Mangalore: Raid on Parlour 'Fixed' by Police for Hafta, Claims Owner

Mangalore: Raid on Parlour 'Fixed' by Police for Hafta, Claims Owner

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Feb 25: A little over 10 days after the police raid on 'Moon Shine' a beauty parlour-cum-spa in the city for alleged illegal activities, the owner of the parlour has now made a startling claim that the police raid was 'fixed' and that the parlour was targetted for not paying 'hafta' to the Kadri police.

In a statement to the media, 'Moon Shine' owner Sathish Rai claimed that about three months ago, a police constable by name Shekhar had come to the parlour and charged that the parlour was running illegally. His allegations were rubbished and the management defended saying that nothing illegal was going on and that the parlour was functioning as per law.

The constable then took the parlour's number and started calling repeatedly, it is said. About a month back, he is said to have called once more and demanded Rs 50,000 as hafta. He also allegedly threatened to raid the parlour if the amount was not paid. Again, the management is reported to have blatantly refused to pay and told him that he could raid if he wanted to, as nothing illegal was going on and they had nothing to hide.

Sathish Rai alleged that following this threat, on Monday February 13, police inspector Kiran Kumar came to the parlour and secretly planted condoms in a drawer at the parlour. A few more constables followed him inside and, in the guise of a raid, 'found' the condoms in the drawer and falsely charged the parlour with running illegal activities, Rai alleged.

Interestingly, Rai said that the policemen at first asked those at the parlour if the CCTVs were on, to which the employees replied in the negative. Confident that nobody would suspect, they conducted the 'raid', Rai said.

However, the CCTV cameras were actually switched on at the time, and the images of the 'raid' were captured. Sathish Rai later released the photographs to the media to prove his claim.



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  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 02 2012

    Mangalore has become a threat to everyone. it has become one of the unsafest places in India. Police has to do something before everyone evacuates mangalore. This place was an heaven 15 yrs back. Police/Gundas/Rogues/ i dont find any differences on them.

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  • George Pinto, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 29 2012

    The Cops should be taken to task.The SI should be suspended immediately pending enquiry.The Commissioner of Police should wield the stick. Satish Rai should complain to the Lok Ayukta too. This nonsense has to stop.Sometimes the Commissioner of Police is unaware of what his subordinates are doing.Exposing this " Hafta " matter is of great value.

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    Tue, Feb 28 2012

    It is when we have more people like Mr. Sathish Rai, things can change in India. It goes without saying that police is corrupt from top to bottom but the responsibility for corruption rests with the top man.Unfortunately nobody speaks up, even the media, for fear of victimisation.

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  • Rudolf, Loretto/Mumbai

    Tue, Feb 28 2012

    The entire police force right from the top to the bottom are highly corrupted. They do all sorts of fabrications, file false cases, money extortion!! I am sure most of the so called criminals languishing in jails are the poorest of the poor who do not have recourse to legal help or to pay bail whereas the real culprits are roaming outside freely. I would recommend all to read a book named "Carnage of the Angels" penned by ex IPS officer YP Singh where you will get to know the true story of our police force from the horse's mouth. There is no doubt the underworld is much better than these goons in uniform!!!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Tony, Mangalore/Sydney

