Udupi: Three SVD Deacons Ordained in Solemn Ceremony at Pernal

Udupi: Three SVD Deacons Ordained in Solemn Ceremony at Pernal

Dr Eugene D'Souza, Moodubelle

Udupi, May 4: In a solemn ordination ceremony three Deacons belonging to the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) were ordained as priests by the Archbishop of Bhopal, Dr Leo Cornelio in the newly renovated Church of Our Lady of Fatima, Pernal on Friday May 4. The ordination ceremony that began with the solemn Mass and the ordination ritual culminated in a grand reception followed by lunch in the magnificent pandal that was erected in the church compound. The three SVD Deacons who received the Sacrament of Ordination are: Fr Evan Gomes and Fr Rajesh D’Souza from pernal and Fr Maxim Pinto from Nirude.

Prior to the solemn Ordination Mass, Dr Leo Cornelio accompanied by Fr Gregory Serrao, the parish priest inaugurated and blessed the beautifully renovated Church of Our Lady of Fatima. The main altar was decorated with beautiful flowers to meet the requirement of the solemn occasion.

Following the inauguration and blessing of the renovated church, the priests along with the to be ordained Deacons accompanied by their parents and the Archbishop came in a grand procession from the pandal to the church. The Archbishop presided over the concelebration of the solemn Ordination Mass.

Following the reading the passage from the Gospel by Fr Rajesh D’Souza, the ordination ceremony began with the Rector of the SVD Seminary in Kirem, Fr Ivan D’Silva presenting the three Deacons before the Archbishop. After accepting the candidature of the three Deacons to be ordained, the Archbishop explained the significance of priesthood, the qualities required for a good priest and the responsibilities that come along with the priesthood.

As the Litany of the Saints was sung, the three Deacons prostrated before the altar to seek the intercession of the saints. Thereafter the Archbishop prayed for the Deacons by placing both hands on their heads one after the other. The act was repeated by other priests as well. Thereafter, the Deacons were helped to wear the priestly vestments.

The important ritual of anointing the hands of the new priests and handing over chalice as symbol of their responsibility to offer the Mass was conducted. This marked the completion of the ordination ceremony by which the three Deacons were ordained as priests. They were congratulated by the Archbishop by hugging each one of the new priests. The other priests also congratulated the new priests in similar manner.
Thereafter, the three new priests joined the Archbishop in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

At the end of the solemn ordination Mass, following the general blessing by the Archbishop, the newly ordained priests also blessed the congregation. Thereafter, the Archbishop blessed the renovated Tabernacle and placed the Ciborium comprising of the Holy Eucharist inside the Tabernacle.

 Following the group pictures the entire congregation shifted from the church to the magnificent pandal where reception was held for the newly ordained priests.

After the Prayer Dance performed by the students trained by the Sisters of the Kripalaya Convent, Pernal, the newly ordained priests along with their parents and other dignitaries were requested to take their seats on the dais. The dignitaries on the dais included Dr Leo Cornelio, Fr Lazar Stanislaus (SVD), Provincial of Mumbai Province, Fr Nicholas Martis(SVD) Provincial of Central Indian Province, Dr Lawrence D’Souza, Director of St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore whose nephew, Fr Rajesh D’Souza was one of the newly ordained priest and Fr Gregory Serrao, Parish Priest of Pernal. Besides these dignitaries, Fr Evan Gomes and his parents-Edward and Cecilia Gomes, Fr Rajesh D’Souza and his parents-Joseph and Carmine D’Souza and Fr Maxim Pinto and his parents-Albert and Benedicta Pinto were also on the dais.

Following the welcome address by Fr Lawrence Correa (SVD), the God Parents of the newly ordained priests felicitated them by offering them garlands. Next, the SVD Brothers honoured the parents of the newly ordained priests by offering them flowers.

