Saudi Males Use E-eye to Track their Women

Saudi Males Use E-eye to Track their Women

Riyadh, Nov 23 (AFP): Denied the right to travel without consent from their male guardians and banned from driving, women in Saudi Arabia are now monitored by an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements.

Since last week, Saudi women’s male guardians began receiving text messages on their phones informing them when women under their custody leave the country, even if they are travelling together.

Manal al-Sherif, who became the symbol of a campaign launched last year urging Saudi women to defy a driving ban, began spreading the information on Twitter, after she was alerted by a couple.

The husband, who was travelling with his wife, received a text message from the immigration authorities informing him that his wife had left the international airport in Riyadh.

“The authorities are using technology to monitor women,” said columnist Badriya al-Bishr, who criticised the “state of slavery under which women are held” in the ultra-conservative kingdom.

Women are not allowed to leave the kingdom without permission from their male guardian, who must give his consent by signing what is known as the “yellow sheet” at the airport or border.

The move by the Saudi authorities was swiftly condemned on social network Twitter – a rare bubble of freedom for millions in the kingdom – with critics mocking the decision.

“Hello Taliban, herewith some tips from the Saudi e-government!” read one post.

“Why don’t you cuff your women with tracking ankle bracelets too?” wrote Israa.

“Why don’t we just install a microchip into our women to track them around?” joked another. “If I need an SMS to let me know my wife is leaving Saudi Arabia, then I’m either married to the wrong woman or need a psychiatrist,” tweeted Hisham.

“This is technology used to serve backwardness in order to keep women imprisoned,” said Bishr, the columnist.

“It would have been better for the government to busy itself with finding a solution for women subjected to domestic violence” than track their movements into and out of the country.

Saudi Arabia applies a strict interpretation of sharia, or Islamic law, and is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive.


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  • Prem Prasad, Bangalore, KSA

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    @B.Mani, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
    Indian women old and young are travelling everywhere Inside and outside of the country. They are brave physically and mentally. Don’t think old men are not cared. I see in my eyes in buses in Mangalore conductors are shouting to men to give seating preference to women. In a Male dominated society few women transact commercially in the public. In India most women go in public without fear unlike in Saudi women fear rules to walk alone outside without a guardian.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prem Prasad, Bangalore

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    @RK, mangalore
    are u an indian if ur indian den ur not a daiji reader or any news channel, if u r talkn abt womens freedom den what happen last few month back in homestay attack and last week 2 girls where in jail for updating there status in facebook... in india this days no freedom...

    Mentioned above are not day-to-day incidents and not frequently occurring. The Saudi women are suffering daily in the close doors threatened from male dominated men reminding her in the pretext of quran. India is the best, equality men and women.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • joy, mlore/ Dubai

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    At least all middle east countries are better than india. they respect womans like god. but in india there is no respect for ladies

    DisAgree [50] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Godwin Mendonca, Mangalore/ Saudi

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    Love is Faith, if you love your wife you have to keep faith in her not a e service to track her.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ganesh, Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    Jatin M'lore, Ramesh S, Sampat K

    Very well said. Hats off to you people.

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Nov 24 2012


    Man and women born for to same mother, same home ,eat same food,go to same school,but why rules are not same for her. everything man is allowed to do should be allowed to women also.

    By telling stories or giving reasons we cannot justify the violation of women rights or human rights.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • B.Mani, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    Dear M.H Rashid,
    I totally agree with the figures provided by you on Saudi Population and thats is exactly matching with the figures of 2010 census.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • RK, mangalore

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    Manohar Veigas, UDUPI...
    are u an indian if ur indian den ur not a daiji reader or any news channel, if u r talkn abt womens freedom den what happen last few month back in homestay attack and last week 2 girls where in jail for updating there status in facebook... in india this days no freedom...
    i ll not comment any other country bcoz 1st we should clean den others

    DisAgree [15] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rihan, DXB

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    AL-KHOBER: As many as 1213 foreigners residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including 150 women, embraced Islam in Khober last year, a new record of Muslims is embracing Islam in a perticular city over the last years.
    In a statement, Sheikh Jumaa Al-Rimaihi, Director of the Islamic Call, Guidance and Foreign Communities Illuminating Office in Al-Khober, said the newcomers include Europeans, Americans, Asian and Africans, with the Filipinos (1005) representing the largest entering community.(Now what you say guys)

    DisAgree [30] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammed Asif, Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Nov 24 2012

    Dear readers,here some of them criticize that Saudi is a hell of world ,my question why hijab is banned in France, why women dont have rights to ware hijab? why we Indians are bothered about Saudi rules and regulation, if they want to keep their women safe let them keep.

