderstood that becoming a CM is a license to make or loot state exchequer!!!!!Grow up man talk like gentleman....

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Mr. yeddy...you knew that power and money is not permanent....hence you did money in 3 years...for your life and for the life of your relatives....!!???

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  • Daya Bangera, Katapady / Abu dhabi

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Katnataka Mining has started long back.Is only current CM made money ?. Is santosh hegde was sleeping all these yrs. yes supreme court should punish CM, if proved and also PM and proxy PM Sonia if 2G gotala is proved.

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  • joseph, bondel/qatar

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Eversince you became CM, you are like a flying bird only. Now only the difference is until today you were peacock, from today onwards you are crow, henceforth people will hate you.

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  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Yeddy was wearing white dress all the times during his rule, now he has to wear BLACK DRESS..that suits him very well for free bird.

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  • sunil, mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Why no holiday in Karnataka tomorrow?

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  • Sunil, mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    We miss you dear CM....& Mr. Nagesh Nayak & his pseudo comments. But dont worry like Sonia have some strings attached.

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  • William, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    At last the looter, dirty politican, lier, actor, is sent home with full of wealth. Crocodile tears and cheaters tears and emotional voice will not solve poor peoples problems. People are fooled to the core. Only people benefitted are kapat sanyasis. All has to answer for his ills. No God will bless these deeds.

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  • Manjunath, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    All hypocrites talk like this and this person is not an exception.His ambition to become a modern day dictator didn't fulfill because our founder fathers opted Sathya and Ahimsa and we become the greatest democracy in the whole world.Now let us wait what is his next move.

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  • kannadiga, mangalore/dubai

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Dear Ex-CM Yeddi, you would have cried not now long ago, when there were attcks on minorities, when Reddi brothers were looting the wealth of our State, when your family members looting and supporting the land scams and illegal mining in the state, you would have cried when indiscriminately outsted the 16 MLAs for your benefit and when assembly was not functioning for most of the year's tennure....anyway, you will cry more and more as the case or cases against you prove fatal and when police comes and handcuffs you....

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  • Albert Denis Alvares, Bondel, Mangalore/Toronto

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Comments made by readers speak the truth. There is not a single word of appreciation. Who says you have maintained communal harmony. For the public it is known as communal disharmony. The cries of the oppressed will haunt you. God is kind and merciful, repent ask for forgiveness.

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  • Stan, Qatar

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    The buck stops here..........

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  • joegonsalves, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Hi Mr. Past chief Minister.

    I am making only one observation. You have said a lot of things about your achievements and contribution to the welfare of the people. You say that you have maintained communal harmony. Far from it Mr. past C.M. What about the attacks on Christian Churches. You were a silent spectator when poor Christians were attached. Many were jailed for no reason and for no faults. You talk about love. Where have you shown love to any one and more particularly to Christians. Justice was thrown to the winds. At least now you could relent and try to work for the poor and the needy.

    Joe Gosnalves

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  • Stany D'sa, Dubai.

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    It is better late than never? A Chief Minister cannot deliver clean and transparent governace if he is indulged in corruption. Mr. Yeddy is not exception and ousted from power as soon as Lokayuktha indicted him in mining scam.One should not give blind sermons, instead repent for the sins committed. Santosh Hegde has done a marvellous job and thereby it is a wake up call to others to serve the people honestly. If some one dont want power and wealth, let them join some Ashram and meditate for eternal glory.

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  • Joe D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    What went wrong here? Chief Minister from a morality preaching,temple hopping party took off. Earned His Honorary degree from an American university for skimming the state of Karnataka. Now He is looking for Nobel Prize for His noble cause of making His crooked Men to be Billionaires. Land grabers,money launderers,illegal miners from Bellary,fake bussinessmen can now contact Nobel Society in Europe in favor of Yeddy to be Nobel Winner. Then He can apply for Bharath Ratna Award for bringing shame to state.

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    I feel pity while Yeddy crying....
    But it looks like Amarish Puri crying in Hindi movie at the end!!!

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  • Joseph D'souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    wow now yeddy is preaching like basavanna.

