Bangalore: 'Echoes of Footprints' - Saga of Tragedy, Struggle, Sacrifice and Triumph

Bangalore: 'Echoes of Footprints' - Saga of Tragedy, Struggle, Sacrifice and Triumph

Gabriel Vaz
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore

Bangalore, May 2: What would any family plunged into the depths of poverty that manages to climb to the zenith of prosperity do? That too, a family of seven children -- brought up by the father single-handedly after the death of their mother and his beloved wife when the youngest kid was barely three – do, especially after they have successfully overcome the bitter past and the tragedies, struggles and sacrifices in life?

Enjoying the good fortune, being grateful, offering silent prayers and perhaps do something to help other less fortunate fellow beings as a tribute or homage to the dear departed father might be the reaction of any normal family.

The children of Clarence Joseph Pereira – one of whom is comfortably settled in London and the other in Detroit, USA while the other five are living happily in India – are doing all of the above. But they have come out with something even more unique and tangible -- recounting the story of the saga of the tragedies, struggles, sacrifices and triumphs that they have experienced -- in their own words in a special book, ''Echoes of Footprints,” as a meaningful and lasting legacy.

The book, published by Bangalore-based ATC Publications, who specialize in publishing religious and spiritual as well as self-improvement books, and printed by Brilliant Printers, one of the best printing establishments in South India equipped with latest and sophisticated machinery, and Daijiworld.Com as the official media partners, is due to be released in Bangalore by Most Rev Dr Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore on May 5, Saturday. But the Bangalore function will be the first of the three country launch functions, the two others being in London (May 18) and Detroit (May 26) of UK and USA respectively.

''We did not get into this project (of writing and publishing the book) for money or fame,” said Claudius Pereira, the youngest of the seven children and the author who got all the other siblings on board, adding: ''For us, it has been a most rewarding process to create something so tangible, so personal. We were desirous of giving our family through this book a gift – a meaningful permanent legacy.”

Launch in London, Detroit

In a pre-launch media interaction with a select group of journalists, Claudius explained the genesis and the growth of the autobiographical from the perspective of the seven children and biographical in as much as their narrative of the father narrative that makes up the book, ''Echoes of Footprints.” Says he, ''It is both biographical and autobiographical. None of us are writers. So, it may not qualify as a great literary work. But we are proud of what we have accomplished. I and the core team of Philip, Patricia and James have put in over 2000 hours of work into it since 2006, when the idea first occurred.”

Echoes of Footprints is an unusual kind of book because it seeks to trace the family history of Pereiras dating back to 1673, when the ancestors came down from France to settle in Goa around the time the French conquerors landed in Pondicherry. Claudius undertook painstaking efforts to go back to the family roots starting with the life and travails of his great grandfather James Bernard Pereira and travelled back and forth to Lisbon, Portugal, London, England and Chennai, Madras and Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) near Bangalore.

Going Back to Family Roots
Unlike in the Western or European countries, where tracing family genealogical roots is gaining popularity among the well-heeled, the trend has never really caught on in India except perhaps traditional families along the coast in Mangalore, Goa or even Tamil Nadu or Chennai. But getting historical data and family records is indeed a tough task.

''I was surprised to find the marriage certificate of my great grandfather in England,” said Claudius explaining that birth and death records of many Indians of foreign origin going back to three or four hundred years could be found in the archives in Lisbon or London.

Echoes of Footprints is not just about the Pereiras but also the Lazars, the family of his rich and aristocratic grandmother Neena Lazar. This family traded in diamonds and precious stones and was perhaps the first family in Egmore, Madras, to own a horse and carriage some 300 years ago. Claude and Nina’s son, Clarence Joseph Pereira, is the central figure of Echoes of Footprints. The ancient history apart, the book deals with the eternal family values, love and loyalty besides the importance of hard work.

Clarence had his early education at St William’s Anglo-Indian School in Royapettah, Madras. However, he, soon found education was a luxury he could ill-afford and took up the job as salesman at the Spencer & Co, which started as a small retail store in 1864 and later became Asia’s biggest departmental store chain. But life was tough as he was retrenched from service on April 24, 1939, due to recession.

