Mangalore: Tension Prevails as Miscreants Attempt to Set Dargah on Fire at Bunder

Mangalore: Tension Prevails as Miscreants Attempt to Set Dargah on Fire at Bunder

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (MM)

Mangalore, Jul 30: Tension prevailed in the Bunder area here after miscreants attempted to set a Dargah located inside Juma Masjid in Bunder on fire Wednesday July 30.

The incident occurred at about 2.15 pm and the miscreants brought petrol inside the Dargah and set it on fire. Eyewitnesses said that a total of two persons came inside the Dargah, ignited fire inside and fled immediately.

The devotees who were present inside the Masjid brought the fire under control immediately pouring water into Dargah. However, a cloth piece (chadar) placed on the tomb partially burned in the incident.

Sources informed that the Dargah has the history of more than 250 years and people visit here and offer their prayers irrespective of the religion.

Bunder police rushed the spot immediately and inspected the spot. Muslim devotees gathered at the spot in large numbers as news about the incident spread across within minutes. Police security has been arranged around the Masjid after this incident.

Commenting on the incident, Muslim Central Committee vice-president Ahmed Jamal said to that the miscreants desperately did this act to flare up tension in the area. The police have assured of arresting the accused immediately. Therefore, all should maintain peace, he requested.

Former mayor Ashraf said that the Dargah is a holy place to all the religions and powerful too. The miscreants definitely will pay the penalty for their cowardly and shameful act, he opined.


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  • A. D'souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 03 2008

    I do agree with Mr. Pai. India is a country with diversity. But when the time comes we all stand together unitedly. Let us not pin point at a single religion or political party. All these religions and political parties has got anti social elements and terrorists.

    Let us think of India. If we think that we all Indians are brothers, no one can think of creating any problems on this beutiful soil of India. The only reason why these things are happening is WE ARE NOT UNITED. EVERY ONE SHOULD ASK THEMSELVES THAT " I AM FOR THIS COUNTRY FIRST" OR SOMETHINGELSE?

     Dear Reader, if you have the voice in your society please spread brotherlyhood unite all people together under the banner of "FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM". God Bless my INDIA" Amen.

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  • Abdul Aleem Faroqui, AbuDhabi

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    This is to Mr.Panduranga Pai, Ofcourse we feel lucky to be in a Country like India. We are proud to be Indians!We are the future super power! But let me make a sure point that India was better in past without the fanatic organizations. Was there any terrorism earlier except a couple of states? Do you think they would ever contribute to our Nations success? They would never except involving in dirty cheap things!If these organizations are banned, I am sure there would be peace all around.Its pretty natural that They target us and we would seldom retaliate! India is not only for them, India is for You for me and for all!

    Now that it has in every Muslim blood that "Mess with us, You would get the same"! Tell me any single incident where the fanatic organizations had done any thing appreciable?? Nothing except dirty things!Its up to them!Peace or Terror!Being a Muslim & Being Indian, I would always protect my interest as far as Law allows!But if Law and order is sold to those people,then alternate options would come in to picture! As far as I know,Muslims have always retaliated and the first strike was always from those organizations!

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    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    This helps only to politicians and partys not common people. Its left to Dept. to find which party is behind this.

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  • Krishna, Mangalore/ Miami

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Ms Anita, yes the US is heaven for minorities -if you follow the rules of the land. Otherwise there is a Guantanamo Bay!!

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  • Moosa Kunhi, Kakkinje/Dammam

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    As we cannot expect law and justice,God only can punish them and we are not blaming anybody.

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  • Bhaskar R. Poojary, Neermarga/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    It is a shameful act. It is an attempt to disrupt law and order situation in Mangalore an attempt to fish in troubled waters. At this juncture of troubled times of our nation, sense should prevail among the educated Mangaloreans. All -irrespective of caste, creed, and cult- should condemn and shun such dastardly acts.

