B’luru company CEO may have pre-planned murder of son, cooking up suicide story: Police sources

Bengaluru, Jan 10 (IANS): The investigation into the murder of 4-year-old son by startup CEO mother in Goa has taken a twist with the police suspecting that the accused, 39-year-old Suchana Seth, was planning the crime for a long time and was cooking up the story of attempt to suicide.

Sources said that Suchana Seth, CEO of a Bengaluru-based Artificial Intelligence startup Company had put up a post on social media by putting the picture of her son and giving the hashtag "what will happen to him?" The police sources said that the post was written on October 10, 2023 and the development had aroused suspicions on pre-planning of the murder by the accused mother.

The police have also gathered information that accused Suchana Seth was arrogant and quarrelsome in the apartment premises.

Sources also said that Venkataramana, the father, after getting entitled to visitation rights had arrived from Jakarta in Indonesia to Bengaluru to meet his son on Sunday. He had brought toys and new clothes for the child.

But, Suchana Seth had taken the kid to Goa on Saturday. Venkataramana made several phone calls and video calls to her but they remained unanswered.

Meanwhile, the family of the four-year-old, Chinmay conducted last rites at the Harishchandra Ghat here.

The heart wrenching scenes of Venkataramana, the father, carrying the body of his child in his both arms and walking towards the graveyard and grieving stirred emotions.

Venkaratarama and family have not given any statements and have requested the media for a later interaction.

Police sources said that once the final rites are performed, the Goa Police will question Venkataramana.

Accused Suchana Seth, had claimed that she attempted to render her son unconscious to stop him from talking to his father over video call by pressing the pillow on his face and the child was suffocated to death.

Suchana had claimed that later she attempted to commit suicide by slashing her hands, but failed. Not about to figure out what to do in the situation, she stuffed the body into a suitcase and checked out of the hotel.

The investigation has shown that the deceased boy had spoken to his father over video call on Sunday. Seth had confessed that she did not want her son to talk to father at all.

The preliminary investigations had revealed that she committed the crime to deny her ex-husband access to the child after a court granted him visitation rights. Venkataramana worked in a reputed company.

Goa Police in coordination with Karnataka cops arrested Seth for allegedly murdering her four-year-old son at a service apartment in Goa.

The incident came to light after the housekeeping staff found blood stains in the room she had stayed in.

After checking out, the accused had come out with a big suitcase to head for Bengaluru. As she was boarding the taxi, the hotel staff who had seen her son, enquired about the child.

The accused informed the staff that he had been sent to her relative’s place and left the hotel.

However, the hotel staff got suspicious after housekeeping staff found blood stains in her room and called the police.

After getting the information from the hotel, the Goa Police got the contact number of the taxi driver and asked him to stop as soon as he spotted a police station on the National Highway.

Accordingly, the taxi driver stopped the vehicle near Imangala Police Station. The Goa Police had briefed their Karnataka counterparts about the development. The police found the body of the child in the trunk of the car inside the suitcase.

The body was shifted to the mortuary and the accused was taken into custody, police sources said.

Police sources also stated that initially Suchana maintained that her son was with a friend and gave cops his address as well. The Goa cops had found that the address was fake.




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  • ca girishkk, valencia/m'lore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Am reiterating my point of view that : - in this case, Husband too is the culprit..., (jointly & severally) men should always understand the woman's psychology and behavioral changes due to their biological nature..., That too a hardworking woman who made name & fame for herself and to her family to be proud of..., Some time the split second action cause irreparable & irreversible damage..., Sorry to see section or majority of the daiji readers targeting a successful lady ....., Everyone expecting mother to be noble & sub-servient..., (Manuwadi nahi chalegi...); Let the Police take note of the verbal abuses meted on the respectful lady (Matha aka Lakshmi); which would have provoked & caused this lady to indulge in this painful act.

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  • Daniel, Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Hatred towards one's man, one shouldnt kill one's own innocent blood. Maturity comes not through Degrees but life experiences. If one is peaceful is successful and having too much wealth or having Phds, Post but not getting sleep at night! or spending sleepless nights! that success is useless. All good things like love peace, joy, kindness, gentleness come from God. Hatred, murder, pride, lust, greed, anger come from satan or ones own thoughts and not Divine. All are divine beings but with negative thoughts and deeds one can become demons also.