The Ordination Cake was cut next by the newly ordained priests and shared it with their parents. The choir trained by Fr Cyril presented the felicitation song following which Fr Ivan D’Silva, Rector of the SVD Seminary at Kirem felicitated the new priests with flowers.

Fr Abraham D’Souza, Vocation Director delivered the felicitation address. Fr Lazar Stanislaus congratulated the newly ordained priests and said that Fr Evan would be serving in the Mumbai Province whereas Fr Rajesh D’Souza would be serving in the Central Indian Province. Fr Maxim Pinto would be proceeding as a missionary to Angola in Africa. However, for one year he would be serving as Vocation Promoter for Mumbai Province before going to Angola.

Fr Gregory Serrao thanked the Archbishop for inaugurating and blessing the renovated church and Tabernacle and honoured him with a shawl and memento. He also expressed happiness at the ordination ceremony in Pernal. He said that it was for the first time that such a solemn and meaningful ordination ceremony was held in Pernal. He also felicitated the newly ordained priests of whom two-Fr Evan and Fr Rajesh were3 from Pernal.

In his message, Archbishop Leo Cornelio complemented the parents of the newly ordained priests and said that Mangalorean priests and missionaries have been serving in different countries of the world as well as in different parts of India. He made an appeal to the parishioners of Pernal to promote vocations as the parents of the newly ordained priests had done.

At the end of the felicitation function, Fr Evan Gomes proposed the vote of thanks. The ordination ceremony was anchored by Fr Navin rebello (SVD) and the felicitation programme was compeered by Fr Sunil Menezes (SVD). Following the felicitation function all those who were present were served with delicious lunch.



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  • Ivan Vas, Mangalore / KSA

    Mon, May 07 2012

    Hearty congratulations to Fr Evan Gomes, Fr Rajesh D’Souza and Fr Maxim Pinto.

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  • Lynette D'sa, Mumbai

    Mon, May 07 2012

    Fr. Maxy, Fr. Evan and Fr. Rajesh

    May the Almighty grant you all long life and good health to spread the word of God to all humanity.

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    Sun, May 06 2012

    God bless the people of pernal and the the new three priests. I was brought up there and proud to hear the good news. i salute fr. lawerence for his name and fame.

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  • Vincy Pinto, Neerude / Riyadh / Vikhroli

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Congratulations to our new Priests. Fr.Maxim you made our family proud. God bless you all as well as your families and grant all of you long life as well as success in your future Priesthood life.

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  • Jessie , Dubai

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Hearty congratulations to Fr Rajesh D'Souza, you are 02nd Priest in our family, lots of Blessings on your Ordination, God bless you.

    Congrats to Fr Evan Gomes, and Fr Maxim Pinto from Nirude.

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  • Rajani D'mello, Pernal /Dubai

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Congratulations Fr. Evan, Fr. Rajesh and Fr. Maxim. May God bless you and your family

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  • Dr. Cajetan Coelho, Goa, India

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Congratulations Fr Evan, Fr Rajesh and Fr Maxim.

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  • Dinesh Correa, Pernal / Sharjah

    Sun, May 06 2012

    Congratulations to the newly ordained priests and may their respective families be blessed abundantly for dedicating these young missionaries to our Lord's vineyard.

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    Sun, May 06 2012

    congratulations to newly ordained priests from pernal.may god bless u all.

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  • Emmanuel Braggs, Fajir / Pune

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Congratulations Frs. Evan, Rajesh and Maxim. May God grant you blessings to be another Christ and spread His Mission Mandate to the ends of the earth. You are specially remembered and we will be missing you in Pune.
    With fond wishes and prayers
    Emmanuel, Prescilla, Elston and Erwin

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  • Thomas Pinto, Ganjimutt/Ferar/Muscat

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Congratulations to the newly ordained Priests...
    May God Bless Them all and give them good health and let the Holy spirit be with them always to proclaim the word of God..
    Thomas Pinto

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  • Anitha D'souza, Moodubelle/ Nottingham ,U.K

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Dear Fr Rajesh,
    A hearty Congratulations on your Ordinastion . God Bless you abundantly on your new choosen life as a Priest.May all your dreams come true.
    best wishes from
    Magdaline D'souza & family

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    Sat, May 05 2012


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  • Wilson Pinto, Neerude / Muscat

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Hearty Congratulations to Fr. Maxim, Fr.Evan & Fr. Rajesh. May God bless you, grant you courage & strength to spread the Divine Word .

