Puttur: Huge Racket of Illegal Cattle Trafficking Busted - Eight Arrested

Puttur: Huge Racket of Illegal Cattle Trafficking Busted - Eight Arrested

News and pics: Arun Uppinangady
Daijiworld Media Network - Puttur (SP)

Puttur, Apr 25: In an operation launched by a team led by Puttur assistant superintendent of police Chandragupta at around 4.30 am on national highway 48 at Perne village on Saturday April 25, the policemen succeeded in intercepting seven trucks in which over 250 heads of cattle were being illegally transported under inhuman conditions and have arrested eight people so far, in this connection.

Acting on the information collected by the policemen that illegal cattle trafficking has been going on the national highway in a routine manner, the ASP himself decided to lead the operation.  He intercepted the trucks including two huge containers, loaded with cattle. As soon as the confiscated trucks reached Uppinangady police station, the cries of the hapless animals could be heard from a distance from inside the vehicles.

As the doors and tarpaulins covering the trucks were opened one by one, a huge scene of suffering animals unfolded. As cows had been loaded into the trucks with their legs tied with ropes and were heaped on one another, over 10 cows were found dead in the vehicles.

The truck drivers said the cattle were loaded at Hassan. The assistant superintendent (ASP) of police is of the opinion that this is a part of a huge organized cow trafficking racket.

Kumar from Belur, Shaukat, Kabir, Dastagiri Sab, Mudassir etc from Periyapatna have been arrested. Uppinangady policemen have registered a case and investigating under the guidance of the ASP.


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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAMM

    Thu, Apr 30 2009

    Mr.Thilak shetty,Kondana,Dubai.Is it not the fact that Alkabeer beef (Bullocks/Buffalos ) from India is easily available in Dubai supermarkets... If we Indians make it available in Gulf market why cant we make it available in our local markets..By following all the rules & regulations,hygeine standard, transportation rules, govt license fees etc.benefitting all the farmers,traders ,consumers, Govt exchequer.

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAM

    Thu, Apr 30 2009

    Dear Mr.Arun Uppinangady..daijiworld May we request you to us the status of these arrested cattles...Have they been returned to the original owners/or handed over to the Goshalas for safe protection../To which Goshala...I am willing to sponsor the substenance cost of 2-4 cattles on humanitarian ground.. My only concern is it should not reach to Alkabeer slaughter house who will make good profit by exporting beef meat to Gulf countries& depriving local public. This hypocrisy must be stopped...

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  • Thilak Shetty, Kondana, Mlr / Dubai

    Thu, Apr 30 2009

    Reference to comments by name Nalini Shetty. I bet someone is using fake name to post comments in this forum. Even a beef eating Hindu wouldn''t have posted such comments.

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 28 2009

    Best solution to this is be a vegetarian and live in peace.There are less chances of disease if you are a pure vegetarian!

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAMM

    Tue, Apr 28 2009

    Dear Readers, Why talk about punishing the owners, transporters & slaughteres..What is the law. What is the crime. Kabeer beef from India is flooded in Gulf market (..May be in the European market also? No idea.).The owner of this company, a Hindu may be following all the rules & regulations & able to run this business.

    Why cant we in our 2 districts follow the same rules & regulations & make available the beef to the local public. Comparatively Beef is cheaper than fish & Mutton.poor people get benefitted. Why this double standard ? I am quite sure if we make the law very clear, there wont be any illegal trafficking ,inhuman treatment,farmers can dictate the price,Govt can give support procurement price , consumers will be ready to pay little higher price to make up the extra Hygeine cost, transport cost (only 15 cattle per truck ) etc. In short, why cant we make this live stock business flourish benefitting the owners, traders, consumers,& government...& stop the corruption ...

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  • Joylin, Bangalore

    Wed, Apr 29 2009

    Ms.Nalini - That is a very insensitive comment to a very sensitive issue. Please give it a second thought when you write in such public forums.

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  • Nalini Shetty, Kateel

    Tue, Apr 28 2009


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  • Rosy D''souza, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 28 2009

    It is very painful to see all these poor animals in such a pathetic condition. Animals are dumb and they cant complain or tell their pain and sufferings. It is we,human beings who treat these helpless animals so cruelly.

    In the picture all the animals look very weak and sick and probably hungry and exhausted with their pierced nostrils and rope tied to their horns, which is very painful to the cattle. It must be the owners who ill treated these animals and sold them for their profit. They should be punished along with the slaughterers.

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  • siddique, Hassan

    Sun, May 03 2009

    Cruelty to animals is a crime.Those people involved including the drivers should be tortured for some time to feel what pain is all about. Animals is food for man but has to be handeled in a proper way,they have life and feel pain.Please feel for them.