    Tue, Feb 28 2012

    Ivan and Roshan : I think you are a bit harsh in your comments on P. Pinto/Canada. Even though he migrated, that does not mean he dislikes his country and the people and that he is less patriotic - he migrated only because may be he and his family could not cope up with the corruption and the illegal practices going on back in India and since he had an opportunity he got away for his and his family`s better future. I too am a migrant like Pinto, and I tell you why I got out. Way back in Pune a year before my migration to Australia in 1987, I was involved in a scooter accident. A young medical student riding a powerful motorbike came from nowhere to the wrong side and hit my scooter. Luckily I was not hurt but my scooter badly damaged. I went to the Police Station along with the student and a few witnesses and registered a case. The student was clearly in the fault and accordingly the case was registered. After 3 months or so, my case came up for hearing and to my shock the Judge d that I was at fault and I was asked to pay a fine of Rs.100. Apparently, the student`s father was a Lawyer who had plenty of money and knew how the system worked, had bribed the Police and the Judge as well heavily and had reversed the case. I was devastated since I had to pay heavily for my bike to be repaired as well which was badly damaged. That moment I thought there was no justice in this country for honest and decent people and that I was going to get out at the earliest opportunity, which luckily came through soon. I also had experienced a number of difficulties like finding admission to my little boys in a good school without giving massive donatons, getting some rental accommodation on a temporary basis or nepotism and bias in the workplace, etc. I was also fed up with the bureaucracy all around. I fully agree the life is not easy in a foreign country, but if one is honest, sincere and hard working, there is scope to come up and lead a good and happy life.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Mon, Feb 27 2012

    Police are paid to catch haftha roughs. Who will control police haftha collectors! Paid collectors.

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  • Mark, Udyavara

    Mon, Feb 27 2012

    Pay HAFTA & nothing is illegal in INDIA I guess! Basic ethicates down the dumps. That's my beloved country ethics, anyways!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gambheer GK, Malpe, Udupi

    Mon, Feb 27 2012

    Oh Mighty Rajnikanth...

    Please dissapear these police as soon as possible....!!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • VINCY, Bangkok

    Mon, Feb 27 2012

    The BJP is looting the government.Let them increase the police salary to double so that police can stop all this nonsense.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • lobo, Managlore

    Mon, Feb 27 2012

    Good job Daijiworld.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Glen, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 27 2012

    Really appreciate Daijiworld for reporting the news, most of the time media publishes the first news which might be wrong or falls and sleep aside with the true news.... would request your reporting team to keep an d of the entire story ...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Langoolacharaya., Belman/USA.

    Mon, Feb 27 2012

    Evans Christopher Sumitra, Udupi/New York, USA,

    Yes, he did a good job as SP Bellary, where he was posted at personal request of Gali Janardhana Reddy before coming to Mangalore as CP....

    Again judging officers on press reports....

    He was in Mangalore before that as SP DK and what he did and did not do during CONgress rule is a pubic record in itself it speaks for itself...

    Sumitra if you keep artificial and real diamonds,,, artifical one's outshine real ones...I think you aand Jossey are getting it now....

    If you need more rhetoric's let me know,,, you will have them...

    Jai Hooooooooooooooooooooooo

    DisAgree [8] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • haneef, dubai

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    This Kalla - police may be working for under ground teams like Ravi Poojari or Dawood Ibrahim. Give him proper treatment and he will open his mouth. But we have no hopes on Mangalore police now, because they can fabricate things to safeguard their image. Better pack this kalla in Goni Cheela and send to Hyderabad for further treatment. He will reveal many secrets ..

    DisAgree Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jacobnelson, Bejai/Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 26 2012




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  • ganesh, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    This 3rd class police officer should give 100 years punishment.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suraj D'Souza, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    These stupid police should be hit in public... Shame on police department. What Police Commissioner is doing when these kind of things are happening in our city. If police them-self are thief's then who will protect the public. All current govt. authority... SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!!!

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/ Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bangalore. These equipments are not all that expensive.
    4 camera CCTV with 30 day recording will cost you Rs.30,000 per site.
    I had offered to put CCTV cameras in my church but surprisingly all attacks stopped.
    If you are budget conscious you can install a single web camera for only Rs.650.
    And if you your budget is still lower you install a broken web camera for just Rs.10
    but remember to put a poster “You are under surveillance”. Believe me it works.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sourya Prakasha, PERMUDE

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    Its like : Hey give me 50,000/month and do whatever (illegal) business you wanna do ! We will not ride or trouble you.

    God knows how many such (forced) illegal activities are going on in Mangalore alone that too under the police protection !