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  • Dave, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Well it is better late than never.
    Now as u belive in our ancestors Dharma that you followed assiduousuly till you quit-
    Why don't you follow as it is our tradition to take Sanyas(4th & last Ashrama) after donating whatever you earned legally or illegally for the better of your future life as well as afterlife on this earth,as well as in heaven?
    Please let us live & let others live peacefully in future!

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  • Anand, Karkala/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    God gave you both Mr. Yeddy, but you have misused it and started to earn more than what you deserve by way of illegal mining and other activities. The most non forgivable mistake you have done is that of Oath taking in front of Lord Manjunatha. There you committed a blunder and fooled the general public.
    Sit alone and think about the past, you definitely will recollect all these things and start doing something by which Lord Manjunatha will get satisfied by your work. Then you will get success.

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  • Rudy, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    After series of visits to all the temples you did not realise Power , Wealth are not Permanent...Anyway its too late. Dont' be under the impression people love you. Its only 40 thieves with whom you have shared the wealth they love(Alibaba) you and they wanted you to continue to be their leader in order to loot balance resouces from Karnataka.

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    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    "Power, wealth, money are not at all permanent

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  • Sunil, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    If i was there in that function, definetly i would have thrown my shoes at his face..what a joke.. "Power, wealth, money are not at all permanent in life,..lol...

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  • Ivan Menezes, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Too late but Yeddy understand, what is right and wrong. It is also another drama to make people foolish.

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  • Kamal Taiyyeb, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    First time in the history of Karnataka we experienced communal unrest, church attacks etc. under Yeddy's rule. He allowed to BD and RS to attack schools and orphanages run by christians. He tortured muslims and christians in the name of anti cow slaughter bill. Now he s that he maintained communal harmoney during his rule. Looks like he is out of his mind. Looks like sudden loss of power has turned him insane.

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  • vincy, shamboor/bangkok

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    He might not know what happend in last three years in Karnataka.It is because of his protocol he might not had an opportunity to see and observe what is happening in Karnataka.His party workers might have boasted him about lot of work happened to keep his face smiling and thier pockets filled.Now on he will realise the plight of the sarees and cycles that were given to school children.He will know what happend to the money that sanctioned to Mutts and temples.He wil once again experience the traffic and poth hole roads all over the state.He will see how sad it was for christians who were arrested at church attack protest.He will experience the real game played by various MLA's to keep him safe and the game to pull his chair.Above all he can sleep well now as since three years not even a single day was peaceful for BJP's rule.

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  • Dev Sagar, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    It is like Iraq being freed from Saddam Hussain finally! Yes, power is not permanent but wealth is permanent. Yeddy has accumulated so much wealth that he will not be able to utilize the same in his life time or that of his children.

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  • raju, mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    ISMAIL.K.PERINJE, PERINJE-YANBU/KSAwhre ajmal kasab studied ?
    where abdul naser madani was teaching .

    is the ajmal and osmaa followed the same principle of same relegius school ?

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  • Cyril D'Cunha, UAE

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Here I noticed One thing. What yeddy says, He does just the opposite. Clearly he has two faces.

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    MR. B. S. YEDDYURAPPA: If your confession
    is genuine, the whole world can
    learn a great spiritual lesson of
    life. " Wealth Not Permanent" is
    a reality and chasing for more
    wealth is a pure vanity of life
    like chasing after the wind.

    Now we are all expecting your real
    confession through a practical
    display. You may keep enough for
    your comfortable lifestyle, and
    give away the rest for the needy
    and desperate people of your state.
    There are millions of poor people
    even in your affluent state.
    God can use you as a totally
    different person to help the humanity for the rest of your life.
    All the best wishes and prayers.

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  • geoffrey, hathill

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Power not permanent : that's the reason BSY made his hay when the sun shone.
    Wealth not permanent: he realized it too late.
    Love for people and vice versa: only time will tell.

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  • elias, mumbai

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Peoples love is everything.Yeddy. Here Yeddy is wrong. When Bajrung Dal attacked churches Yeddy`s peoples love had become blind to the love of power. When he lost power love of people came into existence.

