Under pressure of missionaries, Siddaramaiah government wiping out Karnataka's culture: R Ashoka

Bengaluru, Feb 21 (IANS): Karnataka BJP on Wednesday said that the Congress government in Karnataka, under the "pressure of missionaries", is issuing orders to "wipe out" the identity and culture of the state and Kannada language.

Taking to social media, the BJP said: "Under the pressure of missionaries, who are running 90 per cent of private schools, the government has passed an order making the singing of regional anthem in the private schools optional."

The Congress government is adamantly pursuing to wipe out the local culture and language of Karnataka, the party charged.

"The Congress government has changed the slogan of Rastra Kavi Kuvempu painted at the entrance of the residential schools and insulted the Kannada people. Fake lover of Kannada language, CM Siddaramaiah led government had issued a fatwa on Kannada language on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day," the party said.

"If you have any shame and honour, if you think you are indebted to your motherland, revert the order immediately and make the regional anthem compulsory along with the national anthem," the BJP said.

The order released by the Kannada and Culture Department on February 16 mentioned that singing of the regional anthem of Karnataka state is mandatory only in government schools, departments and functions organised by government departments. Earlier order in this regard said that singing of the regional anthem was compulsory in all schools of the state.

The Siddaramaiah government drew flak from after the copy of the order went viral on social media.

Leader of opposition in the state Assembly R. Ashoka said the Congress government has once again displayed its anti-Kannada stand by making singing of regional anthem optional in the private schools.

"Siddaramaiah led government had made a futile attempt to change the slogan at the entrance of schools. By the recent order, it has insulted the motherland," R. Ashoka stated.

Meanwhile, Kannada and Culture Minister Shivaraj Tangadagi on Wednesday maintained that it was just a printing mistake and he will get it rectified. "Our government is concerned about the Kannada language. We are clear about it," he said.



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  • Rita, Germany

    Fri, Feb 23 2024

    What culture you are speaking of?Who has done wrong to culture?You were not present during the problem as you say there.Only hearing someone else you shouldnt talk.If someone says missionaries did wrong to culture speak directly with them and clear it.Ask people why they are sending their children to private schools ,but not govt.school.Second why people are going mostly to missionary hospitals but not govt.hospitals.You know what is happenening in Bangalore govt.Hospitals ?Dogs are carrying away babies or dead ,operated parts?First do your research and talk.In missionary works this is not heard.

    DisAgree Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Mulki

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    I wonder why these Bjp leaders don't understand that all this drama they are doing is well known to general public and that they don't give any value to it.

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Dear Ashok you are shame to your Party Nation and in whole.First of all tell me where you learnt your ABCD´?without any missionaries this nation ,nationals would have been second Afhghanistan.You see how it is in Pak.Afghanistan.What if Mother Theresas Ashram ,children and old people on the street?Without St Antony Ashram old people die on street.Let your brain have a good wash .Dont speak anything bad about missionaries.Even God Ram too may not let you enter Heaven.Let our missionaries in peace and we too will let you in peace.Dont vomit venom.Just tell what good you did for your Nation and your Nationals.Then we can discuss further.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Satish kamath, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    A highly negative politician misfit to be an opposition leader. Doesn't want any development in the state instead always communal.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Whichever country or party becomes overly speaks about religion becomes fanatic and leads to destruction; be it Iran, Afghanistan or Pakistan. Off late many are following their path! That's the reason most of the gulf countries like UAE, Muscat, Indonesia, Malaysia etc have become more pluralistic societies. Japan, S. Korea always been more concerned about morals than religious.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • M.Mathias, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Tell RSS to build some schools and hospitals. From 1925 what they did anything good for the country?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Smitha P, Udupi/Bangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Those having a problem with catholic run educational institutions are just spitting venom to increase communal hatred in society. The fact is these people go to any extent to ensure their child gets a seat in highly ranked institutions (runned by catholics) like St aloysius, St. Agnes, St Ann and fr. Muller. The only affordable medical treatment for everyone in mangalore is Fr. Muller. All people irrespective of religion seek their medical treatment there without a problem. Stop bringing religion in politics. And people of the twin districts - take care of yourselves and your family, bring them up with great values, learning to respect people of all faiths. Politicians will not help you financially or make your life better in any way. Focus on your development leaving religious sentiments behind. Be good and do good. I am a proud student of a catholic institution and never was I compelled to leave and religion and convert to Christianity.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    I enjoyrd the comments.....people know behaviour of frustrated souls. more than 70% students in catholic institutions are non christians....They all know the descipline and quality of education in such institutions. Come what may...trend will continue. students opt St Aloysisus, Agenes, Gerosa and so on....attempts for vote grab keeps continuing in a cheap manner.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajan, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    ONE REMEMBERS-- Dialogue ----- Their brains will fetch a handsome price --- because it is unused --- 3 Idiots movie --