    DisAgree [4] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/ Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    Please don’t paint all Commissioners, Officers and Policemen with the same brush.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • mohammed suhail, suhail

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    please take the action these currupted police officers

    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Najam, Bajpe

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    REMEMBER : Most of the illegal activities & COMMUNAL RIOTS are managed & DIRECTED by police personnel.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Gras, Dubai(Byndoor)

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    What a shameful incident. The ruling govt is busy in making money and fighting for power to make more money. Police is following their leaders. They are also busy in making money..... God save us from these people...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • J. Quadros, Managlore/Canada

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    Dear P Pinto, Toronto, Canada, I agree with the comments from Ivan Cutinho, pandeshwar Mlore UK !!.
    Darwin based his theory on generalizations that were strictly empirical. You are trying to generalize all Indians and Managloreans just because you are in Canada????. You should be reading the local newspaper to understand what’s happening around you instead of worrying about the nation/people that you do not care about.
    Yes our system is people driven rather than being process driven, this is why the people in power get into these ridiculous acts. But, the day we all start talking about process not people, we will be in good shape. I have lived in many countries including Canada I am proud to be an Indian and happy to be called a Mangalorean.
    Hats off to you Mr Sathish Rai, people like you can make a difference.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • sylvia dsa, falnir/mlr

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    Feel this allegation must be true. Police raid only for money. I hope strict action should be taken against these corrupt idiot police officers.SO We all request Mr.Sreemath kumar singh to take action on these greedy police n suspend them, alot of things r happening in mangalore like tis please try to help who r really innocent in this matter.

    DisAgree Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishwas, Urwa / Dubai

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    Indian Police are the biggest thiefs. My personal opinion and experience i request all you people dont trust the police. They are the cunning people in khaki wardi. They want money to make any favour to the general public.

    DisAgree Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • elizabeth, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    The police authority in india are in the front runners in the corruption.they are the one to blame for all this hafta business.we tax payers are the one who pay the salary of the police force in india.... and our police still begging in the street with hafta, and not letting public to to do businss in a decent manner. shame on you police...who supposed to police our society, you start with hafta and dont let our people to businss.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    Congrats to the owner. CCVT helps, if you want to nab the culprits in uniform..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Evans Christopher Sumitra, Udupi/New York, USA

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    City Police Commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh since the time you took over you have been doing a very good job for the people of Mangalore and also in all other places where you were posted. Now do something in this issue and weed out the corrupt policemen and staff for the betterment of the people in Mangalore.In the last issue about the raid on MOON SHINE Beauty Parlor cum Spa I had thought that it was a illegal parlor and they showed pictures of two ladies with their head covered. I think the police delibrately were in hand. Now with these pictures from CCTV shows that it was a plot by Police Inspector Kiran Kumar and company. Sathish Rai you have prooved the police were wrong and the just wanted HAFTHA.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • ivan cutinho, pandeshwar Mlore UK

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    roshan sequeira m"lore auh iam proud of u4ur ans2p pinto toronto ur ans was good when u migreat its not heaven even birds animals migrate2 but end of the they come back.v cant4get our roots pinto is saying he is happy2migrate canada wish him luck.i wonder if he is happy in canada y he is watching daiji world and sendind coments against india.what u say abot this roshan

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Avinash, Udupi

    Sun, Feb 26 2012

    What action you will take against this anti nation Police?? IG Shankara Bidari, Police commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh please give a reply.. I think your police department ll harass innocent shop owner in future..

    DisAgree Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Langoolacharya., Belman/USA.

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai,

    No major illegal activities can take place in India without blessings and connivance of Police Force....their top brace included.

    People like Jossey do not know how police behave as a group,,, that's why he paints top rank with salutations...judging them by press reports.

    There are enough people in Daiji who praise top Police personnel with words "Indra, Chandra and Devendra....",,, I pity their intelligence....