The family shifted to Kolar Gold Fields, popularly known as KGF, and took up job in the gold mines which had a sizeable European and Anglo-Indian. Clarence became an underground telephone operator in the mines which helped in sustaining his family. He was allotted a mining house in KGF’s Upstairs Block, Champion Reef. It was at this stage that Clarence got married to Phyllis Thomas and the couple had seven children – Philip, Patricia, Donald, Lucy, James, Veronica and Claudius.

Clarence with a paltry salary of Rs 66 a month had to look after his huge family and mother. When it became difficult to make both ends meet, the only source of sustenance were the precious jewels of Nina which used to be frequently pawned and redeemed. He suffered a big blow with his wife’s death due to illness in 1968, when the eldest Philip was 15 and the youngest Caludius was 3. Though life was tough and and the outlook bleak, Clarence pulled on. The operation of the gold mines, considered the second largest and richest in the world and now under closure, was taken over the then Mysore Government in 1946 and later by the Centre in 1962 and eventually handed over to the Central public sector undertaking Bharat Gold Mines Ltd (BGML). But that did not improve the fortunes of Clarence and worsened. He lost his hearing and afflicted with asthma. He lost his mother Nina on May 23, 1983 leaving Clarence to carry on all alone.

Life, however, moved on and it was the turn of the children to shoulder the responsibility. The seven children narrate their accounts of the father’s heroic battle and sacrifices as well as their struggles, failures and triumphs, which makes a fascinating and captivating read. Claudius, himself, describes how he came up in life, schooled in KGF, graduated and joined as a salesman in a private company selling computer media kits while staying in a lodge near Malleswaram paying a rent of Rs 6 per month, and soon climbed up the ladder. Soon he set up his own computer kits sales outfit, launched a Mexican Pub and a software export firm, and then literally went burst. The father Clarence died of cancer in March 1992. Instead of giving up and folding, Claudius courageously recovered and revived himself to scale greater heights. He now runs four companies, runs a business consulting outfit, employs several persons, owns a sprawling farm house and is on the board of directors of the Mangalore Internet City, a Rs 2000 crore company.

''The biggest takeaway from the book,” says Claudius, ''is about family values.”

More, importantly, it teaches one about the eternal truth of giving back to society. Success comes from the roots and not from the fruits. ''Even if one person, who has read the book, realizes the importance of family values and filial love and tells me that the book has taught him a valuable lesson, I will consider it as our reward,” he adds.


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  • Satheesh Jayaraman, Chennai

    Fri, Oct 04 2013


    Greetings !!

    I am an ex. employee of your Company System Tech. I proud to say this. You offered me the job offer. Thats where, I started my career.

    My best wishes to you and your family.

    Kind Regards,
    Satheesh J.

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  • leslie pereira, kgf/bangalore/australia

    Thu, Jun 28 2012

    hii claud, first of all impressed with the launch of your book,looking forward to reading it as cousins were your dad and my granddad were brothers u know,would love to here from u as u i have added my email,well done once again,LESLIE (baldy) PEREIRA.

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  • Janet Britto, Yari Road, Mumbai

    Mon, May 14 2012

    Heartfelt Congratulations Claud - desired and much dreamt of on the launch of "Echoes of Footprints" - The title and context of the book itself speaks about veritable platforms of spiritual, dedication and realms of conventional elegance. It gives me and Jeevan great pleasure to witness and peek into the world of great values which you've imbibed from your Father. God Bless you and your family!! And our best wishes for the success of the book... Cheers!!!

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  • Shobha Rodrigues, Mumbai

    Sat, May 12 2012

    Congrats on this big achievement that has relly touched many hearts.... Wishes from us for more success ahead .....

    From micheal and shobha rodrigues

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    Wed, May 09 2012

    Dear Claud
    Congratulations and best wishes for the launching and release of “ECHOES OF FOOTPRINTS”.
    As a wise man has said “Every successful man has a painful past” but gratitude is the attitude of man’s heart. We read in the Holy Bible that a tree can be judged by it’s fruits and a good tree can not bear bad fruits and so if the fruits are good then the quality of fruits assured.
    You are successful in the combining the memories of the past, hard realities of life, combined with the dreams of the future.
    Let this book become a powerful tool to motivate our younger generation.
    It is my pleasure and privilege to be associated with you and your family.
    Due to unavoidable circumstances, I was unable to attend the function.
    I wish you success in your future endeavor and best of luck
    God bless you

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  • jemima, Trichi Australia

    Tue, May 08 2012

    Congratulations!! cannot stop reading the book, it brought tears to my eyes, as I didnot do what I had to do for my dad who has left us to be with the lord.

