Dubai : Mogachi Laharan's 11th Musical Nite Regales Audience

Daijiworld Media Network – Dubai (SP)
Pics by Jovin D'Souza and Deepak D'Silva
Dubai, Apr 21: 'Mogachi Lahran' (Waves of Love) troupe lead by its mentor, Vincent Fernandes, presented a unique musical show 'Mogachi Lahran Musical Nite 11', filled with dance and comedy, which enthralled the full capacity audience at the GEMS School, Dubai on Friday, April 20.
Like Vincent's previous shows presented in Dubai and other parts of the world, this show too was filled unique items. Especially, the troupe’s initiative of encouraging young talents to perform on stage came in for lavish appreciation.
'Paatshala' concept of providing training and encouraging budding singers all below 18-year of age was mind blogging. The audience was very much pleased to see these young talents singing Konkani in group, and watching every move on the stage carefully. They also were found closely watching their favourite singers perform.

 The show comprised about 17 Konkani songs, all of which were composed and tuned by Vincent himself. These endearing songs were presented by talented artistes from Konkani world. Rony D'Cunha, who came from Kuwait, led the show in his inimitable style. He was equally supported by Preema D'Souza, Ratan Castelino, Asha Fernandes, Dony Correa, Asha Correa, Gulf Voice of Mangalore II winner, Ivan Fernandes, and Harish Sherigar who mesmerized the audience with a Kannada number, composed by Vincent himself.
The performances by the singers complimented each other, and they gave the best possible entertainment to the audience. Song selection was excellent with a mixture of fast and slow numbers, also from Vincent’s new and old albums.
Nellu Permannur, who came from Mangalore to tickle the audience with his jokes, successfully presented a few skits with the support of some local talents. His acting was appreciated by the audience, and comedy too was par excellence. He was supported by Santosh D'Souza, Laveena Fernandes, Valerian and Jagath Pal.

The dance performances by the young talents of Mogachi Lahran group were superb, choreographed by themselves. Ocean Kids group also presented a couple of dances that had audience asking for more.

The event culminated with a baila that saw a majority of the audience flocking to the dance floor.

Arun Carlo and Ramiro Mascarenhas arranged music for the entire show
Release of Mogach Lahran Volume 8
Vincent's eighth Konkani musical album was released on the occasion. In a brief stage programme conducted for the purpose, James and Shobha Mendonca, Mark Denis D'Souza, Walter Nandalike, Melvyn D'Cunha, and Harish Sherigar participated as guests of honour. James and Shobha Mendonca released the new album. Music director Ramiro, Vincent Fernandes, and Jacintha Fernandes were also on the dais.

Walter Nandalike, addressing the audience on the occasion, recalled that during the function organized for the release of the fifth volume by late Konkani Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus back in 2008, Rebimbus had complimented Vincent by saying, "It is not important how many volumes you bring out, but how you reach out to the music lovers with your talent". Recalling Wilfy's words Walter said that "Success of Vincent's previous albums have paved the way for his production of new albums".  He praised Vincent for encouraging young singers, as well as training them to perform at bigger stage.
Melvyn D'Cunha, chairman of MCC Bank, also wished Vincent all the success in future and advised him to keep encouraging the youngsters to sing in Konkani.
 Rony and Preema Feted
Rony D'Cunha and Preema D'Souza were specially honoured during the function for their tremendous contribution to the Konkani music world. On behalf of Mogachi Lahran, Rony D'Cunha was conferred the title, ‘Konkani Swar Mantrik', while Preema D'Souza was conferred the title, 'Konkani Swar Mannik'. Mogachi Lahran committee members were on the stage during the title presentation, led by Vincent.

Roshan D'Silva Vamanjoor compered the entire show with the charm and dynamism he is known for. He was assisted by newcomer Zareena D'Souza.


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  • Lovelyn, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sun, Apr 29 2012

    Dear Vincy,
    Salutations to you for your album Vol-8, I have been repeatedly listening To it since 20/04 night especially to the classical song Konkani Urunya.Sung by Asha Fernandes.Good omposing.
    Dear Mogachi Laharan Team, The show was awsome, i really Enjoyed.

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  • Michael D'Souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Apr 25 2012

    It is nice to see most of the appreciating feedback comments from most of you. The question is that has Vincent recovered all his costs for putting up such a stupendous show? Looking at the sponsors list most of the big names are missing. I am sure our most generous philanthropist will help Vincent overcome the loss he incurred to put up such a great show that too “Free Entry” to all.

