Chennai, Sep 14 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa on Monday said the government will connect all the village panchayats through optical fibre at an outlay of Rs.3,000 crore with central government's assistance.
Announcing this in the assembly, Jayalalithaa said the central government has agreed to her proposal to operate the Bharat Net service by the state government, and as a result, the state will connect all the 12,524 village panchayats through optical fibre and offer government services through portals.
The Rs.3,000 crore project will be implemented by the state government with central government's share, she said, adding the government will set up Tamil Nadu FibreNet Corporation for this purpose..
She said as all the village panchayats will be linked with Bharat Net, government undertaking Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Corporation Ltd will offer Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) and broadband net connectivity at low cost.