    DisAgree [33] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • M H Rashid, Udupi, Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Dear Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
    For your information the results announced by the department of Statistics at the Ministry of national Economy and planning on 5th of August 2010, on census conducted in April 2010. The Saudi population stands at 27,136,977 an increase of 19.7% from the 2004 census. The 2010 population constitutes 18,707,576 Saudi nationals (68.9 %of the total) and 8,429,401 foreign residents (31.1%). Of the Saudi population, 9,372,495 (50.1 %) are male and 9,335,081 (49.9 %) are female and of the foreign population, 5,934,298 (70.4%) are male and 2,495,103 (29.6%) are female.
    Half knowledge is always dangerous dear..

    DisAgree [40] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohd Bari.., Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Mr Ramesh S Mangalore...You are absolutely right..Nobody has the right to hurt anybody's sentiments.I didnt mention in my comment that it applied only to Hindus or Christians or Jains.It applied to all the people regardless of the religion including muslims.If you are a Doctor and I am a software engineer, do I need to convince you about medicine or do u need to convince me about writing code..?Similarly I dont have the right to argue about a country like Nepal , becoz nepal being a hindu country knows the law and stuff regarding hinduism.

    DisAgree [35] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manohar Veigas, UDUPI

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    After reading this article, we should all agree we Indians are better place in ways like religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom for women and equality to men. Hence, we should be speaking well about our country and not be talking like Saudi Nationals.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Dear Mr.M H Rashid, Udupi, Saudi Arabia,

    Refrain there for some time. For your doubt there is no medicine. Whenever country wise statistics is given it is from the government the expatriates population is not counted because these expatriates are coming in their respective countries census. The expatriate census is made separately by the census department and that figure is not coming under country wise population male and female census.
    You should use some common sense before jumping in to commenting.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • richheart, Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Some parents in India practice the Devadasi tradition, selling their daughters into a life of prostitution, often around the age of 10. to whom we blame now?

    DisAgree [37] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • M H Rashid, Udupi, Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
    You need to refresh your source of information. In Saudi
    Arabia the ratio of men against females is 49.9 against 50.1 Men. You might have included the expatriates working here whose ratio is 70:30.This is due to high number of men from different countries working in construction industry and other labor cacatory jobs. The same applies for UAE and other Gulf Countries

    DisAgree [29] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Dear Mr. shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi,

    I will not write a comment without facts,
    In fact I have given you two years old statistics.
    The new statistics is very worst than which I provided you earlier

    See now below The new statistics of 2011

    Total Population 4,598,600
    Male: 3, 093,246
    Female: 1,505,354
    Now kindly you find out for 100 men how many females.

    TOTAL POPULATION: 1,198,003,272
    Male: 618,942,535
    Female: 579,060,737


    DisAgree [26] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bhandara, India

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Sampat K/Vasant Raj....India is no different. Even in India, Women are treated like commodities among certain communities. Also, look at India, we are still roiling in communalism, 100% corruption, sub-standard infrastructure. Almost everyone loots everyone. Even food that we buy in the market is adulterated. None of this is true in any of the Middle East country accept for women who are treated as assets of arabs. So, while pointing one finger at them, dont forget 4 are pointed at you.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Namith, Kottara

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Technology should take us forward, But in Saudi it has taken them back to 16th Century. feel pity for those guys

    DisAgree [18] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Namith, Kottara

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    When you guys support this its controlling, When resort attack ( not supporting that) was done you guys were saying it is supprassing women, male domination, uneducated barbarian etc etc. Tum kiya to Rasleela hum kare to Character deela

    DisAgree [11] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Dear Mr Joseph Gonsalves.