    Jai Hoooooooooooooooooooooo

    DisAgree [4] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • sebastian, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 25 2012


    DisAgree [5] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/ Mumbai

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Mr. Seemanth Kumar Singh is an elite, honest, clean and competent IPS officer but he will find it an uphill talk to clean up our police force which has been contaminated by Bajrangi’s and Rama Sene rogues.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • ivan cutinho, pandeshwar Mlore UK

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    mr p pinto toronto canada read ur coment.sorry2say this iam pr in uk i dont call my self british.iam indian proud2say mangalorian.india is a best country in the world.just bcoz some curreption all this going on so dont blame india if ur born in india. do u think canada uk or america is good?if2maro they kick us out v have2go dont b proud of canada our roots r india. one more thing study wise india is the best specialy mangalore.east west north they come2south2study.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Police,PWD,FOREST,REVENUE Excise and Taluk offices are worst place for corruptions and mostly common people avails services from from these offices.Whole world knows with out extra money no work will be got done.Anna should focus on the bottom of the corruptions first.The officer in question who planted condoms in SPA will be Scot free because these mischief done by their comrade.Anyway,Police Commissioner should suspend all police personnel who done this dirty/illegal job pending inquiry and show the public that not all police personnel are corrupt.Otherwise it is deemed so.

    DisAgree Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • aziz, dubai

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Its very sad, because of the fake ride,helpless poor ladies(staff)loose their image and self respect,hope the higher police officer will take strict action against these corrupt plolice officers.

    DisAgree Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald A., Bejai/Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    a) CC camera footage clearly shows that on 10th November 2011 constabel Shekar wearing Police Uniform pant and casual shirt visited the parlour (if I am not wrong).
    b)On 13 February 2012 they raided with swing with full police team along-with condoms!
    c) If illigal activties were going on! why they didn't catch the male?
    is only womens indulge in illigal activties?
    Mangalore Poilice Commissioner need to answer this to general Public!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Sequeira, Managalore -Auh

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Mr.P.Pinto, being in Canada is not being in hevan, we know how migrated candians slog there. Do not potrait the land which you born so badly,there are positives and negatives for every place.We need to take lead from the positives.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Very disheartening. Can we just imagine how many such incidents would have happened in the past and how many innocent people would have been made scapegoat?

    Satish Rai had CCTV camera installed and proved the police fraud. Is it affordable for everyone to have CCTV installed in their premises? Truth and honesty has no value in India.

    Govt should suspend these policemen and put behind bars.

    Janashri TV reported this today..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • jacobnelsom, Bejai/Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    First only I commented in previous comment that where are the men?
    If police really raid vertually they could have raid male also since all even KG,Nursary children know that one can not clap with single hand.
    NOW MANGALORE POLICE AGIAN PROOVED TO THE WORLD WITH EVIDENCE THAT THEY ARE READY TO WEAR SKIRT! AND BANGLES! for money shake they to anythig even fake encounter if required!

    DisAgree Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Louis, Kuwait

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Yatha Raja, Thatha Praja. So shameful. The police constable himself placed condom in party parlour to claim illegal things are going on. All police officers should suspended n terminated from their
    jobs. So sad this Ramarajya. Govt is busy in infighting police is making money collecting Haftha.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    CCTV footage shows that there were men in the parlour. Why they were not caught..!!!?? For illegal activities only ladies are responsible...!!!????

    DisAgree [1] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shahab / Dubai, Kasaragod

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    We are talking about Lokpal bill and all these bullshits ..what can be changed if Lokpal bill passed if police itself having a such dirty mind. Corrupt police officers fabricated this fake raid should be terminated immediately....... there is no security for common people……
    I am sure out of these police officers everyone should have supported Anna Hazare on Lokpal bill issue…unless every citizen of India does not change themself, only by passing Lokpal bill is not going to create wonders….
    Feel sorry for the female staff who arrested on prostitution charges..They are some ones sister / wife, just imagine the humiliations those families going thru … my sincere sympathy with those family.