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  • sunita lobo, Mumbai / Dubai

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Hi ca girishkk, valencia/m'lore, my mom was a widow at 27 years of age, with a 4 year old son, 2.5 years me and my sister 1 year old. I thank the Lord that even with the woman's psychology and behavioral changes you mentioned, she did not kill the 3 of us.

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  • ca girishkk, Valencia/m'lore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    @ Daniel and sunitha..., i agree with your generic point of view..., please try to understand the practical side of it also..., @ Sunita..your comparison and extrapolation to conclude in this case is not warranted, I salute your mother, which iss more to do with noble christian value system. Icontinue to hold my annoy againt th husband of the accused.

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  • Daniel, Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Practical side, Man is like Sun. Woman should be like moon then marriage relationship will be good! But due to higher earning, higher education, third person in the marriage, black magic by third person or relatives, by an outsider, or sometimes woman is much elder to man, then woman acts like Sun then all sorts of clashes in the marriage!

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  • sunita lobo, dubai

    Fri, Jan 12 2024

    ca girishkk, Valencia/m'lore, I was giving an example of a woman be it any religion, who in difficult adversity did not lose her focus and did what was expected of a mother. There are countless cases of women who are wronged but would give anything to protect their children.

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  • sunita lobo, Mumbai / Dubai

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    I can only imagine how much she hated her husband for not letting him have visitation rights. Love to hatred can be destructive. I feel there is nothing relating to mental issues here, she just did not want her husband to have any happiness. And some mothers will kill others to protect their children. Hats off to such mothers who love their children selflessly.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Despite being so affluent and with so called big degrees behind her name indulging in a heinous act of killing one's own innocent toddler is beyond anybody's imagination; she IMO definitely has some serious mental health issues 😞🙏🙏

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  • Alphonso Dsouza, Mumbai

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    irrespective of whatever conclusions we may draw ... a mother is a sole source that allows creation of a human body and soul within her womb, carries that it for 9 painful months and after going through those Labour Pains she brings that baby into this world. Mother is a power of love and bond undetachable. This woman must be going through some psychiatric and psychological problems and hence she did what she did to undo her tie with her own soul and body. In case she is sane, she should be meted out death sentence for what she has done so that no mother ever does this to her child.

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  • rahulraj, kadri

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    As far as what i have seen in my experience, over ambitious woman's are quite dangerous...usually public, especially in india has a habit of glorifying when woman achieves money and fame...but in majority of cases there is a dark story behind it.

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  • KS Mayya, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    The couple went to court and court gave a verdict. Rather than appealing against the verdict, she decided to take the matter to her own hands. If the differences are irreconcilable, they could have found a neutral home/trusted home where the kid could have lived and both the parents could have visited. The CEO took the leaf out of her professional book to win at any cost it seems to get back at her husband. Good luck for the employees of the start-up. Linkedin should find a way to verify the claims made by individuals on their Linkedin profile. At the moment, most profiles are aspirational, and rich in lies.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Mayyaji; the basic natural mother's instinct of any mother, even in animals, is to protect and defend the offspring from any marauders; in this case; forgetting her degrees et al, she didn't even have the conscience to not kill her own blood progeny is a very merciless and abnormalact unless otherwise done by having some serious psychiatric problem surrounding morbid obsession, which will be known after an intense psychiatric evaluation!

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  • KS Mayya, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Dear Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore, I have no other option but to agree with your take. But, you would also agree that she went by the textbook that is taught in most prestigious educational institutions viz., "go for the kill". It is that sweet when the opponent is desperate. Were you saying something about mother? The current accepted education is preaching new normal where even disowning the parents, the gender they thought you were. We are on an altogether different plain. This lady bought into that BS. Oh, let us not forget that she was married, she bore the brunt of managing the pain of 9 months before the relief. I don't know from which angle if I desperately try, will I disagree with you.

