Whoopi Goldberg recounts how she accidentally ate cat treats at 2 a.m.

Los Angeles, Jun 18 (IANS): Oscar-winning actress Whoopi Goldberg accidentally ate cat treats in the middle of the night, mistaking them for pretzels.

Goldberg shared the incident on 'The View': "I got home. Perhaps I was a little more jet-lagged than I realised. I was not high. I had nothing to drink.

"It is two in the morning and there are these wonderful pretzels called Dot's Pretzels, which I love. So sometimes, you know, when you get a bag of Dot's Pretzels, they're broken in half."

She explained that her daughter, Alex Martin, was partially to blame for the confusion, according to femalefirst.co.uk.

"So my kid decided that she was to leave some cat treats on the other side of my bag so that if the cat wanted some treats, she could get up there and get some because I wasn’t going to get up.

"But this daughter of mine put a bag of cat treats right next to the Dot’s! So at 2 a.m., you know what’s coming..."

Goldberg talked about feeling a bit disoriented because of her jet lag.

She said: "I reach over and pour some Dot’s into my hand and put them in my mouth. I’m chewing. (These may be) a little stale!"

Asked if she thought they were simply a new flavour, she said: "No, no. I just poured some more in because maybe I thought, you know, bed mouth. You know, because sometimes you wake up and you’ve got something in your mouth and you’re like, ‘What is this?’

"So, I pour some more. ‘Why do these taste so bad?’ My eye finally kind of opened a little bit, and in my hand were crabby flavour Temptations!"



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