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  • Roy Vijay D' Silva, Cordel / Dubai

    Tue, Apr 24 2012

    Thankyou Jossie for your wonderful feedback. That was encouraging & gives us the spirit to organize even better shows in future.

    I also would like to highlight the names of our team members Vincent, Oswald, Cliferd , James, Zareena, Sonnet & Eldrich etc who contributed immensely to the success of this event

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  • Jossie Mascarenhas, Bajpe / Dubai

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    An excellent event full of variety. From the very start it went on till the end without even a break and we could not feel it. The sound was impeccable, the songs and the rendition were almost flawless except at few places, the smooth, fluent, easy to understand compering of Roshan, nice dances, no long ceremonies for the people to excuse themselves etc. and all this resulted in a grand entertaining evening. Special mention is a must of the donor of the display system on the back. It was indeed beautiful. The full credit should go to the organizers who have left no stone unturned to ensure the smooth passage of acts. While admiring the success of the teamwork, I cannot but appreciate the brilliant behind the scene silent work done by Roy DSilva who is a leader in his own right and of course the red Saree-clad ladies who worked hard selflessly.

    Yes I did feel Rony spoke a wee bit more. But then it was not at all out of context. All nostalgia. It was fun and now we know he is also a good speaker. One thing we cannot deny Rony is highly talented but more than that he is totally dedicated singer and we must be proud of him in Konkani. The Goan turned Kannadiga (!) Ramiro’s fantastic music arrangement with his full team of dedicated musicians – especially Arun Carlo- deserves a loud applause. And what a way Harish sang that Kannada number. Sing he did !

    Waiting for another such evening from Vincent the king of tunes.

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  • Ronald Olivera, Padukone

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    When I went through the report and a few comments, I personally thought I should say something as well. I attended this show and when I saw the stage setting and the way the event was presented, I knew how much effort has gone in to organize a show of such a magnitude. Let's accept the fact that Vincent, as always, tried to experiment something which no other artist in Konkani dared to do. When it is an experiment, you can't expect everything to be 100% perfect. I was glad to see (a comment) that Mogachi Lahram Team has taken these comments graciously, which is a great sign of someone who is hungry to learn more. Hats off to you Vincent. Keep going….keep giving something new to Konkani. Ronald Olivera, Padukone

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  • Irene D' Silva, Kulshekar / Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    Regret to note the discouraging comments posted to an artist who has shouldered the responsibity to
    perform a free show which has been
    liked by the majority of the audience who have attended.

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  • Melwin D'sa , Mangalore / Dubai

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    Dear Mr.Jude S Aranha, Mangalore / Dubai, Well my intentions was not to hurt Vincent's sentiments. I just commented on the quality of lyrics that's it. Well if you say tune of a song is more important than the lyrics than I totally disagree with you because still that trend is not yet come in our konkani, it might be in hindi or kannada. Today if any song is evergreen in Konkani its only because of meaningful lyrics. Moreover you said young generation like good tunes than the lyrics then please let me know how many percent of young generation attend our konkani shows??? hardly 5-10% only if you really make a survey, but 90% of the konkani audience still give importance to the lyrics.

    Last vacation I had attended one of the konkani show in Mangalore (Sorry I would not mention the artist name)Even his motto was to reach young konkani generation, beginning of the show the crowd was huge but in the mids audience started to walk away and at the end we could count the audience in fingers.

    Do you think young generation support konkani music??? yes, but only few percentage, but the majority of the konkani audience still give importance to lyrics. One more thing I never commented on Vincents tunes and in my previous comment I have spoken positive on his stage setting, presentably...etc etc. To reach the right target audience a artist has to study about the liking of the majority crowd. Again I would like to say the stage setup, artist performance, comedy and presentably was superb in this show.

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  • Rohan D'Souza, Dubai

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    What a useless comment it this, why your disgracing great talent like Vincent. Vincent your talents fragrance should spread other GCC too.

    I have attended many musical nites in Dubai but i can say this nite stays no.1.. This program was this yrs top 1 program.

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  • Sunil D'souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    I too agree with the comments of Nanu and melwyn dubai. Now a days it is very common to produce musical albums in konkani. Recently so many albums have released in Konkani, but the worst part is that about the Lyrics. As they are taking the sponsors for the commercial albums they are not bothered about the quality of the Lyrics because they will have their money before the release itself. Nothing to lose. To follow the foot steps of Wilfy, it doesn’t mean that you have to copy the Lyrics of Wilfys popular songs and put it in different tunes. Vincent should keep this in mind.

