Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network
Chennai, Nov 4: It is not uncommon to find writers and poets who are influenced by Lebanese –American mystical poet Kalil Gibran, the central figure in Romantic Movement that transformed the Arabic literature. Acclaimed Tamil poet and writer Raasathi alias Rokiah drew her inspiration from Gibran and the result was a series of writings under her pen name “Salma”, a character that finds mention in many of Gibran’s writings. Her writings created ripples in the orthodox Tamil society as she questioned the traditionally restrictive patriarchal society, on love, women’s sexuality and also challenged the efforts of the male dominated world to belittle women and keep them confined within the four walls of the house.
Yes. Raasathi is no ordinary woman. She challenged the above taboos and through her profound efforts she was able to make a difference not only to her own life but also to thousands of women in Tamilnadu and elsewhere.

She was born in a traditional Muslim family in Thuvarankurichi in Tamilnadu she forced to discontinue her education when she was in 9th standard. Even when she was confined to the four walls of her house and despite stiff opposition from the family to curb her desire to read and write, Raasathi became a voracious reader and closet writer when she reached 17.
Unlike other girls of her age she refused to get into marital bliss and found contentment in going to the nearby library and enriching her knowledge. In the library she was exposed to the literature of writers like Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Kalil Gibran which had profound influence on her. She began to question the existing prejudices against women, their persecution, gender bias, victimization, forced subordination and limiting their roles to be mere wives and mothers. Her views found support in likeminded women who supported her forthright views. Her literature was a deadly combination of outspokenness and compressed intensity on taboo issues. In the closeted atmosphere she found a constant companion in her creative words of poetry.
When she could not go to the library she quenched her unending thirst for reading by going through scraps of newspapers or magazine pages that came along with wrapped grocery items. In the confines of her home she discovered her own freedom and challenged the tradition through her writings. She was forced to write on scraps of paper and managed to get them published and emerged as an acclaimed poet. Naturally, men loathed her guts and feared that she might be a bad influence on their women folks. Threatened by her emergence as an celebrated writer some male Tamil lyricists publicly accused her of obscenity. She even faced violence and death threats.
Though Raasathi did not want to marry she could not face the barbs of the society for long and she was married to a local politician. The situation at her marital home was not at all conducive for her creative outpourings. But her writings continued without the knowledge of her husband’s family. She often had to burn midnight oil sitting in the kitchen to give vent to her expressions. Many times she found a safe sanctuary in the toilet to scribble some new thoughts that came her way. However, she not gives up even in most trying circumstances which show her determination and the power resilience.
She went on writing in her pen name “Salma” without giving a clue that she was though readers were eager to know the real Salma. It was her mother who helped post her scripts to the concerned publications. People especially the men folk who felt threatened by her writings, held rallies and protest marches condemning her writings not knowing who the real Salma was. She continued to write despite stiff opposition from her marital home and the pent up angst that found expression in her writings created a lot of tumult in Tamil society during the end of the last millennium. What makes her achievements extraordinary is that she could achieve all this working within the confines of a conservative marital home.
Finally, the truth came out and the real identity of Salma, the writer was revealed. It was a good it happened because there was an utter dismay and shock when it was revealed that married Muslim woman who was behind such a literature that questioned the existing taboos. Now Raasathi could face her family boldly, so much so her husband had to even nominate her name for the Taluk Panchayat elections which was a reserved seat for women. By now Raasathi, the poet-writer, political and social activist had arrived on the scene in Tamilanadu in a big way. A triumphant Raasathi who won the elections became the President of the taluk Panchayat giving her ample opportunities to showcase her multitudinal capabilities. As Taluk Panchayat President she left an indelible mark through her hard work, commitment, dedication and leadership capabilities. .
Raasitha soon became a celebrity of sort both in the state and national level for her writings and for her ability to enthuse women facing unequal treatment and patriarchal dominance in every facet of their lives. Her struggle to spread awareness, her writings, work and unwavering attitude created international impact resulting in an English movie on her life and her triumph, directed by well-known director Kim Longinotto. The movie aptly titled “Salma” depicted her struggle to lead a normal life, her trials and tribulations and her quest for getting equal treatment for women.
Raasathi has represented India in many international forums with her bold and outspoken views on a variety of issues. The international exposure has broadened her sensitive soul tremendously. She now dedicates her life in the service of humanity and is running a NGO to give vent to her dreams. She also runs a counseling centre to provide succor for women who are still facing harassment, ill-treatment and injustice.
Raasathi alias Rokia’s life story has transformed the lives of thousands of women who, having inspired by her struggle and subsequent triumph have been able to make a marked difference to their own lives. Her resilience, determination, courage, self-confidence, the never say die spirit and her subsequent victory, has been the rallying point for many women in our country especially in Tamilnadu to fight for their due rights. Her life has been like a candle which can both defy and define darkness. She has been the torchbearer of a silent revolution and deserves our salutations for all that she has achieved. She is the light that has defied the darkness in the lives of many women.