    DisAgree Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harsha Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Mr.Mohammad Salauddeen Bantwal, it not hafta received by police personnels are less than underworld people..!!! chance of police personnels harm to business people is much less than underworld body able to venture our freely in any field..!! how khan's are ruling filmworld..due to the blessing of underworld and not from there own talent..!! good actors taken u-turn due to fear of there life..!!

    DisAgree [31] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Now the police say that the CCTV footage has been doctored to falsely implicate them...This is India. As long as part of the hafta reaches the top cops, no action shall be taken.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • jacintha, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Why werent there any police women when the raid was on a womens beauty parlour??? Any answers to this??

    DisAgree [1] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammad Salauddeen Bantwal, Panemangalore

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Mangalore is becoming another Mumbai. It's an open secret that in mangalore either you should give Hafta to police or BD/SRS for the smooth flow of your business. may be not each and every business. but definitely many. History is repeating in Mangalore.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Kusuma Kumari G, Nellore/Kodyadka

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    I feel this alleations must be true. Police raid only for money. I hope strict atcion shoudl be taken against these corrupt charcterless police officers.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [75] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak kumar, INDIAN

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Almost all the raids in Mangalore are for not providing " HAFTA " .Some Cops are just Goons in Uniforms !!!
    You pay them , they salute you .. If u dont , then they make u r life miserable by harrasing thru calls and fake raids....
    Hope stringent action is taken and proper Genuine investigations are done by some clean top officials...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vasant Raj, Udupi / Abudhabi.

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    This police action clearly shows that how greedy they are..for the sake of money they can do what ever they want. As per my knowledge almost all police station are getting hand full of Hafta.

    DisAgree Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • ivan cutinho, pandeshwar Mlore UK

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    There are so many illeagal activities taking place every day every every minute in mangalore from the top2bottom whome2blame?ministers, dig head police personals or goondas these days every one asking hafta or bribe this is indias HANEBARAHA it will never change some times iam ashamed2say jai hind or jai karnataka or jai mangalore.

    Dont take me wronge correct me if iam wrong we all know whaats happening in india.i would like2add india is more better then some other countries still stop all corruption hafta bribe if all this hapans dont u think india will be much better then right now.i dont know that parlour owner telling the truth.what ever it is truth will come out soon.i wonder what about those big fishes who are currupt&doing illeagle things will they get justise?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • santhosh, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Guys please watch janashree kannada news its live you can see everything what police is doing hang them if you have guts seemanth kumar, minority and majority people come and fight with outfits of bjp, rss bjd supporters

    DisAgree [2] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • P Pinto, Toronto, Canada

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    In India, who is a crook and who is not is always a mystery. Everybody is opportunistic and cunning. Thank God I migrated to Canada with my family! Because even though i might be able to handle the unnecessary stress dealing with rogue people in India, I don't want to put my kids to be put through all this, where one cannot even trust the cops in India.

    Better safe than be sorry.

    DisAgree [43] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • abdul samad, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 25 2012


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  • Arshad Kadli, Bhatkal / Al Khobar

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    After ministers getting caught in camera now it is turn of police. Even the inventors of the gadget didnt dream that his invention will have so many uses.

    DisAgree Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    So like in Mumbai & Bangalore cities, its’ happening in Mangalore too. Now who is right or wrong we can’t prove. But one thing is sure, our Coastal Police Department too not exceptional to “Hafta” Culture. Some time we wonder do we need Law Enforcing Departments like Police, CID or CBI. If yes, for what?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    Beauty Parlour is accused of illegal activities for keeping condoms ? May be Kiran Kumar has lost his mind. Kadri Police Station is very famous for these infamours acts.

    DisAgree Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • a, israel

    Sat, Feb 25 2012

    how much lower will the cops of mangalore stoop ???? looks like they are addicted to corruption and highhandedness

    DisAgree [1] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

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