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  • Joy D'Souza, Mangalore- Dubai

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    I do agree with few suggestions, but few lyrics of Vincent are not that bad, they are Ok. Not everyone will have talents like Wilfy Rebimbus, Jerome D'Souza, Henry D'Souza, Wilson Olivera or Melwin Peris to write quality lyrics. Whatever Vincent has done, he has given his best. Let's support everyone who work for konkani.

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  • Jude S Aranha, Mangalore / Dubai

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    It is very disheartening and shocking to read some comments. Everybody is talking about Konkani, but I think instead of motivating an artist we are de-motivating a sincere and honest artist who is trying his level best to keep Konkani alive today.

    One of the main reasons why new talents/artists don’t try out their hand in Konkani is because of our criticizing nature, which is normally not found in any other community or language.

    Mr. Melwin D'sa has written an essay on the importance of Lyrics, but I would like to stress out the point that if the tunes are good, lyrics go unnoticed…

    I had a chance to listen to a few albums released recently. While the Lyrics are GREAT, Tunes are so BORING & UNTRENDY, I heard it once, and the CD is lying in the corner now.

    My salute to the great legend Wilfy , because his tunes and lyrics both were good, that's why he reigns in the hearts of Konkani people.

    I personally feel that Vincy has grown with the trend, but sorry Melwin, your preferred artists, are still in the old age, with the old boring music, but definetly good lyrics, which is of no use and FAILS to attract the young generation who are supposed to keep the trend alive. Vincy has achieved a lot in this deal. Hats off to you Vincy, the young generation love your songs, and at least listen to them and in turn contribute to Konkani.

    I think this was one of the best Musical Shows. Congratulations and thanks to the organizers, all the artists and a packed audience.

    Finally, Kudos to Vincy for producing so many new talents, which is normally not found in Konkani, as most of the composers give priority to their own FAMILY MEMBERS. May God Bless you Vincy.

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  • Vivek Rebello, Udupi / Dubai, UAE

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    I really wonder whether our konkani community is not up dated??? Surprising to read few comments that they are seeing LED background screen for the first time. This technology has come to UAE 5 years back and I have seen this kind of LED screens in many event is UAE. Konkani people please lets up date our-self. it looks very cheap to read such comments.

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  • Melwin D'sa, Mangalore / Dubai

    Mon, Apr 23 2012

    Yes, Mr. Nanu Marol, Thottam / Dubai, I too agree with many of your points. As you said Mr. Vincent should give importance to lyrics which is really important for him to come-up in his music career. Indeed the show was good, the stage set-up, comedy, artist performance, presentably... etc, etc was superb, but the show will remain in people's mind only for few days then everyone will forget…, this is human physiology. But the lyrics of a song will remain evergreen if the meaning is rich and powerful. If the importance for the lyrics is not given then the whole efforts are in-vain.

    Any artist in konkani should always keep one thing in his mind 'More than quantity, quality of the song /lyrics is very important'... There are only few lyricists in konkani who give importance for lyrics these days. As ‘Vincent’ has mentioned Wilfy's name in one of his new song to fallow Wilfy's steps to fulfil his dreams to bring up konkani language/ literature, but the most important weapon to fallow Wilfy's steps is the quality of lyrics which Wilfy Rebimbus kept in his entire music career and the same we can see in all of his compositions. If our konkani composers do not give impotence to lyrics then one day konkani literature will vanish.

    Even though there are many albums releasing in Konkani these days, there are only one or two composers who give importance to lyrics. Our konkani composers should really give importance for lyrics if Konkani language should be live. It’s not only the duty of one or two composer’s to give quality for lyrics, but it’s the duty of all the composer to maintain it to keep our Konkani alive. Rony D’Cunha was excellent in his performance but spoke too much which was really not required as one person has mentioned below it’s the job of the MC to handle many things which Rony spoke. Roshan’s MC was good but other MC was not fit for these kinds of shows. Mr. Vincent should really give importance to the quality of talent.

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  • Nanu Marol, Thottam / Dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Mogachin Lahran’s 11th Musical Nite by Vincent Fernandes Cassia was a Doctor ordered Tonic for a perfect Friday.Although I had enjoyed every bit of the Programme , LED display was simply superb.Never seen in any of the programme before.Teaching and making children’s to participate in Konkani programme is a commandable effort by Vincent.Bravo…..

    Although it was a good programme I have my reservations :

    Vincent’s all songs tunes are very good.( I believe all are original too ).But Vincent has to give equal importance for the lyrics too.A good poetical song will remains in the hearts of listeners for long if not forever.

    Giving a chance to a new M.C. is appreciated but platform was not right.She has to be nurtured from small progrmmes.

    Nellu’s Comedy was superb and M.C. Roshan D Silva was Charismatic as ever.

