‘Endure, Encounter, Engage to Serve in Christ’- Feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga celebrated

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 22: The feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga, patron saint of Aloysius Institutions, was commemorated on June 21, with a eucharistic celebration in the Loyola Hall in St Aloysius PU College. The theme for the event was 'Endure, Encounter, Engage to Serve in Christ'.

Fr Alfred Pinto, rector and parish priest of Rosario Cathedral, presided over the Mass. In his homily, he highlighted St Aloysius Gonzaga’s life and the liturgical readings reflecting the theme. He emphasized Christ’s call to seek heavenly treasures and recounted how Gonzaga dedicated his life to serving the poor and encountering Christ daily through prayer. He encouraged students to lead lives of holiness and purity of heart.

The Mass was concelebrated by Fr Melwin Pinto SJ, rector of St Aloysius Institutions, rev Dr Praveen Martis SJ, vice chancellor of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Fr Clifford Sequeira SJ, principal of St Aloysius PU College, and others.

The celebration included a video presentation on the theme and St Aloysius Gonzaga’s life, a ceremonial offertory with student participation and a choir performance that enriched the event’s spirit.

Fr Melwin Pinto SJ, in his concluding remarks, praised St Aloysius’s simplicity despite his affluent background and urged students to emulate his dedication to God’s service. Fr Anthony Derrick SJ, proposed the vote of thanks, acknowledging the efforts of all who contributed to the event’s success. The programme was compered by Elisha Joan Baptist of II PUC.

In view of the feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga, the campus ministry organized various competitions, including banner making, collage making, duet singing, poetry writing, and bottle painting. A prayer session was conducted by the Campus Ministry during the college assembly wherein Fr Pradeep Sequeira, SJ, expounded on St Aloysius's selfless actions amidst the plague.

A three-day campaign featuring St Aloysius Gonzaga’s words was promoted through posters and videos. A hymn dedicated to him served as a reminder for young people to emulate his faith and service.

The feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga provided an opportunity for spiritual reflection, fostering community and shared purpose among students and faculty and deepening their commitment to his teachings throughout the year.




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