    May peace and harmony reign in our city, our state and country. The good of our country is above everything else. My deepest sympathies to the devotees who are deeply hurt by this incident. I hope and pray that the devotees maintain their patience. May God Bless and guide you all.

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    Thu, Jul 31 2008



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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    The act is highly condemnable.Knowledgeable readers who expressed their anguish against particular group/community/sect, need to understand that, this can be also a brain child of people who wish to break India. Lets stay united oppose such happenings,with maturity in words and action.

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  • Ali bayar, Bayar, dubai

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    By setting fire any religious place deserves no justification in any angle. The noble way to maintain peace and harmony lies with the social value of the inhabitants of that region. In every community there are black sheeps. Satyameva Jayathe..

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  • Abdul Samad, Mangalore, Riyadh

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Surely they will pay for this act. Mr. Devdas don’t  youknow about the motivation behind theft in temple and fire in the shrine? And Mr. Pandurang this is for your recall that India is secular country and every citizen has an equal right. So please think before you pen. Most of the people are silent spectators and blind. “SAARE JAHAN SE ACHA, HINDSTHAN HAMARA………..”

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  • Suraj, Kuwait

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    Good coment Pandurang. The people who makes baseless comments should learn something from you. Whoever may be the culprit, he should be given a harsh punishment. You are absolutely right, these politicians wants some issues to remain in power. But who will explain to Muslim community? They know only to shout by the name of Bajrang Dal, VHP, RSS and BJP.

    Its my request to all communities to maintain peace and dont spread rumours. Co-operate with the Police.

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  • PATRICK, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 01 2008

    Why throw stones to the calm water? When the people will learn. Today the cowards ignited fire and tomorrow they will be punished. Why crave curse?

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  • Anita D'Souza, Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    Mr.Krishna, Even US too is a heaven for minorities!!!!

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  • Krishna, Mangalore/ Miami

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    This incident must be condemned however jumping to conclusions that RSS/ BJP are behind this is not fair either.Remember a few years ago, an organisation called Deendar-anjuman bombed churches in Bangalore and left behind pamplets implicating hindu organisations?? Considering the condition of minorities in the middle east/pak, India is heaven for minorities!! What they need to do is shed their medieval attitudes and join the mainstream. Also, give respect to other faiths if you expect other faiths to respect yours!!

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    This is sheer arrogance on the part of miscreants. Whoever they were, they need to be nabbed and find out who sent them inside the Dargah. May be they were mere puppets in the hands of those who really wanted to creat trouble.

    My deepest sympathies to the devotees who are deeply hurt by this incident. I hope and pray that the devotees maintain their patience. May God Bless and guide you all.

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  • Haorld D'cunha , Bejai, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    Irrespective of religion in all worship places there is holiness. The miscreants have tried to ignite fire. But definitely there are some elements behind the scene who act as their Godfather. All of them will pay the price when wrath of holiness falls on them and that time it will be a shame for them. Respect others and get respect.

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  • Lancelot Norbert Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    This is the begining, Now BJP Govt in our state. I am sure culprits were not caught niether punished. Police are telling only maintain peace to minorities.

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  • Melwyn Sequeira, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    Culprits, whoever it is, have to be brought under judiciary. Its is the coward act of igniting tension among the citizens which is already experiencing a turmoil. It is the duty of the Poilice who has to pull on their socs and be alert all the time.

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  • Dr Richard Rego, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    It is a shameful act. It is an attempt to disrupt law and order situation in Mangalore an attempt to fish in troubled waters. At this juncture of troubled times of our nation, sense should prevail among the educated Mangaloreans. All -irrespective of caste, creed, and cult- should condemn and shun such dastardly acts. May peace and harmony reign in our city, our state and country. The good of our country is above everything else.

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  • Robert Veigas, Panemagalore

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    This is shameful and we all know who did this? How long these incident will continue? It is high time minorities to unite and take the action... Also, awareness should create in gulf and other western countries about these incidents.