    Deffinetely Rony D’Cunha was in emotional feelings.I never heard Rony’s talk in any of the programmes before, He only sings.

    Local unmatchable talents Dony and Asha was at their best as usual.100% dedicated couple.Asha Fernandes’s song with Classical touch was simply great.

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  • Lenny Monteiro , Kudupu, Dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    We extremely enjoyed the musical event. Each and every item which was put up on stage was excellent. We thank Vincent and your whole group conducting a nice memorable event. We hope for more entertainments in future.

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    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Dear All,
    We the Mogachilahran Committee would like to thank you very much for being present for our show and for all the valuable comments. It heartens us to know that every aspect of our show was noticed. This gives us immense pride that everything was worth watching. As regards the points for improvement we shall surely follow each and every suggestion in order to make our next show a bigger success. We would also like to thank once again our sponsors - Sapil Style Scents, Radio Spice 105.4 FM, Al Namat Studio for their support. Our special thanks to Daijiworld for supporting us and promoting us.Thank you once again for being there and advising us. Its rightly said a Critic is an artists best friend. Without Critics an artist will never reach the heights of success.
    Mogachilahran Committee.

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  • Albert Pais, mangalore

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Yes Mr. Suraj, I totally agree 'giving an opportunity' does not mean getting someone who is not up to the mark in his/her talent. But to get someone who really has a talent but does not get an opportunity to stage his / her talent.

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  • Suraj D'Souza, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Congratulations Vincy… Overall Show was good… but it could be much better if it was properly organised or polished. I totally agree that Mr. Vincent is giving opportunities to new butting singers / Children’s or MC’s. Indeed, it’s a good-will from his end but that does not mean he should give an opportunity to those who are not up to the mark, at least he/she should have an average quality in his/her talent to be selected for such show. The lady MC was not at all up to the mark, many may say Vincy has given the opportunity for new talent but Mr. Vincy has to pick the right talented person for his show because it’s a professional show. He should not make any trials in such professional shows. Yes, children’s were given opportunity, but few were not properly trained, one kid was running on the stage with a pepsi /coke in the midst of a program and one or two were restlessly lying down on the platform itself after few songs. I felt as if because to show some change in the show few kids were dressed in uniform and were made to sit on the platform… this is the feeling what I got. Nellu’s performance excellent… I have seen Nellu and his mangalore’s team performance it was not as good as this. If the comedy was excellent the credit goes to local artist of Dubai along with Nellu. Rony D’Cunha was rocking but his additional speech was too much due to which the flow of the show was disturbed. Many things which Rony D’Cunha spoke was the duty of an MC. The above comments are only for the betterment in future programs not for any negative intention. But, overall function was good… Good song ion… All singers have done their best… and also the dance. ALL THE BEST!

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  • vincy , mangalore/dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Show was awesome with excellent stage setting and lcd display.As MC Roshan was superb and the female MC needs more training!!!!I think Rony's additional speech might have cost some singers their songs!!!! needs to be rectified in future.
    Nellu you and your partners were superb!!!! but please strict your original script don't keep on adding dialogues as it looses the taste & punch.
    Once again Congratts to 'Mogachin Larahn troupe'

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  • James Rodrigues, Dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Dear Vincy & all Mogachi Lahran Members,Congratulations. the show was well organised, Nice show, stage setting, singers,Music, dances, time management was superb, you will rock in future Godd luck, & all the best for your future........

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  • Miriam, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    I think Roshan introduced the lady MC as brought up in Africa, so I think the effort she made to speak Konkani should be commended. Vincent is trying to make people keep the Konkani language alive and he wanted to show that Konkani is an esay language to learn and speak at any age, so I guess she has put in the effort. Vincy wanted to show that if we try we all can do something small, if not something big. For her first time effort I think she was not great but ok.Not many of us will have the guts.

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  • Prakash Raj, dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Oh Mogachi Laran Vincy, you beat all singers in are No one can come closer to you. Keep it up

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  • RESHMA, dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    why you did free show your quality better then everybody first time i enjoyed this kind of musical nite
    all the best we need more nite from you

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  • lavi-dubai, mangalore

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Hey what a nice organization every thing on time not bored vincent hats off we all love you keep doing

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  • Emerita Lewis, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Congratulations to Vincy and the team of Mogache Lahran. Good show keep going.

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  • Sharath, Dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Vincy, Really good show and ur hard work has paid. But one thing I did not like was Lady MC,she was not needed. she was too slow in talking as if reading something. roshan was superb. All singers were excellent and Nellu hats off to u.

