New Delhi, March 24 (IANS): Global smartphone maker Huawei on Tuesday said it has launched two 4G capable smartphones under its brand, Honor, available exclusively on an e-commerce portal and its site.
"We have clocked sales of over 20 million Honor phones in 2014, accounting for a global revenue of about $2.4 billion with a 24 times increase. Honor has been expanding aggressively in global markets, and has successfully launched in 57 global markets within 6 months in 2014, entering the bestselling charts in most of the European countries we launched," the company's brand president George Zhao said in a statement.
The company said it is looking to grow its e-brand by seven times this year in India.
It said advance booking of the phones will start on Tuesday itself and end at midnight on March 29 while the official sale will commence on March 30.