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  • Geetha, KGF Chennai

    Tue, May 08 2012

    What an inspiration!!in todays world,I presented one book to my brother to remind him of gratitude we owe to our parents.Thank you for the merit of this book Echoes of Footprints.

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  • james, toronto canada

    Tue, May 08 2012

    Congratulations Pereira Family! What an uplifting and memorable presentation of great uncle clarence. He is a true role model.

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  • Jason, Mumbai,

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Congratulations Claude.I hope that your book becomes a huge success among the readers as it has with Judy and me. She has already bgun reading it.

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  • Judith, Mumbai,Powai

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Hi Claude, all the best and i hope your book reaches its pinnacle of success. Another feather of achievement in your hat. :)

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  • A.QUADROS, Bangalore

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Hi Claudius,

    Congratulations! It's a tribute not only for your Dad but also to all the Dad's in the world who sacrificed their life for the sake of children and have become unsung hero's. We always see Mom's are being adored and many songs,poetry and literature's are written on them.
    My Dad started his first job with Royal Air Force for Rs.16/- salary/month , fought second world war and then continued with Indian Air Force and again fought Independence War,China(1962) War and a War with Pakistan in 1972,injuring and risking his own life, but still raising six children and placing them in good positions. Hat's off to All the DAD's.

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  • Tom Pais, troy, Michigan

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Telecast was very well put together. Looking forward to reading the book as soon as it is available on Good luck to the Family.

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  • Praveen, Bangalore

    Sun, May 06 2012

    You have done it. I guess all the hard work paid off finally with an excellent event yesterday in Chowdiah Memorial Hall. It was very captivating and motivational. I was very impressed with the passion ate speech by Claudius. Thanks for a great gift.

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  • Mark Joseph, Florida,MI

    Sun, May 06 2012

    It has been a great pleasure to know your family for the last 15 years. This is a great book for our kids. Was very impressed with the launch and had a great time meeting the family again. Good luck.

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  • Yucel Sheikh, Goa

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Unforgettable experience. Cannot get enough of it. Thank you for a great presentation and excellent food and hospitality.

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  • Chandrashekhar, California

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Watched your Book launch in Bangalore live on Web on Fascinating and Exciting telecast. Was very impressed with all the speakers. It rare that a family takes the time, money, effort and personal sacrifice to recognize the deeds of their Dad. Hats off to you all for giving the world a chance to experience the greatness of Mr. Clarence Pereira.

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  • janda tom, U.S.A.

    Sun, May 06 2012

    One of a kind. Seven wonders. Your father will be proud. Hope Oprah Winfrey meets all of you. Great job and alot of effort.

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  • Prasad, KGF Bangalore

    Sun, May 06 2012


    I was priviledged to attend your book launch. You are KGF's golden boy and me and my family are proud to know you and your brothers and sisters.

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  • Prasad, KGF Bangalore

    Sun, May 06 2012


    I was priviledged to attend your book launch. You are KGF's golden boy and me and my family are proud to know you and your brothers and sisters.

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  • Arun, Sterling Heights

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Wow. It was a very well put together professional presentation. It was great to see such a large crowd of well wishers. Launch was so inspirational and such a great tribute to your Dad. Job well done. I am really happy to be a part of a Wonderful Family. Good luck with your launch in London & Detroit. I cannot wait to read the book.

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  • Vijaya K, KGF Bangalore

    Sun, May 06 2012

    It was a professionally orgainsed event with not a minute wasted.Uncle .May all good things happen to you.You are a wonderful person.

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  • chris Kom, mumbai Goa

    Sun, May 06 2012

    It was a professionally orgainsed event with not a minute wasted.Uncle .May all good things happen to you.You are a wonderful person.

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  • Mark Michael, KGF Goa

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Congratulations Claud!! It was a very professionally organised event .

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  • Tom, Dubai

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Echoes of Footprints!!!Wow! Wow! Wow!!

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  • Brenda Joseph, Macomb, Michigan

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Freddy,Swithin and Jonathan join me in congratulating the Pereira family on the book launch.It is such a wonderful tribute to your father. Thanks for making it possible for everyone around the world to watch the lauch live and to share in this special occasion.I am sure it will touch many lives and teach good family values. It is a pleasure and privilege knowing the family.