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  • leslie & meena, Kulshekar , Dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    Congratualtions & wish you all the best for the future . I think your hard work paid off handsomely . well done organisers you deserve a big round of appalause.
    Regards Leslie & Meena

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  • Seema, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    An excellent show indeed.. all the singers were great.. ivan you sang beautifully as always.. your voice is stunning.. well done Mogachim Laran.

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  • Vincent, Bajal/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 22 2012

    The entire show was superb... wish u all the best Vincy..

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  • John M. Monteiro, Mangalore/Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    What an improved performance by Mogachi Lahran troupe. Vincy you are innovative and execute your ideas to par excellence, be it song selection, stage setting with back screen display, Children Patshala on the stage, Cherry on the cake with a kannada song and the best of the lot was the Classical song. Nellu was exceptional, Roshan presented well, wow, what more can the audience expect that too Free of charge!! Your vol8 CD is also very good except for a couple of songs. Keep serving Konkani. John M. Monteiro, JAKC, Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE.

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  • Melwyn Pinto, Chikmaglur / Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Program was 'Bombat'
    Vincy :One small point - music was extremely loud than the singers voice - this MUST be corrected for your future programs.
    otherwise all was well.
    Nellu's comedy and the Ocean kids and Mary group performed well.
    Rony & Preema were the icing on the cake.

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  • jenny dsouza, Dubai

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Show was okkie not bad, lady MC hardly can speak konkani, overall not so entertained,but it was free so okkie.

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  • Mary, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    The new lady MC was good for her first time, entry was superb.

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  • Anil Pinto , Puttur / Dubai

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Superb programme. need one more show frm Mogachi Lahran .. Superb comedy by Nellu Permannur...

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  • Lancy Henry Moras, Bendur - Jeddah KSA

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Vincent (ML), you always rock in the konkani music meadow. Though we never met, m a admirer of yours buddy through your loving waves. Hearty congratulations from a singer and composer like you and I wish and pray you get more and more coup in your imminent ongoing recitals.

    Lancy Henry Moras
    "Moushmi Creations"
    Bajjodi - Mangalore

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  • sunil, Manglore,Abudhabi

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    yes sony u are right,we came and security man Not allowing inside. asking pass?please dont do next time.If there any pass,please publish starting only.If there is paying also no problem we can pay,but infrom clearly.

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  • Noel F Lewis, Kinnigoli/Dubai

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Preema mam & Sherigar rocked yesterday. OMG what a performance ??!! Nellu is the brand of comedy. MUSIC IS AWESOME FOR ALL THE SONGS.
    ***** OUT OF *****

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  • sony, manglore

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    congts to all Moganche Laharn
    But 1 thing to inform you that dont keep free pass if your are mention in broucher entry free please allow to inside all......

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  • Reny Asha Fernandes, Mudarangadi/Dubai

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Dear Vincy, Congratulations on the success of your show.It was a great musical event filled with Fun.Nellu & troupe was wonderful. Songs and Dances were worth watching. Congratulations to you all.

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  • vivian, dubai

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Well Organised....Elveera song was too good..Entertainment entertainment entertainment specially from Nellu...Kudos to Vincent his & Team...

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  • Vincent Menezes, Cascia / Shj

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Congratulations Vincy, I wish you all the best.

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  • Santhosh D'Souza, Dubai

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Advice to Rony D'Cunha'talk less, sing more' otherwise show was superb.
    Well done Vincy

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  • Praveen D'Souza, Dubai

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Vincent is the 'King of tunes' and Mc Roshan is the 'King of dialogues'. Nellu you rocked Dubai.

    Nice show, stage setting, singers,Music, dances, time management was superb. Well done Vincent & team

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  • VAN, BRN

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Harish "Udith Narayan" of Kannada music nice to see you.........
    Nellu... u look rocking as before....
    Roshan (B. B. )... you are one of the top M. C. of Konkani........
    Rathan, your silky voice enthrauls audiences.........
    Rony, yours bass voice really remarcable in konkani music industry......
    Preema .. you always in my heart for your immense contribution towards konkani music........
    Melvin (MCC) nice to see in dubai.....
    Finally thanks organisers and Mr. Vincent (Mogachim Laran) for conducting such a memorable function


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  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Sat, Apr 21 2012

    Mujhe'Heart'anth Pude Mogache Lahran'Mast 'Udthaale'
    Aatha Ileh Unne 'Jaalahe'
    Lahran Surukarthana 'Wah Wah'
    Maagir Masth 'Bah Bah'
    (Yeh Sath Saangtha -Konai Saangnath-Yehn Aaikunk 'Bari' -Aasanath Mast 'Kari'!)

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