    I strongly suggest to the Police to show some strong punishment to whoever has been arrested and this should never happen again even to chickens which are even transported and handled in a very cruel way in the market.

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAM

    Sun, May 03 2009

    Mr.Peter, Mangalore comments "Punish these law breakers so that others donot follow the suit." Could you please enlighten us more about the Law concerning cattle slaugheter..Mr.Bulsam says only cow slaughter is illegal but not Bullocks & Bufallows....I doubt .. Please clarify....

    The transporters must carry the invoices for the cattles being transported.?Do you believe the farmers will give the Pucca invoices for that? Are these Livestock Vendors/buyers are organised.?Let the law be very clear.. We see petty fishermen fishing in the rivers..bringing their catches to the fish market..selling them without any hassles.only paying some fees, prescribed by the Muncipal/Town Authorities...

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAM

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    Mr.Manjunath,Mangalore /Dubai feels that most of the cattles(out of 250) are picked without owner''s notice doesnt make much sense.The cattle owners are not that fools..even if we loose one chicken from our Farm, we will know immediately & precaution is taken... Cow slaugheter is banned ..& we have to abide by the law of the land..What about buffallo & Bullocks..here in this picture most of them Bullocks & Bufallos.. 2ndly as regards to make them feel the pain of the animals what Mr.manjunath has to say about the pain of the fish when it is taken out from the water...

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAM

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    Mr.Bulsam, Mangalore writes that Cow slaughter is illegal..Agreed ..But there is no restriction in slaughetering Buffalo,Bullocks..I doubt..Please clarify... Mr. Jerome, Mangalore writes that the arrested people are from Minority community,,naturally because they are the buyers/consumers..some of the Hindus also eat beef..

    The cattle sellers are from the majority community..It is business involving buying & selling...no need to give communal colour to this. Like fishing industry let livestock business also flourish in our 2 districts. With proper legislation & strict implimentation,illegal inhuman trafficking can be avoided... here we get Kabeer Beef from India,the owner of that company is from Majority community...

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  • Peter, Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    Good example for using of god given brains in wrong purpose. Punish these law breakers so that others do not follow the suit.

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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    Arrested people belong to minority community!

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  • Gilroy, Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    Job well done by police! As far as I know, cow stealing was started long back when BJP govt. at the centre banned cow slaughter. I know this because we ( also my neighbours) lost few cows in the broad daylight. Unfortunately, the BJP govt. affiliates did not care for the poor villagers'' cattle.

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  • Manjunath , Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    I am pretty sure that most number of this cattles are picked without the owners notice by this illegal traders. To make them realise the pain what this cattles would have undergone,just treat them in the same way, how the innocent animals are treated.

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  • Damodar, Mangalore/Oman

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Have you gone to school?Your comments look like some words taken from here and there.

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  • Damodar, Mangalore/Oman

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Often we hear about cows being stolen.What do yo say about that?

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  • Damodar, Mangalore/Oman

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Often we hear about cows being stolen.What do yo say about that?

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  • kumar, mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Hang the guilty persons in the manner how these animals are hanged inside the trucks

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  • Navin Sinha, Patna/Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Where is Manek Gandhi now. If she is busy atleast send Varun Gandhi to Karnataka?

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    There should be a proper law on movement/transport of slaughtering cattle. Cruelty to animal organisation should give their guide lines. Cows should not be slaughtered as it is illegal. But there is no restriction in slaughtering buffalo, bullock, sheep, goat, pig, chicken etc. There should be 2-3 modern slaughter houses on the imaginary outer ring road of the city.

    These slaughter houses should have closed waste room/bin, proper water supply, drainage system, slaughtering yard, cutting/vending counters with modern platforms, selves, flooring, drainage & ventilation. Health department should put their guidelines board in a prominent notice board. In western countries they have system for anything & everything. In India, officials are very corrupt, politically affiliated goons boldly takes law into their hand & the butchers take everything easy. Bring a strict change & see the difference.

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  • Ashraf Habibi, GANGULI/DAMMAM

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

     Where is the question of Secularism, mastermind etc!!Let us try to ascertain the facts & find the solutions..Poor farmers rear cows,bullocks,buffalows as a source of livelihood, milk to the general public,ploughing in the paddy fields, for fertiliser purpose etc by grazing them in the forest Area.It is business like any other business..When those animals become uneconomical (stop milking,stop ploughing ),instead of rearing them for another 5-6 years without any returns except some fertilisers,they decide to sell them,,,& they find buyers in the minority community & some hindus also which they use as  food.The alternate solution is the Govt or the NGOS has to open the ''Old age home "for those uneconomical cattles..& safeguard them.The farmers find it difficult to maintain those uneconomical animals & the buyers find them as food.Let there be enough ''GOSHALAS''..Let there be Legislation to sell those uneconomical cattles to the "GOSHALAS" only..

