New Delhi, Oct 16: After plugging loopholes in the selection process of judges to the higher judiciary to block entry of 'black sheep', Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan has dropped a bombshell by rolling out a mechanism to weed out corrupt, lazy and ineffective lower court judges.
The underlying message in the CJI's October 14 letter to all Chief Justices of HCs is loud and clear — say goodbye to "indolent, infirm and those with doubtful reputation and utility" by compulsorily retiring them even if they have put in more than 30 years of service.
The number of years one has put in was not a consideration to take a lenient view against those showing deviant behaviour, the CJI said and asked HC chief justices to evaluate the performance of judges in the lower courts once they reached 50 years.
The scanner will continue to remain focussed on them till they retire at the age of 60.
At any point of time after attaining 50, a judicial officer found unsuitable should be eased out by prematurely retiring him, the CJI said and assured the HCs that the ousted judges would receive no sympathetic treatment from the courts as premature retirement cast no stigma on the affected person.
"If implemented in right earnest, such provision will keep deviant behaviour in check, besides getting rid of those who are found to be indolent, ineffective or with doubtful integrity," CJI Balakrishnan said.