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  • Shalini Baigh, Mangalore / Mumbai

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Dear Claud, I read the article, it was very touching. it was a heartfelt effort from your part to trace the family history and collect all the tit bits from the family members to put together to acknowledge the efforts a father has endured to bring up noble children. Recognising his efforts and saluting his footprints in the form of this book is itself a noble cause. All the best to you & your family, on the launch of "Echoes of Footprints"

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  • william pinto, bangalore

    Sat, May 05 2012

    shubashagalu claudius .i will b present for book launch ceremony .william pinto.KEmember

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  • Dan, Ireland

    Fri, May 04 2012

    A must for every family.Happy for you 7.Congrats.

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  • Michelle Pereira, GOA

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Uncle,

    Im so proud to be a part of this book, where I would live on for ever long after am gone. Its a big tribute to the Pereira Family.

    Congrats and wish you all the best.

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  • Princel, Doha

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Hello Claud,

    Nice to read about this Article and its a Proud Moment for the Entire Pereira Family.

    Good Luck and All the Best for all your Launches.

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  • Vally & Bertha Fernandes, Kulshekar/Bangalore

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Claud. Very few children remember all that their parents have done for them. Fortunately, you dad had wonderful children who have documented all they could for posterity.

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  • Judith Fernandes, Mumbai,Powai

    Fri, May 04 2012

    All the best bauji. May this be another feather of achievement in your hat. God bless you!

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  • Sharon, London

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Claude What a legacy for the Pereira Family wishing you every success with the book cant wait to read it waiting in anticipation

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  • Linda Madge, KGF - London - UK

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Claudius - Good Luck & Congratulations with the Book Launch on the 5th May - I'm so proud of your achievement. What comes through the book is a Bond of the strongest kind, a Bond of the present, interwoven with memories of the past, and dreams of the future. It is strengenthened by overcoming obstacles, facing fears and challenges together. Having pride in each other, and wanting only the best for each other. it is sacrifice, tears, hugs, understaning ,patience and Believing in each other. Rare qualities that few people possess.
    Claudius you are the Jewel in the Pereira Crown - cannot wait for the London launch on the 18th May, and place my orders for your Book.

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  • Daniel Bandari, Bangalore

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Claudy,
    Wow ! I was so happy and inspired to know about this book. It was so nice of you to have shared this to the world... I am sure this book will transform and touch many families.... God Bless

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  • josephine, Goa

    Fri, May 04 2012

    What a great tribute to your father. Congrats to you and brothers and sisters.

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  • josephine, new zealand

    Fri, May 04 2012

    What a great tribute to your father. Congrats to you and brothers and sisters.

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  • Pat Aniston, Goa

    Fri, May 04 2012

    What a great tribute to your father. Congrats to you and brothers and sisters.

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  • Pat Aniston, Goa

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Congs.Cluad,may you climb to greater heights of success,I am amazed as to what you and your siblings have put together compling this book which remindfs me of my forgotten family.

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  • Scholastica, Bangalore

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Uncle,

    So happy reading your article. All the best and to all at home.

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  • Aurelia, Bangalore

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Uncle,

    So happy to read about the article. I am so happy, All the best to you, aunty Monica, Caroline and Cassius.

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  • Sangeeth, Bangalore

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Claudius,

    I am so proud of you today, and I hope your book becomes an inspiration for many about family values and struggles in life we have to endure to succeed.

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  • Thomas, Bangalore

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Cladius,

    I salute you and your family for all that you have done. So proud to be associated with you

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  • Vilas, London

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Hey Claud, very inspring, please let me know details about your launch in London, will like to meet you and also attend the function!


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  • Keshavamurthy, Bangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Hello Claudius. Tracing the hurdles faced in the evolution of a family and thanking Providence for the eventual success is, in my opinion, an act of humility. That you had the courage to do so and finding joy to say so is also an act of humility at a higher plane. Congratulations and hope your book becomes and inspiration to the readers. God bless. Keshav

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  • Agnelo Vaz, Goa

    Thu, May 03 2012

    The Pereira family,Kudos to all of you,I am particularly inpired by the quote -Sucess grows from the root and not from the fruit.I hope todays youth taled a leaf out of this wonderful book,Please let me know where can I buy this book.