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  • Vinod, Kallianpur/Udupi

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    This Lady who claimed herself to be a so called 'artificial intelligence expert', barely has any natural intelligence level. Just like many start up firms she too has created a bogus start up firm and entitled herself the title of a CEO. There is no doubt that her arrogance has blinded her reasoning and led her to commit this crime. Now a days, youngsters achieve too much in too little time without going through the struggles. They have never learnt to face failures in their life. When they come across life's challenges they just act stupid either by committing suicide or by killing someone.

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  • S.M.F, Dxb /Mlore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Apni jaan bahut pyari hai lekin bache ka nahi. Lagta hai Nari Shakti kuch zyada hi hai.

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  • Prakash, Manipal

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Now that she has carried out the ultimate crime on earth all will blame her lock, stock and barrel... Even the neighbors who would have been benefitted from her would tend to speak against... This is human nature... But we must all think why a mother would do the ultimate to her own baby?... Role of venkata has to be probed properly... And she and venkata must undergo narco test... People want to know why this decision crawled into her mind... Also she must get a lenient sentence of 5 to 7 years in jail... When we are mum or silently appreciate proven rapists/murderers released in Gujarat why kill here?

    DisAgree [24] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Why bring Venkat into the picture, he was not present there at that time. Why must a murderer get a lenient sentence, if that happens more innocent children will suffer.

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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    @Prakash Why do you have a soft corner for her.Kya Irada Hai....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • SarayuS, Ambalpady

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Gadbad he zaroor gadbad he. Artificial intelligence me is ceo ke Interview me pass hua hoga. Kuch milavat he

    DisAgree Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Unfortunately; this mother seems to be suffering from some serious psychiatric illness revolving around morbid obsession; so much for her big list of paper degrees and other achievements; uneducated, not so fortunate mothers conscience too would not have permitted them to kill a toddler (hope the learned lawyer in collusion with dubious medics, does not defend her on mental health grounds like postpartum depression etc etc)! This is a classic case of the weaker gender excesses being committed on the supposedly stronger gender taking advantage of the heavily skewed laws)!! Hope she repents and gets a very fair trial from the honorable courts!! 🙏🙏

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    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    She was arrested for allegedly murdering her 4-year-old son. The alleged motive: to deny visiting rights to her husband, with whom her divorce proceedings were ongoing. How can one's ego be bigger than the life of their child? Even if hypothetically her husband was a bad person, why take her child's life to settle ego battles?

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  • k b r, Mangala Uru

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    this lady seems to be a drug addict. she must have gone to some drug party in Goa and killed the baby under the influence of drugs. her linkedin profile is full of falsehoods.

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    if it was sharia by now she would have been decapitated...not worth to live on earth...a black spot on the name of mothers of this world who are so loving and caring

    DisAgree [21] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ravi, Udyavara

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Look at this endorsement ...where Sharia law on this earth there are more crimes & criminals are living,...Lage... Raho...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • gladson, MANIPAL

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    erna saaria n dikkeld deele ..

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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    According to news reports, now she is denying that she had killed the child, some insane advocate might have taught her to say that. Though she was a graduate and more and capable of earning she had asked the father of the child for Rs 2.5 lakhs per month for maintenance during divorce proceedings( a person who is qualified and capable of earning cannot ask for maintenance).On that fateful day the father had purchased toys for his son, but fate was cruel.

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  • Alphonso Dsouza, Mumbai

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    if she is denying it now, how come the body was in her luggage? why she did she carry it and was caught in Chitradurga police zone? She must be business minded woman, but she is a criminal and dumb.

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  • Rita, Germany

    Thu, Jan 11 2024

    Very heartwrenching case.From own mother where she had to protect child just opposite happened.I ask many times why women after divorce always fight not to keep contact with father and make adventures journey or with lawyer fight?Afterall a child wants only his father contact and talk ,tell his problems or adventures.Father too suffers in such cases missing the child.More educated and well off people have cause more chaos than ordinary people.May the child rest in Heaven RIP:Mother must have had other plans ?So wanted to get rid off the child?

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront

    Wed, Jan 10 2024

    Suchana Seth had the option of Divorce ...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

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