    DisAgree [5] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh, Dubai

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    This GUY has lost mental balance after defeat in assembly....!!!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ybal, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Everyday this man want to remain in the news for the BAD & COMMUNAL reason like his mentors in Delhi. However, this man has a Very Rare Sickness against the minorities which is called " पिछवाड़ा कुजली सिंड्रोम ".

    DisAgree [2] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ayes p., Kudla/ksa

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Your culture is GOONDA CULTURE.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • alfria, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Missionaries have opened school, hospitals and orphanage and old age homes I just wanted to have the missionaries opened any mental hospital so that this barking joker can be given treatment he has lost his mental balance and he can be very dangerous to the society

    DisAgree [3] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Dubai

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Famus mental hospital has been functioning at FMH compound. Pet name is kankanaddy hospital. There is ample place available for such patients. Many are there in mangalore too. Organisers of Recent drama at school premises are also badly needed treatment there.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rolf, Dubai

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    In Kearla Suresh Gobi and BJP had chances to open the account in Thrissur by the Vote of Christian now all gone Tata bye bye Katham .

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Siddaramaiah government is bringing peace and harmony in society. These thugs are somehow want to create issues.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Why R Ashoka is Uneducated ...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • M. Kamath, Mangaluru

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    BJP clearly knows , more you divide the society in the name of the religion, more you instigate religious feelings, more votes. Their agenda is to rule the country forever. Many low socio economic/Non higher Caste families, get carried away and become active foot soldiers of their sister concerns. BJP is Political and other outfits are there when BJP needs them. When something goes wrong, BJP washes its hands and people blame these outfits. As far as BJP is in power, both are benefitting mutually. On the long run, corruption will increase. Low socio economic boys(Now girls too), will give up their education and career and some have gone(Will go to) Jail. Some senior leaders from Puttur and from Suratkal have realized that Party is using them and only BJP politicians get the best deal. People will keep waiting for Ache din and Ambani/Adani's will go higher in richest billionaires of the world. Why Can't we keep Religion and Politics separate. Why Can't we all think that we all are Indians first and Muslim, Hindu, Christians Muslims and Christians have been living in this country for centuries. I am not telling Non BJP parties are honest and non corrupt. Minorities have tried voting for BJP but the incidents like Church attacks/adoration Convent destruction (when Late VS Acharya was home minister) remind them that BJP does not allow Christians to practice their faith. Life is too short. ( Bannaga Battale, ponaga Kattale). What good it is if we realize on our death bed" I hated people because they did not practice my religion. I did not practice live and Let live" Our Soul carries the hatred/guilt . When someone dies we all say: RIP(Rest in Peace) and Om Shanthi. If we did not love peace when we were alive , how can we find peace after our death.? We all people of Dakshina Kannada should think beyond religion and politics before it is too late. We should create a better society for our children. Jai Hind. Jai Bharat Matha, Jai Karnataka, Jai Kudla.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Patrao, Traffic Warden, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Mr. Desperate, focus on issues that need attention for the welfare of the society and state, don't divert attention by talking about irrelevant issues. Your parent organisation RSS did not hoist national flag in their premises for decades and you had no problem. Why are you lamenting now?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bojanna, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    There were days when all the religions children were in the same bench in convent schools. Sisters used to go in search of children and provide them education. Due to this everyone in our society got education. Now persecuting christians itself. This is the life of Christ. Do Good and Get evil.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil, dubai