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  • A R Nitte,

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    This is the Example for gunda raaj. BJP & RSS were not have any humanity. they are the most terrorist,BEWARE OF THEM.

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  • Rafique, Kaup/Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    What do we term this act?Are the BJP sponsored saffron outfits taking advantage of quiet and peace loving muslim brothers of Mangalore?

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  • Lancy Moras, Bajjodi, Jeddah Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    This is not correct. Whoever did it should repent for sure. Let us all pray together to one God who created this heaven and earth not to happen this type of miscreants in future in any religious place atleast in our peaceful beautiful city of Mangalore.

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  • Panduranga pai, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    Dear Wasim, i can feel your pain and frustration . This is the time to express brotherhood and solidarity to each other. Its not the time to spill oil on the fire. Let every muslim who loves his country come forward and raise his voice in fighting the terrorism. Why is it not done. What do you want to explain mentioning the names os BJP and CONGRESS. Never expect anything from these politicians. They try to make their own mileage out of these kind of incidents. they are not here to serve common people.

    Every politician is waiting for such moments as the election is coming closer. Dont forget this is a hindu nation. Hindus exist as minorities in Pakistan but their voice is not heard . But in India every minority has got the right to speak. Think that all of you are blessed to be in a counrty like India. Let us not fight and waste our time . Each one of us should stand together and show the world that even with so much of diversity , united we stand as one nation irrespective of the religion, culture and creed. Fight this terrorism together. God bless my country.

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  • Viju, Mangalore / Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    Absolutely Shocking...this kind of aggression by such fanatic groups need to be stopped right now by force. The Police force and Home Minister needs to step in and intervene.  If this is going to continue then things are surely going to spiral out of control and we might see a blood bath. A precedent needs to be set..... No outfit should be let to play with anyone religous sentiments...lets not forget everyone lives in a house with glasses in it ..tomorrow it could backfire. Mr. Home Minister please arrest and take strict action against these 'criminals'.

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  • Siva, USA

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    Whoever done this dastardly act is a coward secular fellow who does not know any religion. Most probably he is a non-believer. Any God believer should know that there is only one omnipotent, omnipresnt and omniscient God. Everyone is free to pray to God according to their perspective. Harming other's religious place is same as putting fire to your own religious place in the eyes of omniscient God.

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  • Devadas Kumar, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 31 2008

    I totally agree that the miscreants must be caught and punished.But before blaming BJP,RSS and Bhajarang dal, MrWasim ,Pease think whether it is right to come to conclusion that thia act has been done by a Non Muslim? Dont try to air the fire! Why should the Police give protection only to your Worship places.Has any Hindus asked for protection when worshippng idols,ornaments ,Offering boxes were stolen from temples by Muslims?

    If you study the cases of theft in temples you would be surprised to know that all those involved in this are Muslims!!So it is not fare to blame all Hindus without knowing the actual fact.

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  • Wasim, Kaup

    Wed, Jul 30 2008

    Here we see such incident happening in MangaloreDist , it will be more in future as BJP come to power Gunda's of Bajrangdal,VHP, RSS are creating this problem's. Our religious centers are not protected by govt. We can appreciate our Police if they can get hold of this culprits within 24 hours,If not its is a clear indication that we have to face problem from VHP  & Police as police only can arrest innocent Muslims, but they cannot arrest the actual terrorist. Where are our ministers? Where are our Congress friends come on let us have a protest, No congress will not protest because they have a soft Hindutuva policy.

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  • Imran Kaup, Dubai

    Wed, Jul 30 2008

    For what this miscreant set fire to this Holy place ????? Why these people are doing senseless and third class job ???Is they dont have Humanity Almighty never forgive them... These culprits will die by this "FIRE" only .. These things are cause for their end of life ..

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  • Rahman , Moolur

    Wed, Jul 30 2008

    Absolutely, The miscreants definitely will pay the penalty for their cowardly and shameful act.

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