    I have to coreect you here. In all the countries you mentioned in your comments female sex ratio is higher than male ratio, It is vice versa and you have misunderstood the concept of sex ratio. Even in UAE, female outnumber females and its official. Can you please give us the source of your information???

    DisAgree [38] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Dear Mr. shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi,
    I quote yours: But here i agree that most of the men travel outside their country only to do sins...but is there any system that stops men from travelling abroad... Again I repeat that its a male dominated world and men are care takers of the female spouse. If men and women are euqal, biologically, then why would India become no one country in the world to get rid of female foetus??.Why the sex ration in some states are alarming.Unquote.


    See men and female raito in the Islamic ruled nations wherein sharia laws are applied.
    Saudi Arabia for 100 men 85 females
    Oman for 100 men 82 females
    Bahrain for 100 men 81 females
    Maldives for 100 men 69 females
    Kuwait for 100 men 55 females
    Qatar for 100 men 50 females

    DisAgree [27] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ken, Mangalore/Canada

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    E-eye is a method used by Saudi men to guard their women against evil, specially when they travel outside their country where there is democracy.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • sireesh shetty, Kateel

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    For all those people who think that this is the best society to love then why not urge KSA govt to issue passports to you and settle there pemanantly so that you will relieved from everydays insecure life with regards to the religion in other parts of the world especially India. You live there with your whatevr law you love and we live her with whatever law we want.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sireesh Shetty, Kateel

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Ramesh S, R Bhandarkar M. Good one Sirs. Right said. And then we have to hear about liberation & rights on women and caste system from them. If one does its blind belief if the other does its Sharia.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Our great writer Mrs.M.K. Indira says"Education, Beauty or wealth will not convert a woman into a man, Woman always should be a woman and not as a man.Honest never spoil his/her character. This system in soudi will track physically but not mentally to a woman. What is the use of this E-eye tracking?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Denis Cutinha, Merlapadavu, via Adyar,Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Mr. Irfan, Udupi, We are a one of the few nations buying Saudi crude oil. Saudi crude oil is high in sulphur and not good for vehicles .In India it is used to make Tar for the roads.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Can we use this E-eye technology those who are going home stay without consent of parents to avoid protest / political drama in future ???

    DisAgree [10] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • burhan, bangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    it is not about that the women are not having much freedom it is about well being of the women itself

    DisAgree [23] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • irfan, udupi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Thanks to Saudi government & citizen providing job for 2 million Indians and supplying 175 million barrels of oil annually. Long live our good relation.
    I wish this kind of sms technology our police department should impose on every district border to prevent kidnapping, ran away case, missing etc. Every policy has advantages & dis advantages.

    DisAgree [50] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    After hearing the 'crow'(?) story, black and white , etc, etc, it's quite plain that what we are 'concerned' about is just not understood! Ever heard of a 'Crow And Bull'Story? Then this is one! Call it a 'Crowing' story by all means!Religion-The 'main' bane in all cases is as expected allowed to take 'centrestage'here also!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    ..Mohd Bari..i expect same sentiments prevail while commenting by my Muslim brothers on Hindu,christian,Jain rituals,practices,customs,festivals etc,...God bless all...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • abutalmiz, ksa

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    when Saudi men, women have no objection of their land of law then why we worrying about them. Whatever they doing certainly they are very much aware that. Nobody want their mother, wife, sisters, to suppress or suffere..Women in Saudi Arabia educated enough to understand and they knew they are more secure than any part of the world. Being dwelling here I feel proud that I been employed here. I have seen some expat people who are rude in nature when initially landed here gradually become kind only due to the atmosphere, lively hood and most importantly somehow due to the law as well.There is no such availability which inclines you towards fitna (seduce, tempt, or lure)...

