Gerry D’Mello
Daijiworld Media Network, Canada
April 21: After a decade long and patient wait by the Konkani music lovers in Canada, in order to quench their thirst for Konkani music, the members of the renowned Rebimbus family have arrived in Toronto last Thursday for their record breaking 2nd Wilfy Nite in North America. The Konkani melody queen Konkan Maina Meena Rebimbus, Veena Rebimbus Pais, Arthur, Arvin, Vishwas Rebimbus with his charming wife Charlene, and music maestro Jovi Pinto together with talented local artistes will be performing in North America’s most popular Konkani event Kala Saanz organized by Canara World Foundation Inc (CWF).
Max Mendes (President of CWF), Flavian Pinto (Chair of Wilfy Nite Organizing Committee), Nancy Mendes, Miriam Pinto, Paul & Irene Mathias were present at the Lester Pearson International Airport to extend a rousing welcome to the Rebimbus family who landed on Canadian soil for the second time after a decade. CWF, one of the renowned Konkani Associations in North America, as part of their decennial jubilee day celebration will organize this music extravaganza by presenting a mega event ‘Wilfy Nite’ at the ‘Port Credit Secondary School Auditorium’ in Mississauga, Canada on Saturday, April 26, 2014.

The entire Rebimbus family headed by Konkan Maina Meena, is going to present a unique and nostalgic music feast to the Konkani music lovers that comprises of Amar Wilfy’s most popular compositions. The great Rebimbus music team is all set to entertain the crowd with Konkan Maina Meena, Vishwas and Veena’s recent compositions as well. Renowned music director Jovi Pinto has also arrived from Mangalore, India to lead and to add more spice into the music orchestra.
Also known as the Nightingale of Konkani music, Meena Rebimbus, wife of late Wilfy Rembimbus fondly known as the father of Konkani Music, is all set for the 259th ‘Wilfy Nite’, the 2nd in Canada. For her relentless service to Konkani language and the society at large, CWF will be honouring her with a traditional shawl and Maan Pothr in a traditional way, a well deserved honour indeed!
Upon Rebimbus’ family arrival to Toronto representing, I had the unique opportunity to toss a few questions at them and the following are some excerpts:
Q: Meenabai, Veena and Vishwas, how did it feel landing for the 2nd time in Canada also known as North America’s Cradle for Konkani Talents?
A: Meena: It rekindled our memories of the first Wilfynite held in 2005 and also has given us an opportunity to carry on Wilfy’s legacy. It is so nice to see loving and affectionate people again in this far land of Canada especially the organizers of Canara World Foundation.
Veena: It’s the first time for me and I am equally excited like my other family members. Only wish that Daddy was also there to say we are here as a complete family.
Vishwas: When we came for the first time it was basically our group members who performed. Now it is our delight to see so many talented artists in Toronto who will perform with us.
Q: Canada is excited to watch you live on stage for the second time. What have you planned to cool down their excitement?
A: Meena: We will strive our best to make Wilfy’s presence felt through his immortal songs and in addition we will give the audience our own composition. It is our joy to perform with local artists and showcase their talents.
Veena: We have brought with us all that we have inherited from Daddy. We will try to give justice to his compositions [and] we will also present some of our compositions. Hoping that the audience will bless us and support us to take forward Daddy’s legacy.
Vishwas: We will follow the same, well accepted Dad’s pattern. We are also excited to perform with the local talent.
Q: A decade back, Konkans in Canada were so privileged to listen to the one and only Konkan Kogull Wilfy Rebimbus. How would you fill that great vacuum in his absence?
A: Meena: We will never be able to fill that void. However, with his inspiration we have come up with our own composition. This will surely complement his songs.
Veena: I was so unfortunate I could not be there for the first show. I wish Daddy was here again. We cannot fill his vacuum for his fans here, but I am sure the audience will feel his presence through his songs.
Vishwas: We have given a lot of thought and would try to keep the same style and pattern.
Q: What’s the most memorable event in your life as a stage artiste?
A: My last duet song with my late husband Wilfy “Suryacha Kinani” sung on the occasion of 248th Wilfynite at Milagrese Jubilee hall, which I never dreamt to be my last duet on stage with him.
Veena: I have treasured a lot of my stage memories since I started to sing from my childhood. I was always confident since Daddy was always standing behind me on stage when I was small and after I grew up standing just back of the stage watching me sing and when I complete the song and go back he was always there with at least one encouraging comment for me. The first show after he passed away was our tribute show to him and I sang one song which I composed for him (which is my first composition). It always will remain as the most memorable one because for the first time it was difficult for me to complete it. And I was looking for him all over, but…
Vishwas: The fulfillment I got after I sang “Navm mujen Vishwas” during our first tribute show to Dad held in Mangalore. This was my first song, which I never sang for a long time. When I ended the song “Thumi maka thumso aadhar dhilyar, Daddy borins zatha”. This reaffirmed the patronage of the audience and their love extended to me.
Q: We salute you for your determination in continuing Wilfy’s Legacy. Having said that, would you tell me what are your future plans in this regard?
A: Meena: To complete some of Wilfy’s unfinished tasks, including discovering the lost songs, recording them and thus keeping his memory alive. Also, encourage my children and grandchildren to follow his footsteps.
Veena: Continue singing his songs; sing till my last breath. My every song I sing will always be a tribute for Daddy.
Vishwas: We have created an entity “Rebimbus Creations” with focus on translating Dad’s lyrics in English and Romi. There is a lot of depth in Dad’s composition which we would like to expose to people who do not understand Konkani and inspire our younger generation.
Q: What is your message to your fans in Canada?
A: Meena: Continue to patronise our mother tongue and teach your children Konkani. In this regard I
truly appreciate Canara World Foundation and other associations who are working hard to keep our heritage alive. Please support these organisations who are striving hard to promote this cause.
Veena: Thanks for keeping alive our culture in this distant land. Let us together take forward our Konkani language and our Konkani Culture to our younger generation. Thanks to the organisers for giving us this great opportunity.
Vishwas: Unlike India or any GCC countries organising a Konkani show in a far off place like Canada, by inviting foreign artists and getting a decent audience is a huge challenge. Here I have to complement Canara World foundation for successfully organising “Konkani Kala Saanz” events year after year since 2005. This has resulted in giving an opportunity to overseas artists and also created a new platform for budding talents. Keep up the good work.
Canadian Konkans are highly privileged to have in their midst the brilliant Rebimbus family headed by Konkan Maina Meena Rebimbus and talented local artistes at the gala show to be held on Saturday April 26, 2014 from 1.00 pm onwards at the Port Credit Secondary School Auditorium. This spectacular music extravaganza undoubtedly will be a historical show.
There are very few tickets to be sold. For tickets, please contact:
Paul & Irene Mathias : 905-566-1202
Flavian & Miriam Pinto : 647-285-3500
Max & Nancy Mendes : 289-814-0786
Donald & Sandra Alva : 905-864-6060
Mavy & Ingrid Pereira : 905-230-6706
Joyson D'Souza : 647-205-1953
Michael Serrao : 905-785-6155
Gilbert D'Souza : 905-501-7521