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  • Alwyn, Mangalore - USA

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    ಕೊಂದ ಪಾಪ ತಿಂದು ಪರಿಹಾರ.

    ಕೆಟ್ಟ ಮೇಲೆ ಬುದ್ಧಿ ಬಂತು.

    ಕೋತಿ ತಾನೂ ಕೆಡೋದಲ್ದೆ ವನಾನೂ ಕೆಡಿಸ್ತು.

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  • AJC, Udupi

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Dear Mr. Yeddyurappa, "If power, wealth not permanent, People's love is everything" then distribute your wealth among the poor people

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    Sun, Jul 31 2011


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  • sam, mangalore/dubai

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Power, wealth, money are not at all permanent in life, but it is their good deed which is everything and it is permanent...Yeddurappa you are only misquoting ...only want cheat people saying people will love him...Dont travel accross the state to give good speeches but travel accross the state by rendering good deeds...if you do good deed to thepeople every one will love you...

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  • Girish, Karkala - Riyadh

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Gottanaga Portandu swamy !!! are u donating the wealth which u accumulated through illegal method to any orphan age or old age. Dont be silly yeddy. This Kurudu Kanchana made u people Dance. Now please dont talk like a philosopher.

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  • Kusuma , Nellore/Kodyadka

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    You knew that Power Wealth nothing is permananent. Then why did you take money(wealth) in mining sir? Dont change your colours as you like. You arent a good CM and its time for you to go . I am sure you will have to some time in jail just like Balakrishna Pillai of Kerala , Good luck Yediyurappa May God help you in torubled times.

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  • Abubakar Pallipadi, Pallipadi / Riyadh

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Goooooooood byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Dear C.M.

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  • robin, mlore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    wat a joke? where did he maintain communal harmony,, every second day there was a communal dis-harmony!! and what does it mean free bird? he has to face the law for all the fraud done.
    If he really meant money power is not everything then why dint he step down from the CM's post when found guilty!! it clearly shows what he wants!!

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  • Antony , Udupi

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Free bird from tomorrow...what a joke. people who steal Rs.200/- is sent to jail for 2 years and the powerful people who steal cores will be out like a free bird…Jai hoo

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  • common man, mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Power, wealth, money are not at all permanent in life, but people's love is everything and it is permanent.....LOL:D

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  • Ganesh, Mangaladevi, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Dear cm it is very late,
    what ur saying now "Power, wealth, money are not at all permanent" u should teach ur 3rd class minister like renu, reddy,
    now please spend time with ur family. nobody will ask u now, before u have power now no power, only money.
    ur very lucky public didn't. kick u out.

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  • Sudesh Hegde, kuthayr/UAE

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Now you thinking like this?????!!!!

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    What about land grabs and support to Reddys on 16K Cr cheat to state excquer? Tried to hang on till last...lust for power and money!

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  • Melwyn , Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    What ??? You maintained communal hormony?? Errrrrrrrrrr!!!!

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  • Jyothi, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Sriman Yeddyurappa'ji.. Who told people of Karnataka love you?? After looting natural resources of karnataka you dont deserve love or affection from people. i dont think you will get time to strengthen your party. You may see Jail doors soon. No helicoptor to travel also, then how you will travel across the state?? Poor GUY.. where is this Sriman Nagesh'GI??? we are waiting for your condolence message to YOUR fav Yaddyurappa'ji...

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    So sweet of you dear yeddy to say that....you should have known those phrases earlier. Kuchi kuchi..muaaaahhh..... lol

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    Ashada is over Shravana masa will start n From Tommorow n Yeddy will have lot of time but no body is there to meet him. When he had opportunity he did not. He should retire from politics and spend his time with his family before he is convicted and pushed into jail.

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  • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha Qatar

    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    GOOD BYE CM SAAB.. sorry maji mukhya manthri. Now opposition are waiting for your jail term for looting the crores crores of mines.

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    Sun, Jul 31 2011

    EDDY sir, what you demonstrated so is not what you are telling now!You are thinking power for you only and wealth you accumulated so far also contradictory what you are preaching and that is what the message coming in past three days.A simple question for you, is RSS taught of these principles?????

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