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  • Pratap Prabhu, Bangalore / USA

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Hi Claudius,
    Great to know that the book is now in print, Congrats. You have always been an inspiration and a dear friend. Your father must be so proud.

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  • Wilma Fernandes, Bangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Congrats Claud and to your family. Great Work, im sure this book will go on to inspire many!!

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  • Francis Mascarenhas & Fly, Vittal/Al-ain

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Congrats Claud! Great Job. This book will inspire many people in our society. All the very best.

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  • Augustine D'Lima, Bangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Dear Claud,
    Pen is mightier than sword and the Book 'Echoes of Footprints' you wrote may become a powerful tool to inspire and motivate our younger generation.
    Wish the launch functions a grand success and pray that your Book will enter every family that values family values.
    Augustine & Jacintha D'Lima

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  • N. McGuire, NY - USA

    Thu, May 03 2012

    I left KGF in the late 60,s.Your Father is Blessing all of you from above.This publication is a rare feat, and undoubtedly will create an environment for other less fortunate people to emulate. Fantastic Breakthrough Claud - Norman

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  • Dr. J.F O'Donnell, Scotland

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Echoes of Footprints is an amazing endevour. Your book will give company to my other prized possessions. Will meet you and your siblings at the London launch.

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  • Naveen D'Souza, Bangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Dear Cladius,

    Congratulations.May God bless you and your family.Looking forward for the book launch on 5th May.
    Once again all the very best to you claud.

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  • Tony Simon, Kerala

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Dear Claudius, Echoes of Footprints will help the generations now and those to come understand how important family values are. I am waiting eagerly to buy and read your book!

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  • Francis Dcunha, Bangalore/Mangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Dear Claudius,
    Congratulations to you and your family. I along with my family wish you all the best in this wonderful journey called LIFE. Truly inspiring!

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  • dattatraya bhat, bangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    congratulations! good achievement.
    Wishing you & your family all the very best.

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  • Brijesh V, Bangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Hi Claud, I read only an excerpt from your book and felt so inspired. I have no doubt that your story will touch many lives and I will do my bit to make sure that my friends and family get to know of your book so they too can benefit by reading your story. Good luck to you and your entire family.

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  • Nithin, Kanchipuram

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Hi Claudius & family members
    Very sweet of you to remember the hard work and sacrifice done by your Dad in bringing up such wonderful family. The values he inscribed in the family echoes through the efforts to publish a book in gratitude. All the best for the launch.

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  • Albert/Tracy Rodrigues, Dubai

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Dear Claud,

    Wonderful to see your dream turning reality. I am sure this book will be a source of inspiration to millions of people who give up in life. Indeed we are proud to be associated with you acknowledging your efforts in inspirng people through your vibrant presetations and now through your book. Wish you all the very best.

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  • Ravi Prasad, Udupi/Bangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Congratulations Claudius. Good to know that book discusses in length about the family value. Looking forward for the official launch

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  • Aravazhi,

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Dear Claudius,

    What an amazing journey this has been for you and your family. Having had the opportunity to listen to your early day hardships under the renovated roofs of Le Meridien in Bangalore ,I am able to relate to and admire the tenacity and resolve of yourself and your family to see through those turbulent times. Now that you have been contributing and giving back to the society is testimony of the fact that you have not forgotten the roots nor the misgivings of fellow beings. Truly proud of you.

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  • Charmaine Timothy, Bangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    How proud your dad must be of you and all your brothers and sisters!!My parents are precious to me, but your tribute to your dad has made me realize that I should show my parents how much they mean to me. Thank you Claud for writing this book. I cannot wait to read it and wish you all the success. My best wishes to your entire family.

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  • Patrick Christy, KGF / Chicago USA

    Thu, May 03 2012

    On reading the synopsis Iam sure the theme of this book will be a trend setter and the launch will be historic. I known your family for about 35 years and you guys are a STAR TEAM and not a TEAM OF STARS. We will be there. Regards Patrick.

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  • Fr DEnzil Lobo SJ, Mangalore

    Thu, May 03 2012

    Dear Claudius,
    I am very happy to know that the book “Echoes of Footprints” will be released on 5th of this month. I congratulate you for coming out with this book on the courageous and inspiring life of your dad and his struggle to bring up a family of seven children. I am sure it will inspire all of us. I thank you also for coming to AIMIT recently and for interacting and motivating our MBA students. God bless.

