Gurmeet Choudhary is in hot pursuit of cross-border enemy in ‘Commander Karan Saxena’ trailer

Mumbai, Jun 28 (IANS): The trailer of the upcoming streaming series ‘Commander Karan Saxena’, starring Gurmeet Choudhary in the lead, was unveiled on Friday. The trailer establishes the titular character as a fierce patriot who would go to any lengths to save India.

The trailer shows Gurmeet’s character in a hot pursuit of a cross-border enemy played by Iqbal Khan. It features several thrilling moments, high-speed chase sequences and action with bare upper-body shots of Gurmeet in action.

The show follows the story of a fearless RAW agent, played by Gurmeet, as he dives into a high-stakes political mystery to save the nation.

Talking about the series, Gurmeet Choudhary said: "'Commander Karan Saxena’ is incredibly special to me. I deeply admire all the officers who wholeheartedly serve our nation. Portraying a character inspired by these heroes is a tremendous honour for me. Karan, my character embodies dedication, hard work, and courage, the qualities I've always aspired to embody myself and bringing him to life on screen has only strengthened these traits within me. He is someone I have always wanted to be.”

The series is directed by Jatin Wagle and produced by Keylight Productions.

Iqbal Khan, who plays ISI Chief Nasir said: "This is one of the most menacing yet charming characters I've played. Nasir is bold, aggressive, and is driven by whole-hearted passion and unwavering faith. Through Nasir, I've had the opportunity to explore character traits completely different from who I am in real life, it was a challenging experience. Jatin, my director, ensured that my character is both real and larger-than-life and it's a tough task which he did absolute justice to. I hope the viewers can see all the hard work we’ve put in and enjoy the series. It's sure to stimulate the minds of the audience.”

The series is set to drop on July 8 on Disney+ Hotstar.



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