    DisAgree [45] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammad Bari, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    MR Shahnawaz kukkikatte, You are wasting your precious time with these people.People who dont knw about Islam and its sharia will keep barking all their life, be it whatsoever..Why on earth are you wasting your time in explaing to these people..?Once there were 2 people arguing on the colour of the crow..One said that the crow is black and the other said that Crow is white.People laughed at the second guy for his stupidity and asked him that why on earth he says that the crow is white.The second guy replied."I can only be wrong if I agree to the first guy.I will always keep my stand that the crow is white hereby not agreeing to what you all according to me I am right". Thats what it is..

    DisAgree [81] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joel, Sydney / Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    a country like Saudi has a problem if women want to travel on their own and on the other hand a country like India has a problem if Women travels with their partner.. So what is the outcome.. Indians speak about Arab countries but wats happening back in their own home land

    DisAgree [17] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prasad, Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Simply put, it is objectification of how you get SMS when you withdraw money from ATM...If women anyway take permission of male guardian to leave the country, then why the sms again? And if they are leaving without informing, it means they are in need of freedom from perhaps a suffocating environment, which they have every right to get. Either ways, it is demeaning for women. Why shouldn't women get an SMS when their men leave the country? Also, as Shahnawaz Kukkikatte put it, if a male head of the family has the right to know, then why only women? Will the man get SMS if his brother or son who is dependent on him leaves the country?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • B.Mani, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Just a simple question. How many of us encourage wife and daughter or any other family member coming under family tree leaving the country(INDIA) without your knowledge/permission?

    DisAgree [11] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Satish Kumar, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    This is like a Taliban rule who tried to kill minor girl Mallala in Pakistan, I fully agree with Ramesh S. after covering everything, then again E-tracking. People who were suporting this means they are fit to go and stay with Taliban.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • jatin, mlore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Shahnawaz's DOUBLE STANDARDS EXPOSED!!! Luckily RSS was not behind this!!! In this modern world, women need freedom, it absolutely does not mean women all of them will end up with immoral activities . Women are smart and intelligent enough to decide what is good and bad!!! Wake up!! How can you compare Dubai's technology like Salik which helps every commuter instead of waiting in toll gates to pay their toll fees with this tracking system??? Beep Beep, i guess you got another SMS!!!

    DisAgree [12] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santhosh, Udupi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Mr Shahnawaz, It's a good technology adopting for a business organisation which keeps you vigilant on your employees by sending SMS regarding their doings. But RUNNING A FIMILY IS NOT A BUSINESS.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santhosh, Udupi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Justification of the rule by Saudi nationals are acceptable b'cos it's their wish & their country whatever the rule they want to impliment on their citizens, But As an Indian those wo are all commented on Home stay attack like freedom, womens rights, younger generation's right to enjoy their life, why they all justifying this rule of Saudi???!!!, In fact when i saw this News i was expecting the comments from them like 'Suadi is following/ruling by RSS, BD, HJV etc etc. But these people turned out biggest hypocrates.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • B Mani, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Though I DO NOT endorse all acts of Saudis, but in terms of women they really respect even more than what we do in India. Few instances I am giving below:
    I was travelling with my mother to Saudi Arabia and in the emigration queue in Mumbai airport she was made to stand in queue (quite long time) till she reaches the emigration officer and when I reached Jeddah the emigration officer noticed the old lady with me he called me and told me LET MAMA OCCUPY A CHAIR SIT TILL YOU CLEAR ALL FORMALITIES.
    In Saudi Arabia ladies doesn’t have to stand in queue in banks, post offices etc… while crossing the roads if they see women and children crossing the road, they slow down and allow them to cross first which I did not see in my native place.
    SMS alert whilst leaving the country is not limited to wife alone, it applies to their entire family coming under the family tree. We do receive SMS message on our mobile screen if we violate any traffic rule and without bribing any traffic officer we can straight way pay the penalty through online.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [68] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Saudi and it's culture bit differnt comparing to other countries.A muslim country following it's 'Islamic Law'.It is even we see our expatriate families, the women irrespective thier religion they should cover thier bodies(Abaya) as per the Saudi Religion. The govt under King Abdullah is in a reformative process,women nowadays can work, vote in muncipal elections,can hire and travel within the country.Saudi Arabia still it is a male dominated rule and it is still a secondary to women and thier rights, a true fact itself !.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Syed Mohiudin, Iruvail/Riyadh

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Manoj, Jeddah... I agree with you.