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  • Dr Anthony Pais, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claud and the family. Congratulations . I am so happy and privileged today that I am associated with such a good and noble friend .Feel really sorry to miss the great occasion. Honoring a parent will bring you greater joys and blessings [Quotation from the bible ] With warm regards Dr Anthony, Rita and Andrea Pais

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    Wed, May 02 2012

    CONGRATS on your achievement. Very few Mangloreans write books and i encourage all to buy this book and read it so that inspires the rest of the Mangaloreans to write many books !!

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  • John Fernandes, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    I have personally known this family for 20 years and am proud to see their offering of love - this book honouring their late Father. A great family - I wish them all the best.

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  • Ingrid Solomon, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Once in a lifetime you come across a family like this once in an era you come across a story like this one. If you miss it, it will be your loss.

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  • Vincent Dcruz, Hyderabad

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Hard work pays,all the very best for the 5th.Good job.this is a good book for every person in every walk of life.

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  • L N Rego, Bendur

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Its a priceless and precious possession to the younger generation, who would like to learn the fruits of Hard Work. There is no substitute for the hard work,in this case the blessing are seen through the prosperity of their children.
    Wonderful work by his son Claudius. I will definitely grab a copy to treasure it.

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  • Andrew, Berlin

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Claude, I wish the book every sucess and awaiting the second addition.

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  • Veronica Alva, Udupi/Dubai

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius,
    I am very much sure this book will be excellent!I really can't wait to get one copy of this.May this book reach many hands and may all the contents in this book bring a lot of changes in families specially in children.With all the best wishes,
    Veronica Alva & fly.

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  • Arun Kumar, Sterling Heights, USA

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Great Family, Excellent Family values, Inspiring and motivating story of struggles and Triumph. These values and love for the family is lost in this age of social media.
    Congratulations Pereira Family.

    Good luck

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  • Pradeep Joseph, Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear TM Claudius,
    Heart warming to see the effort into reconstructing the family tree and using the platform to honor the noble soul who taught the value of "values". Wishing you and family all the blessings from the Lord Almighty!

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  • Mario Ferns, Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    From what I have read in this article, your book promises to deliver much, much more. Eagerly await the release of your book to grab a copy.

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  • Elias Bernard, Bangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius,

    May the book go into several reprints. Look forward to the function on Saturday. Wish you every success.

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  • Mathew Justin, Chennai/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius,

    It is truly noble way of paying gratitude to one's father. Where are the copies available.

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  • Xavier Berchman, Bangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius,

    Congratulations on this great effort. Look forward to buying a copy of the book.

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  • Srinivasan Sqn.Ldr(Retd), Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Foot prints leave a memory.A memory of threads of sacrifice, love and involvement in the fabric of time.

    I salute your father Clarence Joseph Pereira.


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  • Vasantha Kumar , Mulbagal/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Sir. Claudius,

    Indeed these books should stitch the gaps widening these days in our Indian culture. How important to carry family values, will provide support at our plans are not going well.

    Thank you sir..for bringing this book to society.

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    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claud.
    Congratulation and wishing you all the best looking forward to read this book and praying for big success

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  • Anand D Silva, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius,

    This is indeed remarkable. In today's world where getting seven siblings together for a marriage or funeral is difficult you have embarked on this rare journey alongwith your siblings. It not only speaks of your success in your professional life but also the values inculcated in you by your dad. This should inspire many youngsters who take thier parents for granted and for whom unity in the family is just a 5 letter word. Way to go !!

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  • Ivan Fernandes, Ashoknagar / Dubai

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius,
    Congratulations to the entire family for taking this daring initiative to remember your past and a great gift to all the hardships and challenges overcome by your Dad. He will be proud to see the values being passed on by his children. Let this inspire others to remember and honour their parents always. I look forward to the launch of this book this weekend in Bangalore.

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  • Peter, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius,

    I am sure this book will be a bestseller. All the best.

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  • S.George Timothy, Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claud,Knowing all seven of you siblings &the love, respect &admiration all of you have for your DAD is something I am lucky to be aware & every child has to imitate.I am waiting to not only read the book but will certainly gift it to all my dear ones to understand the man called DAD.May God bless you all.

