Media Release
Chicago, May 19: Multiple District 1, Birth State of Lionism celebrated their 89th State of Illinois Lions Convention on May 15, 16 and 17 at the Wyndham Hotel at Lisle. More than 500 Lion leaders from 12 districts in Illinois joined this celebration with a great joy and fellowship. There were more 350 delegates from various clubs in the state took part in elections.
During First Plenary sessions on May 15, 5 amendments to Lions of Illinois Constitution were discussed and passed. Two candidates to run for the office of International Director were introduced and seconded. After the session attendees enjoyed various types of finger licking food and drinks and various hospitality rooms from 9:00 pm. to 12:00 am.
Saturday May 16 started with First Timers Orientation Seminar conducted by past district Governor Dr Austin Prabhu. Several first-time convention attendees were present for this programme. International guest speaker, past international president Kay Fukushima from California and immediate past international director Russ Sarver from Illinois along with Council chairman Ron Belcher graced this session with their presence. Dr Austin gave brief history of Multiple District 1, birth place of Lionism and asked all attendees to be community minded in their day-to-day activities. He said that 'Change' is the buzz word of Lions future and they should attract women and younger generation to make Lions club activities more visible. He showed some inspirational videos and reminded them that there is nothing impossible in life. All attendees for this session were given a presidential personal pin and other memorable pins to remember their first state convention attendance.
There were several sessions on this day including Guiding Lions, Past District Governors Meeting, Lioness Programme, New Clubs-Open Forum, Leader Dog, Lions Quest, International Hearing Dog and MERLOW.
Second Plenary Session started with several award ceremonies for golf, extension, membership and public relations. There was a necrology service in remembrance of Lions who passed away during this Lionistic year.
After the governors reception there was Lions of Illinois State Banquet. Past International president Kay Fukushima was the keynote speaker for the evening. In his keynote address, he asked all US Lions to work together as a team and build membership to a higher level. He said that US is the place where Lionism started and US is the country which gave leaders to Lions international growth. He said it is their duty to keep US Lions base stronger than ever by taking challenges to grow and prosper. He pressed the need of the hour to help communities with their generosity and commitment.
During the award ceremony he appreciated Dr Austin Prabhu's 'First Timers Orientation' and called him to the dais to accept his personal banner as a gift for his hard work. He also gave a personal banner to a senior lion who joined Lionism 53 years ago and still active in Lionism. Another personal banner went to the newest lion who joined Lions club just a month ago. After the banquet, hospitality rooms were open till 12:00 am.
Sunday May 17 was the important day of this year’s convention. Early morning ballots were open to select MD1 State Candidate for International Director. Lions of Illinois Foundation celebrated their 35th anniversary. Visually impaired 18-year-old Kari Kinnett entertained the crowd with her singing and playing music on electronic keyboard. She had a dream to have a talking microwave oven and some generous members present donated her more than $600 by their on the spot collection even though the cost of the oven is only $450. Kari and her mother thanked the Lions for making her dream come true.
In the elections Dan O'Reilly from District 1-A got elected as the candidate from MD1 to the office of International Director. Van Stone, Executive Director announced awards to several Lions for their hard work for Candy Day, Foundation Programmes, Sight & Sound Sweepstakes and Foundation Fellows. Dr Austin Prabhu was awarded with a Foundation 35th Anniversary Pin, 5th Progressive Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow Award and a show-case box with 5 Lions of Illinois Foundation pins. programme ended at 1:00 pm with singing of God Bless of America.