    DisAgree [27] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • SUJITH .MANGALORE, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Agree with MR.Ramesh .s the pepole who are agaist homestay attacks supporting this becuase they wnt thier womens to be safe & not to go agaist thier culture bt the same time they want other community womens to have party ..enjoy ,this shoes what is thier motto

    DisAgree [5] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    ..Riaz bhai..when you are in Gulf countries we have to follow the rule of the land..but, when you are in European counturies or UK, USA etc, fight against the rule of the land in pretext of religion..wonderful..

    DisAgree [9] Agree [80] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rahul , Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Mr. Ramesh S, mangalore... you are 100% coorect.. but who can explain them, for them their Law is correct whatever it does...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    ...I am recollecting comments by my brother shanwaz, adil so on during home stay attack...Eventhough majority of the people know there were some immoral activities(It is also during night) going on, i remember they have commented like freedom,womens rights, younger generation have the right to enjoy blah blah...Indeed attack was unfortunate & criminal act...But,now what is this E tracking even after covering everything..

    DisAgree [20] Agree [82] Reply Report Abuse

  • Riaz, Mangalore / Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    read something and jump to comment. This system is nothing new and it tracks not only women but also all men and children under a persons sponsorship. We have the system here in UAE as well.

    DisAgree [61] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • manoj, Jeddah

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Saudi government is best in middle east in maintaining law and order.I live in Saudi i respect it.Don't comment without knowing the situation.

    DisAgree [82] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    I am working and living in UAE and Head of HR and Administration of a group of Companies. In UAE immigration, Labour and Police records, my mobile no is registered. If any one passes salik wihout much credit, if any of our driver jumps signal or parks his vehicle wrong or any labour card or residency expires, I get a sms from the concerned dept. It doesnt mean that we are monitoring or keeping an eye on our drivers. Its a system of information and IT has become so handy that we are informed about it. In the same line, Saudi males have been issued with family tree card and the name of the members of the families are mentioned on the card and all such informations are interlinked with their passport. If any member travel, the system alerts the Head of the family for their information. Its good system and its not keeping an eye on the travel of their dependants...Head of the family has every right to know about the movement of members and there is noting wrong in it. Sauudi culture and families are built on Islamic lines and Saudis are happy with the system. We Indians have no right to dictate on what Saudi govt does for its citizens. If Saudi govt dicates for its Indian workers, then all your suggestions and comments are welcome. Saudis know whats best for their citizens...I liked the system. With this system women are considered safe..They can travel with the permission of their care takers which is allowed under Saudi laws. Why a woman travel outside the country without the permission of her husband or guardian??? A million dollar question...But here i agree that most of the men travel outside their country only to do sins...but is there any system that stops men from travelling abroad... Again I repeat that its a male dominated world and men are care takers of the female spouse. If men and women are euqal, biologically, then why would India become no one country in the world to get rid of female foetus??.Why the sex ration in some states are alarming.

    DisAgree [137] Agree [101] Reply Report Abuse

  • SUJITH MANGALORE, manglaore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    This proves what kind of country is saudi.. in the name of demcracry in india everthing is taken has granted..saudi is the hell in this world.

    DisAgree [54] Agree [79] Reply Report Abuse

  • R. Bhandarkar., M

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    1)There's a difference between being 'watchful' and 'tracking'. The latter is shameful and means you do not 'trust' your companion. It's as well as living with a 'zoombie' then...
    2)It's never a 'male' dominated world. One should not go by 'isolated'parts of the world to comment...
    3) Marital discords, divorces and seperation happens mainly if there is too much 'suffocation'and 'rigidity'..
    Taking care in the name of 'tracking' only precipitates matters.... Who does not want to be a free angel? Has any census been carried out in this regard?
    This applies across all sects....Even the most conservative and the most liberal....
    4) Wonder why a 'male' should be given a free hand in all matters-pray? History has it that man is the one who took a 'bite' at the forbidden apple- right? Better track his movements...too- in any case it's by now well known that it's impossible to know a 'woman's mind and also her secret dreams'! It's considered a 'sin' also to attempt! So why keep restrictions on her on some or the other pretext?
    Imposing something forcibly on the 'feminine fraternity' without even considering their views is therefore uncalled for.
    Protect yes, Track- No is the gist.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [82] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi.......what you have commented is right.....but the question is why only women...?????? Why it can not be both ways..??? Why men have to travel without informing wives..???? who travel most without informing and without ill intentions.???