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    This ashoka is an insult to his noble name....even the great emperor Ashoka who was a Buddhist did not divide and rule among Buddhists and Hindus in his kingdom . Therefore, this buffon ashoka should add another few alphabets in his name.....""AssHoleka"" for unnecessarily instigating communities for his voter base.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shekhar Umesh Shetty, Namma Kudla

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Lo Ashokha! Udupi MP and Central Minister studied in Christian School and Colleges, better go and ask her instead of ridiculing yourself and embarrassing your family with this idiotic statement. You are a frustrated soul after losing power, no worries, we will make sure you will be out of power for next 25 years.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jroam k., Mangala vooru

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Well said... Yes misionaries are there with a clear mission of educating the illiterates, ignorant and gullible for the upliftment of such underprivileged UNLIKE the politicians having used the illiterates, ignorant and gullible for political gains to thenselves rather than to uplift the underprivileged.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [90] Reply Report Abuse

  • vishnu bhat, bangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    what culture that allows such morons to breed!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [78] Reply Report Abuse

  • Chandu, Karla

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Looks like these guys are a frustrated lot after loosing power and got to any level to stir some controversies on religious grounds to keep the place boiling. Pathetic situation....!!!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [74] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn, Kudla

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Why you people are so scared of catholic education? I believe poor people get smarter than higher cast outdated mental illnesses guys

    DisAgree [5] Agree [75] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    "Whose house is of glass, must not throw stones at another"!!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • ram rahim robert, mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    instead of uttering the same nonsense again and again you should have shown your actual power when you people were there in power for five long years....you should have developed hindu schools and asked all hindu parents to send them to such schools like the one run by huccha kalladka bhatta. then the problem is solved for ever.. every sane hindu knows that your party is good only for saying things and in reality does not do any development of any religion or society. as christians we dont care if your children are not sent to our schools. they are such strategic places that they can be demolished with smaller schools for our community and rest commercial establishments that will earn in crores.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse

  • AJ, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    These khaki chaddi bhakts, want to do everything other tgan providing good education to students and nake them future ready responsible citizens of this country. After they and their family members studing in Christian institutions, they bad mouth these very institutions who have taught thousands of students. They only want to brow beat on religion , minorities etc when elections are round the corner. Shame on such ungrateful,narrow minded andh bhakts..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • real kujuma, kodial

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    ashoka..neenu nimhans join agappa...mental case thara kanthiya...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [79] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    At least there no murders , lynching and moral policing unlike other states

    DisAgree [3] Agree [70] Reply Report Abuse

  • PRAKASH.A, Mlore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    This word 'missionaries' is demonized unnecessarily and constantly politicised. No, these nuns and priests are just social workers and people amongst us who are highly educated and trained specifically in education and medical field. This malignant is highly immoral and sickening. People should dig deeper into their day today lives before making any judgement based on politically biased media.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • El En Tea, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    EVM hatao bachao andholan Abhiyan Sanchalan

    DisAgree [5] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Robert Rodrigues, Muscat

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Ye aadhmi sudarnewala nahi he.....!!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen, Kavoor

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    God give much more wisdom to say many more lies.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph D Souza, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Dirty politics of a dirty mind is on display again....it's gonna be daily show (Ashokas foolish babbling) till the general elections, if not beyond.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pandu, Puttur

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Looking at the recent incidents it seems to me that the Christian community is going to be the next target of these goons. Urging everyone to take care of your mental and physical well-being in these tough times.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Everyone knows how low level person you are. BJP lost badly because of useless people like you. No point blaming missionaries for your corruption and failure to rule when people gave you an opportunity .

    DisAgree [5] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 21 2024

    Ashokanna, can we have your opinion on the unruly and utterly disgusting behaviour of your party's MLAs in front of Jerosa School last week?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Soorya Shiva, M'lore

    Wed, Feb 21 2024

    It is very rich coming from a party keen on imposing Hindi and railroading local cultures! Smh.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 21 2024

    R. Ashoka, the Opp., Leader of Karnataka has embraced Christianityy under the pressure from Karnataka C.M. SiddaRama

    DisAgree [13] Agree [92] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 21 2024

    First you hoist our National Flag and Sing our National Anthem at the RSS and BJP office.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [153] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ajja, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 21 2024

    Yes, wiping out 40% culture from commissionaries! So you are frustrated.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [122] Reply Report Abuse

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