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  • Marie D'souza, Dubai

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Great achievement, good job done, hard work really pays. Together the Pereira fly stands - this is wonderful to note. May God bless you guys always.

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  • Joseph, Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Wonderful having to read about this absolutely inspirational Article. I'm sure many will take leads from this and be inspired. Really excited and anxious to grab a copy. By going back to the Grass-roots and having takin the effort to bring out such a book is truely worthy task.

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  • Clarence Pereira, Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claude,
    my Congratulations to you and your siblings for bringing out this book.It is very rare(impossible) for someone to remember his Dad & bring out a book in his name.In todays world of nuclear families this aspect is fast diminishing & we should be lucky if we can keep in touch with our children once they have flown the coop.My hats off to you in bringing out the Value of Family in your book.May you be blessed in your mission.

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  • Jacob Aron Mathai, B'lore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Hi folks!!
    The story of a man that raised a family with the grace of God is really inspiring and this inspiration is what makes me want to read the book even more..
    Cant wait to get my hands on it...

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  • Soumya, Mangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Cant wait to get my hands on this book..... Wishing the entire family the very best!!!

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  • Bob, Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Heyy ..Great News!!Have got a lot of friends talking about it.Few anxious,some excited and a lot interested,cant wait to get a copy :)^_^
    GoD Bless

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  • A. Sathyanathan, KGF / Moreh Assam

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius Sir,
    I am from KGF and a strong admirer of your family. My Dad was working with your Father in the Electric Dept at Oorgaum.All of you have demonstrated to the world that the secret of family success lies in flipping just one alphabet upside down. Turn "ME" into "WE" and see it works its magic. Best Rgds Sathy.

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  • Mark Denis D'souza, Niddodi/Sharjah-U.A.E.

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Cloudius and Perieras family,you are inspiring,aspireing,and admirable to millions families and individuals,example to those love,respect and honor to thier father,I am proud of you,may God bless you with good health and prosperity.
    Mark Denis D'souza & Fly.

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  • Ramesh. Veeraraghavan, KGF / Dhanbad

    Wed, May 02 2012

    The Pereira Family,
    You guys stand out in totality and are rolemodels. Inspite of various tribulations your family has reached the sumit of their dreams. Pl inform me where I could source this book. With best rgds - Veer

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  • Greg Fernandes, illonois - USA

    Wed, May 02 2012

    You have done total justice to you Dad. You have demonstrated as under
    " One can complain because roses have thorns OR one can rejoice because throns have roses. Heartiest congratulations to all the Pereira family members. We are looking forward for the book. Gregory

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  • Martin , Chennai

    Wed, May 02 2012

    You have measured success from the roots which is breathtaking and inspirational. Your Dad was an Icon. Noe should emulate him. I will be there in Bangalore for sure unconditionally. Mart

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  • Pat freeman, London

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Your dedication is par excellence. Such a noble Idea. This is a breakthrough in reverence to your Father on earth. I intend to gift this book to each of my 50 students. Kudos to all your family members

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  • Joseph.J, Bangalore

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Pereira Family,
    In an era of nuclear families and dwindling family values,this article and book can act as a booster and a ready reconer for reference on how a family can be raised to great heights by supporting on another when in difficult situatons.Cant wait to read this book.wish the family all the very best.

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  • Barbara Bayer,

    Wed, May 02 2012

    "Honour Thy Father & Thy Mother" is what we are taught as little children and the glowing tribute a child can give back to his/her parent is what we learn from the Pereira Family. "FATHER AND MOTHER I LOVE YOU" F.A.M.I.L.Y - As long as children respect their parents and abide by the humble upbringing, success will take them to great heights. It would be a great pleasure to read this great book. The article reflects tome my family wherein a helpless mother a housewife with nomeans of earning and five hungry mouths to feed raised us up with such values and here we are living overseas well settled. Three out of five abroad. God bless our parents for their great sacrifice for it is because of them we are what we are today.

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  • Ratan, Sullia

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Interesting and good article- i hope i will get to read the said book.

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  • James n Shobha Mendonca, Vamanjoor / Dubai

    Wed, May 02 2012

    Dear Claudius,
    You have honoured your father and he would have been so proud of you. The values taught to you are so evident in your life. May God Bless you and the whole Pereira family.

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Title: Bangalore: 'Echoes of Footprints' - Saga of Tragedy, Struggle, Sacrifice and Triumph

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