    DisAgree [15] Agree [113] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Its a male dominated world and by nature its true too. We Indians too keep a watchful eye on our women. If any one doesnt do it, he has the right to criticise.. Who doesnt take care of his woman surely doesnt care. But one who takes care of his woman and loves her surely will keep a watch on her..Dont we Indians too keep an eye on our own women../even women too keep a watch on their men..Its natural and nothing wrong in it. Its more safe and will avoid marital discords, divorces and seperation. I dont find any thing wrong or absurd in it. Just understand the subject and comment.Comment with full sense... if you are not watchful of your own sisters and wives...why a woman has to leave the house or travel without the knowledge of her husband or guardian...Do your wives do it in India, do they travel without your knowldge..
    Whats the big deal in that. If a woman travels with the permission of her husband, its legal and why to be afraid of such travel..When there is legality and approval, why the women have to cry about it..if there is no permission, its done with ill intention to defy the social norms....I will surely not allow my woman to travel without my consent and without my knowledge.. Do you all do it?? then please comment.

    DisAgree [151] Agree [62] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    All cultures have their pros and cons. When we see scams/corruption/bad roads/lack of civic sense etc., it’s not too uncommon to compare and praise Arabian gulf culture and criticize our own. Now when it comes to feminine freedom, tables are just turned.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abu Abdullah, Kudroli

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    This is so wrong and demeaning. The status of women in Islam is unique indeed it is higher than man. Paradise lies at the feet of mothers not fathers.

    DisAgree [44] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Man went to moon and women to the Mount Everest....
    Oh God Please take these camels out of desert......

    DisAgree [27] Agree [96] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vasant Raj, Mangalore / Abudhabi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Well said Mr. Sampat, they will remain as it is another 100 years and they are making all preparations.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    The new technology is an enhancement of the existing method of accompanying a female by her guardian when she goes abroad. Contrary to the belief of many, Saudi women are not barred travelling inside their country (which is area wise 3/4th of our India). Except driving previlage, Saudi women enjoy a great life, including leisure trips,outing, gatherings and employment in public and private sectors. Saudi Arabia has been experiencing radical changes in women's affairs. More educational institutions, employment opportunities (a mandatory 33% female staff in all private cos.)and hope gradually they are also going to be received the driving liberty. But one thing thousands of house drivers (a great number from India) would loose their job) in the event of allowing female driving.

    Saudi Arabia is the best option to live and earn for all.

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  • Ravi Hemmadyb, Barkur, Muscat

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Women's considered as Slaves in this part of the world.all their rights are in the hands of Males.This can happen only there.

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  • paddu, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    this shows how much freedom womens got in saudi..

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  •, Calgary, Canada

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Why don't you, Saudi bar code women. Whenever scanned they know where they belong to... I'm sure technology misused... Even when they enter heaven God is going to check through E-eye. Joke of the day!

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  • Vivek, Udupi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Saudi Arabia applies a strict interpretation of sharia, or Islamic law using all the modern, western, dicoveries and innnovations.

    Women are considered as herd of sheep in most of the Islamic countries denying freedom and equality.

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  • Sampat K, Udupi

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Those Camels never come up. They are better to remain as camels instead of humans in the civilized world

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  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Fri, Nov 23 2012

    Here women if interested only(!) keep an eye on their men! If men
    keep an E-Eye or any F-Eye on them, and are caught out, he will sure have to pay back with an 'Eye for an Eye' or at least with a black eye!...All watch is 'external' boss! Jo Dil Mein Hai -Woh Dil hi Jaane!!

    DisAgree [21] Agree [102] Reply Report Abuse

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