Udupi: Centenary event on late Dr P Gururaj Bhat inaugurated at Milagres College

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (TP)

Udupi, Jun 13: The late Dr P Gururaj Bhat birth anniversary programme inaugurated by Dr Ganapayya Bhat, at Milagres College, Kallianpur.

The Padoor Gururaj Bhat memorial Trust in association with Mangaluru V V History Teachers' Association 'Manushya' organized an centenary event in memory of founder-principal of Milagres College the late Dr P Gururaj Bhat. The organizations have planned various events on the occasion of the centenary year.

Dr P Ganapayya Bhat, senior history researcher, in his inaugural speech stated, “Talking about Dr Gururaj Bhat in Milagres is a test of essence and truth to me as there are many who were close to him. In 1967, he was the principal and the coincidence is that the present principal was born in 1967. He was born on June 15 and he became the principal on June 11 and today we are inaugurating this programme on June 13.

"The main reason behind all the achievements I did in the research field is dedicated to Dr Gururaj. This college was once addressed as Gururaj Bhat’s college. He even helped the students from poor backgrounds in education," he said. Speaking about his dedication toward research he stated that Tulunadu has many historical structures to conduct research.

Vincent Alva, principal Milagres College, in his presidential note said, “Ganapayya Bhat has done research on Gururaj Bhat and detailed his life before us. If a person is known to everyone at that time, that means how great he must be. It is our pleasure that we had him as a founder-principal of Milagres College. Gururaj Bhat is more than a person, he is a power, therefore even after years we are able to join together today. Gururaj Bhat introduced Tulunadu to the whole world."

The programme began by offering flowers to late Gururaj Bhat’s potrait and was inaugurated by Ganapayya Bhat by lighting the lamp.

Dr Jayaram Shettigar welcomed the gathering. Dr Harinakshi M D, faculty proposed vote of thanks. Ravinandan bhat proceeded over the event.

Parashuram Bhat, member Padoor Gururaj Bhat Memorial Trust in association, Muralidhar Upadyay hiriyadka, senior writer and critic, Dr B Jagadish Shetty, director, national poet Govinda Pai Research Centre, Udupi, Dr Naveen Konajee, chief secretary, Manushya, Dr Robert Rodrigues and others were present.




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