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  • Valerian D'Silva, Jeddah/Mumbai

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Congratulation Fr Evan, Fr Rajesh Fr Maxim, May God Bless you for your new life

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  • Maxim Pinto, Neerude/Bangalore

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Congratulations all the three new Priests. Fr Maxim you made us proud. May the almighty have all the blessings on you

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  • Stephen Coelho, Mumbai/ Sacred Heart

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Dear Fr Evans, Fr Rajesh, Fr Maxim,

    Hearty congratulation on being ordained as new Priest,May god give you the strength to follow your priesthood in Lords way.
    Stay Blessed.


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  • Fredrick Correa, Pernal/Mumbai

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Dr. Eugene D'Souza, Moodubelle - excellent coverage. I was present for the ceremony. Your elaborate explanation, made me relive the occasion. Thank you so much.

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  • Melwyn, Pernal

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Hearty congratulations to Fr Evan Gomes, Fr Rajesh D’Souza and Fr Maxim Pinto from Nirude. Fr Evan & Fr Rajesh, you both made us proud. :)

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  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Congruatulations Fr.Evan,Fr.Rajesh and Fr.Maxim. I rejoice over this beautiful and so significant ceremony. May the Lord continew blessings forever.

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  • Richard Gomes, pernal /karkala

    Sat, May 05 2012

    congratulation newly ordained priests fr.evan,fr.rajesh and fr.maxim

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  • silvia, dubai,pernal

    Sat, May 05 2012

    Cngratulations to Fr. Rajesh,Fr. Evan and Fr.Maxim.God bless you and the Almighty grant you all long life and good health.

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  • Valentine DSouza, Pernal/Saudi Arabia

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Dear Fr. Evan Gomes,
    CONGRATULATIONS and prayers on your ordination to serve as a priest.
    Bible Verse: John 15:16
    You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last.

    May God sustain you in celebrating the Sacraments, in proclaiming the Gospel and in consecrating your life to God for the good of the people entrusted to your care. Congratulations and Best Wishes
    Lavie, Lorna, Leena Aunty and Valentine Uncle

    Also Congratulations to Fr. maxim and Fr. Rajesh.Your life has been set apart to celebrate the mysteries of Christ, to proclaim the good news of salvation, to lead the lost from darkness into light. Blessings on your Ordination

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  • Jerald Natasha Rodrigues, Canada, Agrar, Pernal..

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Congratulations Fr.Evan, Fr Rajesh and Fr maxim.May you be blessed as you seek to do HIS will. May you feel that He is leading your calling. May He guard you and grant you peace as you live to serve HIM. Congrats once again...

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  • Priya Das, Karkala / Mumbai

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Congratulations to the three SVD Deacons - Fr Evan Gomes and Fr Rajesh D’Souza from pernal and Fr Maxim Pinto from Nirude - who received the Sacrament of Ordination, and also to Dr Lawrence D’Souza, Director of St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore whose nephew, Fr Rajesh D’Souza is one of the newly ordained priest. Special congratulations to Mr Joseph (Duje Master) and Mrs. Carmine D’Souza, whose son Fr. Rajesh D'Souza is one of the newly ordained priest.

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  • Peter / Irene Pinto & Family, Badhyar / Navi Mumbai

    Fri, May 04 2012

    Congratulations to our new Priests.Let the Almighty grant you all long life and good health to serve the humanity. God bless you and your families.

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