Udupi: 20th death anniversary of renowned priest Fr Alfred Roche observed

Daijiworld Media Network (KR)

With inputs from the media release

Udupi, Dec 31: 20th death anniversary of Fr Alfred Roche, was observed on Friday December 30, at Holy Family Church, Brahmavar near here.

Fr Stany B Lobo, Dean, Kallianpur Deanery, preside over the Holy Eucharistic celebrations, while Fr Victor Fernandes, Superior, Holy Family Friary, Fr Vincent Furtado, Ex Provincial, Fr Desmond Rebello, Fr Roshan Menezes, Episcopal Vicar, diocese of Udupi, Fr Robin Lopez OFM Cap, Fr Rohan Lobo, OFM Cap, Patrick Crasta OFM Cap, and other capuchins priest were present on the occasion.

In the homily Fr Vincent Furtado said that one’s life in this world is temporary. While leaving this world we have to know two points very importantly. One is how we will leave and what we have to do. To know more about this point we have to refer the bible were all solutions are given. Jesus Christ had given his blood and body to us by accepting the cross.

One who have inspired by the Jesus Christ life and one who followed his life style today they have become saints. On this way today we are celebrating the 20th death anniversary of a priest who followed the footprints of Jesus Christ because of it he is one among the saints in the coming days. Many people are inspired by the Fr. Alfred Roche. He has set a role model to all priests. Nearly 16 years he had served in this church as priest. He has touched many people’s lives. Because of his blessings many miracles are taking places which are indicates that he is blessed priest. Here by let us pray with God that Fr Alfred Roche will get the Place of Altar soon.

After the Eucharistic celebrations small prayer was held in the Church Graveyard where he was buried. Fr. Victor and Fr. Stany B Lobo lead the prayer service.

In the small program held at Church campus many people gave their testimonials about Fr. Alfred Roche. Among them Fr Baptist Brags, Sr Lucy Rodrigues, Maxim Furtado, Leena Roche, Sunitha Lewis were the main.

Fr Victor Fernandes, Superior, Holy Family Friary preside over the function, while Fr Vincent Furtado, Fr. Desmond Rebello, Fr Patrick Crasta, William Mark Lewis were present.

Fr Patrick Crasta in his key note said that after a 2 years wait our provincial have appointed assistant postulator who will be in touch with the team of Roman authorities. Even Holy Trinity Province, Karnataka have come forward to look after all the financial assistance to carry forward this cause. Our prayers are with God that Let Him Get the place of Altar at the earliest. He thanked James Fernandes, UAE, Barkur for taking the initiative of today’s programme.

Alphonse D’Souza compered the programme. Fellowship meal was arranged after the programme.

About Fr Alfred Roche – A Man of God

Fr Alfred Roche OFM Cap, was one of the exemplary friars of the Holy Trinity Province, Karnataka, India. He was known for his simplicity of life, zeal for faith-formation, education of children and youth, vocation promotion, and love for the poor and afflicted all through his fraternal service in different friaries as well as his pastoral ministry in different parishes for 45 years in the dioceses of Mangalore, Karwar, and Udupi.

He was popularly known as ‘bap Alfred’ (Fr. Alfred) and ‘amcho padriab’ (our Father). For, wherever he was sent to serve (in a friary or a parish), he was loved and respected by every category of people: young and old, rich and poor, irrespective of caste and creed, owing to the simplicity of life and loving service, founded on his spirit of deep faith. He has been considered to be a man of God and an instrument of divine graceby very many people: priests, religious and laity.

During the Provincial Chapter held in April 2010, a resolution was taken to initiate the process of beatification of Br. Alfred Roche OFM Cap. Accordingly the Provincial Definitory set a committee consisting of: Br Desmond Rebello as Chairperson, Br Santa lopes and Br. Dominic Veigas as members. Br Patrick Crasta as the coordinator.

The committee has done good amount of work in collecting witnesses and making Fr. Alfred’s life and mission known far and wide.

When Fr Patrick Crasta, OFM Cap met His Lordship Aloysius D’Souza, the Bishop of Mangalore, and told him that, as per the request of the provincial chapter, the cause of Fr Alfred Roche OFM Cap, is sent to Rome, his Lordship’s advice to Fr. Patrick was: “I know Fr. Alfred Roche very well. I am very glad that his Cause is sent to Rome. His person and mission have to be made known more and more, specially to the youth, who do not know his saintly personality and dedicated service by way of writing and using modern media”. Similarly when Fr. Patrick met his Lordship Derrick Fernandes, the Bishop of Karwar, he said: “Yes, I know Fr. Alfred from many years. I am very happy to know that his cause has been sent to Rome. I shall make this good news known to my clergy in my next circular”.

Data about Fr Alfred Roche OFM Cap:

• 3rd April 1924: born at Moodahadu Kudru, a small island in South Karnataka, 

Son of Isaac Roche and Carmine Monteiro.