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  • Raheem BHR, Balehonnur, Dubai

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Well done SP Sab. In fact, the culprits are not the people who do transportation of Animals, but the main culprits are the SELLERS. Investigate the original owners of these Animals, who sell these poor animals for handsome amount when they know that these animals are of useless to them.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Very painful to see these dumb animals. Certainly we dont have the right to cruelty for these dumb animals. They should be treated with kindness and love and rightfully and justly used.

    Secondly, such a big racket operating without the help and knowledge of authorities? Please do a thorough investigation. Buyers/sellers and machinery that is helping and abetting must be booked and penalised.

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  • abubakar uk, ubar/abudhabi

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    The scene is really so painfull! good job by the police.I strongly condemn this cruelty to animals..I agree with some readers that find out the base of this network and bring them to justice. also punish them who sell these to them...

    IF THERE IS A SELLER,DEFINETELY THERE IS MORE THAN ONE BUYER.. so if we want to stop illegal use/transport of cows or whatever,first of all curb the sellers...and keep control of our own animals,not to let sleep on the road/bus stands n then crying for being theft by illegal slaughters! ISLAM TEACHES TO BE KIND WITH ALL CREATURES,NOT JUST WITH HUMAN BEINGS. Even it teaches proper guidelines to its consumption.no way we can treat them cruely. SUPPORT JUSTICE NOT SELFISHNESS.

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  • sunil, mangalore/singapore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Well done...ok swamy all will be released soon ...

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  • Mohidin, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Well done ASP of Puttur if its true, inhuman trafficking should have been stopped

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  • srinath alva, dubai uae

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    very sad to say that we are human being

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  • kumar, mangalore/mumbai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    The photos shows the henious act by miscrediants. The cattle are transported as goods in Containers & Transport lorries. If the culprits where to be stacked in such lorry & transported would they agree to that ? Then why such cruelty on animals ? The only solutions is ''strict laws & strict implementation''.

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  • Joe D''Souza, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Oh! swamy K. Do you know the meaning of Secularism. This whole act should be dealt with cruelty to animals. Since the cows are out now they should put you inside the container to feel the pain. I hope the Judge will punish these very cruel people severly,may be whipping them at public square.

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  • Rashim, Baikampady

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Great work from ASP Puttur.keep it up.

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  • Naveen Sequeira, mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Very good job by the Police. However some cows are literally dying due to malnutrition. I wonder where all these cows came from? If an individual sells a cow which is suffering due to malnutrition, he/she should also be held responsible for animal cruelty. Just preaching Cow Samraksha and treating the cows at home inhumanely is hypocrisy.

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  • kiran, manglore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Good work done by DK Police.Please punish the culprits...

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  • RAGHAVENDRA, mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    There is no concern for the cows stranded in bus stand /railway station/ public places, if minorities connected it becomes illegal activity.

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    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    All the arrested/accused should be tried under the provisions of PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT.

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  • Yashwanth Bantwal., Bantwal/ Dubai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    ok swamy k, I hope police release them and arrest you.

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  • Derick Martis, Kukkundur, karkala/ Dubai

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    WELL DONE PUTTUR ASP..There should be some mastermind behind, they too should be caught and arrested.

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  • Khaleel, Mangalore/dubai

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Dear All,listen its sad any living creature should not be transported in a manner were prisoners are treated at gautanamo bay in cuba.fine well done police officers,

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    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Well done puttur police..culprits have to be brought to  justice...by the way who is the owner of these cows ?

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  • hamid, mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 26 2009


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  • Praveen, Kukkala

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Illegal Cattle business, Sandal wood business, Black currency ..etc., etc., is a part No. 1 secular party.

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  • Walter Pereira, Mangalore / AET, USA

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    First of all, the rescue of the hapless animals is commendable. However, have you noticed - all animals have ropes passed through their nostrils by piercing. Who has done this? I am sure that their former owners have done this barbaric act all by themselves.Why not arrest their former owners for doing this?.

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  • ibrahim, kinnigoli/dubai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Well done, keep it up, great job.

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  • Praveen, udupi

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Can the police find out who sold the cattle for slaughter. This information should be published by Daiji World and made known to the public.Good action by the police and all caught should be punished severly.

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  • Vincy, Mulky/Dubai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Appreciate the actions of the police & this kind of good proactive policing is need of the hour. However, it should do more than just arresting these guys, who may be doing it as a job. There should be some mastermind behind, they too should be caught and arrested.

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  • swamy k, hassan

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Big blow to SECULARISM! Immediatly release all the arrested persons.

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    Sat, Apr 25 2009


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