Mangalore: Police raid gambling hub, arrest 30, seize Rs 1.8 lac
Pics: Ramesh Pandith
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (NM)
Mangalore, Sept 24: In a flash operation, Mangalore police led by Panambur ACP Ravikumar and city crime branch (CCB) inspector Venkatesh Prasanna raided a gambling centre at Pumpwell here on Tuesday, September 24.
Acting on a tip-off, the police raided the spot at around 6:30 pm.
The police arrested nearly 30 persons who were engaged in the illegal activity in the unauthorized shop. The shop carried no name.
In addition, the police also seized Rs 1,80,570 lac from the people who were engaged in gambling. Packets of playing cards were also found at the spot.
Sources in the police department said that there are many gambling centers existing in the city which are undertaken professionally. They will be dealt with stringently in the coming days, said a police source.
A case has been registered and the city crime branch is investigating further. Kankanady rural police inspector Ravish Naik and other police officials were part of the raid operation.
Comment on this article
Ceraj, Bejai, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 25 2013they all are active member of Moral Police that's why no raid so far by so called Moral Police to that place..
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Gabriel Francis ( Gabbuji), Mangalore
Wed, Sep 25 2013All encouragement received during BJP government for these gambling is coming out in open,...I never thought BJP will stoop to such low levels to make money
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Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai / Mangalore
Wed, Sep 25 2013Kudos to Police Officials for this raid. You should have showed all faces who were involved in this crime, why hide their identity? Let public know the bitter fact. Unfortunate for family members of these people, who spend money in gambling. How I wish this amount was spent for benefit of their family members to live a better life.!!
such surprise raids will uncover many hubs which carry out illegal activities. It is unfair to start blame game with Govt and politicizing the issue. It is important that we curb these activities for a peaceful Mangalore . We hope to get our Original Mangalore, Namma Kudla back to us..!!
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Noel, Neermarga/Mangalore
Wed, Sep 25 2013Are such activities not taking place in most of the well-known clubs in Mangalore? May be the members are Big shot and police have to think twice before raiding. We need police to give surprise raid over to such places and may be cores of bet money can be seized.
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JM, Attavar
Wed, Sep 25 2013The police have done a good job. Action needs to be taken on gambling clubs that are open late night till 1.00 a.m. I understand that the men are not forced to stay at the club until it closes, but this late timing is like God sent for those who are addicted and will stay at the club to the very end. It is the poor families that suffer the consequences in terms of money and time spent with the family. I think the Govt. should look into this matter and have the places closed down at a decent time.
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sudarshan, ganjimut
Wed, Sep 25 2013If BJP govt would have taken this task during their tenure, the whole pseudos would have commented RSS / BD/ hand on it. Now these pseudos supporting the raid.
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prasanna, mangalore
Wed, Sep 25 2013in the movie, ship of Theseus, one character asks the another, what is the difference between a terrorist and a fasting to death sadhu, as both are bent on destruction one of the society and other of his body.
why did the police have to make a parade of accused in front of the media? do they do this when they attack naxal posts?
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G.Z.T. Kunte., Udupi
Wed, Sep 25 2013Isspit clubs are running all over the district even in villages, but they put the board as Sports & Recreation Club with just few Carom Boards and Police dept is fully aware of this. I overheard a following conversation in a bus few months back between two ladies (ತುಳುವಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾತನಾಡಿದ್ದು ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆದಿದ್ದೇನೆ ) .
1st Lady: ನನ್ನ ಮಗಳಿಗೆ ಮದುವೆ ನಿಶ್ಚಯವಾಯಿತು.
2nd Lady: ಹೌದಾ ಒಳ್ಳೆಯದಾಯಿತು, ಹುಡುಗ ಏನು ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಾನೆ ?
1st Lady: ಅವನಿಗೆ ಬಜಪೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಇಸ್ಪೀಟ್ ಕ್ಲಬ್ಬು ಇದೆ, ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿ ಸಂಪಾದನೆಯಿದೆ, ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ ಕುಟುಂಬ.
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Wed, Sep 25 2013Good job by police. May be some more gambling dens are functioning in different places. Let the Police find out and book them.
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Rita, Germany
Wed, Sep 25 2013Oh,after five years of its existing now they raided.and whom they found? where there also These Moral Police ?How come they were not Aware of it?and not attacked?
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Nanag shetty, Kinnigoly,Oman
Tue, Sep 24 2013Prompt action by real police not by moral police !!.
Hope soon they will raid IPL dens and "Turf Club" Race Course !!!
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R.Bhandarkar, M'lore
Tue, Sep 24 2013Want to gamble as to how soon these will be let off?
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nagaraj, manipal
Tue, Sep 24 2013I guess around 15-20 more hidden gambling centers are still running and getting a chance to be proactive against the cops...
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ganesh, mangalore
Tue, Sep 24 2013I feel very sorry for family members.
Grand mother, mother, wife and children's are thinking my father is getting very small salary.
poor family member ur wrong.
ur father getting good salary, but spending more money for gambling, and less money for house expenses.
dear court pls. give 6 month punishment for all the gambler, to sit in front of Govt. hospital, let them see what is the emergency case.
in the hospital doctors and nurse are trying to save life to others ?
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Ravi B Shenava, Mangalore
Tue, Sep 24 2013No Political HAND to Protect this gambling Den, that is why Police dared to raid this Den.
Before raiding any where the Police first collect information as to who is the political Godfather to that particular Criminal Activity . Police raid only after they are fully satisfied that no politicians is involved in protecting such Criminal activity.
This is an 'Unwritten Rule ' in the books of Police dept all over India.
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Rakshak, Mangalore
Tue, Sep 24 2013ಮಂಗಳೂರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಇಂದಿಗೂ ಸದ್ದು ಗದ್ದಲ ಗಲಾಟೆಯಿಲ್ಲದ ನಡೆಯುತ್ತಿರುವ ಇದೊಂದು ಮಾತ್ರ ಬಾಕಿಯುಲಿದಿರುವ ಶಾಂತಿಯುತವಾದ ಜುಗಾರಿ ಸರ್ವಧರ್ಮ ಆತ್ಮೀಯ ಗೆಳೆಯರ ಸಮ್ಮೇಳನ.........
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Edwin Nazareth., Shankerpura. Udipi
Tue, Sep 24 2013Well done Mangore Police, May be it is first time, because these things may not be started recently, but how come suddenly you people raided the gambling hub, monthly may not be reached in time, any how God bless the Department.
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JN, Bejai
Tue, Sep 24 2013Hurray and hats off to Mangalore Police force.
This gambling center was running from last 5 years under the blessings of BJP ruled government.
Thanks to 'Congress' for taking initiative in curbing those illegal clubs.
Under congress rule DK police given free hand which was handicapped by previous governmet.
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Shab, Mlr/Mlr
Tue, Sep 24 2013Oh.. Its unbelievable that Police Dept has raided this club without Prior information/warning. Unpaid Mamooli may be the reason behind it.. Kudla Rocks!!
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