• I2th April 1924:Baptized at St. Peter’s Church, Barkur, in the diocese of Mangalore, (presently diocese of Udipi),by Rev.Fr. Denis J. D’Souza. His baptismal name was Peter John.

• 3rd Feb. 1944: Vested at Monte Mariano, Faragipet, in the diocese of Mangalore
with the new name Alfred, according to the former practice of changing the name.
Fr Ambrose Rebello, OFM Cap was his novice master.

• 11th April 1945: First Profession.

• Philosophical Studies: At St. Antony’s Friary, Quilon, Kerala.

• 11th April 1949: Final Profession at St. Antony’s Friay, Quilon, Kerala.

• Theological Studies: at Amalarshram, Trichy, Tamilnadu, and at St. Joseph’s Firary, Kotagiri, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.

• 11th April 1952: Sacerdotal Ordination at St. Joseph’s friary, Kotagiri, Nilgiris, Tamilnadu.

• 14th April 1952: was appointed the vice-novice master at Monte Mariano, Farangipet, in the diocese of Mangalore. While assisting the novice-master in the work of formation, he rendered his pastoral service in the friary chapel and neighboring parishes.

• 6th April 1956: was appointed the parish priest of the Holy Family Church at Brahmavar in the diocese of Mangalore (presently the diocese of Udupi). This parish was handed over to the Capuchins ad perpetuum by his Excellency, Basil S. Peres, owing to certain schisms cropping up in the parish and Fr. Alfred Roche was the first Capuchin to work in this parish. He rendered his dedicated service for 18 years. Faith-formation of his flock was his primary concern. With his simple and prayerful life and well-prepared sermons he touched the hearts of the faithful. Gifted with the musical talent, he, along with the Sisters of Charity (Maria Bambina) trained the parishioners in liturgical music so that the entire assembly could sing and participate in the liturgy. As a result, even the faithful from the neighboring parishes liked to come to the Holy Family Parish to participate in the Eucharistic Liturgy. As the parish priest he encouraged vocation promotion and several young boys and girls became priests and religious. To mention a few Capuchins: Fr. Dayanand, Fr. Vincent Furtado, Fr. Reginald Furtado, Fr. Charles Furtado, Fr Francis Furtado.

With his humble approach he was able to bring back several families to the catholic fold. and with his fraternal approach he could build up better understanding among the different leaders (pastors) in a spirit of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. He completed the construction of the church, built a new belfry with a sonorous bell, and was the superior (guardian) of the Holy Family Friary for nine years.

Seeing that the level of education was very low and that the youth were not able to pursue their studies due to economic reasons, he helped several of them with the help of the benefactors, both from India and abroad. He helped the Sisters of Charity (Maria Bambina) in acquiring a property and in starting a high school, which was an absolute need.

18th July 1972: He was transferred to St. Ann’s Church Binaga in the diocese of Belgaum (today diocese of Karwar) as the parish priest. Once again he was the first Capuchin to take charge of St. Ann’s church. His pastoral ministry of 3 years is highly appreciated by one and all. The mode of his pastoral was the same: faith-formation, education, and interreligious dialogue with his humble and simple lifestyle.

• 30th April 1975: He took charge of St. Joseph’s Parish at Lower Kasarkod, in the diocese of Belgaum (today diocese of Karwar). He was the first Capuchin to work in this parish which was given to the Capuchins ad perpetuum. The details of his ministry in this parish can be found in the book of Fr. Santa Lopes OFM Cap, a son of the soil. His focus was on faith-formation, education, and helping the poor and marginalized irrespective of caste and creed. At least a handful of boys and girls who had stopped schooling, owing to economic reasons, and were doing hard work in tile-factories etc, were helped by him to resume their studies. Today they have become priests and religious. As the church was very small he built a new church and a belfry with a sonorous Italian bell. He promoted many vocations to priesthood and religious life. To mention to names of the Capuchis: Frs Antony Lopes, Salvadore Fernandes, Robin Lopes, Santa Lopes, Simon Horta, Joel Lopes…

• In June 1981 he was transferred to the novitiate fraternity at Monte Mariano, Farangipet as the superior (guardian) where he rendered his service for six years with his exemplary life.

• 1st June 1987: once again he was transferred to Lower Kasarkod as the parish priest of St. Joseph’s Church and the superior (guardian) of St. Joseph’s Friary. During this term of office for 6 years, while deepening the faith of the flock, bringing about concord and peace among the members of different families was one of the important missions of the good pastor. It was during this term of office that he built the new friary next to the church.

• In 1994, as a retired friar, Fr. Alfred was transferred to Holy Family Friary as the vicar of the fraternity and to help out in the Holy Family Church, wherein, in spite of his declining health, he rendered his generous service till the end.

• 31st Dec. 1996: at 5.30 am came the final call from above at Fr. Muller’s Hospital, Mangalore through a cardiac attack.

• 1st Jan. 1997: the Funeral Mass was celebrated in the Holy Family Church, Brahmavar. It was officiated by his Lordship Aloysius D’Souza, the Bishop of Mangalore, along with Rev. Fr. Vincent Furtado OFM Cap, the Provincial Minister, and very many priests and religious along with thousands of lay people coming from far and near. Good number of Hindus too had come to participate in the funeral rite and to bid good-bye to their “gurugalu” (respected teacher). 

• Owing to the special request of the faithful of Holy Family Church, Brahmavar, the provincial definitory granted the permission to have the body of Fr. Alfred Roche to be buried in the Parish Cemetery of Holy Family Church, Brahmavar where he had served for 18 years. His tomb is visited by many.

His person and mission are made known through different ways:

1. Books:

Santa Lopes, OFM Cap, Fr. Alfred Roche: A Capuchin after the Heart of Jesus, Assisi Press,  Mangalore, 2010. This book has been translated in Konkani and Kannada (two local languages) and made available free of chrage for the simple folk.

John Crasta, Frād Alfred Roche: Bapui Sartkem Rupne (Fr. Alfred Roche: A Fatherly Figure), Assisi Press, Mangalore, 2012. Written in Konkani, the local language  and made available to the people free of charge. This book has a 2nd print in

Patrick Crasta, OFM Cap, Fr. Alfred Roche: A Messenger of Peace and Communion, Assisi Press, Mangalore, 2012, made available to the people free of charge. This book has a 2nd print in 2016

2. Articles in Reviews:

James Sequeira, “Frād Alfred Roche” (Fr. Alfred Roche) in: Pedruchi Chavi (Key of Peter), vol 13, no 2 (2012) pp. 42-44.
Capuchin Theologate (Students of Theology), publishing a short article of one page (in Konkani (the local language) from 2012 on the spirituality and ministry of Fr. Alfred Roche OFM Cap in every issue of “Sevac”, the provincial organ of the Trinity Province, Karnataka, which is primarily meant for vocation promotion and SFO ministry.

James Fernandes, regularly writing an article on the saintly personality of Fr. Alfred Roche and special love towards the poor and the marginalized in the diocesan Review: “Rakno”.

3. Through Mass Media: James Fernandes, time and again sending a message on Fr. Alfred Roche, OFM Cap., online, Daijiworld andbarkuronline.com.

4. Around 80 testimonies have been collected by us from different well-wishers of Fr. Alfred. None of them are from the relatives. These testimonies are being printed. Presently the Postulator General has advised us to collect testimonies from the relatives too.

5. Fr Robin Lopes is the assistant postulator from the Holy Trinity Province, Karnataka, nominated by the Provincial Council.

A Prayer of Petition

All-loving and all-compassionate Father, You conferred the grace of Consecrated Life and of Priestly Ministry on your servant, Fr. Alfred Roche, in the Franciscan Capuchin Family. As a faithful pastor he spent his time and energy in preaching Your Word with zeal and in administering the sacraments with devotion. Many drew inspiration from his simple life-style and dedicated service. People, irrespective of caste and creed, approached him in their physical needs, psychological distress and spiritual poverty and through his fatherly love and care received help in their physical needs, solace in their psychical distress and enrichment in their spiritual poverty.

All-loving Father we firmly believe that Fr. Alfred, commonly known “amcho padriab” (our father) is with You in the assembly of the saints. Many of us did have him as our spiritual guide; others have been touched by his preaching and life-pattern. Grant us the grace to have him as our intercessor so that we may be able to love you more intensely and serve our brothers and sisters more dearly. We make this our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Father Hail Mary Glory

N.B. This prayer has been approved by the Bishop of Mangalore: Aloysius D’Souza. It is made available in English, Konkani and Kannada languages and is given free of charge. It is prayed in different families.

Members of the New committee are: Fr Robin Lopez OFM Cap, president: lopezrgmcap@gmail.com; Fr Desmond Rebello OFM Cap, vice-president: desmondcap@yahoo.co.in; Fr Jawahar Cutinho OFM Cap, secretary: Jerrycutinho@gmail.com; Fr Rohan Lobo, OFM Cap, treasurer: rohan.lobo508@gmil.com

For More information can contact: 
Patrick Crasta OFM Cap
Shanthi Sadhana: FISI
R.V. College Post
Bengaluru: 560059


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  • Dr. Edward Lewis, Bejai, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    A great priest.
    Lots of people irrespective of religion know him the way he has done the work,
    He was a living saint for us.
    May his soul rest in Peace.

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  • Joy, Rajesh, Kokkada, Dubai

    Sat, Dec 31 2016

    Fr. Roche R.I.P..!! He was one father who thought me everything in my childish days.. Miss you Father from my Bottom of Heart

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

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